Hammer and Anvil

Title: Hammer and Anvil.
DM: Indrakashi
Players: Abel. Scurry. Scrappy. Posh. Teutonic.

MPRI is doing another full on push, and that means work is available. WIth the influx of weapons into the CFS, they've been, along with Corporate Teams, identifying points of interest. That can be read as; 'Places the CFS are concentrating weapons' and potentional rally points for CFS forces. Thus they've put word on out Merc Nets, looking for those who can work with Hammer and Anvil tactics. As opposed to Sword and Shield tactics. <Oh yes, those are real terms..circa WW2>.

Posh had been surprised at how well the recent job had gone, despite getting shot - her visit to Doctor Who, who she often has to after merc jobs, had healed her up. One of the new jobs, though, after a day or two of taking care of herself, and enjoying soychocolate, catches her eyes. "Hammer and Anvil?" she asks, with a bright grin. "Like Gaugamela?" she thinks to herself. "Oh yes, we need to get a few people to do this. This will be a perfect new test for Katharine's overflow supply," she says, referring to the IWS rep that she connects to to replenish the overstock that she purchased at the recent auction.

She rings up Scrappy, a new sam she's recently heard of, with some real talent, Scurry, because you don't want to go into fire without a medic, Teu - because he saved everyone's rear on the last job, and Abel, because he's both gorgeous and right there. "I know that it might seem a little threatening to go into war. But the thing that really makes the difference is the right equipment and support. Finally, we'll be working with that," she says, having done as much cajoling to bring everyone along as she can.

Scrappy needs surprisingly little cajoling. "Eh? California? Oh, yeah. There won't be flies will there? No, not that … look, its fine, whatever, yeah, yeah, I'll be there."

Driving her Bulldog to the meet, the little dwarf woman seems pretty chilled out, considering she's about to go into a warzone. In fact, she looks almost zoned out. She carries her pocsec in one hand, and her phone in the other. Thumbing through it, she hits Posh's number, and squints around, looking to see who responds.
Right equipment? Abel shows up to the meet wearing jeans and a hoodie, his usual dufflebag slung across his back. He was weaponless, the bag only holding a motorbike helmet inside. One does not take cab into the FTZ with a shotgun in your bag. "Yeah, it's a bit threatening. Specially since my gear hasn't come in yet." Was he ready for what is likely a milspec run? Likely not. Was he going to do it anyway? Yes.
Scurry spends a long moment considering Posh. When he finally speaks, his tone is curiously flat— compressed, no doubt, by an odd mixture of respect and suspicion. "Posh, just as a benchmark, what are /you/ not already equipped for? That, now, that sets me wondering." Like Abel, he isn't overly dressed; however, he is composed and stylish, as is usual. "The idea of you needing to prepare makes me wonder what the hell we're running towards."
Teutonic came away from that mess with the train with no ear and was sent to some doctor somewhere to get patched up. Now he needs a cyber ear, but that is going to take some time. In the meantime, he has no hearing out of his left ear. Actually, he doesn't even currently own a left ear. So it all evens out. When Posh calls him up, he has to think about it for a second, tops, before nodding, "Yeah, okay." Well whatever, MO' MONEY, MO' CYBERWARE. Picking up his equipment, he heads out to meet Posh at the location specified.
Once there, he gives a nod at those around him and looks at Posh, "Out of the pan into the fire?"
Posh gives a grin at Scurry. "Really, anything wearing obvious armor of any sort, from security trooper on up," Posh explains. "Now, we're equipped for just about anything," she says, almost a little giddy. "There's a lot of money in merc work, but there's a lot of danger, too. But you can win with tactics, often more easily than in the street," she explains. "And now I've got the supply to enable the tactics. Apparently this will rely on combined arms tactics," she explains. "Hammer and Anvil, the message said."
People who have come to this PMC will know the way it works. You fill out paper work, you get to sit, and eventually get shuffled into a conference room in the multi story branch office. Today you have two men involved, though one is mostly in the corner, jacked into systems and running …some thing. Possibly updating what teams are reporting in for work, and those who aren't, and updating the map being projected above the table.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're preparing for a big push. The CFS have been receiving an influx of ordinance and are preparing for a new offensive with the weather in their favour. We need to hamstring their forward operating bases before they push out. We can not -afford- to allow them to deploy their new artillery assets. They have shown in the past, a policy of shelling civillian infrastructure to tie down government and corporate forces in aid operations."

He explains, whilst the map flashes to what is no doubt, an old UCAS helo base. A mini mogadishu now.

Posh nods to the man as he speaks, having taking a more authoritative tone. Perhaps she picked it up from watching Hunni so carefully recently. "Understood," she says. "Any objectives in addition to destroying these new artillery assets?" she asks, her face becoming a rather serious, businesslike mask. The change from her earlier friendliness might be quite vivid to Scurry, in particular, despite her quick smile to each of the other arrivals, and Abel, who's seen her flit from mood to mood on jobs before.
Scurry listens politely, quietly. However, his brow raises at some words. He remains quiet while Posh talks.
Abel fills out the paperwork to fit with the bullshit that coinsides with his SIN. All lies, obviously. After getting funneled into the conference room he takes a seat and listens quietly as he looks at the map.
Scrappy narrows her eyes faintly at the sight of the UCAS base. Ordinarily, she worries about a different war, but this one is almost as important. She looks at each of the other runners in turn, and nods her head slowly. For the moment, though, she keeps quiet. Tapping a few notes into her pocsec and quietly glad that dwarf-sized seating has been provided. It is one of those little touches that so often gets missed and makes her feel silly.
The MPRI Officer turns to look at Posh when she asks directly.

"I believe when you deploy demo charges, the ensuing explosion will destroy most of the base.

A good guess indeed.

"We know they have multiple technicals in the area, and a sizable contingent of militia in the base. At this time, we do not believe the artillery is active. Possibly due to delays in shipment of fire control units."

Which means they likely got fragged by another team recently.

"We're authorizing the use of one of our slicks to provide CAS, and we have armored transportation available."

«Plot» Scrappy says, "Can I make a demolitions check (maybe with demo background comp?) to figure out how many charges will be needed and where they should best be placed?"
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Can't say from the images"

Teutonic nods at the explanation given and looks at the map before asking, as like yesterday, "Sounds good. Let me get the mission details and satellite data on datachip so I keep it on hand. Instantaneous access could make or break us, especially with this." Otherwise he doesn't have anything to add. Kill it all with fire. Simple enough.

"Will you be providing the charges?" Scrappy asks, "I have some explosives which might handle the job, but military spec would be better. Freelance work limits my options these days." Mostly, though, her attention is unashamedly on the images being fed. She's seen a lot of explosions, but not many blowing up military ammo dumps. There's really two things to worry about; that she might not have the tools to do the job well enough, or she might not be able to judge the safe distance to be away from the explosion when it all goes off. The latter should probably be a greater concern.
Posh turns to Abel, a little curiously, for a moment, and then slips her datajack cable into her pocsec slipped into her purse.
The MPRI Officer will dispense datachips with the mission details..along with travel vouchers for within Denver, and their hanger at the airfield. So they can get their ride to Cali. Teutonic has nothing to worry about there!!

"We will provide further equipment when you are in California."

He says to Scrappy, so apparently, they'll provide the explosives.

"Your flight leaves in three hours. Pay is fifty thousand."
Scurry shrugs. This seems standard. His objective is to observe, it would seem, and he does so.
Abel reaches into his pocket and pulls out his pocsec. After reasing something he begins to tap away after plugging in the datachip. He seems ready to go as is.
Posh nods. "All right," she says, as the group heads by the meet. "We'll be heading by the stash, which I've got hidden in the Keeps," she explains. "It's a perfect, low-observability site, just big enough, and we'll be able to gear up there." She grins. "Abel, let's see. SPAS-22," she says, thoughtfully, picking up a pair of massive, silver-framed pistols, the heavy, chunky weapons too big to fit in her concealed holsters. "Nighthawks. A little loud for me, but…" She chuckles. "If Desert Eagles were good enough for Lady Croft," she jokes, also picking up an Armstech MGL-6 and a smattering of grenades. "I really need to get external smartlink mounts. I could have them on any unlinked weapon in less than an hour. If we have time to prep like this, that would work," she says. "So, let's see - anyone else want a launcher, or grenades? With all the big vehicles around, we have to remember - Visiblity is what saves us. If you can't see something really useful to do, try to affect the entire battlespace." She grins. "All right. We're going to be using Hammer and Anvil tactics. So that means that we're going to be part of a combined arms force. Can anyone else think of anything that we should bring for now?" she asks, once the launcher, her pistols, and Abel's shotgun are opens. "Anything relatively easy to get from a corporate catalogue, I'll probably be able to ind one in here."
Teutonic stands and takes the offered datachip before popping it in his induction jack. The information uploads into his memory and he nods. "That's better. Understood." He moves back towards the rest of the team as they head out. "According to this information, they're giving us an MPUV and a helo. I can fly the helo." He doesn't really talk about how he's reading said information right now while walking, "The MPUV is pretty nice. So, who's taking the MPUV?"
Posh looks around. "There's only one way I can really visualize this working," she says. "We were hinted that these would be 'hammer' and 'anvil' tactics. That means we need a hammer and anvil. Like at Gaugamela. Alexander the Greats fores were composed of heavy infantry and cavalry. The heavy infantry tied up the enemy, while the cavalry hit them from the flank, creating confusion and damage out of proportion with their weaponry, she explains."
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls History:
2 3 8
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Small Unit Tactics:
2 3 13

"I have my own gun." Scrappy says, quietly. "I try to use Ares where I can. You know where you are with Ares. I'll even bring along my funtime rounds. If you've got some mini-grenades for the launcher, though, that'd be handy. I didn't have much use for them before. Don't usually have the punch to make a difference in my work." She pauses, thinking for a moment, and then helpfully adds, "I may as well bring my plastic, too, if we're going all in. Worst comes to worst we can ditch it out the helo and make a bang."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "The Helo is using stats for a Hughes WK-2 Stallion per the Doc Wagon build. Instead of the Medical Clinic, it will carry rockets. It Twin Autocannons in a limited forward arc. <IE; if you can see it in front of the Helo, the gunner can hit it>. The Gunner controls these. The Pilot has access to the FFARs. We will use the LAW Rockets for these. The pods contain a -total- of 40 rockets. They fire in FA only. Minimal amount fired is 2 per Complex Action up to a total of 6."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "The MPUV is a standard MPUV. It's been upgraded with a Ring Mount, because Pintle Mounts are fucking stupid. It has a M2 .50 Cal. Treat this as a 14D HMG. It's using 100 round belts. I do not expect people to use up most of the ammo up, but if we run into that, I'll say if ammo runs low."
Abel stays relatively quiet through all this, especially because he ahs no idea what Posh is saying. Eventually he says, "I'll go with the Anvil team, and provide whatever defensive support I can."
Posh nods at Scrappy. "I do," she says. "I'd recommend smoke in this situation. We need to focus on making ourselves arder to see," she says. "All right. Here's how I think we should do this. We need to maximize the defensive power of the anvil and the hitting power of the hammer," she says, thoughtfully. "All right. That would mean that…" She smiles a little apologetically, "and sorry for being bossy," she says, "But this is a little more military - it's not as…social, as a street op?" she says, allowing Scrappy a few varied minigrenades, no neuro-stun though. She thinks. "The vehicle under the most threat will be Hammer. It's there to take hits and make a lot of noise. So actually, I'll have to be the gunner on that, while Teutonic will rig it," she says. "I know this sounds insane, but…" She grins. "Look, modern helicopters fly, Scurry, and Abel. One of you is going to have to do it. I know it's dangerous, but we'll be making as much of a distraction as possible. All you have to do is get it into position, tell it where to go, and then Scrappy's gonna let 'em have it. We have Scurry around to snipe, too - he can stun anyone he can see." She grins, and hands Scurry the only weapons he needs: a pair of old-fashioned binoculars, with glass lenses!
Abel looks from Posh to Scurry and then back again. "Alright," he says with a bit of nervousness to it before turning to the other mage, holding his hand out in a fist. "On three, winner flies. Rock. Paper. scissors. Shoot!" Bam. Abel throws out the scissors.
Teutonic listens to Posh quietly, very quietly. Then she gets done with her speech and he offers a very calm, very terse reply. "There's one problem with your plan captain. I'm not a rigger. I have the neither the cyberware nor the equipment to deck without killing myself." He's not even mad about her taking charge, "Otherwise, I don't see any problem."
Scrappy nods her head. "Two things." She says, at last, "First, we need a rendezvous point if one or both vehicles is disabled. We shouldn't try and continue to engage on foot, that's suicidal. We need to identify a fallback position. They'll be on you like ants on a picnic. So try and fall back to the south, stay low to the ground, and if nobody manages to make contact by nightfall… just keep walkig south, I guess. You don't want to be captured." She pauses, letting that sink in before moving on to cheery note number two, "And if we don't make it out, we should nominate someone to get our payment in our stead. Mine is a guy called Jenkins. I'll add his contact details to the chip."
Scurry examines the binoculars. "I saw these once in a history book," He says, holding them the wrong way around. "They were being used incorrectly in a depiction of Christopher Columbus finding the Americas."
Abel nods. He was going to fly a helicopter in a warzone. What could possibly go wrong. "I uhh… Yeah. My brother should get my payment if I don't make it. He has access to my account anyway, so as long as they pay my corpse, he'll get it. You know… Worst case scenario."
Posh looks over at Abel and gives a grin. "Well," she says, "It seems we're all on the same page." She glances around. "All right, you know, happy few, band of brothers, all that. Let's go try to make some cred," she says. "And, well, maybe we'll see who likes a little rush of merc work on the side." There's a little thrill for her. "But there's one thing to remember. The military forces of a lot of places are poorly trained, yet often do well with good application of tactics and planning. Operational surprise can really help to tilt the battle against enemy soldiers just as well as it does on the street."

She heads towards the MPUV and heads over to the ring mount, grinning at Teutonic. «Just make sure to stay out of the lane of fire until you see an opportunity to kill.» she transmits to Abel. «Remember, we're the anvil, you're the hammer. We're supposed to take the shots, not you. So stay as far away as you can while still being able to shoot those missiles. Then, move to just close enough to where you can get a better solution, then fire, and head back out of range as possible."
The flight to California is rather -boring- given you are in a transport plane proper and have plenty of time to sleep. It's one of those flights. It lands at a MPRI Field base, which is where the supplies are needed to maintain the vehicles scattered around it. An officer meets you out here, in his glorious desert camo milspec, and helmet off.

"You've got a few hours before we fuel up. Might as well grab some chow." He explains, directing people to the mess hall..later, they'll be shown to their rides. Given the NavDat cordinates of their target..and given Spray Explosives and remote detonators!
Posh frowns at the MPUV's setup, it somehow dawning her a little late, as she shakes her head, watching Teutonic head up to to the MPUV and grab the steering wheel with his hands. She frowns a little bit, and then nods. "All right," she says. "Let's look for any ridgelines. Any cover at all. You're going to be keeping us moving as fast as possbile until we have cover in the city - I'll be able to work with this gun here," she says, connecting her datajack into the heavy machine gun's port, so it links up with the elegant motorized ring mount. "Goddman it, I need to learn the difference between a rigger and a decker." She turns to Abel. "What's someone who does both? A dicker?"
"I thought I was the Dicker?" Abel says casually as he takes a look at the chopper he would be *gulp* flying. But these things pretty much fly themselves, right? Right! According to Posh it should be easy. That doesn't stop him from muttering some magic under his breath as he gets those he is flying with a little extra… Protection. "Alright, Scurry and Scrappy, on me if you want some extra armor."
«Plot» Abel says, "Buffing myself with Armor 5. What is the BG here on the base?"
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "1"
"Oh Posh," Scurry says, bringing a hand to his forehead. "A decker gets you other peoples' credit card information. A rigger drives a… rig," He says, after a moment of being lost for words. "There were so many vehicle spells I never took," He continues, talking to himself. "I mean, I never HAD to have them. I just took public transit everywhere. And gods yes, extra armor." He immediately queues up for that.
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 + 2 (totem) vs TN 7 for "Armor 5 on Abel":
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 9 9 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 + 2 (totem) vs TN 4 for "Soaking M":
1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 10 = 8 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 + 2 (totem) vs TN 9 for "Armor 5 on Scurry":
1 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 8 10 10 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 + 2 (totem) vs TN 4 for "Soaking M":
2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 10 10 16 = 7 Successes
Scrappy shakes her head at the offer, "I'm armored enough, thanks." She says, "Any more and I'll not be able to squeeze the trigger. Hell, I'm going to have a tough enough time as it is. I've not used oe of these things before. I bet it kicks like a troll."
Abel focuses for a few moments before he gains a soft light glow of magic around his body. A hand on Scurry's chest and after a few seconds the other man also had a bit of a glow. Abel rolls his shoulders. "Alright, Scrappy. Scurry. Come on, let's go check out the inside of this chopper." And off the teen goes to climb his ass into the chopper and settle into the pilot's seat.
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « So, Abel, did you think you'd get to be flying a chopper when you woke up? »
Posh surveys the area from the ring mount as Teutonic drives, a little grin on her face as she searches around, trying to suppress the urge to vocalize her sudden desire for like a little whip to crack.
Commlink-Abel> Abel sends, « My plan for the day had a lot more masturbation than this. I'll tell you if it was worth the trade off when we come back from this. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Intelligence for "Whatever the copter gives me for vision mods":
1 2 4 4 5 10
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Intelligence for "vision mag 3, natural thermo.":
2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « This plan for my day beats the cyberdoc. Not looking forward to picking out cyberears. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Intelligence for "Low light, flare compensation":
1 2 2 4 7 9
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « What're you thinking? »
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 2 5 5 5
Teutonic piles into the MPUV and then looks back at Posh, "I am never ready, but always available." He starts the humvee thing and starts off down the road, "Got ya, high speed, dangerous turns, shooting and dodging. Understood." And so it is that the A-Team sets off on their mission, two in the air, two in the MPUV. "I can only see this ending well." Is that sarcasm?
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Intelligence for "Low-light with eyelights, night time is the right time!":
2 2 2 3 5 10
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Intelligence vs TN 10 for "2+4spells+4default":
2 3 3 4 4 11 = 1 Success
For those paying attention to that ever unwelcoming land scape, there's several vehicles moving out there, the Technicals, doing sweeps a good 15 Kliks from the Target Area, roving, though with out lights. It's nearly impossible to see their -exact- armament at this range, but at least every one knows they're out there. Well, if they don't, hopefully a team mate comments on it.
«Plot» Abel says, "I drop both spells."
Scrappy is oddly calm, right up until the moment the helo takes off. When it does, she becomes noticeably more twitchy as her wired reflexes kick in. She checks her Alpha at least a half dozen times before they reach the outlaying area, and then she starts staring out the window. Funny. She'd thought that she'd be LESS likely to be dropped into the middle of warzones going forward. Ah well. At least the pay is good.
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Lotta vehicles out there. We go down, you're gonna want to try and find them. Sound AMERICAN and they might not shoot. »
Posh watches as the helo lifts up off the ground. Yeah, that helo's robit pilot must be working a perfectly!
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « Uh, I'm German. »
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Nice knowing you. »
Posh watches as the helo lifts up off the ground. She smiles, giving a salute up to its driver. Godspeed, good sir! «Looks like that remote pilot's working perfectly, right?» she says.
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « Just let me do the talking. If I survive. »

It's only a few dozen feet off the ground before the heli dips heavy to the right before stabalizing itself. «Oh shit. Ooooooooh shit. God fuckign damnit Posh, this thing doesn't have a goddamn autopilot. I can make it go from point A to B by itself… But goddamnit I'm ACTUALLY FLYING THIS THING.»

Scurry pulls up the binoculars, one hand steady while the other clings to the straps for dear life.
Both armor spells instantly wink out to minimize possible crashes.
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « Abel, stop tempting fate. »
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « Posh, it's too dark for me to spot individuals. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Reaction vs TN 10:
1 1 2 3 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Reaction vs TN 10 for "1/3k":
1 1 1 3 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Abel (#13016) rolls Reaction vs TN 10 for "3/3k":
1 1 2 7 10 = 1 Success
Posh looks back up at the wobbly helicopter, shaking her head a little bit. "Wait, wait," she says, her cheeks starting to burn. She blushes hotly. "Well, I've really cocked up this arrangement," she says. «Land the damn thing! Land it! I suppose we have to swap you with one of those who fly these things.»
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 for "Now do those Technicals ID you?":
2 2 3 8 9
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Don't worry. When the explosions start you'll have some light to see by. »
Commlink-Abel> Abel sends, « Just… Grab the helmet in my bag! It has thermals and low-light, and it's all vision mag! »
And then? Then the Technicals swing their patrol out wider, it'll be about ten minutes, but they'll intercept the MPUV!
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « Dammit, that's right, I sold my other one to Luck. »
Teutonic contiunes along the ground towards the base, «Yeah, I see the technicals. I can't make them out either. I can assume they have mounted LMGs." He hears the commotion on the commlink abou t the piloting and just sighs, "I told you to let me fly the thing." Though he does offer some encouragement. «Calm down. Getting upset isn't going to help you. You see that thing with the white and brown and the black lines? Make sure that it stays on the ten. You'll be fine. When you want to turn, rotate the stick so it rotates 5 degrees. In the meantime, I have things to deal with.» Teutonic, unrustled, but after the troll and his ear, what are some LMG armed techincals and a mage trying to fly a rotocraft.
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « So… ten minutes to swap out. Let's do this now, and we'll pick up. It'll confuse them. »
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "So Abel gets his KP back, We'll have TEUTONIC be in the Helo when they realize Posh is derpy."

Abel very carefully and ery slowly lands the copter. It's a bit of a bumpy touch down, but nothing exploded and there wasn't anything on fire. He takes a nervous calming breath before cutting the engine and getting out of the pilot's chair. He looked a bit shaken up, but otherwise alright. Once he has had a moment to settle he asks, «So am I sticking with the chopper or going in the humvee?»

As Posh hears of the difficulty of Abel flying the helo, she curses herself a little bit "I need to bay better attention if I'm going to take on this role," she mutters to herself. "Attention to detail matters." She speaks into the commlink. «Teu, you can fly a helo with manual controls, right? We'll have Abel set the helo down near here…slowly….and then you'll take off. Abel can drive for me. Perhaps he can armor the whole truck, instead? But you know what, I'll leave the armor to you, Abel. You can see the situation. Use your magic as you see fit.» She nods to Teutonic. "Let's drive to a point where we can swap," she says, loading a belt of EXEX with a tracer loaded every third round into the .50 Ma Deuce. Because, you have to use tracers. «Can you keep Scurry's armor up, perhaps, while he drives? You can call out targets to me and him, and he can stun those who survive this mounted machine gun," she says, patting it. It's kind of pretty.
Commlink-Abel> Abel sends, « Do you want me to drive, or hold spells? I can't do both. »
"Try to drive to see if you can find any cover at all. I suppose…I suppose we'll have to have Scurry drive, if I'm going to keep this plan at all. Or I can drive, I suppose. In any case, I think we're going to have to take out these vehicles. They're engaging in a rather unfriendly manner," she says, sighting in on her machinegun. "Open fire immediately."
Teutonic nods at the question from Posh, "Yes, I can. I stated that before we left the MPRI building." He rolls the vehicle over towards the chopper as it lands and gets out, swapping quickly with abel as he does some quick preflight checks and then nods at his passengers before pulling them up into the air. "Well folks, I'll be your pilot. Luckily for you, I can fly a heli manually. Someone get on the gun and I'll make sure you got LoS at all times."
«Hammer in the air. We're good. This is a pretty standard get up.» He flips a couple switches to move over to instrument flight as he makes sure they're dark in the air.

Abel gets in the driver seat of the humvee, still glowing lightly. Nice and slow speeds without trying to do anything fancy. «Alright. Sunday driving speeds. Got it.»
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Don't lose sight of the objective. We want to punch through these guys and get to the base ASAP. We can clear a hole on the way out again after. »
Teutonic holds up a hand inside the helo, "Hold fire. We're supposed to be the ghost. Let them get into range of the MPUV and then start firing. They'll be too busy shooting at the UV to notice they're getting shot at from two sources." He gets on the comms, «We could try to go around. If we shoot them now, they're going to know someone is coming. This is my only point on this.»
When she sees the enemy pop up in her view, Scrappy narrows her eyes and starts trying to track the weapon across them. She hasn't really used a heavy weapon like this before, but that probably means that being behind the trigger is the safest place to be right now. She starts eyeing the lead vehicle. Now, to figure out how to shoot over a massive distance with a gun she's never used…
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « Well, like almost all plans, this one fell apart with contact with the enemy. We're outnumbered down here. I'm thinking that a good way to go would be fore me to start opening up at 3000. I've got plenty of ammo here. I'll try to damage the target vehicles and you finish them off with aimed shots. Abel, keep us moving at a steady pace. Scurry, knock out any gunners still up that you can see through your binocs. Teutonic, try to stay back and out of their firing range. If you are sure on your idea, you are the captain of that vehicle; it is your call, and do your best to support. The way to win this is to stay out of range of the technicals with the helo. »
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « I ain't fired one of these things before, Teutonic. Chances are I'm going to hit 'em once for every four shots, if we're lucky. They'll know we're here, but they're going to know that soon enough anyway. »
With the MPUV designated to draw as much attention as possible, Posh opens up with the vehicle's mounted machinegun at beyond maximum range, starting to spray literally nad making attention. "I..ll…b…b….e…waa…l..king…the..t..r..a…cers…on…ssoon…e…enough…!"
Tracer fires give away the MPUV's position easily, the Technicals form up in a wedge, so as not hit each other as they begin to race forward, the flat bed trucks with their uparmored metal plating. They'll return fire them selves, their muzzle flashes giving them away. Spranging rounds all over the dunes the team's MPUV is on. Chances are? The base knows people are coming <Maybe?>. Now they're going to try and get in close enough for their lighter armament to work!
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 4 for "+2 defaulting, -2 aiming":
1 3 4 4 5 7 7 7 8 16 = 8 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 6 for "+2 defaulting, -2 aiming +2 FA":
1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "+2 defaulting, -2 aiming +4 FA":
1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 8 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 2 vs TN 18 for "Yah. These are sand buggies.":
3 8 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 2 vs TN 18 for "So":
4 17 = 0 Successes
It seems Scrappy may have been lowballing her skill. The dwarf walks the heavy weapon burst across the three vehicles, and massive rounds reduce two vehicles full of enemy troops to so much twisted metal, blood and pulped flesh. When she finishes squeezing the trigger, the woman's lips are pursed, and her brow furrowed faintly.
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Shoulda gone into the fragging air force, never knew it was so easy. »
Scurry looks out with his binoculars, through helmet and gunfire, at the spreading fire beyond.
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Pistols + Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 11 for "Defaulting+2,Base 9 extreme range":
1 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 8 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Pistols + Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 11 for "Defaulting+2,Base 9 extreme range, kp 1/2":
1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 10 = 0 Successes
Posh widens her eyes as Scrappy's autocannon from the distant helicopter nearly a klick behind the advancing MPUV, simply stitched across two of the technicals, glancing down at Abel who's keeping things moving, while keeping himself and his fellow mage armored. "Scurry's out there in the open, but if you need to drop the spells to cast a bolt, then do so," she says. "But with the armor spell and his binocs, he's in a fab place to nab any stragglers. It looks like these vehicles are well dealt with by Hammer. I suppose we should go forward, then, Anvil.
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 1 for "Does either rocket come close? High says Yes":
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 1 for "How Close does it come?":
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 2 vs TN 2 for "So thats literally the lowest damage situation for the buggy.":
4 4 = 2 Successes
Teutonic sees that everyone else is starting to shoot and shrugs, "Might as well." He reaches down to jack himself into the helicopter's internals. He doesn't seem at all bothered by this, easily tracking both the optics of the heli and the world around him. He turns the helicopter into range for Scrappy and the autocannons do their work quickly turning two of the technicals into scrap metals lost to the desert. There's a nod, "Good work." The last one is beset upon by two rockets from the pilot. They may not hit, but they hit close enough and Teutonic is a close enough kind of guy. They're disabled and aren't going to be doing any moving anytime soon, so that's all that matters. «Targets destroyed or disabled.»
Abel drives along as calmly as possible, considering all of the explosions and heavy gunfire going on around him. He does not take down his spells nor try to cast others; just focuses on driving the car wherever he is told to drive it.
Well out of range, and with a job to do, Posh coninues to spray bullets around, enjoying the grand thrill of the recoil as she does her signal best to pump out the same volley of generalized, suppressive fire in the general vicinity of any enemies entering in range, instead of focusing on a specific one.
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls Sorcery vs TN 6 for "Stunbolt, no SP dice":
4 4 4 5 5 10 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls 6 vs TN 2:
2 2 3 3 4 4 = 6 Successes
With overwhelmingly superior firepower..which wasn't hard to accomplish, the team has either alerted the base <By possibly frenized screams over radios>. Or left the base open to stealthy approaches. They didn't do it stealthy like. When they approach the outskirts, there's barrel fires burning, throw thick black smoke skywards, and flood lights on trying to illuminate the sky. It's a rather hellish looking place in the odd half lights, and the vague figures of people moving across roofs, and in the 'streets' of the multi acre facility. The worst part? Even seeing it eyes on, it's a wild guess which of the reinforced bunkers would hold the primary ammo dump. All of them fairly far in. There's at least three approaches one could take too.
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "So there is three areas the MPUV can drive in. One is the 'main' road. Which is the longest, and will expose it to the most fire, but it can make the best time. You'd reach the ammo bunkers in 5 combat phases. There is the circle around, and enter from the side least protected, you'd make it there in 10 rounds once you enter the base grounds. The Helo would take the most fire as it has to fly all over exposed for a very long time as the MPUV scoots. Then there's the side street approach. You'd take 10 rounds, but the Helo could keep out of the area mostly and only dart in when targets crop up. You can't really estimate how many men you'd face, as you do not have a good view of said side streets and there is alot clutter."
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « Posh? Last driver down. It looks like we have three open ways forward. I say backside attack; god only knows what you'll find if you take the sidestreets. From above it's a maze of easily-created barriers. »
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « They know we're here, I say fast and heavy. Straight through the middle. Blow up anything that's stupid enough to move. »
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « Then we agree, either the front gates or the reverse trojan. »
Posh frowns a bit. "All right," she says. "Ordinarily, and if this were a tank, we'd never take the side streets. We might run into an ambush. But we have to protect the Helo. We're providing cover for it. So we can't take the windy rode. At least Scurry has armor and can stun enemies," she says. "And we can't take the middle. This thing is not the tank. We'll have to hope we can counter any ambush they might have with our gun and with accurate fire," she says. "The side streets."
Posh chuckles. "Well," she says, as the consensus goes against her. "The middle it is," she says, hunkering down.
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 2 for "How many RPG teams are there?":
2 3
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 3 for "How many Militia Squads?":
2 2 3
Scurry looks forward not with binoculars, but with the helo's zoom function— which warehouse or structure within looks different from the others?
Abel lets out a soft sigh. "This is going to suck," he mutters as he begins to pick up speed a bit as he raced down the main drag for their target. Highway speeds, of course, but nothing too crazy.
«Plot» Scrappy says, "From overhead, can I make a roll to discern a pattern to their movements (corp security/raw int). I'm particularly looking for any clustering around one of the fortified positions."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "They aren't near the ammo bunkers. They're all arrayed to try and keep people from your side even breaching that far."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Also the smoke is obscuring alot, but you know that place will be -hell-"
Thus the team fatefully chooses to go a fast drive right up the middle, exposing them selves to fire in amounts that would frighten most hardened vets. It's a wall of small arms and heavier MG fire. Tracers spewing into the night at the MPUV as it begins it's run. Thudding away into the night, rockets beginning to streak out from the smoke at the helo!
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 6 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 default +2 smoke shot 1":
1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 9 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "Scattering from the shot!~RPG Team 1":
2 3 3 4 9 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 6 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 default +2 smoke shot 2":
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 11 11 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 15 for "RPG1 Soakin!":
4 5 5 5 9 = 0 Successes

Scrappy lines up the shot as carefully as she can. Twin bursts of heavy fire rake the first group of rocket-using soldiers, but as Scrappy starts to add up the odds, she sucks her teeth.
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Really should have pushed for a better idea of what we are actually tryin' to shoot. They are dug in here like a tick. »
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « Okay, I'll pin them for you »
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Gunnery + 3 vs TN 5 for "tracers, movement mods":
1 3 3 4 4 5 11 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Gunnery + 3 vs TN 7 for "tracers, movement mods attacking again":
2 2 2 4 4 5 8 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Gunnery + 3 vs TN 9 for "tracers, movement mods attacking yet again":
1 2 3 3 4 5 9 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 7 for "Militia 1 Trying to disperse.":
1 1 3 5 11 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 7 for "Militia 2 trying to disperse":
1 3 4 5 19 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 7 for "Militia 3 trying to Disperse":
1 1 7 8 11 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "Militia 1 Soak":
1 1 4 5 9 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "Militia 2 Soak":
1 1 4 4 11 = 0 Successes
The heavy machine gun BOOBOOOBOOBOOBOBOOMs loudly as Posh focuses her attention on the hundred and fifty year old weapon, firing in a wide spread arc as she brutally focuses her attention on three of the militia, though she can't walk her fire closely enough towards the third group to do any damage with her machine gun.
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "Militia 3 Soak":
1 3 4 5 11 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "Militia 2 Trying to tag Posh. 7D. +4 for her being in cover of Ring Mount.":
3 4 5 9 23 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 5 for "+1 TN for in vehicle, dodging":
1 2 4 4 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 5 for "+1 TN for in vehicle, dodging KP":
2 3 3 3 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 5 for "+1 TN for in vehicle, dodging KP 3 spent":
2 3 4 4 11 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 - 1 vs TN 5 for "+1 TN for in vehicle, dodging KP 6 spent":
3 5 5 10 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "Militia 4 putting some LMG rounds onto the MPUV. It's not exactly in cover. 7S LM to the wind shield.":
1 2 3 3 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "RPG1 hammering out a rocket at the Helo! +2 for smoke.":
2 3 4 5 7 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "RPG1 hammering out a rocket at the Helo! +2 for smoke.":
2 3 4 5 7 = 3 Successes
Scurry is strapped in, and holding on for dear life. Assuming his tether holds, and after some choice words, he's going to refocus for another stunbolt
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls Sorcery + 4 vs TN 5:
1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 9 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls Willpower + 2 vs TN 3:
2 2 2 3 3 4 7 9 = 5 Successes
Scurry hisses and tears off the spell with a bite in the air, using his right hand to gesture and slash the spell at the selected target.
Abel tries to keep his head down as all the bullets and rockets go flying through the air. "This is bullshit!" He yells out, not over the comms as he barrels down the road as fast as he could safely go while still keeping himself and Scurry nice and glow and hopefully safe.
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Pistols + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 8 for "4 Base, 2 Smoke, 2 Default":
1 3 4 4 9 13 = 2 Successes
<Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Pistols + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 10 for "4 Base, 2 Smoke, 2 Default, 2 2nd Attack":
1 4 5 5 5 20 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 10 for "Does RPG1 survive remotely?":
1 1 4 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Pistols + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 12 for "4 Base, 2 Smoke, 2 Default, 4 3rd Attack":
1 1 3 4 10 17 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 7 for "RPG2 Displacing?":
1 1 2 2 9 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 10 for "Soaking 1 Hit":
2 2 2 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 10 for "Soaking Second":
1 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "Militia 1 trying to chew up Posh into pieces! 7S":
1 2 2 3 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "RPG3 trying to put a rocket into a Rotor!":
2 2 2 2 8 = 1 Success
eutonic moves the heli around at the 2400 range of the battlefield. He tries to keep them over a roof. If they go down, they'll end up going a short ways down and into a roof hopefully, hopefully, but it's a better plan than taking a nose dive into the streets down below. He's trying to keep Scrappy with an open LoS as well on the enemy, but the smoke and the missiles flying through the air aren't making that easy. "Well shit, This is annoying." «Hammer checking in. How you doing?»
When Scrappy finishes lighting them up with the autocannons, he fires missiles into the rooftops which gives them a couple reasons, six actually, to not keep up their attempts to stop them, not that they'll listen. "One team down."
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Rotor Aircraft + Task Pool: 2 vs TN 4:
2 3 4 4 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "Militia 5 Has a theory. Lets try to shoot out the Windows some more!":
1 1 1 4 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "Militia 3 is just going to keep firing at Posh!":
1 1 1 1 10 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 4 vs TN 5:
4 5 5 5 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "Militia 6! Die Posh DIE.":
3 5 9 9 9 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body vs TN 2 for "7 points armor (Secure Jacket, Helmet, Zoe Second Skin":
1 1 1 2 2 2 4 5 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body - 5 vs TN 2 for "7 points armor (Secure Jacket, Helmet, Zoe Second Skin kp 1":
2 4 5 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "RPG2 Trying to shoot the Main Rotor! Fwoosh!":
2 2 4 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "RPG5 Trying to Take down the Rail Rotor!":
1 2 3 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "Militia 7 trying to sprang the radiator on MPUV":
1 1 2 3 11 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "RPG4 trying to make parts flyo ff a Rotor!":
1 1 4 4 5 = 0 Successes
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? »
Commlink-Abel> Abel sends, « I AM NOT ENTERTAINED »
<Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles vs TN 4 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 smoke":
3 3 4 4 5 5 8 = 5 Successes
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « IT BEATS THE TROLL ON THE TRAIN »
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles vs TN 4 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 smoke shot two":
1 4 5 5 5 7 13 = 6 Successes
Well, when the Militia men realize they don't have much hope of blind firing through smoke and dust, at armored vehicles, they begin to focus their fire at key parts. Teut? Well, he manages to -dodge- an RPG entirely, and another..goes back Scurry's head through the crew compartment. I hope he didn't like that hair style, the rocket motor has successfully singed it badly. Posh even gets hit. Thats what you get for standing up on a ring mount!
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "RPG2 soak":
2 3 4 5 10 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "RPG2 Soak":
1 2 3 5 5 = 0 Successes

Scrappy's eye twitches as she looks out over the chaos and devastation. There was a time, not so very long ago, when a psych eval had concluded that 'repeated and continuous combat deployment has had a severe impact on Louise's mental state, continuing to deploy her would be ill advised'.

Scrappy giggles.

"ARE WE HAVING FUN YET?" She shouts into the commlink and, as her autocannon ends the lives of another few dozen once-living people, she giggles a second time.
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Gunnery + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 5 for "first militia":
1 2 2 4 5 5 11 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Gunnery + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 7 for "second":
1 2 2 3 3 5 10 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "Militia 1 Soaking":
1 1 2 8 11 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "Militia 2 Soaking":
2 3 3 11 14 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "Militia 2 Really hates you now Posh.":
2 4 5 5 10 = 1 Success
Posh continues to lay down her heavy fire, working the Ma-Deuce's machinegun most brutally. She then ducks as the milita fire back at her.
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body vs TN 2 for "soaking S, 1 succ":
1 1 1 2 2 3 10 10 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body - 5 vs TN 2 for "soaking S, 1 succ 1 karma":
4 8 11 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "Militia 4 Realizes a .50 Cal is a seriously bad situation. Lets shoot at that. Which means Posh.":
1 1 2 2 2 = 0 Successes
Posh grunts as one of the slugs impact her, but it seems like the tough Brit seems to grunt a little bit, a shell smacking into her shoulder and bruising her, pinging away as she keeps firing, making so much noise and violence that she seems to be able to distract the group, pulling in loads of the fire while in that ring mount so that the helicopter can go about its work.
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls Sorcery + 4 vs TN 4:
1 1 1 4 5 5 5 10 10 10 = 7 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scurry (#1304) rolls Willpower + 2 vs TN 4:
1 1 2 3 4 5 5 10 = 4 Successes
Scurry slingers yet another spell, a bolt to an RPG.
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « Abel! »
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « Cast a barrier for the helo! »
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « They'll be able to take a hit or two and we can clear out! »
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « Not yet, we're sticking together. Clear these enemies out first. Target the RPG squads. »
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « DON'T FRAG WITH ME DUKE »
Commlink-Abel> Abel sends, « Doesn't work that way! »
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « Think of the children! Think of the elf in the hangar! »
Commlink-Teutonic> Teutonic sends, « Don't make me turn this thing around. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 4 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 smoke":
1 2 3 4 4 7 7 8 8 11 = 7 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 4 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 smoke":
1 1 2 3 4 5 9 9 15 15 = 6 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "RPG 3 Soakin":
1 2 3 4 8 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "RPG 3 Soaking":
3 3 3 7 9 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles vs TN 4 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 smoke":
2 2 3 3 4 5 8 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Assault Rifles vs TN 4 for "4 base -2 smartlink +2 smoke":
2 2 4 4 5 5 17 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "RPG3 Soakin":
1 2 3 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 14 for "RPG 4 Soakin":
1 5 5 7 8 = 0 Successes
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « You ain't turnin' this thing around until the job is done, soldier. Get us to the LZ, I ain't askin' again. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "RPG 4 Launching at the Helo's rotor on it's flight in!":
2 2 4 4 11 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Rotor Aircraft + Task Pool: 2 vs TN 4:
1 3 5 8 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "RPG5 trying the same!":
1 4 4 10 16 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Teutonic (#9159) rolls Rotor Aircraft + Task Pool: 2 vs TN 4:
1 2 4 5 = 2 Successes
Posh grits her teeth as she sees a rocket strike the tail rotor. She points at it. "Abel, we've got to pick them up. They might not be able to fly out of there," she says, focusing on the militia, still shooting, still tryign to kill as she can…

Scrappy's yelling is just getting louder, but she did what he asked so he breaks off. «Hammer heading for the target.» The Heli twists and heads back towards the ammo dumps. Two rockets attempt to hit in mid-air, but he pulls in close to the buildings to avoid, which may have been a mistake, because the dust and soot from the smoke and destruction get all inside the system as he pulls them out and makes a quick landing on the ground near the dumps with the sound of alarms going off. "crap, well, this thing is dead. The engines got too much crap in em. We gotta walk out."
He unplugs from the optics and stands, "Well, let's go lady jane."
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 4 vs TN 12 for "Dum DUm Dum":
1 2 2 5 = 0 Successes
"Son of a bitch!" Abel shouts as he keeps on keeping on, trying to keep some semblance of calm as he pushes forwards through the terror of missle launchers and machine gun fire. «On our way Make it quick!»
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Demolitions + Task Pool: 1:
1 2 2 3 3 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Scrappy (#723) rolls Demolitions + Task Pool: 1:
1 1 1 2 5 5
<Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 1 for "Abel called High":
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 1 for "Posh called Low":
"Negatory, Duke. We ain't gonna get out of the blast zone on foot before they close and cap, so get this bird back in the air, or we're all done!"

Scrappy's words are something of a blue in her current state, but snatching the demo charges in one hand and her assault rifle in the other, she runs out into the night, and slaps down two charges into the ammo stores. She fully expects that she's going to have to detonate them before they can escape the area, but, hey, she had a pretty good run, all things considered.
Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « We already were on the way. We're gonna be there shortly! »
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « So is this Los Angeles? »
Posh gasps as a bullet buzzes by her throat, pointing in true cavalry fashion as her Ma Deuce runs dry, the milita dispersing just in time as she looks down at the twin. "Abel! We're almost th…"

There's a careening shot as a round also pings off the MPUV's windshield. "Abel, the only way out is through!" she says, pointing at the knot of militiamen between them and freedom.
Commlink-Scurry> Scurry sends, « LAX. Am I right, folks? »
Scurry seems slightly off-kilter after having landed. He gazes out into the night, watching Scrappy do her thing.

Abel blazes down the road through gunfire, not trying to dodge anything, just letting the bullets ping off the armored vehicle. "Goddamnit Posh, shut up! I know! I can see the bullets!" He was a little stressed.
Once he was through the shit and te gunfire pointed at him died off, he seems to relax just a little. As he gets closer and closer to the target zone he slows down at a safe speed before pulling up so the others can get in. «Hurry up people!»

Scurry immediately seizes the chance to get into the car, diving for a spot in the back seat and holding the door open for Scrappy and Teutonic.
Teutonic yells back, "Don't ask for the impossible! I'm not a vehicle engineer, I work on electronics." He doesn't even bother trying to fix the thing as he readies his gun, "I'll try to find a car.." Or not, as Abel and Posh show up in the MPUV, «We got EVAC lady jane.» Yep that works better than him trying to find a car in the ammo bunker area. He heads over and gets in, very happy to leave this place behind. "Well, this went way better than the train did."
The rockets are coursing, along with large amounts of gunfire..but they aren't overly accurate, and quickly out distanced, to sporadic harassing fire. The Militia are trying to catch up on foot. Fortunately the far way out? It's clear!
Scrappy is surprisingly quick on her feet for such a small person. Once she's in the back of the jeep, she holds the detonator carefully. Deactivating her wires, means that she calms down just a little bit, and she takes a few long, slow breaths.

She isn't in a hurry to press the button, sweating bullets and closing her eyes, she mentally tries to figure out how far away they need to be, to be outside the blast zone. Cross-referencing that with how long it'll be before the troops are in the area they were in and start searching. It isn't easy arithmetic to do…
Commlink-Scrappy> Scrappy sends, « Well, it ain't a tackie, but I'd recommend putting your fingers in your ears boys and girls. »
When she feels she can't hold the button back any any longer, Scrappy gives her warning, and then hits it. This is the reason she has dampeners. The earth-shattering kaboom is enough to shake the road, and light up the world behind them.

When the roar has died down, and the jeep is likely being pelted with dirt, debris and motes of flickering ash, Scrappy will finally actually relax.

"That ought to give them something to worry about more than chasing us home."
Home..Denver. First they need to make it back to the MPRI Field base. Where they can explain the Helo got shot. On the other hand? That base is cratered. Oh, and the Radiator was dry about four klicks back. Then they can wait for the next flight home..

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