A more powerful version of the standard flash mini-grenade, this device creates a blinding effect that can be seen for up to three kilometers (if the line of sight is not blocked.) This effect will blind and stun any onlookers as follows: anyone facing the blast must resist 12 M Stun damage. Reduce the Power of the flash by -1 per meter from the point of impact. Flare compensation reduces the damage by -2; armor has no effect. - For each box of damage taken, modify by +1 the TN for any test involving vision (including combat). Both the Stun damage boxes taken and the associated +1 modifier fade away at 1 per minute. - The Superflash is so overwhelming that even targets not facing the blast may be affected by the light reflecting off walls and ceiling. Apply the Blast in Confined Spaces rules (p 119, SR3) to determine effect, reducing Power by -1 per meter from the point of impact. - Superflash grenades also create a blast zone of 1 meter, inflicting 5L damage.
SR3 282, CC 41
12M; 5L; special
-1/m; 1m