Generic Rocket, Zapper






A specialized weapon intended for use against drones, the Zapper carries an electrically charged dielectric, encased in alternating layers of conductive metal and ceramic insulation. In impact, the warhead acts as a giant capacitor and discharges a massive electrical surge into the drone, causing its circuitry to burn out. This effect also tends to cause a backlash of garbled ASIST signals that can inflict convulsions and fatal strokes or aneurysms in the controlling rigger. - Zappers are considered anti-vehicular, and inflict damage on vehicles and drones. If the Zapper damages the vehicle or drone that is being rigged or remotely controlled, the rigger must make a Willpower Test to resist physical damage. The Power is 4 plus the Rating of the VCR implant. A remote control deck reduces the power by 2. The Damage Level is one level higher than the Damage Level sustained by the vehicle or drone from the rocket. A rigger in captain's chair or a non-rigger jacked into the vehicle will also take this damage as Stun damage. - Rockets have no internal guidance systems; they go only where they are pointed (SR3 120).

CC 44


Generic Rocket



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