As Weapon
Explosive rounds are solid slugs designed to fragment on impact. This state-of-the-art version of Explosive Rounds called EX Explosive rounds adds +2 to the power of the weapon.
For attempts to fire through a barrier, use twice the material’s normal Barrier Rating as the target number for the attack; however, the barrier itself takes damage from a successful attack as if it had half its normal Barrier Rating.
Explosive rounds will misfire whenever all the dice rolled for the attack test come up 1. When this occurs, the character firing the weapon is immediately subjected to one “attack,” with a Damage Code equal to the normal damage done by the weapon. In this case, the Power Rating does not increase. The character may make a Damage Resistance Test, but may not apply any dice from his Combat Pool. Roll 1D6 to determine the number of successes for the “attack.” Any attack that the affected character is making at the time misses.
Shadowrun 3rd Edition, page 281
+2 Power, see text