Net Gun, Large







This nonlethal weapon fires an expanding fiber net that envelops and restrains the target. Net guns come in two sizes, normal and large. The large version is designed to restrain bigger metahumans such as trolls, though it can fire the normal sized nets as well. The net gun cannot mount any accessories. A character firing a netgun uses the Shotguns skill and shotgun ranges. Netguns suffer the same recoil as heavy weapons. Netguns have a minimum range of three meters. - The target of a net gun shot can attempt to dodge, but must apply a +1 TN modifier (+2 if the character is a dwarf or equally small). If a large net is used against a character smaller than a troll, add an additional +1 TN modifier to the dodge. If a small net is used against a troll-sized or larger character, apply a -1 TN modifier to the dodge test. - If the character fails to dodge and the attacker's successes equal or exceed half the target's Quickness (round down), the character is knocked down and immobilized, trapped under the net. make an Open Test, using 1 die for each of the attacker's successes. The resulting high die is the TN for the Strength or Quickness Test to break free. Escaping requires a Complex Action, and each full Combat Turn that passes or friend that aids the escape reduces the TN by 1. - Characters who are struck but not entangled must still make a knockdown test against a TN of 5 (8 for the large net). Only one success is required to remain standing. - Use a Barrier Rating of 6 for cutting through a net.

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