Warehouse Battleground

GM: Argos
Players: Alyse, Chaz, Hek, and Tim
Synopsis: The team is hired to obtain a powerful magical artifact from a warehouse on the outskirts of the CAS sector in Denver. Unfortunatly, the warehouse is very well guarded.
Date: June 03, 2071

«Plot» Argos says, "Righto, everyone knows the drill. Need consent for possible bad things happening to you for bad choices/rolls"
«Plot» Alyse says, "I consent"
«Plot» Tim says, " opts for the library as payment. and gives consent"
«Plot» Hek says, "I consent"
«Plot» Chaz says, "I cpnsent."
«Plot» Chaz consents, as well.

The call goes out to Tim and Alyse, that job he's promised them has finally come about. The meeting place is, as always, the Crazy Horse. He'll probably change locations /one/ of these days. He's sitting in the dimly lit booth enjoying a cigarette as he waits, curious to see who the two of them might bring along as backup.

Alyse had got the call, and made a couple of her own just in case. She'd figured they might need a few people to hold a gun and watch the mages asses. After all while she's not sure about Tim Alyse isn't bulletproof.

Hek arrives at the place at the appropriate time. A phone call had come through not more than a few hours previously, and given his situation, the promise of nuyen was too good to pass up.
The call came from Argos out of the blue, like these things normally do. Tim didn't know many people in the Denver area so he just let a rumor or two float out to see who might answer them. Crossing his fingers that someone competent would show up he left and went to the bar. Still seemed strange to him to walk in dressed in western gear to a native bar but there he was.

Chaz makes his way to the Crazy Horse and moves towards the meet, checking the place out before he walks in. Once inside, he regards the people present, getting prepared before approachig the J.

Argos glances over as the people arrive. Two of them he recognizes and smiles, waving them over. No scotch at his table today, must not be in a drinking mood. Once everyone if gathered, he gives them all a nod before grinning slightly. "Well, then… two of you already have an idea what this is about. An associate of mine wants a magical artifact that's being kept in a warehouse on the outskirts of town. Its guarded, but nothing to serious, think the worst you'll have to worry with is a few guard dogs as well as armed men. The pay is 20k for each of you, or a copy of a library that he said some green mages might like. Job needs to be done in a week or less, preferably less so someone else doesn't get it."

Tim says "Hopefully these guard dogs and armed men don't turn into another 'Devil Rat' scenario. But be that or not, this green mage want's that library. what does this artifact look like?"

Alyse nods as she listens, but the idea of guard dogs is a new one. Tim beats her to the vocalising of the 'devil rat' rememory so she just listens…and makes a note to take -all- her weapons just in case.
Chaz nods his head and smiles as he listens to the J so far. He reaches into a pocket to pull out his handheld computer.

At the mention of magic, Hek shifts a bit uncomfortably in the booth. In a reflexive sort way he looks around, his gaze not unlike two tiny cameras, sweeping over the place and the people in it. "Twenty kay is a decent price to start thinking about." He folds his hands together on the table, and looks around the group. "What's the exposure on this?" He asks no one inparticular. "A magic artifact?" He seems confused by the subject. "How easy is that shit to trace to us after we boost it?"

Argos shrugs slightly at that. "Well, the artifact itself is some wiz looking medallion." He reaching into his coat and pulls out an OMC, placing it on the table. "That contains a picture of the item in question, as well as the location of the warehouse. Now, there /might/ be some magical defenses, but I have no way of knowing. My source tells me that the owner of the warehouse doesn't really know what he's got, just that it might be valuable."

Tim sighs slightly and answers. "If the artifact is bound to a mage then it has that mage's signature on it and that can be traced. If it's not bound then it's much harder to trace. I propose we act as if it is bound and get it very quickly to the 'wish to be new owner'

While Tim speaks, Hek reaches out and takes the OMC placed on the table. It disappears into his jacket as he rummages around in there, and after a moment he pulls out a thin optical cord that he then tucks into a jack behind his ear. A dull, electronic glow flickers across his eyes as he reviews whatever data is on there. "Well.." He does a quick visual sweep of the group. "Getting into warehouses is what I do, so if we can agree on a price, I will back whatever play you all want to put together."

Alyse nods again in agreement. "We take it, we hand it over and we run for the hills…" the elf says before turning her gaze to Argos. "'May be magical defences?' that's a big risk to be walking in blind to something like that…It might be worth concidering a little more money for the chance we'd be tangling with other mages and the like…"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Negotiation:
1 11 17

Chaz taps a couple buttons on his computer, nodding his head as he listens to the group. "There could always be magical defenses. Maybe some guy you're hitting likes to have a watcher on his cookie jar. You never know. Expect the worst, arm for bear, and take the breaks you get."

Tim just let's Alyse take him down that track of thought and keeps the thought to himself that if the current owner believes it to be a magical treasure he's likely as not to not have any mage involved due to fear of losing said item.

Chaz's common sense, paired with Alyse's direct and to the point negotiation style, leaves Hek with nothing to do other than review the data in silence.

Argos chuckles softly as he listens to the group and shrugs slightly, looking at Alyse as she starts negotiating a bit. "Well, I can raise it up to 22k, I suppose. Of course, its still just a choice between nuyen and a library." He glances over the group again. "Any other questions?"

The OMC contains the information pretty much already stated, as well as the picture of the medallion. Looks like its made of silver, some sort of oriental design, and a little old.

When asked if he has any other questions, Hek just shakes his head. He seems only partially there, his attention focused inward on whatever information is flickering rapidly across his field of vision. "I think we can do this.."

Tim nods and slots the chip into his poc-sec for a quick download of info. "I'm after the library, so if you guys want more money than what Alyse here has negotiated…." he leaves the sentiment moot

"The library has more value for me too…but these guys are stepping up to help us so every little bit helps" Alyse says simply before looking between the others. "So we got the where. Everyone ready to roll?"

Chaz nods and mmms, considering idly. "I think we can as well," he agrees, puling up his inventory list as he plans his loadout.

When Aylse asks about his readiness, Hek slowly shakes his head in the negative. "I'm going to need about twelve hours to run down some leads, figure out what the deal with this warehouse is.." The flickering stops, his eyes returning to their natural state. "No need to further occupy our employer with that." He remarks with a gracious nod toward the Johnson.

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, you've got one week to get the job done in, and seems like Hek is getting ready to do a bit of legwork. So, what's everyone going to do?"

Tim nods Alyse and I can go to the neighborhood and the warehouse to check things out astrally

Tim says "shall we meet back here in 12 and compare notes and plan our move?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Safehouse Locations:
1 3 4 4

Chaz nods slowly and considers. "I'll see what I can gather as well," he replies.

When Tim proposes meeting back here, Hek shakes his head. "Nah… lets do it.." He trails off, then a few moments later, both Chaz's and Tim's pocsecs beep with an incoming information request. It is a location not too far away, not exactly super secret, but definitely not the same place that they have already all been seen together in. "..over there." He looks up, around the group. "Unless anyone else has a better suggestion of where to get back together." He speaks in low tones, keeping his voice at the table.

«OOC» Chaz says, "What sector is the warehouse in?"

«OOC» Argos says, "CAS"

Hek pages: Hek doesn't have much to work with in terms of legwork skills. Basically he's just interested in two things. One, any potential criminal org ties to the warehouse. He wants to know if he's stepping on anyone's toes. Two, whether or not there are any gangs active in the area around the warehouse. If so, what their relationship to the warehouse is.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Criminal Organizations (to Argos):
1 2 2 3

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Gang Identification (to Argos):
2 3 5 5

You paged Hek with 'No criminal organizations or gangs nearby that you're aware of'.

Hek pages: One last one. Hek is going to look for a safehouse close to the location, in case things go sideways and they need a place to hide.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Safehouse Locations (to Argos):
3 4 5 8

You paged Hek with 'Few bars and low rent buildings you could possibly duck into'.

Tim says "Shall we go give this neighborhood and warehouse a look-see, Alyse?"

Alyse nods and moves to stand. "Lets"

Tim gives his cellphone number to everyone in the group. "Call if something comes up we need to know about."

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, so Tim and Alyse are about to get there astrally and Chaz is about to go Matrix?"

«OOC» Tim says, "I was planning on going in real life and then astrally assensing. as well as getting a physical look around"

«OOC» Alyse was going to come and back Tim up

«OOC» Argos says, "Ah, so both of you are going in the meat then, ok. Pose it and I'l respond"

The warehouse hadn't been hard to find with the information given, nor the sector that hard to get in to with her lack of toting any massive weapons. Having stopped about a block away from the location itself Alyse had picked a quiet place to wait a moment while her and Tim decided how they were going to have a look around.

Tim drives the rental car he and Alyse are in around the neighborhood a bit just to get some idea of what the area is like. Once the two of them feel they have a decent overview of the area he finds a quiet and very secluded place to park and lock the car. Once the car is secure the next order of business is to find convienient roof top where they can get a fair view of the warehouse. "Keep you eyes on the physical, I'm going to look astrally for a few moments" He tells Alyse and then allows his vision to slip into the astral and looks the neighborhood and the warehouse area over.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

The area is a little remote, just a few apartments around the warehouse area. Its fenced off of course, letting others know to keep out. The building that has the targeted item is fenced off even further from the rest of the complex, showing that one is privately owned.
However, Tim's astral sight will show that there are a few… rather brightly glowing beings over there.

Alyse frowns a little, the elf prefering to look to around astrally…but she'll let Tim handle it today. And so she'll look around the place for any people around that seem a little too observant.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 1 2 5 8

Tim says "Devil Rat Scenario" he grouses. Coming back to normal vision he nods in the direction of the warehouse "Awakened. Take a look and see what you can find" Always better to use two sets of eyes in times like this….just in case one misses something important.

Not seeing anyone immediatly around them that might be looking out for the warehouse the elf looks to Tim as he comes back and nods, closing her eyes as she takes her turn to slip into the astral.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

Not to much seem differant then what Tim managed to spot. A few mundanes, and what looks like a few brightly colored auras moving in and out of view.

Opening her eyes once more the mage elf nods and looks to the man. "A couple of non-awakened types as well…" the elf agrees and gets out her poc-sec. She'll try and right down the numbers of each type she'd seen for when they return. Easier then remembering.

Tim says "Let me get one more look and try to read the aura's on those bright ones. See if I can determine mage or creature." he says as he lets his vision slip back into the astral.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Aura Reading:
2 3 4

«Plot» Argos says, "They're healthy and awakened, about all you get from that one."

Tim says "Dammit" he curses in heavy souther drawl. "All I can tell from here is awakened and in good health." returning his vision to normal. "Want to give it a try before we decide on our next move?""

Alyse shakes her head and sighs. "I'm not quite that practiced to tell them appart without being close to them," the elf admits, leaning back in her seat. "Healthy or unhealthy is about as much as I use." Still as she says that she'll try anyway, maybe she'll get lucky?

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Intelligence:
3 3 5 5 14 15

«Plot» Argos says, "While you can't really make out who or what they are, the glowing awakened ones have the same essense as you do. At least one of the mundanes walking around has Essense much lower then you."

Alyse blinks back to herself and looks to tim. "At least one of them has very little essense within them. I dunno, maybe cybered up?" she asks before looking down to her poc-sec. "If you want to peak closer, i'm going to call up the others and see how their luck went…"

Tim nods "might be too dangerous to peek that close at this point. Let's just assume they are mages or powerful dual beings until we have the team with us for backup." He leads the way back to their car while she makes the call to inform the others of what they have found out.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1 for "Possible random encounter":

«OOC» Chaz mostly is just going to try a couple quick decking rolls I think if Argos allows it. Beyond that, I think I'm good to go.

«OOC» Argos says, "Alright, go for it"

«OOC» Argos says, "TN is 10"

«OOC» Chaz says, "Ok, what I want to do is the following: Access the local power controls for the area to see if this building is on it, then be able to disable the building at a set time later on whether it be by triggering a command set or by creating a backdoor."

«OOC» Argos says, "Two tasks then, alright"

«OOC» Chaz says, "Do I know if there is a threshold?"

«OOC» Argos says, "Two for each"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Computers + Task Pool: 4 vs TN 10 for "Quick decking Power Company":
1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 9 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Computers + Task Pool: 4 vs TN 10 for "Quick decking Power Company KP: !":
1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Computers + Task Pool: 4 - 1 vs TN 10 for "Quick decking Power Company KP: 3":
1 1 3 4 4 5 5 11 = 1 Success

«OOC» Chaz says, "Good enough, or do I need to keep going?"

«OOC» Argos says, "You've completed one task, need to complete one more"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Computers + Task Pool: 4 - 2 vs TN 10 for "Quick decking Power Company KP: 6":
1 1 1 2 4 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Computers + Task Pool: 4 - 3 vs TN 10 for "Quick decking Power Company KP: 10":
1 3 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«OOC» Chaz will stand on just one result then.

«Plot» Argos says, "Alright, you've discovered that the warehouse is indeed on the local powergrid."

Chaz hovers over his cyberdeck, the datajack holding the datacable as he surfs through the Matrix. His eyes move under closed eyelids processing the information he comes across, fingers flying over the deck's buttons as he processes the information. A few tricks ducking and weaving around matrix security and he closes in on his location, the ower grid for CAS. Selecting a local subtation, he checks the feeds to the warehouse and sees it is getting electricty from the city. Not quite able to do what he wants to do by shutting it off, he moves to a safe place to try and distract people before tugging his datacable out.

«Plot» Argos says, "Alright then, suppose everyone is meeting back up at the location Hek mentioned then? Or did someone else have something they wanted to do?"

«Plot» Tim says, "at safe house Hek mapped out for them"

At the location that Hek has setup, he's patiently waiting for the others to arrive. When they do, he is seated at a table with his pocsec sitting on it. A cable runs from the device, into a jack behind his ear. "Check this out.." A bright white LCD bulb glows, and a topographical map of the CAS sector floats a few inches above the table. "I've mapped these out." Red dots appear on the map, addresses showing up next to them. "If things go sideways, any of these places should be safe to hide out at for a few hours, until you can find a better way out of the area."

Tim pulls out his poc-sec and inputs the aforementioned map and addresses….just in case.

The map continues to flicker, and a gold star appears in the distance. "That's where we return the object to the man." A gold circle appears, over the location of the warehouse. "As far as I can tell, this is pretty straight forward. No obvious gangs in the area, and as far as I can tell, none of the local orgs have any interest in the location."

Alyse does likewise, although she's rather hoping such an event will not occur. "Well from out little sneak and peak there was a few awakened types plus a few 'mundanes'…" she says, "3-5 magic types and…" she trails off, checking her notes from earlier. Alyse says "At least one or two""

Tim waits for her to add the heavily cybered into the mix.

Hek listens to Alyse, and nods slowly. "So much for just walking in through the front door." He chuckles, then explains to the group. "I'm decent with physical security. Before we go in, I'll walk by the place and see what I can see."

Hek pages: Two aspects to that. One, Stealth to hide the fact that Hek is casing the place. Not stealth like ninja, trying not to be seen. But Stealth like just being nonchalant about not obvious about it. Then Security Systems for the actual investigation

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth (to Argos):
2 3 4 4 15

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems (to Argos):
1 1 2 11

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6:
1 2 2 5 7 8

Chaz takes the information as well, recording it his pocsec. "Looks like there should be some good places," He admits. "Seems like you've been busy, all of you," he considers. "Unless they've got a generator on site, we can kill electronic security feeds, which should make it a lot easier to waltz in."

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
4 4 9 10

You paged Hek with 'Roll perception for me as well'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Argos):
1 1 2 4 10

Tim says "When we get closer and about ready to go in Alyse and I can go astral and get a better look at what the awakened are."

You paged Hek with 'Ok, what you see is the fenced in area, the gate is locked with maglock. Could probably climb the fence easily enough, its chain-linked, but at the top, you just barely manage to spot monowire, so climbing up that might do some serious damage. There appear to be a few cameras around as well, though none where you're hiding. There appear to be around six guards patrolling, wielding SMGs and shotguns… also there are about five dogs, coal black fur. The dogs get rather curious about where you're hiding as well, knowing something is there, but not what.'.

Tim says "oh yeah, and we have at least 2 fences to get through. The target is in a warehouse setting but is seperate from the rest of them by a second fence."

Alyse nods and looks between the group, her 'never leave home without' medical bag on her shoulder containing her weapons and med supplies. "If we're all ready to get moving, I say we go and get this done…"

Hek nods to what Tim has said. "I checked the place out, on my way here." His eyes flicker for a second, then the map disappears and a 3d rendering of the warehouse and the area around it hovers into focus. "Those fences, they're topped by monowire, so forget going over the top. The gate is maglocked, nothing fancy it seems.. I can get us through that." Various highlights appear on the holographic model, coinciding what he Hek talks about.

"There are cameras, pretty decent coverage. So either we conceal ourselves, or we have to find the security system and hope it's not feeding into the matrix." As Alyse chomps at the bit, Hek smiles a bit. "I counted six guards, plus five dogs. Who knows how many inside."

"Looks like we'll be busy for a while then," Chaz asks. "How many entry points are there into the building? We could do a multiple entry approach; from above and ground level."

You paged Hek with 'Typical warehouse, so probably loading docks and two doors'.

Letting Chaz puzzle it out, Hek offers a rather helpful shrug. "I saw one loading dock, two doors." A frown flits across his lips. "From what I saw, I don't think there is any way to do this without engaging the guards. Unless someone has a helo.." He chuckles at his own joke. "I could try to get in and out quietly, but that's a low probability chance."

Tim nods when he sees the new info. "If it weren't for the awakened in the area Alyse and I could go in astrally and try to stun the guards.. guess that's what the awakened are there for."

Chaz smirks at Hek's comment, considering. "Would a cargo helicopter do?" he asks.

Alyse blinks and looks to Chaz in disbelief. "You've got a helicoptor? Your joking…"

Tim smiles as he looks from Hek to Chaz. "Not exactly subtle but man what an entrance!"

The question from Chaz elicits an arched eyebrow from Hek. He stares silently at the guy for a second, trying to figure out whether or not he's serious. "That drek is for the trid shows.." He interlaces his fingers on the table and stares at the translucent warehouse floating at eye level. "If you guys can setup a distraction, I can try to ease in from the other side."

Chaz nods to the group and smiles. "Distractions are easy," he says and nods, "Could rig an explosion in the area, coupled with some squibs for gunfire… Have them chasing ghosts for a while."

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«OOC» Argos says, "Alyse or Tim, someone +spend 200 for the rental"

From the passenger seat of Chaz's vehicle, Hek remarks about the situation. "I have a feeling this is going to get dicey. We don't have a real plan yet.." As he speaks, he goes over the Colt Cobra across his lap. With his hand on the grip, the gun automatically clicks it self through it's firing positions, single shot, burst, full-auto.. then back onto safe. "What do you think?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) spends 100 nuyen.

Tim and Alyse take the rental car back to the location they were previously. And hide it just as they did last time. Disembarking from the car they lock it up and wait for the others to join them.
«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) spends 100 nuyen.

Chaz nods slowly and mmms, considering as he watches the road. "I think that the job never has a plan," he says softly, "So, we make do what we can," he says. "I figure we can get in, get out and get going.. But then that's what she said."

Alyse has her SMG slung under her jacket and her bag over her shoulder. A little uncomfortable but it's not likely to be spotted by anyone unless they're patting her down and she doesn't intend to get that close to anyone. Looking between the others she reaches up to make sure her hair is in place.

Hek arrives with Chaz, meeting with Tim and Alyse, presumably some where in an alley out of side from the guards around the warehouse. "Given the number of guards.. the dogs.. and the cameras." Hek begins explaining to the team. "I don't see any way to do this quietly." Having said that, he looks around the gathered team. "What about the rest of you? Anyone got any creative plans?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

Tim says "I would say let's start by cutting the power. But chances are that if they took this much precaution they have an automatic back up generator."

The group is not alone in the alley, which is evidenced by someone coughing alot and slowly approaching them. Some frail looking dude wearing a trench coat. "Hey… you guys want to buy some Novacoke? Best price this side of the city…"

The mention of drugs perk's Hek up. "Coke?" He asks, turning to face the man and feigning interest. "Whatcha workin with chummer?" He wonders.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Argos):
1 2 2 5 11

Hek pages: Checking for concealed weapons

"Cutting it gets rid of the cam…" Alyse begins, only to trail off as the man approaches, frowning a little. If only she knew a mind trick or two. Leaning over she whispers something to Tim.

You paged Hek with 'He's got a Colt American, light pistol'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 for " D strength":
1 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 8

«Plot» Tim says, "force 4"

The mystery drug dealer coughs again and pulls out a couple of bags. "Good stuff, just 20 =Y= for a hit, chummer…" He looks over the group warily as some of them are giving him weird looks.

«Plot» Argos says, "What are you casting?"

«Plot» Tim says, "stunbolt"

Chaz looks over at the others, considering as the man approaches. He listens to the dealer and nods his head, not saying anything.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 4:
2 5 5 5 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Willpower + 3:
2 2 3 3 4 4 4 8 11

«OOC» Argos says, "He shrugged it off"

«OOC» Argos says, "You resisted drain"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 for "Did junkie notice spell flinging?":
1 2 2 3

«Plot» Argos says, "The dealer doesn't seem to think anything is up"

Apparently oblivious to whatever the rest of the team is doing, Hek does his best to disarm the dealer the easiest way possible. "Sure, I'm on that. Give me two for thirty?" He asks, breaking out his hustle.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Negotiation:
3 4 5 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 for "Counter negotiation against Hek's Int":
1 1 3 20

Alyse tilts her head to the side before walking up towards the dealer as she'd been planning to just pay him 40 to go away…But it seems Hek is going with the more mundane option.

The man thinks about that for a moment before shrugging and pulling out a couple of pouches. "Alright chummer, I'll cut you a deal for this first time… just come on back when you need more, alright omae?"

In response, Hek pulls out a thick fold of nuyen, so hefty that he has to get down to the center of it to even find notes of small enough denomination to cover the agreed upon price. "Thanks omae." He passes over a couple of deep red Renraku scrip in exchange for the pouches.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) spends 30 nuyen.

Tim just shakes his head. Pulling out a wad of cash like that in a place like this is like waving the proverbial red flag in front of an angry bull.

The man does seem to like the look of that stack, but business is being done, so he takes the bills and exchanges them for the novacoke. "Anyone else want some? No? Well, if you change your mind, I'll be around…" He gives a grin the looks like he's been dipping into his own stock before he wonders back down the alley again.

After waiting for the man to wander out of earshot, Hek speaks quietly to the group. "You guys figure this shit out.." He glances after the departing form of the man. "I'm going to make sure my new friend isn't coming back."

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth (to Argos):
2 4 4 5 7

Hek pages: To follow the dealer

Chaz mmms. "Guess he wants the moneyback guarantee," he mutters under his breath.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
2 4 5 8

Alyse shakes her head at Hek and crosses her arms over her chest. "It's better not to risk the attention….but do me a favor and ditch that stuff before we go on, drugs and dogs is not a good combination."

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek, did you have any modifiers?"

«Plot» Hek says, "Nope"

The dealer is on the other end of the alley, counting his new money, still grinning that stupid grin. He blinks and looks up though, looking around. "Hello? Who's there…." The dealer frowns and reaches into his coat. Seems he knows someone is there, just not who or what.

Tim says "Maybe I should call up a watcher and see it to see what it can find out.""

"Hey chummer.." Hek raises his voice, fully announcing his presence once it become apparent that the low key approach failed. "Just thought about it… I need another two."

Alyse seems a little annoyied by this, after all they can't share the plan with him if he's busy playing cat and mouse with a drug dealer and if he starts a firefight everything in the warehouse will probably here it. "Anyway….if we cut the power in the warehouse that takes out the cameras, but then they know something's up….still better to have them guessing then being able to see our every move right?"

The Dealer blinks a bit in surprise at Hek and grins again. "Oh, sure thing… just 40 =Y= and I'll set you up… got plenty to spare, omae."

Chaz nods and mmms. "Plus even if they know its up, they need to find it, no?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Conjuring vs TN 3 for "force 3 watcher":
2 3 3 4 5 9 = 5 Successes

This time Hek produces just enough to cover the cost of the drugs, having already made his point that he has way more money than the drug dealer. It's a street thing. "Thanks omae." He nods, adopting the man's vernacular.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) spends 40 nuyen.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Charisma vs TN 5 for "drain":
1 3 5 8 = 2 Successes

«OOC» Tim says, "drain is L"

He grins and produces two more small bags of the lethal pleasure, handing them over to Hek. "There you are, have fun with your party then, omae!" Seems he thinks the four of them are going to have one hell of a good time.

Tim directs the watchers attention to the building in question. Then directs it to only get close enough to see what the awakened creatures are then report back to him.

Hek nods and matches the dealer's happy grin. "For sure." He crosses his arms across his chest and leans back against the wall of the alley, right there next to the dealer. "Take it easy.." He trails off and just stares blankly at the dealer, encouraging him to move on his way.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

The Dealer blinks at the man, but seems to slowly get the idea that he might want to deal in another location for now. He doesn't say anything, just slinks off into the shadows to find other marks to sell to. He got a decent bit of money here at least.

You paged Tim with 'Ok, the watcher manages to keep from getting itself killed. 5 mundanes, 6 awakened. One of the awakened is one of the humans, the rest are the dogs, and one of them noticed the watcher and growled at it, which made the Watcher return to you.'.

Once it becomes apparent that the dealer is gone and not coming back any time soon, Hek rejoins the group again. "I thought about sending him to get the guards high…" The thought seems to amuse Hek, judging by the thin smile on his lips. He dismisses the idea with a shake of his head. "Probably would have got himself shot if he tried."

"And either way sounds like a win," Chaz replies idly.

"Might have given us a destraction," Alyse says dryly before looking between the others. "So pending the watcher telling us anything major we cut the power and go in…question is do we try and split them up or go in as one team?"

Tim looks off as if he's listening to someone and then nods. "Thank, you. You may return home now." he says sending the watcher back from whence he summoned it. "Ok folks we have 5 mundane, one of which we knew was heavily cybered, and 6 awakened. One is human the other 5 are the dogs.

Tim's recount of the situation draws Hek's attention. The mention of heavy cyber draws narrowed eyes and a slight scowl. "We'll be better off if we can stick together and concentrate our efforts." He suggests. "Unless the three of you want to play distraction, and I can sneak in and take care of the locks."

Alyse looks to Chaz, wondering on his thoughts, but the idea of Tim going in alone makes her frown a little. If he runs into trouble inside he's got no backup.

Chaz nods and mmms. "Well, I can cause a large explosion easily," says the elf, "Perhaps get a power transformer to overload for example," he replies.

Wtih a shrug Tim says "Distraction is easy enough, if a little dangerous. All I'd have to do is float on the astral just outside those walls and make the dogs go nuts…now once that draws the attention of the human awakened is when it gets dangerous. But you'd have to admit it would be one hell of a distraction."

Hek nods his head to Tim, apparently liking what he is hearing. He remains silent though, waiting for the rest of the team to chime in.

"Sounds like a plan," Alyse says lightly, although in regards to the transformer the elf doctor just shrugs. "If it looks like an accident. No flamming explosions…but if someone gets shocked it's not a bad thing for us…"

Tim says "of course if one of you guys managed to find a place to jack in and defeat the warehouse security then we'd have the element of surprise on our side"

Chaz nods and mmmms, considering. "Think we should be able to do that."

The mention of jacking in causes Hek to shake his head. "A simple warehouse like that… unless it's owned by someone else, probably doesn't have the camera system on the trix. No sense in it. Much cheaper and more effective to just monitor on site."

Tim says "Ok then we go with either a transformer explosion or astral teasing. Which?"

Alyse shrugs her shoulders. "Shorting out might group them all to one place and make them easier to hit at, plus then you're not helpless outside your body. That's my vote…

Hek suggests, "Fuck with the dogs. They're trained to protect the place, so them going off is a distraction. A transformer blows, we get a few seconds of distraction… then maintenance crews are coming out, the fire department is on the way…" He shakes his head.

Tim shrugs, "he has a point and a valid one at that. You guys get in position I'm going to find a secure place on the roof behind me to go astral."

Hek nods to Tim and eases out of the alley, making his way gradually towards the warehouse.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth:
1 1 4 5 5

Hek pages: Hek is going to stop far enough away from the warehouse that he does not present an obvious threat to anyone who might see him.

Tim makes his way up to the roof and then lets his vision slip into the astral to double check that the awakened are still in the building and to follow his compatriots. When they are in position he'll go fully astral and do his thing.

Alyse nods, seeing the logic in the others words and knowing she's out-voted anyway…unless Chaz disagrees. As they walk however Alyse taps Chaz on the shoulder to stop a moment and reaches under her jacket, unslinging her still new HK 227 and holding it out. "You know how to use one of these?" she asks lightly, "I can't hit crap"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
1 2 2 5

Chaz looks at Alyse and smirks. "Point the business end towards t he badguy, pull trigger, pray and spray," says the elf with a wink. "I'm normally going with my lasers orr improving my sniper rifle, but I am alright with it."

The chain linked fence is constantly patrolled, a guard coming by every now and then, as well as those coal black furred dogs. The dogs seem to move as two groups, one group with two, and one group as three. The group of two also has one man with them, seeming rather at ease with the hounds. One of the men glances out in the direction of where Hek is hiding, frowning briefly before moving on.

Figuring that he has been seen, Hek gets into his role as the down and out member of society that he needs to be for now. Taking a baggie out of his pocket, he carefully dumps some of the white, crystalline powder onto the webbing of his thumb. Lifting it to his nose, he snorts it in. A few seconds later, he repeats the process, taking some more up the other nostril.

Hek pages: That puts Hek at +1 reaction, +1 perception.

Tim settles down with his back against a solid surface and slips into the astral. He's not keen on engaging the mage at this point so he targets the set of 3 dogs to antagonize and create his distraction.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
3 3 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
1 1 2

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
1 2 5

«Plot» Argos says, "Alright Tim, do your distraction! Surprise round goes for you"

Tim follows the path of the dogs and uses that to judge his distance on the outside of the fence since they are bound to the physical plane. Zooming past them he stops about 10 meters away puts his astral fingers in his mouth and gives off a sharp whistle that only those assensing or dual natured will hear.

Alyse seems to be hanging back, she's not so good at sneaking after all so she'll simply stay out of line of sight until the guards move away or the bullets start flying.

Chaz has his hand on his gun, waiting for Mr. Fecal Matter to have his affair with Mrs. Oscillating Blades.

The three hounds and stop, looking right at Tim and growling, two of them barking before the rush the fence. Only problem is, two of them shoot fire at the astral figure. This of course draws a bit of attention and two of the guards come over to try and figure out what's going on. "Think they spotted a rat again?"

«Plot» Tim says, "if they manage to melt the fence I'm taking them on a wild romp."

«Plot» Tim says, "or better yet……"

Seeing as how they are going to shoot fire at him and the guards don't see him…Tim repositions himself just behind and above the guards and barks like a rabid dog at the hellhounds in an attempt to get them to spray the guards with their hellfire.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 10 for "One hellhound tries to jump and bite Tim":
2 2 2 3 4 5 = 0 Successes

The hellhounds watch the astral form move over the fence and move behind the guards, still growling, only it seems like they're growling at the guards now. One leaps up and tries to bite the floating figure, but only succeeds and running into the highly confused and now cursing guards.

The growling, flame breathing hounds draw Hek's attention as they would draw the attention of anyone who recently took a bag of novacoke to the head. He just stares at the situation from his mostly concealed position on the stoop of a nearby apartment, waiting for some sort of opening so that he can make his way over to the gate and get to work on the maglock.

Chaz watches from his vantage point, arm with his weapon at the ready. "Said we should have taken the chopper," he mutters to himself as he watches the dogs with his magnified vision. "At least then we'd have better seats."

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 5:
1 2 5 9 10

Alyse is waiting a little between chaz and the others, but without any modifications or scopes she's really just watching those lights of fireballs and hearing those barking noises. Shadowhounds, great.

The guards draw their weapons, both of them SMGs and looks around, backing up to give the hell hounds some room. "I think we've got company, they're acting way to weird… drek…"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 10:
1 3 4 4 4 8 = 0 Successes

Tim zooms over the heads of the hellhounds making sure to stay above the limit of the jumps he's seen. All the while barking and growling as he places himself behind the guards one more time to try and get them to do damage to the guards and maybe make the guards think they've gone rabid or something. The Guards defending themselves from rabid hellhounds would be great but if not he'll be happy with what he gets before running off to a safer distance to get new view of the situation…ie where that mage is.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

The mage, or who everyone is assuming the mage is, isn't that far off now, joining the rest of the guards along with the two other hellhounds.
"The hell is going on?"
"Think the hounds sniffed something out, just not sure what…"

«Plot» Argos says, "So, that makes three humans and five hounds all in one place"

Sensing his opportunity, it is now or never for Hek. He eases himself off of the porch, moving slowly and as non-chalantly as possible while approaching the warehouse, and the fence that seperates it from the sidewalk.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth:
1 1 1 5 9

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 5:
1 3 4 5 9

«Plot» Argos says, "Its close, but the guard walking by is distracted by the commotion, go for it Hek"

«Plot» Hek says, "When I made this character, I gave him Security Systems thinking it would help augment his electronics b/r rolls for beating maglocks. Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure it's relevant. What's your take on it?"

«Plot» Argos says, "Hmm… You can use half of them"

«Plot» Hek says, "Okay. 7 dice coming up"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 7:
3 3 4 4 5 10 14

«Plot» Argos says, "If that's the Electronics B/R roll, you remove the cover in 15 seconds."

«Plot» Hek says, "Okay. Now a second for opening it?"

As he approaches the gate, Hek removes a rolled up bundle that was tucked into a deep, inner pocket of his jacket. By the time he makes it to the fence, he has the bundle unrolled. Setting it on the ground, he pulls out a dremel tool and a screw driver, then sets to work on the weatherized casing that protects the sensitive insides of the maglock.

«Plot» Argos says, "Its open, now you get to fiddle with wires"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 7:
1 2 4 4 4 5 8

«Plot» Argos says, "You manage to rig it to unlock in another 15 seconds, total of 30 seconds spent."

Once he gets through the inside, a thin smile appears on Hek's lips when he recognizes the insides of the device. He pulls out a couple of aligator clips and wire snippers and gets to work. The seconds seem to stretch into minutes as he reroutes the circuits. Muttering a quiet prayer, he attaches a battery to the make shift terminals constructed from the alligator clips. A second later, the latch retracts.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 5:
2 3 4 5 8

«Plot» Argos says, "Somehow, Hek is still unseen by the next guard wondering by"

Once the guard has passed, Hek looks back towards the alley and waves for the rest of the team to come up.
At the signal, Chaz slides his gun into cover before starting to sneak towards the gate. He smiles dryly, as he moves, enhanced senses taking in everything he can.

Alyse is pretty close, at least compared to Chaz, and so she'll try and move fast while the rest of the guards are still well away from them.

«Plot» Argos says, "Need stealth rolls for those heading in"

«Plot» Argos says, "Don't have stealth, default to quickness"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Quickness:
2 3 4 4 5 8

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Stealth:
2 4 4 5 7

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 5:
1 2 4 4 5

One more patrolling guard walks by now… only he blinks and comes to a stop, spotting Alyse. "Hey, this area is off limits!" He frowns at the elf and lifts his SMG in threatening warning.

«Plot» Argos says, "Init"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 11.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of +1 with a result of 12.

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a result of 10.

«Plot» Argos says, "Init order is Hek, Alyse, Chaz, and the guard. Hek and Chaz are in surprise round as they're not spotted yet"

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek is up"

«Plot» Hek says, "What's the dynamic here? Hek is at the gate, on the outside of it. Alyse is some where in the street or some such? The guard is inside the fence still?"

«Plot» Argos says, "Yeah, guard is inside and saw Alyse running towards the gate"

«Plot» Hek says, "Okay. First simple action, pull out SMG. Second simple action, fire burst into guard."

«Plot» Hek says, "Let me know what the modifiers are"

«Plot» Argos says, "He's about ten meters away, so base TN of 4"

«Plot» Hek says, "No lighting conditions, movement modifiers, etc?"

«Plot» Argos says, "Partial light, he's not moving, so +2 unless you have vision modifiers"

«Plot» Hek says, "Got it, here we go."

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 6 for "Base TN4, +1 for partial light compensated by low-light, +3 for burst fire, -2 for Smartlink-2":
1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 7 7 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 3:
3 4 4 10 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "He takes an M wound"

«Plot» Argos says, "Alyse is up"

It seems like Hek has barely had time to get his kit tucked back into his jacket when Alyse comes stumbling over, and draws the attention of the guard. With the guard distracted and looking the other way, Hek produces the bulky, compact form of the Colt Cobra from his jacket.
In the dim light, his eyes momentarily flash with the data sent to him by the smartlink. The gun coughs a burst of autofire, cartridges spitting from the breach and clattering into the street a few feet away as a short tongue of flame leaps from the barrel.

«Plot» Alyse will cast bind on him

«Plot» Argos says, "TN 5"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 3 vs TN 5 for "Bind force 3":
1 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 11 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Willpower + 3 vs TN 2:
1 1 2 2 2 4 4 11 11 = 7 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 5 vs TN 3:
2 2 4 7 8 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "He's bound, his quickness drops by 1"

Alyse raises her hands and clamps them together almost like someone threatening to punch another. She is, however, casting her bind spell. Perhaps not enough to immobilise him but he'd feel -something- grip his shoulders and limbs as if trying to hold him back with no real reason why.

«Plot» Argos says, "Chaz's turn"

«Plot» Chaz is going to try and find some cover, and use my turns to do called shot (free), aim (simple), aim (simple) on one of the guards.

«Plot» Argos says, "Just one guard, so feel free"

Chaz halts as he is running, moving to find a spot where he can roughly stay hidden at, a decent point to snipe at the guards from without being detected. Leaning just enough to get his weapon in primed position, he smiles as he sights it to target the guard in a vital area, taking the time like an expert pool shark lining up a trick shot.

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard's turn"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 9 for "Burst fire at Alyse. Base TN4 +3 Recoil, +2 Damage":
2 3 4 5 10 17 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Base is 9M Alyse"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "dodging":
2 2 4 5 5 7 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, that one is dodged"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 12 for "Burst fire at Alyse. Base TN4 +6 Recoil, +2 Damage. Second burst":
1 2 2 4 4 9 = 0 Successes

The guard cries out as he gets hit by the burst fire from Hek. "Intruders!" That done, he levels his gun on the only person he immediatly sees, and lets loose, six bullets sailing towards the elf, but she manages to get down to keep from getting hit.

«Plot» Argos says, "Next pass. Hek and then Alyse."

«Plot» Hek says, "First simple, take aim… second simple, called shot to the head"

«Plot» Argos says, "Called shot is free action"

«Plot» Hek says, "Got it. So called shot, simple take aim, simple fire"

«Plot» Argos says, "Alrighty"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 6 for "Base TN4, +1 lighting, +2 called shot w smartlink-2, -1 take aim":
2 2 3 3 3 4 8 9 10 11 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "Base is 6M"

«Plot» Argos says, "6S then"

«Plot» Hek says, "Smartlink makes the switch to single fire a free action"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 + 4 vs TN 8:
1 2 4 4 4 5 10 11 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "He goes down from a shot to the head then, he's dead"

Although Hek winces when the guard's gun roars and spits lead at Alyse, he manages to snug his weapon to his shoulder and sight in on the guard. The fire selector on the gun clicks into the single shot position. A slow exhale coincides with a pull of the trigger. The gun pops once, and a split second later the back of the guard's head explodes in a cloud of red mist.

«Plot» Alyse says, "Alyse will draw her weapon and keep making her way to the door Hek unlocked"

«Plot» Argos says, "Alright, after all of that, its rather obvious you guys are about to have company"

With the guard down and her spell released the elf continues her run toward Hek and the promise of cover, her gun sliding from it's holster to her hand. Company's coming now!

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim, you still Astral?"

«Plot» Tim says, " yes was waiting to see if he managed to get the dogs crazy enough to tangle into the guards before he ran away from the 'mage' that had finally shown up…. either way he's heading out this turn."

«Plot» Argos says, "They're riled, but not at the guards"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«Plot» Argos says, "Everyone roll perception for me"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence + 1:
3 4 4 5 11 15

Having failed to get the results he wanted, Tim returns back to his body before the 'mage' can lock in on him.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Intelligence:
1 2 3 4 9 10

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Intelligence:
1 3 4 5 5 11

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Intelligence for "Pretty much every perception mod possible":
2 3 3 4 7 8 10 17

«Plot» Argos says, "Alright, everyone will easily notice the one guard and two hellhounds heading the way of the just finished gun fight. More will probably be on their way soon"

«Plot» Hek says, "One, is there any cover around to hide behind and setup an ambush from? If not, is there any cover period?"

«Plot» Argos says, "Best you have in the area you're in is the fence itself unless you pull back to the buildings"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6:
1 2 3 4 5 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
1 3 4 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
1 1 3 9

«Plot» Argos says, "They've spotted the three of you."

«Plot» Tim says, "thinks it's best to cast from afar."

«Plot» Argos says, "Everyone roll for intiative then, fresh round of combat"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
3 5 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
3 4 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of +1 with a result of 12.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 8.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Initiative with a result of 9.

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a result of 8.

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, init order is the two hounds, Hek, Tim, and Chaz, Alyse, and the guard all go at the same time."

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "First hellhound spits a jet of flame towards Alyse!":
1 2 2 2 3 9 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 4 vs TN 4 for "dodge":
2 2 3 7 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 3 vs TN 4 for "dodge KP: 1/4":
4 4 11 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Dodged. Second hellhound"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Second hellhound spits a jet of flame towards Alyse!":
2 3 3 4 5 16 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 4 vs TN 4 for "dodge":
3 3 5 11 = 2 Success

«Plot» Argos says, "Standing?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Body + 1 vs TN 3 for "soak":
4 5 5 5 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Someone is smiling on Alyse, she might have gotten hit, but her armor staved off the flames enough for Alyse to quickly pat it out before she got hurt"

The two hellhounds stop and growl as they see Alyse, identifying her as an Awakened being. They bark and jets of flame shoot out of their jaws straight for Alyse. The first she manages to avoid, and the second she manages to put herself out before she went up in flames.

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek's turn"

Alyse cries out as that fireball comes towards her, but as it impacts with her long armored jacket it doesn't burn her, giving the elf the time to pat it out.

«Plot» Hek says, "Two bursts into one of the hounds"

«Plot» Argos says, " Base TN4 and low light penalties"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 6 for "Base TN4, +1 lighting, +3 burst, -2 smartlink, final TN6":
1 3 4 5 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "1 kp reroll"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 6 for "Base TN4, +1 lighting, +3 burst, -2 smartlink, final TN6":
1 1 5 5 5 8 11 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "9S + 2 successes on first one"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "Hell hound tries to dodge":
3 3 4 5 5 = 3 Successes
«Plot» Argos says, "Hellhound dodged."

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 11 for "Base TN4, +1 lighting, +6 burst, +2 second target, -2 smartlink, final TN11":
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 9 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Hek grumbles and leaves it at that.

«Plot» Argos says, "Lot of noise, but no hits sadly. After Hek's pose, Tim is up"

The arrival of the dogs on the scene seems to catch Hek off guard. "What the..?!?!" He curses at the gysers of flame directed toward Alyse.
The coke keeps him focused, his nerves buzzing and his senses heightened. Recovering his composure he swings his gun towards the first mutt and fires. A minute correction, then he squeezes the trigger again.
Rounds fly by their target, taking chunks out of pavement and further away, walls. For all of his composure under fire, it seems like Hek sure as heck can't hit shit at this moment.

«Plot» Argos says, "The others are to far away, but you can hit the guard and the two guards just fine. remember you have +1 TN due to your stun damage"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 for " Stunball force 4 D damage":
1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 7

«OOC» Tim says, "and my rolls suck today."

«Plot» Argos says, "TN to resist drain is 3, D damage"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Willpower vs TN 2 for "drain":
2 2 3 3 3 5 = 6 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Another light stun damage to Tim, so he's at L+1"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Guard":
1 2 2 2 3 8 = 1 Success

«Plot» Tim says, " I'll attempt to not fall off the roof in my mometary wooziness"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3 vs TN 4 for "Hound1":
2 2 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3 vs TN 4 for "Hound2":
1 5 8 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "The guard and one hound fall over unconcious, the other is looking /really/ sluggish though"

«Plot» Argos says, "After Tim's pose, its Alyse's and Chaz's turn"

Tim calculates the best location to toss his stunball mentally cursing the fates for not having more targets in his range but let's it go anyway with all the oomph he can muster. To his pleasant surprise two of his targets fall and one looks kind of wobbly from where he's standing. Then the backlash hits and he also fells a little wobbly as he reaches back to the AC unit behind him to steady himself.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Pistols vs TN 5 for "Shoot the standing hound, 1st shot":
1 1 2 2 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 9 for "Soak":
1 2 3 7 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "That's an M wound"

«Plot» Argos says, "Second shot?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Pistols vs TN 6 for "Shoot the standing hound, 2nd shot -1 recoil comp":
4 5 7 9 13 = 3 Successes

«OOC» Argos says, "If you have recoil comp, TN is 5"

«OOC» Alyse says, "4 succs then"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 13 for "Wound modifiers":
1 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "That's an S wound, hellhound is down"

Seeing the hound and the guard go down Alyse raises her pistol at the remainder, muttering something about her favorite jacket before she squeezes the trigger. Two taps right in the dazed things head….it's very dead. Lesson: Don't mess with the jacket.

«Plot» Argos says, "The rest of the guards are running towards the warehouse, apparently intent on taking cover in there. The other three hellhounds are heading towards the group however."

«Plot» Argos says, "Init"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
2 3 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
1 2 3

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
4 5 7

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Initiative with a result of 10.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of +1 with a result of 7.

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a result of 11.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 9.

«Plot» Argos says, "Init order is hellhounds, all three of them first, Chaz, Tim, Alyse, and finally Hek"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "First hellhound rushes up to maul Hek, base damage 7M":
3 3 4 4 5 10 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Kung Fu + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 4:
2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 9 = 4 Successes

«OOC» Hek says, "reroll failures, second kp expenditure"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 5 vs TN 4:
1 1 1 5 11 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "4M + 2 successes"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 + 4 vs TN 4:
1 2 3 3 3 5 5 9 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Hound takes M stun damage"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Second hound spews fire at Alyse":
2 4 4 4 5 7 = 5 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 7 vs TN 4 for "dodge":
1 2 2 2 4 4 5 = 3 Successes

No sooner has the first wave of trouble gone down, than the second wave shows up. Black forms blur through the poorly light environs, and one of them charges straight at Hek. He responds reflexively, muscle memories honed by who knows how many years of constant training.
As the hound leaps at him, Hek accepts the weight, dealing with the inevitable. Hips and shoulders shift, deflecting the dog's momentum as a rapid one, two combo of a knee and simultaneous elbow strike punish the mutt.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Body + 2 vs TN 3:
1 3 4 5 5 = 4 Successes
«Plot» Argos says, " Believe that damage is soaked unless I'm messing up the elemental magic rules"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Final Hellhound spewing fire at Chaz now":
2 4 5 5 7 15 = 5 Successes

«OOC» Chaz says, "Base damage?"

«OOC» Argos says, "6M"

«OOC» Argos says, "Hang on…"

«OOC» Argos says, "Ok, knock that down to 2 successes for partial cover then"

«OOC» Chaz nods. "Going to tru and dodge then."

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 4 for "Dodge test":
1 1 2 2 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 4 for "Dodge test KP 12":
2 4 5 5 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Dodged"

«Plot» Argos says, "Chaz is up"

«Plot» Chaz says, "Going to called shot, aim and shoot the hellhound that tried to fry me."

«Plot» Argos says, "He's ten meters away"

«OOC» Chaz says, "So, medium range."

«OOC» Argos says, "And partial light"

«OOC» Chaz says, "+1 for low light vision ware. K"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 5 for "TN 5 -1 aim, +1 low light vision, Base damage 12M, -2 for range.":
1 1 3 3 4 4 4 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 1 vs TN 5 for "TN 5 -1 aim, +1 low light vision, Base damage 12M, -2 for range. KP 13":
4 4 4 4 5 5 5 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 4 vs TN 5 for "TN 5 -1 aim, +1 low light vision, Base damage 12M, -2 for range. KP 15":
2 2 5 16 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Chaz stands on 6 successes.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Dodge":
2 2 4 5 8 10 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 12 for "Soak":
2 2 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Looks like a D to me"

«Plot» Argos says, "After Chaz's post, its Tim's turn"

Chaz watches the hellhounds from his sniper spot before the hellhound turns to face him and spew at him. Rolling to the side, he's able to get out of the way. Rolling back to the side, he pulls out the laser, aiming down it before pulling the trigger, smacking against the hellhound, leaving a well marked scorch on it.

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim is up"

«Plot» Tim sees that he has an option open. He could try and go for the hounds in the middle of his group which are being dealt with or he can try for 'more bang for the buck', '4 birds with one very large stone'. He's going for the latter as it makes more sense to him to keep them out of the warehouse if possible. Stunball at the fleeing guards and if he can get that last fire spewing puppy in that range all the better.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 4 for " D damage Stunball force 4":
1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5

«Plot» Argos says, "Only three guards you can see going into the warehouse"

«Plot» Tim says, "then three it is."

«Plot» Argos says, "Standing? Only see 2 successes"

«Plot» Tim says, "use one of my 2 kp then."

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls 8 for " failed dice kp 1":
2 3 3 4 4 5 5 14

«Plot» Argos says, "5 successes so far"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 2 vs TN 3 for " drain":
1 1 3 4 5 5 8 10 = 6 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
2 4 5 8

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
3 3 4 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
1 2 5 5

«Plot» Argos says, "All of them go down. Tim takes another L stun damage, putting him up to M"

«Plot» Argos says, "After Tim's pose, its Alyse's turn"

Again Tim makes a decision and this one to limit the number of foes gaining cover and aiding the heavily cybered that's in that warehouse. Casting his stunball at the fleeing guards he can see he is once again rewarded with them falling down and out for the count. He braced for the expected backlash but this one is stronger than the last one. This time Tim slides down beside the AC to catch his breath.

«Plot» Alyse will cast armor on herself for real this time

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 4 vs TN 6 for "Force 3 Armor":
1 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 15 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Willpower + 2 vs TN 2 for "Resist Drain":
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 14 = 8 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "TN 4 actually"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Resist Drain KP:2/4":
3 3 4 5 10 11 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Drain is resisted, and you have +3/3 to your armor now"

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek is up after Alyse's pose"

«Plot» Hek says, "Kung fu fighting with the dog"

As a second fireball flares towards Alyse's face she gives a noise rather comically similar to an 'eep' and throws her jacket up in the way. Saved by the tough material again it seems as the flame impacts and dosn't manage to ignite her. Not wanting to take the chance again the elf closes her eyes and gestures with a hand in a sharp snapping motion that's followed by a -snap- of bright blue lights the envelope her form.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Kung Fu + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 4 for "Unarmed vs TN4":
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 8 17 = 7 Successes

«Plot» Alyse 's armor is now 9/6

«Plot» Hek says, "I'm good with that"

«Plot» Argos says, "I'll bet you are!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 + 6 vs TN 6 for "+2 for Wounds":
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 9 = 1 Success

«Plot» Hek says, "4M base damage"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 + 6 - 1 vs TN 6 for "+2 for Wounds KP 1/1":
1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 9 19 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 6 for "Soak":
3 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "D Stun damage, some of that spills over physically. Poor pooch"

The hellhound tried to bite off more than it can chew with Hek. The short man is fast with his hands and feet. Having shrugged off the dog's initial attack, Hek finds his center line and goes to work on the animal. It's all Wing Chun, tight, compact motions in rapid succession. Low kicks usually intended to break knees seem to work well when delivered to the chest and shoulders of the animal. A couple of palm strikes and back hands are thrown in for good measure. The poor dog tries to cringe out of the way and only ends up exposing it's ribcage for a final, rib cracking low kick that buries Hek's heel into the animal's flank.

«Plot» Argos says, "Next pass, the final hell hound and then Chaz"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Shooting more fire at Alyse while getting ready to back up":
1 2 3 4 5 5 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Body vs TN 2 for "soak with Armor spell":
3 3 4 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "M damage, our first wound to the team that wasn't self inflicted"

Everything around the poor hellhound is dropping like flies, so the hound spews one last jet of flame at Alyse, finally managing to hurt the Awakened elf, and starts to back away, getting ready to bolt.

«Plot» Argos says, "Chaz is up"

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim, after this, roll perception just for the heck of it!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 + Karma Pool: 3 vs TN 5 for "KP 21":
1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 9 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 + Karma Pool: 3 - 3 vs TN 5 for "KP 22":
1 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 + Karma Pool: 3 - 6 vs TN 5 for "KP 24":
3 3 3 4 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 + Karma Pool: 3 - 7 vs TN 5 for "KP 27":
1 1 2 2 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Chaz stands on 7 successes.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Dodge attempt":
2 2 4 5 8 11 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 12 for "Soak? Unlikely":
2 2 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, I'm seeing an S wound for the first shot"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 5:
1 2 3 4 5 5 7 11 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 4 vs TN 5 for "KP 28":
2 2 3 3 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 4 vs TN 5 for "KP 30":
1 2 3 5 = 1 Success

«Plot» Chaz Stands on 5 successes.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 12:
3 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "You killed it. You monster."

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim, gimme a perception roll while Chaz poses"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Intelligence:
2 2 3 4 5 17

You paged Tim with 'You see a winged humanoid, about 2 meters tall. Its squat, bulkdy body and rough gray skin gives it the look of living stone. Its been standing near you the whole time, you just now notice it as it flexed its wings. It glances over at you briefly before looking back down at the scene below, seeming rather interested in those dogs dying.'.

Chaz grimaces as he sees the hellhound getting ready to leave the fracas. "All dogs go to heaven," he says as he squeezes the laser pistol once and then again, the two bolts trailing the last ones to the main fight, smacking deeping into the hellhound. He manages to take the first one like a professional, but whatever doesn't kill you only makes you more suceptible to that which will, and in this case… it is the second laser beam that does it in.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Paranormal Animals:
1 1 1 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Parazoology:
5 9 10 11

Tim was all set to go astral and materialize before his teammates when a movement next to him catches his eye. Slowly turning his head to the side he faces a squat stone looking creature that had just flexed it's wings. Trying to not turn as ashen colored as the gargoyle next to him he just stares at it for a moment with it returning his stare before the creature once again fixates on the dead hellhounds on the warehouse grounds. "Hellhounds taste better, omai, spicier". Tim backs away slowly letting the creature keep it's attention on the free meal they just provided it.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 3 vs TN 6 for "TN= 10-Ess(6) +2 M wound":
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 3 vs TN 6 for "TN= 10-Ess(6) +2 M wound KP:3/4":
1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 8 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Willpower + 3 vs TN 2 for "drain":
1 1 1 2 4 4 5 7 27 = 6 Successes

Things quiet down now, nearly all the opposition lies down on the ground. Though the creature Tim just saw spreads its wings and jumps off the roof, flying down and landing next to the unconcious hellhounds. It looks over at the three runners over there, as if daring them to stop him, and reaches down to snag two dogs before getting ready to fly away.

«Plot» Tim says, "moving himself to another more secure location Tim will now do what I was planning on doing before hungry gargoyles shoed up."

Tim relaxes and lets his astral self slip free. Racing down to his comrades he materializes a few feet above the ground and says "May I suggest that one. We dispatch any remaining Hellhounds. Two. We strip these guards down to their skivies and then cut the rest of their clothing up to to gag, blindfold and bind them… especially that mage" he says as he points to the guard closest to them all. And finally give me few minutes to gain my strength those spells took a bit out of me.

«OOC» Hek says, "First things first. Hek is going to shoot any camera that has a view of the regular door."

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«OOC» Argos says, "I forget, is your weapon silenced?"

«OOC» Hek says, "No"

«Plot» Argos says, "Right, there are four cameras that you can see from your spot. Two of them are watching the door's and loading bay doors."

«Plot» Hek says, "Do you want me to roll, or can we just assume that with 12 dice Hek can make it happen?"

«Plot» Argos says, "We can assume that you can take your time and shoot them out. Unless you're a /really/ bad marksman"

«Plot» Alyse says, " I'm assuming he waited till gargoyle swept out."

Tim thinks better of trying to rest up a bit, not nearly enough time to get over his throbbing headache. He de-materializes back into the Astral plane and does a quick scout of the area. Once done, he watches the gargoyle as it flies off with its meal and re-materalizes next to the group. "I only see one guard left, he's barricaded himself in the warehouse. Not sure what he's up to, but he practically reeks of fear."

Hek allows the compact submachine gun to hang from its strap. It mostly disappears beneath the bulk of his jacket after he pulls out a familiar looking handgun. Chrome and distinct looking, the Savalette Guardian was once upon a time the cutting edge of shadows hardware. Now it seems like a cheap toy.
For whatever it lacks in style and coolness factor, it seems to make up for with effectiveness, especially with the way Hek wields it. Clenching it in a two handed grip, he targets the lenses of first one camera, then another. After a couple of high caliber *pop*s, they are rendered worthless.
"Maybe we can talk him into giving up… offer him safe passage and all that drek.." He looks suggestively at Aylse.

Chaz keeps his weapon in his hand and moves closer towards the group. "Probably better for him than us coming in and taking it," he offers and chuckles.

Alyse had been thinking that much, her form still glowing with the lights of her armor. Looking to the door she's standing far enough from the frame that she shouldn't get shot but she speaks loud enough for someone inside to hear. "Your dogs, your mage and your friends are all dead…" she calls. "Drop your gun, put your hands on your head and you can go home with a bad memory rather then a hole in your forehead.

«Plot» Argos says, "Do you have intimidation? If not, default to negotiation"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Negotiation:
3 4 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4:
2 5 7 10

«Plot» Argos says, "Roll perception since you're next to the door"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Intelligence:
4 4 4 5 5 5

You paged Alyse with 'The sounds are muffled, but you can make out the sound of one man talking. Who he's talking to you're not sure, especially as there's no one else in the room. You can't make out the words though.'.

Alyse frowns and looks to the others, stepping back. "Sounds like he might be radioing for backup…." she says, readying her weapon.

Hek scoots his way up to the door, trying to succeed in convincing the man left inside that it really is in his best interests to come out. Never send a woman to do a man's job, and all of that. "Hey, fuck hole… you get one last chance to get the fuck out here, before we come in there and fuck you up."

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Negotiation:
2 2 2 5

«OOC» Hek says, "1 kp to reroll"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Negotiation:
3 4 4 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 12 vs TN 11 for "Shotgun blast at the door trying to hit the one calling him a fuck hole. Counter negotiations and all that.":
1 1 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 10 10 14 = 1 Success

Chaz looks around the building and hmmms, looking up trying to see if there are any windows to the building. He doesn't say anything, however, instead starting to walk back some and setting his satchel down to produce equipment.

«Plot» Hek says, "Dodge?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 8 vs TN 4:
1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Dodged"

Apparently sensing something wrong by the lack of response from the man holed up onside of the warehouse, Hek leans back from the door right about the same time that a shotgun blast comes blowing through it. "Guess we do this the hard way.." He resigns himself to the inevitable with a frown.

Hek scans over the gathered group. "I all I got to stop bullets is this thin ass jacket.. and my flesh.." He frowns a bit, letting that hang in the air for a few seconds. "How about the rest of you?"

Tim returns to his body 'waking' up and starts to move back to the group. Hearing the shot fired, he stops for a moment before drawing his own pistol before hading towards the others.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«Plot» Argos says, "The shotgun blast took out the maglock, so the door /is/ unlocked now."

Since nobody seems inclined to offer to go first, Hek focuses his attention on Aylse. "You got any more of that blue stuff to go around?" He asks her, gesturing up and down her body.

Alyse glances down at the mostly superficial burns on her arms where the the heat leaked through and looks to Hek, frowning a little. "I can…bit I won't be able to go in there with you if I do, keeping it up requires a bit of concerntration…"

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim also informs there's a stack of boxes abou three meters from the door, so getting to it should be no problem, so long as the guard isn't that accurate"

Hek looks unconvinced, like Aylse is trying to get out of going through the door and he doesn't believe what she's saying. "Uh huh.." He nods his head, knowing next to nothing about magic. "How about you chummer?" He looks at Chaz. "You got any edge when it comes to getting shot?"

Chaz nods and picks up his gun, after he works on getting some preparations ready, sliding on a pair of gloves and attached an extra feed to the souls of his boots. "I'll go first," he says and smiles, walking to the door.

From afar, Chaz put on Gecko gloves.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 3 vs TN 9 for "Casting force 2 Armor on Hek":
2 3 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 3 vs TN 9 for "Casting force 2 Armor on Hek KP:3/4":
1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Willpower + 3 vs TN 4:
1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 = 5 Successes

Alyse closes her eyes and the lights swirl a little around Hek for a moment, but it seems the mage woman doesn't quite have the juice to do both. "If you want me to armor you up…i'm going to have to drop my own…" she says with a sigh.

Chaz looks back over the others of the group and smiles slightly before motioning away from the door. A couple steps towards the door and then a check back to make sure everyone is clear.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 3 vs TN 9 for "Same spell again for Hek":
2 3 3 4 4 5 9 9 11 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Willpower + 3 vs TN 4 for "Drain":
1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 11 = 5 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, Hek gets +2/2 to his armor and Alyse resists the drain. TN is now +4 for all actions for sustaining two spells"

Alyse chews her bottom lip a moment and decides to give it one more try. The lights swirl again and this time they crackle to life around Hek's form. A little thinner then her own, but it's imposing in her own right. "It's not much," she says slowly. "Think of it as magical kevlar…"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

Despite the blue glow around him, Hek does not seem any more enthusiastic about going into the warehouse. "Doesn't feel like much.." He looks warily at Alyse. "You sure this really works?" He pokes himself in the chest a few times with an index finger, keeping his back up against the relativity solidity of the warehouse wall. "Hopefully I won't have to figure it out.."

Chaz looks back at the others, mmming as he figures they're saf enough. Kneeling down to keep his profile low, the laser in one hand, Chaz looks at the door, kicks his senses into high gear, including ultrasound vision to let it map out the inside. And then the door gets opened.

«Plot» Argos says, "Need initiative for those running into the warehouse"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
2 3 3

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a result of 9.

«OOC» Tim says, "I"m holding back behind since I would have just gotten there via the meat."

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 11.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of +1 with a result of 9.

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, init order is the guard, Alyse, and then Hek and Chaz both go on 9. The guard delays his action, so Alyse's turn"

«Plot» Alyse fires in at him from partial cover of the doorway

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, go ahead, but he'll shoot back. TN is 5 +4 for cover, so TN9"

«Plot» Alyse says, "Two passes, first action aim, second shoot"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Pistols + 3 vs TN 8 for "Base 5+4 for partial cover -1 for first action aiming.":
1 2 4 5 5 5 7 10 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 7 vs TN 3:
2 2 2 3 3 5 23 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "He soaked it and is returning fire, using his delated action"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 9 vs TN 5 for "First action, shooting at Alyse base is 10S":
1 1 2 3 4 8 9 11 11 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls 6 vs TN 5 for "Dodge":
2 3 3 4 5 5 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Body vs TN 2 for "Soak":
2 3 4 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Alyse takes an S wound, so puts her up to S+1"

The guard was ready for someone to come in, and when the elf pops around the corner, he ducks behind the crate he's standing at and then comes up to return fire, nailing her rather hard, even through her magical armor.

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek or Chaz"

«Plot» Hek says, "I can go"

«Plot» Hek says, "Unless chaz has a plan"

«Plot» Argos says, "The inside of the warehouse is about what you'd expect. A few support pillars down the middle of the building, plenty of boxes and crates you could duck down behind, the closest being three meters from the door. There's a skylight on the roof as well."

«OOC» Chaz says, "Light coming from outside, or inside?"

«OOC» Argos says, "Inside, sorry. The inside /is/ decently lit so no penalties"

«OOC» Chaz says, "Any chance of making out the fuse box in this area?"

«OOC» Argos says, "You'd have to look for it"

«OOC» Chaz is going to use a simple to ovserve in detail then.

«OOC» Argos says, "Suppose you'd be able to see the fuse box on the other side of the room. Warehouse is… 20 meters across and 40 meters long. The guard is currently 20 meters away, as is the fuse box."

«OOC» Chaz Nods. "Ok, going to shoot at the fuse box then. Figure kill the lights, kill their attempt to hit us."

«OOC» Argos says, "Roll for it then, and good luck!"

«OOC» Chaz says, "TN 5 for range. Any other mods?"

«OOC» Argos says, "Think that should be it"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 5 for "Targetting the fuse box":
2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 = 5 Successes

«OOC» Chaz Stands on 5 successes.

«Plot» Argos says, "Solid hit, the barrier is pretty much melting off, exposing the 'guts' of the fuse box"

Chaz grimaces as the shot takes out Alyse, surveying the area. He spots a valid target and then something even better catches his attention. THe electronics panel, which he points the laser at and fires a bolt off, the metallic casing melting away to expose the main panel.

«Plot» Hek holds his action until Chaz can take out the panel fully.

«Plot» Argos says, "Keep in mind that won't happen until next init"

«Plot» Hek says, "Ok"

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, second pass then. Only the guard gets to go"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 9 vs TN 5 for "Shooting at Chaz as he's got a laser!":
1 3 4 4 5 5 7 9 10 = 5 Successes

«OOC» Argos says, "10S"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) has the Armor Rating Ballistic with the value '0 (7)'.

«OOC» Chaz says, "TN is better soaking than dodging, as is my odds, since I oly have 5 CP left."

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 3 for "Soak Test":
2 2 2 4 5 5 5 8 10 16 = 7 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 5 - 7 vs TN 3 for "Soak Test KP 30":
1 4 11 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "That puts it down to an L then"

«Plot» Chaz stands on 9 successes.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 9 vs TN 6 for "Second shot at Chaz":
1 1 1 2 3 3 5 9 9 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Body vs TN 3:
4 5 5 5 5 = 5 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "That's an M"

The guard was getting ready to try to finish that elf off, but he gets distracted by a new target as Chaz pops around the door and shoots across the room with a laser of all things. The guard quickly changes his aim and fires off two shots, the door and wall absorbing most of the impact before bursting through to nail the laser weilder.

«Plot» Argos says, "New init"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
2 2 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a result of 10.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 7.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Initiative with a result of 6.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of +1 with a result of 10.

«OOC» Chaz says, "Sorry, forgot my wound mods, so that would be 8."

«Plot» Argos says, "Init order is the Guard, Hek, Chaz, and then Alyse and Tim both at 4"

The guard curses and ducks down behind the crate, disappearing from view as he starts to reload. His shotgun does some damage, but he has to reload it alot, and wasn't expected to take on a team of intruders by himself.

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard is reloading, Hek's turn, who is the only one not injured in some way, the lucky devil"

«Plot» Hek is going to run in to the cover

«Plot» Argos says, "You should be able to make it just fine, guard is still reloading"

That comforting *snicksnicksnicksnicksnick** of cartridges being fed into the magazine is all of the encourgement that Hek needs. "Just like taking a stash house.." He mutters to himself as he drops his weight and lurchest forward. Pushing off of his toes he swims through the doorway with his upper body, trying to gain momentum as quickly as possible as he darts towards the cover.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth:
1 1 2 3 4

«Plot» Argos says, "Chaz's turn"

«OOC» Chaz says, "Shot 1: The fuse box, shot 2: Anything guard is hiding nearby. :P"

Breathing so heavy that it probably rattles the warehouse doors eminates from behind the boxes that Hek sprinted over too. In and out, over and over, he draws in long breathes and lets out steadily slowing sighs. Against his chest he clenches the submachine gun, the compact form nearly disappearing against his chest.

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 5 for "Fuse box, round 2":
2 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Fuse box is fried, sparks spitting out and causing glare"

Chaz turns his gun against the fusebox and smiles as the sparks flare fro mthe power box. Then quickly moving from his position to start pushing himself up the wall, sticking to it like a real-life Spiderman, minus the radioactivity.

«Plot» Argos says, "After Chaz's pose, Alyse and Tim are up"

«Plot» Tim says, "delaying my action until the guard pops back in view then stunbolt."

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Athletics for "Climbing Test, TN -10.":
1 1 1 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Athletics for "Climbing Test, TN -10. KP 31":
3 4 4 7

«OOC» Chaz says, "No idea what the TN was, but will stand there."

«OOC» Argos says, "It'll take you a full combat turn to get up there I think"

«OOC» Chaz nods.

«OOC» Alyse will drop her own armor and heal herself up, hopefully out of the doorway

«OOC» Argos says, "Ok, still sustaining Hek's armor?"

«OOC» Alyse says, "Yes"

«OOC» Alyse says, "At force 2"

«OOC» Argos says, "TN will be 9 for the spell then"

«OOC» Argos says, "Casting Treat?"

«OOC» Alyse says, "yeah"

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Sorcery + 4 vs TN 9 for "Heal +2 for Armor on Hek +3 for S wounds.":
1 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Willpower + 2 vs TN 5:
2 2 2 2 3 7 11 11 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Er… 7 actually… Forgot the sustained spell for a second"

«Plot» Argos says, "Alyse takes M stun damage from drain"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 for "See if guard knows where Hek is hiding":
2 2 3 3

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard pops out and doesn't see anyone so waits (delays). Tim, you can respond now, and hope you succeed or you're gonna get shot"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 6 vs TN 8 for " force 4 stunbolt M damage level":
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 10 11 11 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 vs TN 4:
3 7 10 10 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Willpower vs TN 4:
1 1 4 5 8 11 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Resist the drain for once"

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard takes M stun damage"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 9 vs TN 7 for "First shot at Tim":
1 1 2 3 3 4 4 7 9 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Combat Pool: 8 vs TN 6:
1 2 2 4 5 7 8 9 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 9 vs TN 8 for "Second shot at Tim":
1 1 1 3 3 3 4 5 10 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 9 - 1 vs TN 8 for "Second shot at Tim KP 1/3":
1 1 2 2 2 3 5 8 = 1 Success

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard stands on two successes"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Body vs TN 5:
2 2 2 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Body vs TN 5 for "kp2/2":
2 5 7 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim takes a S wound"

«Plot» Argos says, "New init"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
2 5 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 8.

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a modifier of -2 with a result of 8.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of +1 with a result of 8.

Wait for it,, wait for it! Now "Whack-a-mole" and the stunbolt flies nailing the sucker.. Tim's eyes widen as he suddenly realizes he's now the mole - he dodges but the bugger still had a bead on him…pain massive pain.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Initiative with a result of 10.

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard, Chaz and Hek at 8, Tim, and finally Alyse"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 4 for "Where is that Ninja Hek?":
2 3 5 13

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 12 vs TN 15 for "Ninja! I found you":
1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 8 9 9 11 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 12 vs TN 15 for "Ninja! I found you KP 2/3":
1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 12 vs TN 16 for "Second shot":
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 = 0 Successes

Feel a little groggy all of a sudden, but still manages to figure out where Hek has been hiding. Thinking the cowboy is pretty much out for now, he concentrates on what he's sure is the more likely threat, practically destroying Hek's hiding spot, but not shooting through the contents of the box.

«Plot» Argos says, "Chaz gets to the roof this turn, but can't act beyond that. Hek, you're up."

«Plot» Hek says, "Time to shoot him"

«Plot» Hek says, "What modifiers am I working with on him? Flare comped glare +2, partial light +1?"

«Plot» Hek says, "Does he have any cover?"

«OOC» Argos says, "Yes, so +4 to the TN"

«OOC» Argos says, "He's 17 meters away from you"

Chaz climbs up the wall like a fly, just scurrying along with his gecko gloves. 'My,' he thinks to himself as he moves, 'The people are so small, they look like ants… Wait, those are the ants. The rest of them are over there, by the door.'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "Base TN4, +2 glare, +1 partial, +4 cover, -2 smartlink, -1 take aim- Final TN8":
2 2 3 3 3 4 4 7 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "Last KP for reroll"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "Base TN4, +2 glare, +1 partial, +4 cover, -2 smartlink, -1 take aim":
3 3 4 4 5 5 13 27 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "Base 6M + 2 successes"

«OOC» Argos says, "Burst or single shot?"

«Plot» Hek says, "Single Shot. Although I could have hit him with burst given those rolls. I didn't think I'd have the dice."

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 10 vs TN 2:
1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 10 = 8 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "He used up the rest of his combat pool, but he soaked it"

«Plot» Argos says, "Tim is up after Hek's pose"

It all happens so fast. For one second, Hek seems to almost have his breathing under control, his thoughts free from the fear of firearms. Then his world explodes around him, the shotgun blast little more than a muffled thump to his cybernetically dampened ears, like a far away mortar tube. The results are anything but far away, as lead and the contents of the crates go blowing past his head.
That sends him into action, instinctively pointing his weapon back towards where he remembers the last guard being. It *pops*, the low caliber, low powdered round flying straight and true. Little good it does, pancaking against whatever body armor the man was smart enough to don at the start the night. "Frag.." Hek curses, already in motion, walking towards the closest solid, or otherwise opaque chunk of real estate between himself and the guard.

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 11 for " force 4 stunbolt level D":
1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 7:
2 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 11 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "S stun damage. So S+3, you're one box away from being unconcious"

«Plot» Argos says, "Alyse is up after Tim's pose"

The robojerk wasn't paying attention to Tim so he had to give it one more try even if wounded. Stunbolt was cast and it failed. The backwash nearly sending him into the sweet oblivion of non-paned unconciousness.. but noooo he was still awake and throbbing in pain.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "First simple action, aim. Second simple action, shoot that darn ninja Hek":
2 3 3 5 7 8 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Hek says, "Dodge"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 5 vs TN 4:
1 2 5 8 8 = 3 Successes

«OOC» Argos says, "Almost Hek, but not quite"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Body vs TN 3 for "Base TN10, -5 for Secure Jacket, -2 for magical armor - Final TN3":
1 2 2 3 3 5 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Looks like an M to me"

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 3:
2 3 3

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Initiative with a modifier of -2 with a result of 9.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a modifier of -1 with a result of 9.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Biotech vs TN 13:
2 3 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Initiative with a result of 8.

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Initiative with a result of 8.

The guard is starting to feel more and more confident. Shot an elf and a cowboy, and some guy with a laser and now they're all hiding. Now its just the last guy he can see and he takes aim before shooting him as well. Good day to be a guard!

Whatever instinct it was that set Hek into motion for cover could not have come at a better time. Making the mistake of the unaugmented, he foolishly exposed himself to the sort of assailant who can fire a shotgun faster than Hek can burst fire his own Colt Cobra Though he's moving, it isn't fast, or far enough. The blast of the shotgun propels enough lead in his direction to stagger him when it slaps sickly inot his jacket. He lets out a yelp of surprise and staggers onward toward the nearest cover.

«Plot» Argos says, "Init is guard, Chaz and Hek at 9, and then Tim and Alyse at 3."

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard ducks down completely behind cover again and is reloading"

«Plot» Argos says, "Chaz and Hek, you're up. Hek can't see the guard at all, for Chaz, guard has partial cover"

«Plot» Hek says, "I'll go first"

«Plot» Hek says, "Subtract 2 from the highest roll"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth:
1 3 4 4 9

«Plot» Hek says, "7"

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, Chaz is up while Hek is working on his pose"

«Plot» Chaz says, "No chance I can move where I get better shot on the same turn?"

«Plot» Argos says, "Hard to get a good angle with that stack of boxes, but might be able to"

Winded and wincing his pain, Hek drops down onto one knee behind another stack of crates. He rests his forearm against the containers and gingerly squeezes the outside of his jacket where the shot slammed into him. He hisses out another wince then clamps his lips closed, trying to muffle the auditory components of the pain. The SMG hangs loosely at his side as he catches his breath.

«Plot» Chaz takes a shot on him now, I guess then.

«OOC» Chaz says, "Range and md for cover?"

«OOC» Argos says, "Range is… 15 meters, cover is partial, so just +2"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 7 for "Shot 1 with laser versus guard":
1 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 = 1 Success

«OOC» Argos says, "Only half his armor for lasers if I recall?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 1 vs TN 7 for "Shot 1 with laser versus guard KP 32":
2 3 3 3 4 5 8 = 1 Success

«OOC» Chaz says, "1/2 impact"

«Plot» Alyse will rest on her stuff to try and to heal up a little stun damage

«Plot» Chaz Stands on 2 for this shot.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 7 vs TN 12:
1 2 4 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 7 vs TN 12 for "KP 3/3":
1 1 2 3 3 4 10 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Guard takes an S wound"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 7 for "Shot 2 with laser versus guard":
2 3 4 4 4 5 7 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Laser Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 2 vs TN 7 for "Shot 2 with laser versus guard KP 33":
3 4 4 5 5 10 = 1 Success

«Plot» Chaz Stands on 3.

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 14 vs TN 15:
1 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 5 8 8 10 10 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Argos says, "Another S, the guard is down"

Chaz moves up onto the celiling, glancing out at the skylight before shaking his head and turning towards the guard at its hidden position. A trigger pull and then another, Chaz lets his shots fly through the warehouse towards the guard, smacking it even with the cover before grimacing slightly. "Stay down," he mutters to himself.

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, I'm going to need perception rolls from everyone for when you search the warehouse for the medallion. Base TN is 4, please remember to add in your wound modifiers"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 3 4 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Intelligence for "Pretty much all mods":
1 2 3 4 4 5 5 17

«OOC» Tim says, "is the medallion indeed magical? If so it will stand out to astral sight"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Intelligence:
2 3 3 3 4 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Intelligence:
1 3 4 10 11 17

«Plot» Argos says, "Mages may make an assensing test then, yes"

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Intelligence for " assensing":
1 2 3 5 9 13

«Auto-Judge[]» Tim (#11953) rolls Aura Reading:
1 1 2

«Auto-Judge[]» Alyse (#10658) rolls Intelligence for "Asensing":
1 4 4 5 5 5

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, with everyone looking around, everyone manages to find the crate its in withen five minutes."

Tim says "may I suggest we also make sure that no surveillance tapes remain with our images on them before we leave." he says between semi clenched teeth while looking back at the guard and Imagining a new candle holder"

Chaz slowly makes his way down from the ceiling. "Anyone need medical assistance?" calls out the voice from above as he decends.

Alyse nods in agreement, clenching her teeth as she hold her side, her glow noticably absent. With the man's down Hek might notice his own armor spell being removed. A little less stress on her
Alyse whinces. "I…wouldn't say no…"

Tim looks up at the mention of medical aid and says "Yeah I think most of us need some. Just no stim patches please. keep it basic, I'll use magic once I've rested."

Alyse nods in agreement with Tim. "What he said, keep it magic friendly…"

Chaz nods and mmms, looking around. "I got my medkit with me," he says and looks down at himself. A couple bulletwounds ,but he seems able to chew the pain for the moment and focus on his patients. "Who's first then," He assks as he climbs to the ground.

At the offer of aid, Hek declines with a gruff. "I'm alright.. finding the tapes.." And with that he disappears off into the warehouse, his shadow flickckering on the walls from time to time as the circuit breaker box continues to spark and sputter.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence + Security Systems:
1 1 3 4 4 5 5 9 10

«Plot» Hek says, "Highest roll is a 9, +1 from the novacoke, -2 for the wound"

Alyse looks between the pair and moves over to the crate, collecting their prize and waving a hand. "It hurts like a bitch…but i'll live long enough for us to get out of here, don't worry.

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Biotech for "First Aid check 1":
1 2 3 5 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Biotech for "First Aid check 2":
2 2 4 5 8

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek, you find a room built into the corner, not a large one that looks like it might hold the surveillance system. The door is locked with a maglock"

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls 1 for "Does my medkit run out of supplies?":

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls 1 for "Does my medkit run out of supplies? Test 2":

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 9:
1 1 3 3 4 4 9 10 16

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls Biotech vs TN 9 for "First Aid on Tim":
1 1 1 2 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Chaz (#4325) rolls 1 for "Does my medkit run out of supplies?":

«Plot» Hek says, "I just added the two skills together and rolled the total dice"

«Plot» Argos says, "You remove the case in 20 seconds."

«Plot» Chaz says, "I'm out of supplies, need to spend 300ny on a refill. Can be taken out of my pay for this mission?"

«Plot» Argos says, "Sure, can ask the Johnson to get you a refill and take it out of your pay"

«Plot» Argos says, "Hek, the electronics TN will be 7"

Despite the pain, Hek sets to work at doing what he does best. With a couple of simple tools: prybars and probes, he manages to get the case off of the maglock and set to work on the insides. With the poor lighting and the pain in his chest, the simple layout of the circuitry proves to be a royal pain in the ass for him. The nagging suspicion in the back of his head that the local law enforcement might be showing up at any moment does not make staying focused any easier.
«Plot» Argos says, "Already added in your wound modifiers to the TN"

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 2 2 13

«Plot» Argos says, "Takes you a minute to successfully rig it to open. Total of 1 minute and 20 seconds."

Chaz pulls out the materials from his satchel to get the medkit. He starts with Tim, bandaging up the source of the wounds securely as can be with the quality of the warehouse being as it is. He sighs as he works on the man, looking him over. "Might need to pick up some extra armor next time," He mutters.

Meanwhile, while this is going on, Alyse is using her magical abilities to scan the room trying to encompass what might be there, almost as if she can smell out the medallion. Unable to get the lid open by hand, she seeks something to pry the lid off of, a crowbar or straightedge before finding something.

«Plot» Argos says, "Ok, what's Hek doing once he gets the door open. Just deleting everything?"

After much head scratching and cursing, Hek manages to get into the security room. Once in there, he sets about properly ransacking the place, taking into his possession every last piece of electronic recording media that could have been used to store images of the team and their presence on the site.

«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems:
1 3 5 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Argos (#11351) rolls 1:

«Plot» Hek says, "While in there, he's going to try to see if any alarms have been reported to the police, and if so, try to disarm them"

«Plot» Argos says, "Takes 4 minutes to eject everything and collecting the data"

«Plot» Argos says, "No alarms tripped that you can tell"

Chaz moves towards his vehicle once finished providing medical assistance. He shaes his head and mms, starting the vehicle up, seeking the buttons for the transponder library and morphing plate.

«Plot» Tim says, " Tim will drive he and Alyse back to deliver the medallion and then on home to recuperate."

«Plot» Argos says, "Alright, once you guys leave, law enforcement show up five minutes later. Close call"

«Plot» Chaz will offer medical services as a 'long term' care provider.

Tim and Alyse manage to limp back to the rental and quickly gets them out of the neighborhood. Quickly but not excessively. Just a couple on a drive.

~~~End of Log~~~

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