
GM: Shoeshine
Players: Janssen Drakshi, Vegas, Ansgar
Synopsis: Construction workers are hired to raze a shantytown for development, but run into resistance and lose some of their workers. The only thing to do is call our heroes! Well, protagonists at least.
Date: October 13, 2014

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Annoying yet simple, and simply gross dangers await. I request your consent that you understand that bad people are out there trying to do bad things. And if you get in their way they may make up some to do to you."

«Plot» Vegas says, " I do solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "I consent to evil machinations and suchlike."
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " acquiesces to the risks of the life we lead"

The call goes out through the fixers and faces - meet outside Falstaff's, in Heather Ridge. It's on the 'good side' of the Warrens, so police will be about; but aside from that, Bring Your Shit. Look for a bald-headed, big-eyed dwarf with a leather valise.

Vegas shows up a while before the run, he's been around Falstaff's before so spends some pre-run time availing himself of the whiskey selections there, as time approaches he seeks out Mr. Shine, having done business with him in the past.

Janssen Drashki brings himself, pistol tucked inside the jacket, medkit in the other inner pocket, trying to look legit, just another Ork with a home and a job.

Ansgar the surly ork turns up early in comparison to the meet time, giving him some minutes to scope Falstaffs out. He dissappears down the back alleys and caches a little gear outside the rear entrance, secreting it behind rubbish and beer crates. Then he proceeds to the front of the establishment slightly less armed, but far more prepared. There he proceeds to linger, looking for this supposed job provider.

Shoeshine is in fact a bald-headed, big-eyed dwarf, dressed in 'warrens casual' armor… the kind of coveralls that shed industrial waste and a duster jacket over it which fails to conceal his bulky form. But his head is uncovered, and the easiest thing to note is that he's young for a Johnson-type. He can't be more than twenty. But he's bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and he is indeed carrying a leather valise with rags sticking out of it and an odd footrest on the side - a shoeshiner's valise.
And indeed, he introduces himself. "Hiya! Call me Shoeshine. I have a friend of a friend in construction right down the way," he points down the street. "And they're stuck up on their demolitions work. They're bulldozing a four-block shantytown area to turn it into a vacant lot for construction here in Heather Gardens, and people have been going in and not coming out. Lone Star tear-gassed the street people out of it earlier today, but they left and now the construction team - contractors - are under the gun."

Vegas sits, whiskey in hand, and listens to the younger dwarf speak.

Janssen Drashki says "Which dey left ? De streets people, ors Lone Star ?"

Shoeshine says, "Both! Well, not all the street people, or that's my guess. Someone or something is still here and taking out the final surveyors because they want to stay."

Ansgar gets drawn in as Shoeshine proceeds to speak and he listens. He stares while he listens and his left eye ticks occasionally but he makes no noise. When he's done starting at Shoeshine he turns to stare at the next man and so on. All the while listening to the young dwarf speak. Every now and again he starts and looks around, glancing behind him, occasionally looking off into the distance… basically he appears to be seeing things.

Vegas listens but isn't sure he follows, "So Lonestar chemically evicted the squatters… what's the situation?"

Shoeshine sometimes feels that people aren't listening to him. It's because he's young. "The job is: Go in there, find out what's been taking out the surveyors, stop it. If you feel like being nice and you find surviving surveyors, you could bring them out. The pay is twenty kay nuyen per person. it's a cost-plus option on their contract."

Janssen Drashki says "An dose Lone Stars - I's assumin because de buildin is still standin, nuttin in dere wents dem ?"

Vegas is finally clear on what the situation is. He nods, "Any bonus for bringing out any of the stars?"

Shoeshine says, "Calling them 'buildings' is a stretch. Shacks and tents, connected to some previous walls. Lone Star was part of the contract to evict all the street people, which they did with tear gas and the riot brigade."
Shoeshine says, "I didn't get a number, but I'm sure any survivors will be grateful.

Vegas gives a nod and looks around, trying to figure out what Ansgar's looking at then giving up. "I am assuming time is of the essence and you have my assistance." He looks down at his whiskey apologetically and slugs it back, then starts to get up

Ansgar snaps back to reality perhaps and aims a clarification at Shoeshine, "So, the tear gas got rid of the squatters but there's still something taking out contractors?"

Shoeshine says, "That is what we know right now."

Janssen Drashki says "An we know deys aint usin anytin loud to do it, yah"

Ansgar nods, "Ok." That appears to be the extent of his talking for the moment, and also his acknowledgement of the job. He waits now, still glancing around sharply from moment to moment.

Shoeshine agrees with Janssen. "Yes. Would you like to go talk to the foreman? I bet he will have almost no useful information for you, but it would be good for you to be introduced." He checks his pocsec for the time.

Janssen Drashki says "Goods plan"
Janssen Drashki says "An dere coulds be worse plans dan talkin to de ex residents as well. We know where deys ended ups ?"

Vegas 's thick eyebrows bunch up and he has a thunderous expression, "Or the people we might save die while we're having interviews and tea time.

Janssen Drashki says "Better dems dan me, because we donts find out dat Jimmy de Alligators Shaman lived dere an didnt wants to go"

Shoeshine will bring you all over there, a whole three blocks walk. The construction crew has quite a number of people and quite a number of pieces of heavy machinery, spread out around the four block area.
The four-block area, small as city blocks go, each one less than 100 meters on a side, is your basic dense flea market shantytown. You can see the tents, the lean-tos, the structural walls, the makeshift roofs, the tarpaper shacks; all making a pleasant little maze to run through.
The foreman is an ork of classically burly nature, he even has a stub of a cigar (which is probably in the contract too). He'll shake hands manfully with Shoeshine, who says, "I leave you in their tender hands," and walks off. Said foreman says, "Whaddaya need to know?"

Janssen Drashki says "How many peoples is you missin"

«Plot» Ansgar says, "Quick layout question: Are there any serious buildings or walls or structures at all? Serious as in strong enough to support a metahuman."

«Plot» Vegas says, " I am going to listen to the interviews but look over the shanty town with astral perception, trying to see what might be there on more than simply a visual level."

Ansgar collects his piece from his hiding place before following, tucking it into his jacket, which would seem awkward as it's an smg. Still, it tucks, and he follows, seemingly unhindered by having the metalwork jammed against his chest. He glances over the shantytown while Janssen addresses the foreman, then looks over at Vegas, then shrugs and starts to waltz into the 'danger area' so to speak.

«Plot» Ansgar will also be running astral perception, and pulsing magic sense at very regular intervals.

The foreman says, "Six. Our two surveyors went in to find the power lines, gas mains, and fiber cables. Didn't come out, no radio, no pocsec. So we went in four to get them, with armor and guns and crowbars. Didn't come out, no radio, no pocsec. Called Lone Star; they said they were already there today and would get to us when they could. Maybe I shouldn't have held them quite so stricly to their contract. Anyway, I called Shoeshine, he said he was busy but would get me someone."

Janssen Drashki says "Whens you says armor an guns an crowbars, we's talkin de sorts of stuff dat you'd take to de Arms for a staurday night, yah ? Heat buts nots dat much heat"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Layout: The walls that used to be part of buildings will definitely hold a metahuman. No actual building-material roofs or second stories remain. The shanties, tarpaper shacks, and lean-tos? Some of them will, especially if you step right."

Vegas listens and asks over his shoulder, "You have radios? They say anything before it went quiet?

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Astral: From the outside, the place looks like a standard shantytown. It's on the edge between Background Count 1 and Background Count 2, but still holds to 1, because the people squatting there had homes, food, and jobs, even if it was begging. If they were really bad they'd be living in the Warrens."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Magic Sense: Tell me your range."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "35 meters."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "At this instant, no magic save what you have with you."

The foreman answers, "Grunts of surprise. They didn't have the radios always running, they were pressing to talk. And whatever happened, they wasn't pressing."

Vegas gives a nod and, seeing nothing astrally lets his concentration go. He turns his head back, "Where did they enter? The rats nest here looks like you could pick a wall and push your way in."

Janssen Drashki has a look around for anything that might be handy for us.

The foreman also agrees with Janssen about his assessment of the weapons the people going in had. Pistols, crowbars, the kind of street armor you wear on the Maglev.
The foreman points out two entrances.

Ansgar gets closer to the shantytown and then kicks off into a short run and hits one of the main structural walls, then just sort of… runs right up it until he can catch the top and pull himself up. Then he proceeds to scan the area from his n
ew vantage.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You may perceive, TN 10"
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence vs TN 10:
1 2 3 7 7 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, "I'd like to roll scorunging, for anything I can credibly rip off the construction company, I mean "use to help the mission be a success""
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You look around, Janssen. They probably have pistols, crowbars, street armor, rope, tools."

«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 4 vs TN 4:
2 9 10 19 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "If you can think of any tools you would like to ask to borrow, say so. You can get a copy of their contract if you like, which indicates that the street people are currently incarcerated by Lone Star and will be until tomorrow. I'm not sure what of any value you think you can get or might want."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar dashes up a wall. Other than being quite obvious, he doesn't see anything of incredible utility. Though he's pretty sure no one else is perched on a rooftop ready to snipe down at them."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "From Vegas's low-down vantage, he too sees nothing of use."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " I'll take a copy of the contract, two of their radios, a sledgehammer, samples of their corporate ID cards, some rope and some cutting tools"

Vegas gives a shrug and puts on his comm and gives those nearby the frequency.
Commlink-Chance> Vegas says, "Testing."

Janssen Drashki says "Pass me two of dose ID cards. We cans do some juju to try and find de others, if we'se lucky"

Ansgar crouches on top of the wall, hands down to steady between his feet. His head rotates but he spies nothing strange yet, not even with his extra senses.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Verily, you lift the copy of their contract. You can either lift or be allowed to borrow their ordinary push to talk radios. They don't willingly give you their ID cards, but they do give you the rope. They say, "Be careful with that angle grinder. You can cut off your own leg with it if you don't know how to use it.""

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Are you ready to go in or do you have more preperatory things to do?"

«Plot» Vegas says, " I am ready to go."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " ready as I'll ever be"

«Plot» Ansgar already in. Also no comm by the way.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You anticipated my question. Who has comms? If you don't, do you take a push-to-talk radio? Does everyone have one? (They will give you three if you need.) But you cannot subvocalize with them."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " I have a transceiver R2 (#8292:8)"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Throat mike or no throat mike, Janssen?"

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " Not listed, so no"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar, do you take a push to talk radio?"

«Plot» Ansgar says, "If one of the other two insist by actually giving him one he'll take it. Otherwise no."

Vegas , seeing his two partners without the gear to use a comm system, picks up a push to talk mic as well, aware that anyone on the build site can listen in to their conversations and really not a fan of that.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Thusly, it is noted by the other two, say, when Vegas tries to hand out comm frequencies and when Janssen makes a point of getting radios, that Ansgar does not have one. Do you hand one to him?"

Janssen Drashki tosses Ansgar a push-to-talk.

Vegas will take one for the wandering adept, should he be close enough to offer it.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So it is written, so it is done."
There being nothing else to do, the three of you no doubt prepare to go in. I have heard the following preparations: Ansgar will be pulsing his Magic Sense from time to time, and switching in and out of his Astral Perception as he goes. Does anyone else have any other preparations and standards by which they intend to proceed?

Ansgar catches the radio, presuming an alert is shouted his way, otherwise it bounces off his head. No, he catches it, and pockets it. Glancing down at his two partners in crime he gestures out at the area, making a circle motion, "We should go corner by corner. Search."

Vegas looks up at Ansgar for a moment to see if he's joking, "Whatever's in there has downed six lightly armed thugs. I don't think splitting up is the wisest maneuver.

Janssen Drashki says ""I's wid de dorf on dis. Stay togethers, den we all gets ambushed togethers'"

Vegas will keep his eyes open in dwarvish thermo fashion and keep his eyes on the swivel, but not be astrally perceiving unless he feels need dictates. He has his rifle unslung and his pistol on his hip.

Janssen Drashki gets out his Ares Predator, making sure it's loaded

Ansgar rolls his eyes and then replies to the pair, "I said go corner by corner, not split up. Clean your ears. I'll stay above." With that he stands and proceeds along the wall with seeming ease, balance comes naturally to him.

«Plot» Ansgar says, "Ansgar will be permanently in astral perception and probably pulsing magic sense every 15 seconds or so. It's a habit."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "Any time he has to leave a proper structural wall he'll glide over shanty tops to the nearest solid surface. He has to land, as in put down his weight, every 7 meters or less."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So sometimes Ansgar can make it, and sometimes not. Now:"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "I am being led to believe that you will be moving all together. Walls such as Ansgar is using are not everywhere, although they do provide a critical structural bulwark against the weather, and various much less impressive structures are molly-bolted to them. Thus, you actually enter, and begin:"

«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 6 for "I am setting a target number with this stealth roll":
1 1 2 2 9 11
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Perception, TN 11."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 2 3 4 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 (EP) vs TN 11:
2 3 3 3 5 7 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Intelligence:
4 4 4 5 11
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 11 for "kp:1":
1 3 3 3 8 15 = 1 Success
«Plot to Janssen and Vegas» 'The two of you spot it at near the same time, being lower to the ground. One of the rooftop 'beams' that holds up stuff is attached to a steel cable, that's attached to some precarious looking things.. that's attached to some plastic fishing line across the way.'.
«Plot» Shoeshine has given out appropriate information.

Janssen Drashki points to his eyes, then the fishing line

Vegas spots it as well and pulls out his wire cutters and quickly cuts it to prevent triggering the tripwire in the future.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "It takes a mildly steady hand, yet is easily done. The triggering rubble is undisturbed, and you may walk on."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 for "Another stealth roll to set a TN":
1 1 2 8

Ansgar proceeds along the wall until the wall is no longer appropriate for keeping up with his comrades and he turns, running across a corrugated tin roof with barely a sound before dropping from an edge back down to ground level, having been forced to reside with the dirtwalkers for a while. He does not notice the tripwire, because it was set for dirtwalkers and he is a skywalker, of course. That's why.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Perceptions TN 8."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 8:
1 1 2 3 5 7 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Intelligence:
3 3 4 5 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 8:
1 3 3 4 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine really should have had something better for this one, but:
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "1=ansgar, 2-3=Janssen, 4-5=Vegas, 6+=comedy":
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "This will be a reaction check. Because you didn't see the target, your Reaction TN is 6. The assailant will be rolling TN 2, because they were laying in wait."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 vs TN 2:
2 3 4 5 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Reaction vs TN 6:
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Surprise round:"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "A stray cat hisses loudly and viciously claws Vegas in the ankle."
Vegas seriously resists the urge to make the world a nicer place by one cat.

«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 4 for "Hiss! Hiss I say! Fft!":
2 2 2 2 3 3 4 7 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You can use combat pool and body to soak 2M physical. (Base damage was 2L, and the 2 successes make it 2M.)"

«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls 4 vs TN 2:
2 2 2 4 = 4 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Verily, Vegas fully soaks. You may all roll inits, if you like."

«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Initiative with a result of 19.
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Initiative with a result of 16.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "+2 init":
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Initiative with a result of 6.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Vegas, the cat's fate is in your hands."

Janssen Drashki is relieved that theres something alive here. I was thinking about casting Detect Life, as there should have been rats and drek

Vegas kicks at the cat in a stun-damage way but mostly in a spook-it-away manner. He has no urge to kill a stray cat despite his frustration.

The cat backs away, still hissing and puffing up. Assuming the rest of you do not wish to end or punish it, you can look a bit more. It's kind of strange that it isn't running; after all, this place was tear-gassed earlier. And when you look, why there it is, her litter of newborn kittens all tucked in behind some trash and a shielding bit of drywall.

Vegas doesn't land the kick, instead he backs away slowly.

Janssen Drashki leaves der little furballs alones

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Proceeding on."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 6 for "another stealth to set difficulty":
1 1 3 5 9 10
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Perception TN 10."

Ansgar finds himself distracted by the cat, for too long and admonishes himself mentally before turning back to paranoid scanning of his surroundings.
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 10:
2 3 3 3 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 10:
1 2 3 3 4 11 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Intelligence vs TN 10:
1 2 4 4 9 = 0 Successes

This one Ansgar sees. It's a heavy pistol, conveniently placed on a sort of countertop just inside a tarpaper shack with no door, slightly hidden by an overhang. It's odd because like, would a bum have a 500y heavy pistol? It's your basic old-school Predator, just like the ones the contractors showed. Why is it here?

«Plot» Vegas says, "Ansgar, are you pointing it out to the rest of us?"

Ansgar raises a hand and gestures to the pistol to indicate it's presence to the others. He doesn't run over and grab it or anything.

Vegas looks at it and tries to see where the mechanism to make it fire is, tripwire or pressure plate.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "There appears to be no mechanism attached to it. It's just.. on a countertop. The countertop does not appear to be gimmicked or a pressure plate."

Janssen Drashki gets his knife out and moves several meters left, looks at Vegas and Anshar and motions, as if to cut through the tar-paper wall

Vegas backs out of the field of fire of the pistol, then, waiting to see.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Let me know if you cut the wall open to enter the shack. Even though the doorway has no door. A cursory examination reveals no filament, but who knows."

Ansgar sniffs after a round of examination is done, "Perhaps one of the contractors is nearby," he notes in probably-not-quiet-enough.

Janssen Drashki cuts through the wall, knife in the left hand, pistol in the right

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Janssen enters without difficulty. He approaches the firearm.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Contrary to media belief, it does not leap up and injure him."

Janssen Drashki looks around, knowing why slum dwellers have 500cr pistols, and also knowing they're unlikely to leave without it

Vegas mutters, "Even odds the pistol's busted and it's just used to threaten."

Ansgar remains outside the shack, on lookout so to speak.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Further examination indicates that people were required to leave this tarpaper shack in great haste. Also, behind the bed is a manhole cover and a rusty discarded tool used to remove it for its use as sanitary disposal. From the smell in that area, the inhabitant was only occasionally lazy about it."

Janssen Drashki picks it up if nothing obvious appears to be a threat

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Huzzah. Janssen picks it up; a basic Predator with standard ammo. Nothing bad happens."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " scores. Thats a weeks synthsoy, where he comes from"

Vegas gives a shrug and a look around for anything else that might be about to leap out at them and unmenace them before moving carefully onward.

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " indeed. Sorry we're paranoid and on the looking for booby traps, explosions, cranky alligator shamans and toxic spirits, because OMFRAK WHATS THAT WERE GOANNA DIEEEEEE"
Janssen Drashki replaces the manhole cover, because only bad things come out of sewers

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Now, a roll just for Ansgar and his Magic Sense: TN 10. Perception, use your extra die."
«Plot After The Fact» This is a summoned F4 city spirit using 'Search' to try to find where in the 4 blocks our PCs are, thus 8 dice against their intelligences Ansgar can possibly detect that with his magic sense as it sweeps over him.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 8 for "My TN is your Intelligences: 6, 5, 5":
1 2 2 3 4 5 11 20
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 10:
1 1 1 2 3 13 = 1 Success
«Plot to Ansgar» with 'Pulse on the Magic Sense - something flashed by in the astral just now. A power. Not a being, a power.'.

«Plot» Ansgar says, "Is there in the immediate vicinity a solid enough roof or wall to climb?"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "There is within ten meters."

«Plot» Ansgar will proceed to there and climb it. Posing.

Ansgar suddenly jerks, then spins his head around, then grunts, "Magic," before turning and running to go climb something. He seems to have an affliction that is only aided by more height.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "No particular slaying occurs as of yet, so Ansgar again climbs to a desired height on a load-bearing wall."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Any other actions?"

«Plot» Ansgar will be looking around, the usual.

Vegas will react to Ansgar's warning by shifting to astral perception.

Janssen Drashki steps back out of the tar paper shack, back to where theres a little better visibility, making sure he can see one or both of Vegas or Anshar

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Some thirty seconds or so after the pulse…"
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 for "Stealth test, I have a +4 bonus":
2 4 5 5
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "TN 9 perception."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 9:
1 1 1 3 5 16 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 9:
1 1 3 3 4 9 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Intelligence vs TN 9:
2 2 4 8 10 = 1 Success
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Unsurprisingly, you all roll well when I am thinking of doing anything to you:"

It's easy to understand how Ansgar spots the … thing, but it's a little more random how Janssen and Vegas do. They must have found a corridor of view, whereupon they can see the pale face of a woman lean out from behind a wall, about 100 meters away.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "None of you are surprised or surprisable, you may roll for inits."

«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Initiative with a result of 5.
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Initiative with a result of 16.
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Initiative with a result of 23.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "+15 pale woman":
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Vegas 23, Pale Woman 20, Ansgar 16, Janssen 5."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Vegas, it is your move. You have just caught a distant 100 meter glimpse of a woman's face leaning out to get eyes on to you. It has just been an instant. You have rolled only 1 success on your roll so you know very little."

«Plot» Vegas says, "Did my astral perception give me anything more than "pale woman in the distance? Any traces of magic?""

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You have only seen her for an instant. In order to 'Assense' her requires a simple action, and then a perception test tn 4, tn 5 with background count 1."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "I could add to the bastardy and gie her +4 cover but I choose not to."

«Plot» Vegas will assense. He's already perceiving astrally so will not require an additional simple for that.
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 5:
1 2 3 3 11 14 = 2 Successes
«Plot to Vegas» "It is a City Spirit. The face you see is a bit of trash that has become animated and is a part of her body in the real world." to Vegas.
Vegas racks the rifle and squeezes off a round, taking half a second to let his astral perception slide away before doing so.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "TN: 101 meter shot, +4 cover, base tn 5 for rifle so 9 - 7 with smartlink."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Rifles + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 7 for "Vmag 3, 9s Standard ammo":
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Rifles + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 7 for "Vmag 3, 9s Standard ammo kp:2":
2 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 8 10 = 3 Successes
«Plot» Vegas says, " Stand"
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 2 for "against 9S+3 successes, I need 9 successes, so I cannot get away clean - immunity to normal weapons gives armor 8":
1 1 2 3 4 4 4 7 = 6 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 + Combat Pool: 4 - 6 vs TN 2 for "kp 1":
2 3 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "It takes Light."
«Plot to Vegas» "The woman's face is a face on a page of a magazine, made of paper."

Vegas mutters as he hefts his Remington 950 and squeezes off a round, "City spirit, through the tarps." He squeezes off a round as quickly as he can, having to focus hard on it. He gives a curse as the thin paper proves resilient due to the animating spirit. He watches the bullet crease the old print and do little more.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "City Spirit (who is using the page of a paper magazine as a face). She uses the 'Accident' power on Ansgar, who is precariously perched at least 10 feet/3 meters up. Even though it is totally unreasonable for him to slip and fall, he slips and falls, because there is no defense against the power. The only thing that can be done, is soak. In this case, it becomes falling damage, based on the spirit's Force, which is 4. Because he is at least 3 meters up, it's M damage. Half impact. So what is your impact?"

«Plot» Ansgar says, "I also possess freefall 2, for 4 meters of falling without counting towards damage."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Beaucoup! You may pose your fall without damage."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Then it will be your turn."

Ansgar is about to spring up to lay chase, when his foot slips and slides down the face of the wall, finding no purchase. Without grace he flops sideways off the wall and lands in the walkway. He seems none the worse for wear however, as he stands up and /then/ begins to make chase, setting off to run the person thing down, drawing a knife as he goes.

«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) has the Attribute Quickness with the value '6'.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So you run 18 meters per turn, and thusly you cover 6 meters. Let's say this round your 'action' would be getting up and getting going. When you devote a complex action to running, you get to do the athletics roll to up your running speed."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Janssen."
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " casts a Stunbolt 4M at the City spirit. 2 Dice to effect, 3 to resist drain. TN?
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "The background count is 1 and it has +4 cover, so tn 4 (force 4) +1 +4, or 9."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "For verily, it is a bastard."

«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 9:
1 2 2 3 5 8 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 9 vs TN 4:
1 2 3 4 4 4 7 10 10 = 6 Successes
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " resisted the drain though"

Janssen Drashkicalls power into himself, wiggles the fingers of his left hand and says words in a language he does not understand 'T'rweg ginsha to'dorka' as he throws a bolt of very light purple light at the spirit … missing it

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Second pass: Vegas."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Rifles + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 7 for "Vmag 3, 9s Standard ammo":
1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 7 9 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Rifles vs TN 7 for "Vmag 3, 9s Standard ammo, recoil fully compensated":
1 1 2 3 3 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 vs TN 2 for "It looks bad for our poor spirit going against 9s+2, needs 8 successes":
2 2 3 5 = 4 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "The spirit takes a moderate from the second shot, and is now at 4 boxes, pose."

Vegas keeps his eye on the spirit and pulls off another round, only shifting slightly to try and keep it in sight. He squeezes the trigger once then twice, having a hard time getting around the cover the spirit has and sending shots towards the solid shape of the aggregate of the local flavor. His rifle rocks back softly each time but only one shot hits and the other tears a hole through a tarp and smashes against an unseen concrete wall

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Spirit: She will use her 'Fear' power on one of you randomly. Fortunately, I think you all have good Willpowers, and she is wounded. Then she will drop prone behind cover."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "1-2 ansgar, 3-4 Janssen, 5+ vegas":
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) has the Attribute Willpower with the value '6'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 vs TN 8 for "Fear, at +2 tn wound pens":
1 2 3 17 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 - 1 vs TN 8 for "Fear, at +2 tn wound pens kp3":
2 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Stand. Your Tn is 4, with your willpower."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Willpower vs TN 4:
2 2 3 4 4 11 = 3 Successes
As ordered, the spirit of the pale woman attempts to put the fear into the charging skywalker. However, the bullet-holes in her paper face make her substantially less fearful than if, say, she had led in with that ability. Then she falls prone, and by doing so disappears from sight.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "Keep running, run down where she hid, keep a look out on the way."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Janssen does not get another action…"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Vegas, last action."

«Plot» Vegas says, "When she dropped down is she behind hard cover or tarpaper?"
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "1-3 hard cover, 4-6 tarpaper":
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "It looks like building material."
Vegas will ready an action to shoot if she pops back up, but doesn't believe he can penetrate the building material.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "New round. She will be using her next two actions to go into the Astral Plane and flee. Does anyone think they can cover the remaining 90 ish meters and do something to her in that length of time?"

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " not me. And I dont particularly want to"

«Plot» Vegas says, "I cannot nor would I be able to do anything if I could."

«Plot» Ansgar says, "Not unless she flees particularly slowly and where I can see her."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Right. So…"
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "1-2 something bad for Ansgar the running man, well, ork":
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 6 for "My stealth to set the TN":
1 4 5 7 8 22
«OOC» Shoeshine says, "Ut oh."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Perception for Ansgar, TN 22. Unfortunately, my cleverness is incorrect for this, but hey."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 22:
1 3 3 5 8 8 = 0 Successes
«OOC» Ansgar says, "Heh."

Sadly for our too-clever-by-half bastards, this was a pit trap intended to catch people charging forwards to engage the spirit. So, when Ansgar puts his foot down on what is just some trash covering a yawning pit, in all improbability he continues gliding right the hell over it to the other side. Doesn't that suck? This pit was notably deeper, too.

«Plot After The Fact» Every 7th meter Ansgar actually puts weight down:
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "a 1 means it is the magical 7th meter.":
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You skate."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " If I have an action, I'll cast Clairvoyance at 2 to have a look at where she came from - 5 dice to effect, 0 to resist drain"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Go for it, Janssen. +2 tn to reach 100 meters.

«Plot» Vegas says, "I will be shifting, once more, to astral perception and trying to get a view on what's going on."
Vegas lowers his rifle and watches Janssen concentrating, waiting until he's finished before he says, "We should try and catch up."

«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 7 vs TN 8:
1 1 1 2 4 5 9 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 2:
1 2 4 4 5 5 = 5 Successes
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " resisted the drain, 1 success"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You might well see the trash that the spirit had swirled up into her body ade and become lifeless, as she moves back to the astral and then flees at superspeed."

Janssen Drashkieyes rioll back into his forehead as he sees somewhere else, and then snaps back and he barks 'Nuttin in de room she came from'

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Back to Ansgar. In my looking at Gliding, I have to think that you do know when you are actually using it to keep you up versus using it because you love having it on."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So I do think that you know about the pit."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "Fair enough."

Ansgar isn't going to slow down, you never know if the summoner of said spirit is just around the corner or something, so instead he grabs that push-to-talk and yells into it, "I just ran over a pit trap."

Vegas gives a nod, "Good to know. Think we can catch up?" He hears the walkie talkie crackle on, "Got it!" He says back into it, "See anything?" he responds.

Janssen Drashki says " looks at Vegas and gets ready to follow the dwarf"
Janssen Drashki says "Nuttin in de room she cames from"

Vegas starts down the path he saw Ansgar go, at more of a trot than a sprint, and looking for that pit that was mentioned.

Janssen Drashkifollows Vegas, pistol out, adrenaline rolling

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "If you choose to follow the given path, you may try a TN22 perception."
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Initiative vs TN 22:
5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Intelligence vs TN 22:
1 1 2 4 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 22:
1 1 2 5 5 11 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So you know that there's a pit there. You aren't running, you aren't foolish. But you just don't know where it is. So right around where Ansgar is 100 meters away and finding nothing, your foot, too, will come down on nothing. But of course, it's not like you were running headlong under the FEAR power which was actually the idea. So:"
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 4 for "the trapmaking build/repair roll":
3 5 7 9
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "tn 9 quickness."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Quickness vs TN 9:
1 3 3 3 4 5 = 0 Successes
Vegas plummets.

Janssen Drashkiswears 'Frak' as he follows Vegas, seeing him drop down the pit

Vegas is in front, so doubts Janssen will fall.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So, by +info combat falling, this is a 7 meter fall, which is 3S damage against half impact armor."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 8 vs TN 2:
1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 9 = 11 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "While I am sure that the intent of the rules don't take into account using combat pool for this, around here you can always add combat pool to soak and my only remedy would be to have you viciously attacked by devil rats on the same combat round, down twenty feet in the muck you just fell into. Sadly, no such devil rats exist. What you do get, however, is a…"

Vegas simply bounces with a string of profanities and promises of physical violence upon the person who went and left a great gaping hole in the middle of the ground.

"Mrow?" says the slightly disturbed cat making demon-eyes at you in the dim light down the sewer tunnel. He is using the storm drain tunnel for shelter.

Vegas gives the cat a dirty look and makes a mental note to have the committee review the membership of felines on the list of animals he won't shoot.

Janssen Drashki gets out the rope he snarfed from the construction site, keeping an eye out for the summoner of the city spirit

Ansgar keeps on running, he's got his eyes on where he wants to be and his knife ready to make somebody's day bad when he gets there. Sadly when he gets there, there are no bodies to bloody. Instead he finds the nearest thing that will support his weight and runs up it to scout.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Eventually, you can all form up yet again."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Do you then continue your search patterning in general?"

«Plot» Ansgar says, "Presuming there is nary a thing to be seen from the spirits position, that is what I would suggest."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " Im assuming there's a cranky mage who had a hideout here that he doesn't want to abandon"

Vegas climbs out, dripping muck and slime and yet more muttered vile threats of harm, he stops this and looks up at Janssen, "Thanks." he says as he unties the rope from his waist and checks his rifle to make sure it wasn't fouled by the drop.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "The people at Remington have clearly made a sturdy hunting rifle for just such an occasion."

«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Magic Background for "City Spirit? That's a shaman right?":
2 3 3 17
«Plot To Ansgar»'Yes indeed.'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Toxic Sites for "This place have the hallmarks?":
1 2 7

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "This place is much too nice to be toxic. The background count is just 1."

«Plot» Ansgar says, "As expected."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "But you never know with those filthy toxics."

Upon reuniting with the other two Ansgar descends from his scouting post and nods to them, "Definitely a shaman in here. Can't be any more careful though, so just eyes out for magic."

Vegas gives a nod as he shakes rainwater and muck off his cloak. He dials it to urban camo and begins to creep his way forward before rolling his perception

«Plot» Vegas says, "Oh, were there any signs of the surveyors down in the pit when I was enjoying the sights?"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "No."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "In any case. As you form up, enough information has filtered back to the enemy in question that they have decided to quit dorking around."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 for "Stealthiness":
1 2 3 3 5
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Hearing based perception, tn 5+4=9, if you have enhanced hearing, now's the time, if you have spatial sound analyzers, now is the time."

«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Intelligence vs TN 9:
3 3 5 10 10 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 9:
2 2 3 3 4 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Intelligence vs TN 9:
1 1 3 3 5 7 = 0 Successes
«Plot to Janssen» Definitely some rustling going on, about 50 meters thataway, in the next block over. Looks like whoever it is is keeping way low so as not to be in line of sight. Funny that.

Janssen Drashki points to the direction, then taps his ear twice with the hand not carrying the pistol.

Vegas listens but hears nothing, but keeps alert.
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Stealth for "+4 visual due to appropriate camo.":
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 7 9
Ansgar similarly hears nothing, but follows the cue and stays quiet.

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " casting Clairvoyance-2 at that site. Same TN 9, same 5 dice to effect"
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 7 vs TN 9:
1 1 1 2 3 9 9 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 2 vs TN 6:
1 3 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 2:
1 1 3 5 5 13 = 4 Successes
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, "Drain resisted"

«Plot to Janssen» You think the sound is coming from a particular lean-to. There's an oven and a range there, a countertop, a bed, even a little disturbed bookshelf and closed footlocker. Some sheets are hung up for privacy. But you see nobody."

Janssen Drashkihas his eyes roll abck and he goes back into the World. 'Deres a little lean to dt way. Paper books, an deys aint natural for here. We found de bunny'
Janssen Drashki says "I tink we should makes him an offer, rather dan do killin"

Vegas nods and slings his rifle, heading towards the lean to then, hands up and open and clearly unarmed. He is still perceiving astrally but has no weapons in his hands as he approaches quietly. Vegas is, clearly, out of stealth.

Janssen Drashki says "'You know I lifted de contract, an has a list of his people ?'"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So; all stealth abandoned, approaching the little lean-to with sheets around it?"

Ansgar is willing to go along, but his knife is still out in his hand and it glows like a bitch astrally, which he knows, so he doesn't bother with sneaking.

Vegas is, unless someone calls him an idiot. Then he might anyway because he's stubborn.
Vegas talks in cityspeak, "You in there, I don't want to hurt you.

«Plot» Ansgar says, "Yeah, but I'll let Vegas take the fall since he seems willing. (him first)"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So, Vegas and Ansgar are approaching. Let's say Vegas and Ansgar are now at 35 meters, and Janssen at 50, okay?"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "For that is when Ansgar should make his Magic Sense roll, TN 6."

«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 6:
1 2 2 2 3 5 = 0 Successes
«OOC» Ansgar says, "Well the one time."
«OOC» Shoeshine says, "Hi-larious. Going to karma? Because, like, standing and pulsing ten times and asking for more rolls is not the way it goes."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "All righty. Creep creep creep. Nothing. Calling out. Nothing. Creep creep creep. Nothing. Now you are right outside the lean-to. The lean-to is perhaps three meters by three meters inside, with hanging curtains so you cannot see within."

«Plot» Vegas looks for more traps or tripwires before doing anything else.

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " goes closer, keeping the other two within visual for when the shammy drops out of invis"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Who, dare I ask, goes inside? When? Where? You look, again; and you perceive astrally, again, and you see nothing. Of course, you cannot see astrally through a sheet, or a wall.. oh hey, interesting. Another perception roll TN 6 just for Ansgar."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "This is not Magic Sense."

«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Intelligence + 1 vs TN 6:
1 2 3 3 4 4 = 0 Successes
«OOC» Ansgar snorts.
«OOC» Shoeshine says, "Okay. I am keeping my tidbit of information but I am whispering it to myself to put it in the log."
«Plot to Shoeshine the GM» Ansgar failed to notice that there are no curtain walls here.

«Plot» Ansgar remains close enough to Vegas to help if he gets in trouble.
«Plot» Ansgar says, "To help with knife."

Vegas looks for a stick or pole, failing that he'll crouch, one hand resting on the grip of his pistol, and starts to lift the corner of the sheet.

Janssen Drashki says clearly and obviously 'I gots de list of people de Star arrested. We'se bein paid, an if we can get de Stars back, den we can trades body fors body'

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "A stick or poking implement is easy enough to find, and find it is. Lifting up the curtain, you can see what Janssen saw. A little secluded area, three meters by three meters. Imagine it like a tic-tac-toe grid, with #1 in the top left:"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "1-2-3"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "4-5-6"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "7-8-9"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "The oven/range is in #1. The kitchen counter with cupboards above and below is in 2. The bed is at 3 and 6, and the footlocker is at the foot of the bed, at 9. The bookshelf is at 8."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "There is enough room to stand in any of these locations."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar and Vegas, where do you wish to be? Janssen, do you want to be 50 meters away?"

Vegas looks around the room slowly, again using sight beyond sight to see if someone's hiding from him.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Your sight beyond sight shows you nothing clearly visible."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " I'd prefer to be about 25 away"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Janssen is now 25 meters away."

«Plot» Ansgar will remain outside the nook house thing, and look around outside, since the inside appears to be empty.

Vegas says to Janssen, "Well, that's about jack shit."

«Plot» Vegas says, "IS there a raised area? Are we under open sky?"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Just outside the leanto, there is open sky. Just inside, there is not."

Vegas will look around the room, specifically for anything that looks like it's recently been moved, such as to reveal a bolt hole.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "To which location do you go first on the tic-tac-toe board?"

Janssen Drashki says "'We'se just contractors. We'se bein paid to lives or die. But dey'll trade deres for yours, if de ones you gots is still alive'"

«Plot» Vegas says, " 3 and 6, the bed."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar, you are just outside I assume? Which box are you outside? It can be any one you like except 5 because that doesn't border the outside."

«Plot» Ansgar says, "7"

Vegas nods and responds, "I'm going on the idea this is someone who doesn't want to leave. As long as they haven't tried to kill me or killed the surveyors, I'm not in any need to kill them. However if either of these things change I will probably not be so merciful.
Vegas says, "Nothing that's happened to us, yet, has been with any intent to kill. Even the pit was just muck and an angry cat at the bottom.

Ansgar grunts in response, "Are you trying to reassure yourself or talk to the spirits?"

Vegas mutters under his breath, maybe heard or not, "Probably both."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Excellent. It makes no difference whether Vegas stands in 3 or 6, as they are both 1 meter away from the grenade that is going off in the cupboard under the kitchen counter. That puts Ansgar 3 meters away. The creature inside there obviously didn't need to move or breathe, and just triggered the explosive when you got close to begin the excitement."

«OOC» Vegas says, "Well… that changes things."
«OOC» Ansgar says, "Imminently."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "We can call it a 'surprise round' or whatever, but it's more like a 'happening.' It's a 9S explosion against impact for Vegas, and a 7S explosion against impact for Ansgar. And it clears away this area right nicely. I will tell you what you see after you soak."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) has the Armor Rating Impact with the value '0 (4)'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 3 for "Need 6":
1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 13 = 7 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Body + 8 vs TN 3 for "6 impact":
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 = 11 Successes

Janssen Drashkidives to the ground as the explosion rips through the air

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So you both will take nothing. Which will learn me for not starting the round with surprise."

Vegas drops everything he has and jerks his head down the moment he hears the faint ping of a spoon letting loose from a grenade. He feels the smack and scrape of shrapnel into his armor and has the wind driven from him, but doesn't feel the sharp cold shock of something tearing bits off of him.

Ansgar ducks his head and lifts an arm as the explosion rocks him and all the surroundings, splinters and chunks of gypsum bouncing off him cinematically. "Not trying to kill us," he manages to grunt sarcastically, and then coughs in the ensuing dust.

It's always funny what people are saying right when the explosions go off. It's very loud, seeing as it happens right there, with just the faintest >tok< of a grenade held by someone curled up inside that cupboard being dropped within. Maybe the particle board saved you. But rising up from within the smoke of the explosion is… nothing. At least, nothing to normal vision because it's invisible, although Vegas and Ansgar can both see with their astral perception that in physical form, it is an smallish ork woman. Why she took no damage from a point blank grenade will likely be obvious if they take the time to assense, but in her right hand is an invisible crowbar and in her left, another grenade.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Inits."
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Initiative with a result of 10.
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Initiative with a result of 17.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "+16":
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ork woman 22."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Initiative with a result of 11.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ork woman 22, Vegas 17, Ansgar 11, Janssen 10."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "The ork woman, annoyed, will toss this grenade at Ansgar's feet, 3 meters away, short range. She actually has to roll for this, which gives her possible benefits and penalties."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "scatter":
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "Throwing":
4 4 4 5 5 = 5 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So, the 5 successes reduce the scatter to 10, making your base damage 10S +5 successes. You DO have all your combat pool back, this is a new round."

«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 8 vs TN 6 for "Needs 6":
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 8 - 1 vs TN 6 for "KP1":
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 8 - 1 vs TN 6 for "KP3":
1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 7 9 10 = 3 Successes
«Plot» Ansgar says, "Stand."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "I see a Serious physical."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Meanwhile, that puts it 2 meters from Vegas, so he has 8S + 5 successes to deal with."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 8 vs TN 3 for "6 impact armor":
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 8 9 11 = 10 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "That looks like a Light to me."

Janssen Drashkiwaits, ready to run in and try and pick up pieces

Vegas grunts hard as he takes the impact and feels the cutting edges of grenade casing fragments drive through the armor and give him some lovely wounds to explain later. Now, blood dripping out of his side and back, he's distinctly less inclined to live and let live.

Ansgar is blown up and away by the grenade exploding at his feet and lands on his back a meter or so further along. He groans heavily as he rolls to his side and spits a gob of phlegmy blood out onto the dusty ground. He heaves a cough and tosses the now worthless walkie-talkie aside.

The ork woman, of course, is totally unharmed by her own grenade, meaning that she is obviously a spirit, and immune to its effects. That is why she is using a low-powered (comparatively) grenade, and why there are none of the strong building walls around here which might reflect the force of the grenade and cause it to surpass her immunity. (Which was one of the perception tests that Ansgar missed, the TN 6 to go, hey, there's no curtain walls here. The other on was the Magic Sense to detect her exact location while he couldn't see her.)

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Vegas, 17."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Pistols vs TN 6 for "Invisible Orc but astral perception. So +2 for sustaining astral perception. Short range. No Smartlink since it doesn't work with astral sight.":
1 4 5 9 = 1 Success
«Plot» Vegas says, "That's 9m, 3 shot burst, standard ammo, complex action"
«Plot» Vegas says, "Stages up to 12s"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Had this been a simple Heavy Pistol, she would have been totally immune. But since you are wily, you have a tool that can overcome her resistance. She is required to dodge some."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 5 for "tn 5 to dodge burst":
1 2 3 5 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls Combat Pool: 4 - 1 vs TN 5 for "tn 5 to dodge burst kp1":
1 4 19 = 1 Success

She twists out of the way, raising her deadly crowbar.

«Plot» Vegas says, "For the record, it wouldn't have mattered, but my TN should have been 7. I forgot the light wound."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar, your Serious wound reduces your init by 3 to 8. Janssen."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " move up clsoe enough to put a heal on Ansgar. From 25 meters, it will take at least a round, right ?"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "yes. What is your Quickness?"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "And do you have Athletics?"
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " Qick 3, no athletics"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "So you run 9 meters a round, it will actually take you more like 2-3 rounds to get to him. You can roll your Body at TN 8 to add to that a bit. Personally, I realize it will probably suck too, because your enemy is prepared for people like you, but you might want to attack while you move."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You can cast while moving at no penalty unless it is an Elemental Manipulation."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " in that case, I'll throw a Stunbolt-4 at the spirit while moving … body-8. Youn want me to roll the Stunbolt first ? Split 5-0 on effect vs drain"

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Roll the stunbolt. If you stunbolt, you can't do the Body/8 test. Which is useless, so don't bother."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "The base TN for the stunbolt is 5 as it's a force 5 spirit with a 5 willpower, The background count is 1. You must be astrally perceiving, and I think you are. The spirit is using its Spell Defense to protect itself. Astrally perceiving gives no penalty to spells though. So final TN is 6.
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 9 vs TN 6:
1 1 3 5 5 5 8 13 15 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 2:
3 3 3 4 4 11 = 6 Successes
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " 2 successes, and resist drain"

«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 + Sorcery Pool: 2 vs TN 4 for "against 4, the TN of the stunbolt, need 3 successes to totally negate the 3 successes on the stunbolt.":
1 1 4 4 5 5 20 = 5 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "With a warding magical gesture, she passes it aside. You can pose your spell and your moving forwards."

Janssen Drashkigoes foot to foot, calling into his mind a Stunbolt at the spirit to distratc it, hoping it doesnt work too well … ''T'rweg ginsha to'dorka' cries the Ork as he moves closer

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ansgar, at 8."

«Plot» Ansgar will draw his SMG and fire a burst at the spirit. Ready Weapon, burst. Base 6M, EX-ex to 8M, 11S after the burst or 9 power without ammo, I forget if it counts.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "That looks good. You have +3 tn from Serious wounds, +2 tn from having to use Astral Perception to fire.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Close range."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "Recoil is comped, and laser sight for -1."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 8:
1 3 5 5 7 9 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) uses 3 of item 3: SMG Ammo: Ex-ex (caseless) from Weapons (#11106).
«Plot» Ansgar says, "Stand."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "I will not kvetch about using a laser sight on someone invisible for I have been mean enough."
«OOC» Shoeshine says, "Theoretically, you would need to fire enough rounds to get up to 11m without ExEx, to break Immunity. Only then would ExEx cut in. And if you have to draw now, you could only fire a 3-round burst. But I kvetch not. Let me soak."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 + Combat Pool: 1 + Karma Pool: 1 vs TN 2 for "against 11S+1 success, I need 7 successes, kp 2":
2 3 3 4 4 5 5 = 7 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Out of karma."

The invisible ork woman who is almost certainly a spirit shows some mild affect to these rounds, exploding off of her. But she just isn't all put down.

Ansgar yanks the smg out from his jacket, it seems like the thing to do, spray and pray right now. The voice in his head is screaming with manic despair 'KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT' and he tries to do just that. Unfortunately, he's breathing pretty hard here and his hands won't seem to steady, the muzzle wavering all over the place as he lights the spirit up.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Second pass. Down to her last weapon, the ork woman bashes at Vegas with her crowbar."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "I will be using my +1 reach to lower my TN. Do you have Close Combat?"
«Plot» Vegas says, "No, and apparently she's a great spirit."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "She has Reach from her melee weapon."
«Plot» Vegas says, "Or that."
«Plot» Vegas says, "Post the braining"

«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 3 for "Crowbar attack! No combat pool":
2 4 5 7 9 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Kung Fu vs TN 5:
7 7 11 = 3 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "It's pretty much a mace and her strength is 5, so the base is 7M against Impact. So essentially you need 4 2s."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Body vs TN 2:
1 3 4 5 5 5 = 5 Successes
The bashing is a bashing - it comes down on Vegas's twisting shoulder. but just like she's been just not having it, Vegas looks to be doing the same.

Vegas feels the glancing blow as he shifts, his armor giving him enough to get away from that damn crowbar. He draws his pistol into line again and fires off another three shot burst into her.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Second pass, Vegas."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You are now in melee, and take a +2 tn to shooting."

«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Pistols vs TN 8 for "Invisible Orc but astral perception. So +2 for sustaining astral perception. Short range. No Smartlink since it doesn't work with astral sight. +2 melee":
1 1 3 3 = 0 Successes
Vegas 's shots fire into the bed.
Vegas twists as best he can to get a shot off at her but fails miserably, his ability to draw his pistol around is severely hampered by her being up close and having taken a good swing at him with that crowbar. He fires a burst and it just perforates the cheap bed, or what's left of it after the grenade.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, " Janssen doesn't get a second action and neither does Ansgar, whose init is knocked down by his injuries. Third pass, people with movement move, and she bashes Vegas again."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 3 for "again using reach to reduce my tn":
3 3 4 5 8 = 5 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Over to you, TN 5."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Kung Fu vs TN 5:
3 3 7 = 1 Success
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "That's 4 successes, so I stage my 7m up to 7D. Your 6 impact takes it down to 2d, so you need 8 successes on body to stage down to nothing."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Body vs TN 2:
1 1 1 2 2 5 = 3 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "That is a Serious wound which has you at 7 boxes, -3 wound penalties.

Vegas twists again, trying like hell to get out of the way, but this time she connects solidly and he feels his ribs crack. He grunts and tries like hell not to stagger.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "New round, inits, and combat pools! Remember your penalties to init."
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Initiative with a result of 20.
Vegas has a 17
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Initiative with a modifier of -3 with a result of 13.
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls Initiative with a result of 6.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 1 for "+16":
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "She can't explode, so that's a 22 again."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ork woman 22, Vegas 17, Ansgar 13, Janssen 6."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Ork woman first: Again the crowbar: She is careful about it, though."
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 3 for "same again":
2 2 3 3 8 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Kung Fu vs TN 7:
1 2 4 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "That stages her 7m up 7S, so tn 2 with body plus any combat pool you might like to add, you need 6 successes"
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Body + Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 2:
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 5 5 7 10 = 8 Successes

Raise and lower, raise and lower, battering into the doughty dwarf's defenses. It's taking a long time.

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Vegas."
Vegas digs deep, not needing more broken ribs and grunts as the heavy metal bar cracks against him once more.

«Plot After the Fact» We go into the method of using Willpower to attack a spirit, and what kind of hit and damage Vegas might do. At his wound penalties, it looks bad.
«Plot» Vegas says, "Christ. That's a crappy option too."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "It is now. It would have been better before you got hurt, and if Ansgar had closed, but that was really risky too."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "You could delay until I get into melee for FIM."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You all might try running, I don't know."

Vegas decides to shoot the bitch.
«Auto-Judge[]» Vegas (#6086) rolls Pistols + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 11 for "Invisible Orc but astral perception. So +2 for sustaining astral perception. Short range. No Smartlink since it doesn't work with astral sight. +2 melee. +3 wounds.":
1 2 2 3 17 20 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 5 for "She will try to full dodge":
1 2 2 5 8 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "She does not. And has no karma. So now:"
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 2 for "armor 10 against 12S":
1 1 2 3 3 = 3 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "She takes a Moderate - the tide turns to some degree!"

Vegas takes another glancing blow, but is desperately aware that it would only take one more of those to end his stumpy life. He searches for options, wondering if he could try and exert his will over the thing, but thinks the blood pounding in his ears and the feeling of things not moving right in his chest would keep that from happening. Instead he sticks to what he knows and squeezes the trigger and fires once more into the invisible thing, momentarily feeling as if he was shadow-boxing and the shadow's winning.

«Plot» Ansgar 's turn. We have the similar discussion of shooting into melee and where one is for what penalties.
«Plot» Ansgar says, "OR I could do a hail mary kip-up, and run the fuck away. I mean, close into melee."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "You yourself are 3 meters away and not in melee but you are quick enough to get in with any such desired melee attack."
«Plot» Ansgar will attempt to kip-up first.
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Quickness vs TN 9:
1 2 3 3 5 15 = 1 Success
«Plot» Ansgar will now attempt to close into melee, drawing the knife.
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "+3 serious wounds +2 fighting with astral perception (unless you use adept centering, and -1 friends in melee. Do you have reach, or close combat with the knife?"
«Plot» Ansgar says, "I have blind fighting linked to edged weapons, for -2 visual penalty."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "so +3 serious, -1 friends in melee. She will have +2 moderate +1 friends in melee, and she will use her +1 to make you worse, since the numbers say it won't help her."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "So 4+3+1-1?"
«Plot» Ansgar says, "7"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "correct."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Edged Weapons + Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 7:
1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 22 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls Edged Weapons + Combat Pool: 6 - 1 vs TN 7 for "KP4":
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 8 11 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Ansgar says, "stand."
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) rolls 2 vs TN 7: "Weapon focus dice that I forgot"
1 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 7: "We forget to reroll them too."
1 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Ansgar (#11971) has the Attribute Strength with the value '6'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Shoeshine (#844) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "against 6s":
1 2 2 2 4 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "That is a Serious to go with her Moderate, she's at 9 boxes."

With a perhaps amazing display of athletics despite being seriously wounded, with blood leaking from many holes in him, including his mouth, Ansgar flips himself up off the ground and draws his knife as he charges the spirit into multiple melee combat. "Keep at her!" He growls as he stabs and slashes with the knife, which, glowing like a lightsaber on the astral, works in much the same way as such a device against this spirit, seriously destabilising her aura.

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " keeping moving closer, and another Stunbolt, assuming a heal is out of range"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Stunbolt away. TN 6."
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 9 vs TN 6:
1 1 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 2:
1 3 5 8 10 11 = 5 Successes

Janssen Drashkikeeps moving close to the fray, throwing another ineffective purple beam into the fray - 'T'rweg ginsha to'dorka'

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Second pass, Ork woman:"
The invisible ork woman takes a step back, fanning the crowbar but not attacking. She says, in a strangely meek little voice, for those of you who can still hear after two grenades and a good bit of close-up submachinegun fire, "My mistress wants to know if she really has to leave?"

Vegas stares up, also tasting blood, the incongruity of the frenzied attempt to beat him to death with this suddenly demure spirit actually making him pause for a moment. He struggles for a moment and says, "Yes. But if the others are alive she'll have the opportunity."

Janssen Drashkigets in range, during the conversation, but holds off the heal as negotiations happen

The ork woman says, "Oh all right," in a pouting kind of way that is more appropriate to an eight year old girl than it is to a grenade-toting spirit. "They're sleeping underground. You can find them in the sewers. We were having a party. Can I go?"

Vegas is doing his best not to breathe too hard and anyone watching his knuckles whiten as he grips his pistol may be able to tell he's not really sure he's not just setting himself to die a virtuous fool. He looks at the others and back to the spirit, "Where is your mistress?"

Ansgar grunts at the spirit, spits at it even, with bloody phlegm. That's his answer to it, to nearly dying. He drops his stance and backs off, aware that this spirit has an uninjured master somewhere else, and being vindictive would be bad. The voice in his head screams ever louder, but the ork just groans at his wounds.

The ork woman says, "She was at the party, taking care of them. She doesn't get much company. But she's leaving now, she promises."

Janssen Drashki sneaks off a heal on Ansgar.

Vegas looks stuck upon the horns of a dilemma and then sighs, hiding a wince, "Fine. Go. Get."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Janssen, you can arrive, and heal Ansgar. Ansgar, I assume you have no cyberware and assent to this?"

«Plot» Ansgar says, "I am spiritually whole and awakened."

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " Treat Serious 4, 2 dice to Effect, 3 to resist drain"
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 4:
1 1 2 2 3 3 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " doh!"
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 9 vs TN 2:
1 1 4 4 4 4 5 5 11 = 7 Successes
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " resisted the drain, no successes"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Somehow, you manage to fail to heal him, and of course, you cannot try twice."

Vegas waits for the spirit to disappear and then a few seconds longer, then he holsters his pistol and sinks to the ground.

«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " I'll try Vegas, same deal."
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 6 vs TN 4:
1 2 4 4 4 5 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Janssen Drashki (#12008) rolls 9 vs TN 2:
1 2 3 3 4 4 5 8 9 = 8 Successes
«OOC» Ansgar says, "Oh yeah, him you heal to max."
«OOC» Vegas says, "I still have a moderate wound"
«OOC» Ansgar says, "Bloody stunty."
«OOC» Vegas says, "That crowbar sucked."
«OOC» Vegas says, "I took more damage than you, I just don't whine about it."

Vegas will stay there a moment then get back up and start looking for the "sleeping" people. He does pause a moment to see if Janssen can do something to set the ribs.

The spirit thusly drops the crowbar, and turns visible (because it is in mental contact with its mistress who drops the spell). Since it's likely that the spirit looks like the mistress, you can see her scavenged little toy cat heads and beads and ork-style petticoats that make up this spirit's physical form. And with that, she fades into the Astral plane (which takes long enough that you could kill her, which is why she asked) and flees.

Ansgar grunts after the spell is applied to him, with a perhaps harsh, "Didn't feel a thing." Then he sighs and turns towards out, whichever direction that now lies in. Apparently he doesn't consider the sleeping people a concern.

Vegas will consider them a concern, perhaps out of a sense of duty, perhaps compassion, perhaps because they're worth money.

A little bandaging and other efforts, maybe getting the construction crew to help, can get you down into the sewers. The 6 people are.. alive, although they are the worse for wear. Some show crowbar injuries, some show other contusions. If you have medical skills you can tell that she has been keeping them asleep with Stunbolts while she played dress-up with ratty clothes and had a tea party with them. Stunbolts can bleed over into physical damage, so it's possible they have minor brain damage. Or maybe they'll just walk it off.

Vegas goes to medicate what's left of his wounds with whiskey at Hollowpoint.

«OOC» Vegas says, "Also not sure we were in any shape to fight a shaman after her spirit bounced us around."

«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Finally, amusingly enough, I realize that I never rolled for the Improved Invisibility the mage cast on her spirit. Would you like me to do so?"
«Plot» Janssen Drashki says, " No, its fine"
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "I assure you she would put a lot of successes on it."
«Plot» Ansgar says, "It wouldn't make any difference to me. Go go astral perception blind fighting."
«Plot» Vegas says, " I don't think it would have made a difference."
«Plot» Shoeshine says, "Yes, it was funny that everyone who showed up has astral percetion so my invisibility spells were meaningless. Okay. I hope you enjoyed and were properly terrified."

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