Kobolds Stole My Baby!

GM: Blackheart
Players: Posh, Lost
Synopsis: A dreadful kobold has stolen a child in the warrens. The world is indifferent save for two intrepid PCs.
Date: Jan 8, 2075

Everyone is in the Rez, hanging out by Lil'Georgie's potato cone stand, having a delicious potato cone with all the fixings, when a woman comes storming into the scene, "KOBOLDS STOLE MY BABY!!" she screams, causing much kerfuffle. "Please, please! You have to help!" she pleads with anyone nearby who looks like they might be able to handle themselves. "Please, they've stolen our baby, you have to help!!"

Lil'Georgie looks to everyone grimly, "Please, if you have a decent bone in your body, you'll help find her baby. Being eaten by kobolds is a fate none deserve!"

Posh looks around. "Kobolds?" she asks. "There are…kobolds?" she asks. "They exist?" She shakes her head. "Or is that some cutesy name for some sort of horrid little lizard spirit…beastie…whatever with a dikoted tongue?"

Though she normally steers clear of the Warrens in general, not even Lost can resist the call of a potato cone with all the fixin's. In fact, she looks as if she's enjoying the treat a bit more than she should, in that she hardly seems to react to the claim that kobolds have stolen someone's baby. After a few chews, the plaintive cries pull the dark-haired elf out of her potato induced reverie, glancing first toward Lil'Georgie before looking to the woman, raising her free hand in a soothing gesture as she levels a sympathetic look on the woman, "Please, I can hardly imagine what you must be going through right now, but slow down, take a deep breath." She demonstrates, breathing in deeply and making a show of exhaling, "Now… what happened, and where?" She asks gently, saying nothing on the existence of kobolds for the moment.

The distraught mother clings to Posh's arm, looking in horror as Lil'Georgie explains that kobolds eat babies. She looks to the elf, tears streaming from her eyes, "It was a kobold! A squat hairy little beast!" She's hyperventilating until Lost begins trying to soothe her and she nods her head, fanning herself. "I.. I was just up the hill, overlooking the lot," she says, pointing down the street. The lot she refers to is a gaping hole in the ground where once upon a time sewer workers once worked to restore services to this block, but have long abandoned such aspirations. "I turned to look at the sunset," (It's dusk) "And when I turned back, I saw that horrid little thing running away with my sweet Clementine!"

Posh looks around, nodding. "All right," she says, the falling twilight orcing her to curse. "Well," she says, reaching into her coat to check her pistols. "I suppose that means we'll probably be having some disgusting close range fighting against people we'll really prefer we didn't," she says. "All right, we'll do what we can for your sweet Clementine. She ponders for a moment at the woman's distraughtness if she should ask if the sweet Clementine is a human baby or if it's just an expensive purse or something, but then dismisses that thought as foolishly paranoid. "Let's go," she says. "Anyone with me, well, I'll be grateul." She then turns, not even waiting to see who comes, as time is of the essence, but with a grateful smile over her shoulder after a couple paces to those that do. The kobolds got my baby!!!

Lost frowns as the mother relates her story, "Well… I don't know anything about kobolds…" She says softly, worrying her bottom lip as she seemingly tries to think of something in reality that could explain what the woman saw, "Are you sure it wasn't a dwarf, perhaps? …Not that I'd want to accuse anyone of stealing a baby…" As Posh seems ready to come to the woman and Sweet Little Clementine's rescue, Lost falls in line behind Posh, "I'm with you. Wouldn't feel right to just walk away from something like this."

Miko was trying to enjoy a cup of wiener coffee when they all started this whole thing. She sighs and gets up putting down her still hot coffee "Fine fine." Stopping a kidnapping in the warrens. thats a temporary save

Posh nods at Lost. "I mean, I do enough nasty stuff. I have to adopt some sort of foolish notion of…righting the books sometimes," she says. "You know, in order to support the rationalizations. But that's good for me, right?" she asks.

Posh heads on over to Miko. "Let me have a sip of coffee," she demands with a smile, handing it back if she's allowed such a prize. "All right," she says. "I think we'd better move out. We don't want to leave Clementine with whatever those things are for too long." Posh looks perhaps a little jumpy. She's ready to go.

Lil'Georgie nods his head as he sees three upstanding citizens taking one for the community. Lil'Georgie will remember this as he watches the heroic shadowrunners dash off to save the innocent from the depraved clutches of a terrible kobold! "And a free potato cone with the safe return of Clementine!" he offers. Hey, it's the warrens, afterall.

The mother hurridly leads those who accept the mission up the hill to where the overturned babybuggie lays, a little rag doll still in the mud with inhuman handprints leading down the small slope into the muddy lot below, only to disappear into the sewer pipe that used to be fenced off before the local kids stole the chain link to help build a toboggan ramp in the nearby park.

"I don't think it's foolish…" Lost replies with a shake of her head, "Everyone has got to have some sort of code, right? Things in this world certainly aren't as simple as black and white, but you have to…" She shrugs, "I dunno, have some sort of frame of reference so you can tell the lighter greys from the darker greys… if that makes any sense." She sighs, laughing softly, "Me, I'm still naive enough to think I can try and do some good…" In any case, she nods to Posh and Miko, "Longer we wait, the less chance we have of getting her back." As the group heads up the hill, the dark-haired elf regards the sewer pipe with a distasteful expression, "Figures…"

Miko rolls her eyes but gives vera the coffee. Its sweet milked coffee with sweet cream instead of heavy

"The fact of the matter, Lost, is that I have no morality. I am a hummingbird that flits from flower to flower to prostitute myself. I'm not exactly sure what hummingbirds do but…" She shrugs. "Anyway, I suppose that's a little off-topic." She chuckles, nodding to Miko. "I suppose we have some kobolds to assault?" she asks, looking down at the sewer. "Why is it always a sewer? I swear, riggers are the real ones who have it easy."

The sewer pipe is dark as pitch with an ankle deep muddy slop that seems to freeze and thaw on a nightly basis. It's cold inside and the echos of crying can be heard in the distance, with the sounds of dripping water competing.

«Plot» Blackheart says, "BC2 if anyone's going to use magic"

"I think they gather nectar, not prostitute themselves to the flowers." Lost says to Posh with a smirk, "And in any case, I don't believe you. Surely you must have /some/ morals. Otherwise what's stopping you from beating me up right now and taking my cred? I doubt I could stop you." She looks as if she immediately regrets blurting that out. But as the group moves into the sewers, she mutters a bit, "Gonna have to get new boots…"

Posh shakes her head. "I suppose I meant to each other. Hummingbirds always seemed a little slitchy to me," she says, with a light shrug. She looks back to Lost, with a quick smile. "Because you're more valuable to me as a friend and potentially someone to watch my back than the value of the cred in your pocket," she says. "That's not morality, it's strategy. I like justice because it leads to…" She shakes her head. "Wait a minute, it's time to get into the sewer." She'd dealyed long enough, but it's time to groan and then try to open the manhole, and then climb down.

"Oh." Lost replies. "Dunno how hummingbirds treat each other, but you're right. They do have a certain furtiveness to them. Maybe they just seem untrustworthy cause they move so fast? I dunno…" In any case, she seems relieved that Posh has no plans to relieve her of whatever amount of cred she might be carrying on her person, "But… well, if you insist that you are amoral, I suppose all I can do is take your word for it, until your actions prove otherwise. Or not." After a chuckle, she too groans and follows into the dark, stinky depths of the sewer.

«Plot» Blackheart says, "Can I get your willpowers please?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) has the Attribute Willpower with the value '6'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) has the Attribute Willpower with the value '6'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 6 vs TN 6:

3 3 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«OOC» Blackheart says, "aww, bummer"

«Plot» Posh says, "Spooky ghost!"

«OOC» Blackheart makes spooooky noises!

«Plot» Lost says, "We are too strong-willed for spooky ghosts. *sagenod*"

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "KoboldKarma!":

1 4 4 5 5 13 = 1 Success

«Plot» Blackheart says, "posh made me do it"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "you can resist with willpower vs TN9"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Willpower vs TN 9 for "I ain't scared of no ghost!":

1 2 3 5 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Willpower vs TN 9:

1 2 3 3 3 10 = 1 Success

«Plot» Blackheart says, "Actually, I just reread the power, you'll have to karma in order to succeed, you need more successes than the kobold"

«Plot» Posh says, "Failed, then. No karma spent."

«Plot» Posh says, "Do your worst, kobold!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls 5 vs TN 9 for "KP 1":

1 1 5 7 7 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls 5 vs TN 9 for "KP 3":

1 2 3 3 11 = 1 Success

Posh looks over at the open sewer pipe, as she looks around at this yet another sad part of the Warrens, and the unspeakable trickle oozing out if it. "All right," she says. "I suppose I'll take point, may as well," she says, a tad ruefully.

Squish squish squish squish, the mud is cold and wet, and slippery as the intrepid rescuers delve deeper into the stinking depths of the abandoned sewer pipe. At least there's no running plumbing in the area, otherwise this might be a truely awful experience! As the two runners carefully stalk through the slippery cold tunnel with thoughts of delicious warm and savoury potato cones in their heads, they can hear the crying wails of the baby growing closer, but it's too dark to see much of anything.

Lost spots a dark gap in the floor up ahead, is it a sinkhole? It's difficult to tell with the darkness, Posh seems to see solid ground up ahead and continues along, impervious to any warnings that Lost might offer! She's been glamoured!!

«Plot» Blackheart says, "my spelling is awful tonight. The kobold glamours Posh to walk into the sinkhole. Posh falls 6m, taking a 3M hit. Impact armour is halved."

Lost shivers, apparently able to feel the cold muck through her boots. That alone is reason enough to get new ones, even if they weren't ruined by traipsing about in the sewers. "Posh, wait!" She calls out as she spots the gap in the floor. Unfortunately, the warning goes unheeded.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body vs TN 3:

1 2 2 2 3 3 3 11 = 4 Successes

Posh hits the ground, hard, but she's a tough bird, even after having hit six meters. "Oh, -bugger! Why does it always have to be this way?" she asks, having taken the nasty spill. She's not injured, but it's quite painful. "Watch out, that kobold is some sort of wizard!" she accuses.

«Plot» Posh says, "Yes, fully soaked"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "and now initiative"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Initiative with a result of 23.

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 1:


«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Initiative with a result of 11.

As Posh lands in the muck and pulls her face from the goo, she can hear heavy breathing and sense the imminent violence about to happen. Something's in the pit with her—if only she could see!

«Plot» Blackheart says, "Posh, then Lost"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "kobold scored a whopping 5!"

«Plot» Posh says, "Holding action until the end of the round, curious what the kobold will do. Unless, if he attacks Lost, I will then quickdraw on him. I figure if Lost wants to talk to the little bastard, she'll take her chance."

«Plot» Lost hmm, "I suppose I'll try and talk to him, since I haven't spotted him and everything."

«Plot» Blackheart says, "okay :)"

Posh looks around, trying to clear her face, not wanting to overcommit herself right now, instead trying to guard the bottom. "Lost! There's something down here!" She takes up an alert position, trying to look around for who it could be.

"Posh!" Lost calls out as the other elf plummets down into the muck, "You alright?" She asks, leaning out over the pit to peer down into the darkness. Hearing the other elf's voice, she nods a bit and raises her hands around her mouth, calling out, "Mister Kobold?" She begins, a bit uncertainly, voice becoming firmer as time goes on, "It would seem you've stolen a baby. You should really give her back. I don't think Posh is going to ask you so nicely, so… your choice!"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "do you speak any languages that a Kobold might understand?"

«Plot» Posh says, "Maybe cityspeak"

«Plot» Lost speaks English, Sperethiel, and a touch of Cityspeak.

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 3 vs TN 6 for "Attacking Posh with mighty kobold fists! TN4 +2 Thermographic in full darkness":

2 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 12 for "It's dark!":

1 2 3 8 9 = 0 Successes

In the pit, there's the sounds of wet hand-like feet sploshing through the mud as some… thing closes in and attacks Posh. It batters clumsily at the elf, feral grunts and inhuman howls echoing up into the sewer tunnel above, with the baby's crying growing in pitch as it senses the fight nearby!

«OOC» Blackheart says, "posh!"

Posh grunts as she engages in a battle knee deep in the muck. "Fuck! I can't see this thing, Lost!" she hollers. "Let me try to…move him into the light for you!" She takes up an evasive posture, trying to back a little further back into where Lost might be able to see where she'd fallen to.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 14 for "grappling, trying to grab him to the light!":

1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 10 10 11 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 14 for "grappling, trying to grab him to the light! karma 1":

1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 10 15 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "Mods: +8 for blind, +2 for subduing combat"

Posh tries to wrangle the kobold over to where she'd falling, grunting with the pain of the epic battle, hoping the mage will have some way of seeing the critter she's captured for now.

«Plot» Blackheart says, "does it defend against your highest roll?"

«Plot» Posh says, "Yes."

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 3 vs TN 15:

2 3 13 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "But, my highest roll is 5, because of penalties"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "close!"

«OOC» Posh says, "still, tie goes to attacker"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "what? you rolled a 15"

«Plot» Posh says, "I rolled a 15, but you subtract 8 for blind fighting penalty, and 2 for doing subdual"

«Plot» Posh says, "I think"

«Plot» Posh says, "OH! No,nono. He does normal, vs TN 6."

«Plot» Posh says, "for his +2 thermo"

«Plot» Posh says, "So he got 1 success"

«Plot» Posh says, "But tie goes to attacker"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "gotcha"

«Plot» Posh says, "So unless he karmas, I have him in a full nelson"

«Plot» Posh says, "No damage though"

«OOC» Lost is gonna try and spot him astrally anyway.

The creature is grappled by the much more skilled elf. This thing is inhumanly stronk, though, its terrifying strength and feral screams warn of terrible wounds that might be suffered should it hit someone!

«OOC» Blackheart says, "okay, roll intelligence."

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Intelligence for "Astral perception":

1 4 5 5 5 11

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Aura Reading for "Comp roll":

1 2 5

«OOC» Blackheart says, "you can see it's dark soul backlit by Posh's purply elven sparkles"

Posh grunts as she, very luckily, manages to get a little bit of purchase and grab ahold of the little kobold. "You little bastard, I've got you!" she says in triumph, finally hodling the thing captured, and quite delighted to have done so.

«OOC» Lost says, "Alrighty. Stunbolt time."

«OOC» Lost says, "BG count is 2, yes? What's his willpower?"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "6"

«OOC» Lost mutters.

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "F6 Stunbolt, Moderate stun":

1 1 2 4 4 5 5 7 8 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls 8 vs TN 8 for "F6 Stunbolt, Moderate stun KP 4":

1 1 2 3 4 4 5 7 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "resisting stunbolt":

1 1 1 4 5 7 = 1 Success

«OOC» Blackheart says, "Kobold gets stunned!"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "moderately"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 7 for "Resisting drain, +1 due to BG count, need 4 suxx.":

1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«OOC» Blackheart says, "hold up, you fully soak that drain, Lost"

Lost sidesteps around the hole, trying her hardest to keep her footing and avoid falling into the pit on top of Posh. "Just keep it still." She replies, peering down into the darkness and glimpsing the astral, hoping against hope that this 'kobold' is magically active in some way. Since Posh has the critter in a grapple, it's easy to spot him, but still not quite so easy to affect the kobold with a stunbolt she flings in its direction. The effect she had hoped for, of the beast crumpling to the ground unconscious doesn't happen. It likely feels it, but so does she, the dark-haired elf grimacing a bit from the effort of casting the spell.

«OOC» Blackheart says, "6/2 -1 +1 =TN3 for drain soaking"

«OOC» Lost says, "Derp, you're right."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 11 for "TN 14, -3 for advantages":

1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 11 for "TN 14, -3 for advantages karma 2 spent":

1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 9 9 16 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 - 1 vs TN 11 for "TN 14, -3 for advantages karma 4 spent":

2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 7 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 - 1 vs TN 11 for "TN 14, -3 for advantages karma 7 spent":

1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 7 11 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "2 successes. 6S crushing damage"

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 3 vs TN 8 for "trying to defend while stunned":

3 4 21 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "crushing is reduced by half impact."

«Plot» Posh says, "he needs 2 successes to reduce to M right?"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "I think he just keeps you from staging up with that"

«Plot» Posh says, "you need 2 soak successes to have any effect"

«Plot» Posh says, "I thought? or am I wrong?"

«Plot» Posh says, "as you rule though :)"

«Plot» Lost is pretty sure he takes normal damage.

«Plot» Blackheart says, "So, his body is 10, what happens if he's trying to saok a 6S?"

«Plot» Lost says, "He rolls 10 vs 6."

«Plot» Posh says, "He rolls 10 dice vs 6."

«OOC» Blackheart says, "oh, gotcha."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 10 vs TN 6:

1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 8 = 1 Success

«Plot» Lost says, "And needs 6 suxx to fully stage down the damage."

«OOC» Posh says, "Likely he will have karma"

«OOC» Posh says, "he also can use combat pool to soak"

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 10 vs TN 6 for "soaking damage":

1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 = 0 Successes

«OOC» Blackheart says, "wowzers"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "you bearhug him and pop a rib!"

Posh grunts. "We need to find out what's going on with this little guy!" she calls up to Lost, holding the riggling finally and trying to crush the little guy between her arms, grunting at the effort of the nasty close-range fight. "Ahh! I can hear the baby!" She tries to hammer one of her knees into the kobold's little gut, trying to squeeze him against her chest, the rather hefty Posh making the Kobold squeal.

«OOC» Blackheart says, "initiative, Kobold's rolling 1d6 -1 now :P"

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 1:


«OOC» Blackheart says, "oh, nm, kobold nets a -2. my math is bad"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "I'm guessing it doesn't get to go this round"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "anyways, I'm guessing you each roll higher than -2 on initiative :P"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Initiative with a result of 9.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Initiative with a result of 27.

«Plot» Posh says, "I'm holding action for Lost."

«Plot» Lost will try and zap the fool with a stunbolt again.

«Plot» Blackheart says, "let it rip!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "F6 Stunbolt, Moderate stun.":

1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 7 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "F6 Stunbolt, Moderate stun. KP6":

1 1 2 2 3 4 8 9 9 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 6 vs TN 6:

1 2 3 4 4 9 = 1 Success

«OOC» Blackheart says, "bam! 9 boxes of stun?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 3 for "Resisting M drain, 4 suxx needed.":

1 1 1 1 2 3 5 5 7 = 4 Successes

Posh seems a little concerned she might accidentally snap the guy's neck, and she likes very much that assisting magic blast that had come from up above last time. "Hit 'im' again, Lost!" she cries out, now holding a snarling kobold in her arms. "You little bastard, we'll get to the bottom of this!"

«OOC» Lost thinks that's right, "He should be KOed, yeah?"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "Good question, does he have to top out a line, or gust get 10+ boxes cumulative?"

«OOC» Lost says, "I think if you fill the stun boxes it's a KO. More than that becomes overflow damage which is physical."

«OOC» Blackheart says, "nope he's still up, but I did learn that sub 0 initiatives can't take any actions"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 11 for "grappling":

1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 7 10 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 11 for "grappling karma 1":

1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 11 for "grappling karma 3":

2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 10 11 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "1 sux"

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 3 vs TN 12:

3 4 10 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "M"

«Plot» Posh says, "6M crushing"

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls 10 vs TN 6 for "soaking M crushing":

1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8 = 1 Success

«Plot» Blackheart says, "bad day to be a kobold!"

"I'm on it!" Lost calls out, sending another bright bolt of magical energy directly at the kobold. This one seems to impact a bit more strongly, but the little bastard just won't go down, "Damn it…" The dark-haired elf curses under her breath, "Pretty tough for something that steals babies!" Apparently she's got the energy for a one-line jab at the creature, if not enough to zap it into unconsciousness.

Posh grunts as the bolt smacks into the vile little beast, following that up by screaming and lifting him up, a shout escaping from her as she does her best to bop the kobold down on his head in a reasonable approximation of a one of those throws over your back you see on wrestling! She finally stands up, listening for the crying baby. "Lost," she says. "I'll pass the baby up to you, then I'll grab our prisoner here. Where should we dump him?" A kobold with this beviaor is not likely to be warehoused long.

The kobold's body crunchs and flails uselessly against Posh's mighty grip as it is stunned to oblivion by Lost, it's feral howls become more pained and slur as the stunning magics impact it

"Alright." Lost responds with a nod, "Be careful… hopefully there was just the /one/ kobold down there." She keeps her eyes peeled just in case, scanning the astral for anything else nasty that might be in the sewers. "I was thinking maybe we hand him over to the mother? Or maybe the potato cone stand guy… he seemed like he knew something about kobolds… I didn't even think they were real."

Posh nods. "Indeed," she says, with a little smile, calling up, and looking for the baby. Baby first, then kobold prisoner. Maybe he's going to blow the rooof off a grand kobold sewer baby conspiracy. Or maybe he'll be a barely lingual little feral ball of joy.

The baby is down in the pit with Posh, the kobold apparantly having scratched out a deep alcove with which to build a tiny little nest, complete with a rocket stove and a spit. As Posh bumbles along and collects sweet Clementine, she bumps into a shelf and knocks over a container of steak spice, covering the crying infant.. It would only take a few moments to get that fire going…

«OOC» Blackheart says, "Lost, give me an intelligence check!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Intelligence:

1 1 2 3 3 4

«OOC» Lost duhs.

«OOC» Blackheart says, "you can't see the kobold anymore"

«OOC» Blackheart says, "it seems to have blinked out of existence"

Posh picks up the baby, accidentally spilling a lovely container of steak spice all over the infant. "Hmmm…" she says, glancing over at the fire for a minute. She looks down at the baby, where there's a concentration of the steak seaoning on his cheak, and leans down, giving him an experimental lick. Fuck, that tastes damn good, actually.

"What the…" Lost says suddenly, looking down into the hole. "It's gone!" She blinks, peering down into the hole, first with normal vision, then her astral sight. "Totally gone! Did you see where it went?" She asks, hopefully, even if Posh is engaged in a bit of baby-tasting down in the darkness.

The screaming baby pulls at Posh's new fibreoptic hair as she picks her up, but lets out a bit of a giggle at the tickling lick. That lasts only a second or two before it tries to open its eyes, and gets them full of steak spice. Back to the crying!

«Plot» Blackheart says, "oh dear, TN9 to successfully freeclimb up the sinkhole to the tunnel"

«Plot» Blackheart says, "Don't drop the baby."

«Plot» Lost can always Levitate the baby, it'll just take awhile.

«Plot» Blackheart says, "That would be ideal, actually :)"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 6 for "F1 Levitate +2 from BG Count.":

2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 = 0 Successes

«OOC» Lost facepalms.

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 6 for "F1 Levitate +2 from BG Count. KP 7":

1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 10 = 1 Success

«OOC» Lost says, "There we go."

«OOC» Blackheart says, "poifect!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 3 for "Resisting M stun.":

1 2 2 4 4 4 7 16 17 = 6 Successes

«OOC» Lost says, "No drain, baby floats up at… 7 meters per turn."

«OOC» Blackheart says, "you could get posh, too, I think she's less than 200kg"

«OOC» Blackheart ducks

"Instead of trying to climb up with the baby, I'll just float her up." Lost says down into the hole helpfully. "Hold on…" She says before looking down and focusing on the baby with her astral sight, working a bit of harmless magic on it. It slowly starts to float up out of the hole from Posh's grasp. Before long, the baby is cradled safely in Lost's arms.

Posh proffers the baby to be floated up by Lost, a little curious where the kobold /went/ "That little nasty fellow seems to have disappeared entire," says Posh up the hole. "Now let's see here, I suppose I'll have to use my grapple gun to get on up," she says, turning on her flashlight after rummaging through it in her purse, holding the baby in the other hand at arm's length as if she's a sack of moldy potatoes.

When the two heroic elves return to the streets of the warrens, the mother is there waiting impatiently, wringing her hands as she paces back and forth, she lets out a shriek as she sees the dark forms emerging from the tunnel. "CLEMENTINE!" She calles out, nearly having a nervous breakdown as she scoops up her baby from Lost's arms, holding the infant close and rocking the crying baby as she falls to her knees for the reunion.

Up by the street level, Lil'Georgie has been pushing his potato cone cart up the hill to get to the bar district and he pauses as he sees what has transpired. He gives Lost and Posh a nod of his head a smile, his heart warmed that there are still good people out there in the world.

Lost is all too happy to return Clementine to her mother. She says nothing, just smiling as the mother and child are reunited. As Lil'Georgie nods at the pair of elves, Lost returns the nod, giving the proprietor of the potato cone cart a smile as well. Turning to Posh, she grins, "Well… that's worth a ruined pair of boots, I'd say. We did a good thing, huh?"

«OOC» Blackheart is going to fade here

«OOC» Blackheart says, "thanks for the awesome rp :)"

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