Missile, Mitsubishi-GM Outlaw Block III




The Mitsubishi-GM Outlaw vehicle missile system represents a radical restructuring of the orginal (now discontinued) Bandit AGM system. The Outlaw features multi-platform capability and can be fired from air, ground, and nautical vehicles. The most significant design change to the Outlaw is the ordnance itself, which comes in three block versions. Block III: An anti-armor missile, designed to attack medium and heavy armor. On acquiring its target, the Block III Outlaw fires its warhead into the vehicle from above to strike where vehicle's armor is generally weakest. The Block III is also capable of direct fire when a target is concealed by overhead cover. - Game Effects: Behaves as a standard anti-vehicle missile and does 20D damage to the target alone. As per rules for AV ammunition, damage against vehicles is not staged down and armor rating is halfed.

Rig 91


Specialized Missile




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