Gate of Hades

GM: Posh
Players: Blackheart, Bull, Lost, Posh, Prey
Synopsis: Blackheart, Bull, Lost, Prey, and Posh are hired by Suen Qiang of the Triads to investigate rumors of a corporate takeover of the Gate. That’s been causing significant problems with the supply of Warrens denizens to the Triad flesh smuggling operations. They can’t allow for corps to muscle in on their turf! The gang are hired to find out what’s going on…and provide the intel so the triads can take out who’s responsible.
Date: 8/3/2075

«Plot room description»
The high walls of The Gate are lit by powerful searchlights, manned by drones and heavily armored guard towers. The wide road permits the flow of corp trucks in and out. A dark rain drizzles wetly, creating a filmy reflective service. Almost routinely, the sound of a gunshot rings out, propelling a high caliber bullet into the head of some Warrens denizen mistiming their run to freedom. Such is the gateway to the world of the SINless.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) has the Contact Suen Qiang with the following information:

-----> Contact for Posh (#11342) <-----
Contact Name: Suen Qiang
Level: 1
Type: triad boss
GM Note: Suen Qiang is a 62 year-old human male and one of the major bosses of the Black Dragon Triad in Denver. Originally an immigrant from Hong Kong, he has lived in Denver since his early 20's.

While he sometimes takes advantages of his age to project a kind grandfatherly demeanor - he is actually a cunning - ruthless man whose grip on power has largely remained because he is an effective - uncompromising leader that demands respect from his subordinates and crushes opposition. He remains in mostly good health despite his age.

In the shadows, he occasionally operates as a Johnson for the Black Dragons - typically to contract shadow help for gang hits and any other operations for which he needs complete deniability. He's also a skilled mage (grade 5 initiate) assumed to have the following stats:

STR 4 QUI 4 BOD 4 CHA 5 INT 6 WIL 7 MAG 10

Assume 7 in relevant magical skills
5 in social skills
4 in physical combat skills.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) has the Contact Sean Murphy with the following information:
-----> Contact for Posh (#11342) <-----
Contact Name: Sean Murphy
Level: 1
Type: ke gang unit det.
GM Note: Sean Murphy is a detective in the Gang Division of the Denver office of Knight Errant, often working the nastiest of the drug and trafficking gangs in the Warrens. Her role is that of an arbor - she picks the most diseased, horrid fruit in the orchard to make the others able to grow under control.

Stats: Body 5 Quickness 5 Int 6 Cha 5 Str 4 WP 6

Pistols 4 Shotguns 5 Clubs 4 Etiquette 5 Negotiation 4 Gang Identification 5 Security Procedures 5 Street Rumors 6 Black Market 4 Gang Rumors 6 Criminal Organizations 5 Unsolved Crimes 6

Cyberware: Plastic Bone Lacing Wired Reflexes 1 Smartlink 2 Biomonitor

"Hmm, aren't the Royals one of the more powerful gangs in the Warrens? Who'd be crazy enough to try and take them on?" Blackheart wonders as she sips her nutri-glug. "Does Sean have anyone in mind for us to pay attention to?" she asks.

"Next up and comer, likely." Bull grunts, the large 'taur leaning against one of the walls of the offices. He has a heavy dufflebag slung over one shoulder, and is letting his dull eyes casually take in those gathered for the mission. He knows all but one, which is always a bit of a relief. Lost and Blackheart would have gotten polite nods of greeting. Prey, a lingering examining look.

Having found and commandeered a chair from somewhere in the office of the body shop, Lost sits against one of the walls, listening intently. "A corp play for the Gate?" She muses aloud to no one in particular before tilting her head to the side, "Huh. I gotta wonder, what's the angle here? Whichever corp it is making this play, if they're this invested, there must be some big pay out for them…" After a moment, she shakes her head, "Probably not what I should be worrying about. Anyway, I'm guessing your cop friend wants us to get in closer and do a little sniffing around, yeah?"

Prey is asleep. Or at least she appears to be. Eyes closed, arms crossed, leaning up against the wall. If she is even listening, she is doing it quietly.

Blackheart throws a skittle at Prey to wake her up.

Posh nods. "Perhaps," she says. "But usually gang to gang infiltrations aren't giving payouts to the hangers on, right? That seems more like an intelligence gathering operation," she says. "And that's exactly right. But one cop isn't going to be able to pay us much, though," she says. "What I did is I secured a meeting with Suen Qiang. He mentioned that the supply of bunraku had been of concern lately. If Sean was concerned enough about the status quo - and by that means, Knight Errant, and if it's getting buried, he was willing to hire a team in order to take care of it," she says. "I convinced him that we were worth far more than a hundred grand, but that we'd take that amount as a favor to the Triad," she says. "Now, that's certainly a big payout in the o-crime world, but even the Royals puts down in revenue well over a hundred thousand a week, right?" she asks. "Among all the members, I mean. From their control of the gate," she says. "I suppose I'm not an expert on gang hideouts, or gangster economics, but I could likely fake it soon enough," she says. "And there, that takes us to why she's here," she says, arching an eyebrow at the tossed skittle. "Prey. We need you to…help us suss out which of the hangers on are taking payouts," she says. "Then we'll need to flush out and find out what’s happening," she says. "This might get really dangerous - someone might try to kill us, certainly. Anyway - our other goal, and here's where it gets a little sticky, is to track down whoever the hell is doing this, and do it quietly. That's where the payout is coming from – they want to send a message to whatever pencilnecks are doing this. So we've got to make absolutely sure that we don't get traced in the ultimate zone." She shrugs. "I suppose, you start messing with the economics of the Warrens, you've really signed up for it," she says, of the prospect of murder. She gives all of you a quick flash of a smile. "Who's out so far?"

"Still in." Bull grunts, giving a grin as he glances towards Posh, then around the room again. When Prey is the one singled out to find the gang taking payments and get one to interrogate, it sheds at least a little light onto her skills.

«Plot» Posh says, "Note. I hope you place your agreement and consent to my dangers in my hands, with of course the caveat that you can appeal to Staff if you think I'm being an idiot, NHF."

"Sounds good, Prey figures out who's acting squirrelly, and we go pop em," Blackheart nods her head. "I like it, simple and straight forward. Does anyone know anyone in the Royals? Someone on the inside might know a thing or two about what's going on."

«Plot» Blackheart says, "oh, I already have Murph as a level 1 contact"

«Plot» Bull says, "Duly noted."

Lost shifts in her seat, looking slightly uncomfortable for a moment, "Hmm… well, I'd prefer to remain on Suen Qiang's good side if at all possible. If nothing else, I'm /way/ more afraid of the Triads than the Royals." She grins before continuing, "Most of all though, my curiosity has been piqued. I really wanna know what's going on here. Maybe that's not the best reason to sign on for a job, especially since I'm not all that keen on generating bodies…" With a sigh, she rolls her shoulders, "But fuck it, I gotta pay my lease somehow, right?"

Prey slowly, oh so slowly, raises one of her hands. A single finger (Take a guess wich one!) extends towards Posh, and in the vague direction of the skittle thrower. A small yawn, and she shifts lightly. "Chinga tu madre. And the chinks. You need to hold a meeting every time you need to take a shit?"

Blackheart cants her head to one side at Prey's little outburst, "The fuck is wrong with her?" she wonders, shaking her head.

Posh folds her arms. "Well," she says. "I'm talking about taking twenty grand in order to help keep the Royals in charge of the gate," she says. "It'll make us friends with the Triads, and hopefully no enemies, if we can get away with it. Plus it'll have you on the good side of a cop who's got an eye on Warrens gangs. Maintaining the status quo, and killing some unknown corp troublemaker," she says. "There's a lot of risk, and it isn't exactly a clean job, but…" She looks directly at Prey. "You in? For a full share, and a shot at the action at the end?" she asks.

Posh glances at Blackheart. "She's from the 'Rens," she says. "It's not what's wrong with her for this job, it's what's wrong with us," she says. "Whatever she does is right, and is a goodass clue for understanding how we should be really behaving," she says.

"So, in any case," she says, her accent switching from British to central western casual, "what we gotta do is take out whatever slitchspawn thinks he can undermine the Royals," she says. "You in for that? And the payout?"

Bull raises a brow at Prey, and glances towards Blackheart and Posh with an amused snort as his arms fold over his chest.

Lost glances in Prey's direction, arching an eyebrow, before turning her attention to Posh. "Best case scenario, the Triads like us more, we make some new friends in the 'Rens, and a cop would owe us. I'm not really seeing the downside here… other than that I fear I'll stick out like a sore thumb on the other side of the wall."

Posh turns to Lost. "I'd thought your elementals might be able to operate as spies of a sort, as the Rens have so much rubble," she suggests. "I hadn't really imagined you as on point," she says. "It's Blackheart and I who are jumped into a gang, and Bull's solid on the streets too," she says. "In any case, I suppose I admit I'd imagined you more as…magical support, helping to clear our tracks, making sure that we don't encounter any spiritual entanglements…"

Worst case scenario is you jump the fence chica. Then you get robbed, raped, killed, and your organs sold. If yer lucky, it will be in that order. And quick." Prey snorts, finally pushing herself up and off the wall, eyes drifting open as she stretches, then grunts. "I'll go talk to the king."

Lost grins at that, "Probably for the best. The elementals and I can pretty easily scout around in the astral. And if you need any of your tracks covered, I can handle that as well. But I doubt you had imagined putting me on point in anything other than an emergency. So." Turning toward Prey, her lips press into a grim expression, "True enough, but that's exactly why I prefer to stay on THIS side of the Wall in the first place."

Blackheart snerks and shakes her head at Prey, glancing over to Posh, "Where'd you find this one?" she wonders taking another sip of her nutriglug, slurping the bottom of the cup through her straw. She nods her head to Lost and looks over to Bull, "Do you have anything quite, Bull? Last time I saw you, you were rocking a machinegun."

"Ain't never rocked a machine gun." Bull muses, "I've got smartguns. Not quiet. Or I've got quiet XSGS. For this though, Posh told me to bring my beating stick." A hand idly undoes his jacket, and produces a telescoping staff that he waggles slightly before tucking it away.

"Huh, I coulda sworn.." Blackheart shrugs her shoulders before she sticks her foot farther into her mouth. Satisfied that a minotaur with a beating stick will be able to handle anything they come across, she gives a confident smile. "Looks good. I guess we sit tight and wait for intel from Prey?"

"Right, all minotaurs carry big machine guns, right?" Posh teases Blackheart. "Well, I suppose more than anything else, we need Prey to find out where there's been any irregularities with the local gangs and hangers on and dealers lately. Something like that might point us to where we might have to play hangers-on ourselves."

"I'm going, I'm going. The souk, five hours." Prey grumbles, grunting once as she wastes no time on heading out the door.
«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Shadow Players (to Posh) for "Just to see if there is anything I can immediately pick out about all this.":
4 5 11
«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Etiquette (to Posh) for "Talking to KING STEVE! For info on any troubles he may be having with his goons.":
2 2 3
«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Etiquette (to Posh) for "Talking to KING STEVE KP 1/6":
4 5 8
Prey pages: Stand.

Lost chuckles softly at the joke before nodding toward Prey, "Good luck out there," She offers, then leans back in her seat and glances around the room. Shifting her position again, she tries to get comfortable, "Well, should we wait it out here, or move somewhere a bit closer?"

"All right," Posh says. "Now we have to not look like we're crazy targets," she says to Bull and Blackheart. "That means smartguns all around, and dirty coats or cloaks," she says. "You've got your mirror shades, that's pretty good - feel like a fedora for the day as well? I've got one nice and ratty." She chuckles, pushing back the hood of her dirty cloak. "Now, I've got this one, and I got a troll-sized trench if you need one, Bull," she says, with a grin. "In any case, I was hoping you could stay out of sight, Lost - help us out if we run into any magical surprises, and help clean up if any of us bleed," she says. "Does that sound good to everyone?"

"Yeah, that'll work Posh." Bull grunts, glancing down at his jacket, and then stripping out of it casually to reveal the bracework of holsters for his smartguns and telescoping staff underneath. And a real fluidly built mechanical cybertorso, his natural skin augmented heavily with steel and titanium plating, wiring and access ports strewn about. It was hard to notice under the jacket, but is plainly obvious now.

"If we've got a vehicle we can take into the 'Rens I can support you from there. Safer there than out on the streets." Lost replies with a grin, "Otherwise… I can just stick close behind you and keep an eye on the astral. Got my Savior if anyone takes a bullet… between that and a couple of spells, anything short of, you know, like a full-scale firefight shouldn't be too hard to deal with." She gets up to her feet and stretches briefly, throwing on a frayed and faded old hooded jacket, though she doesn't pull the hood up just yet.

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Urban Tracking (to Posh) for "Lets hunt down some people robbing drug dealers then.":
1 2 4 4 7

Posh chuckles at Lost. "Well, I've got a bike you can borrow. It's got a nice autonav, so you can get ferried around even if you don't ride so well. How's that?" she asks. "It's also fast enough to get you out of any trouble. We can meet up at the courtyard of the 'Stille if there's any trouble," she says. "Now let's get ourselves into the Warrens and go meet Prey. I've got a smuggler who can get us through - considering we're rolling in with smartguns, that's probably the best way to do it."

Blackheart nods her head as she gathers her things, tucking her two Ingrams into a bag for the smuggling operation over the border. "Sounds good, let's roll!" she says, clapping her hands together, as she reaches for one of the trench coats and fedoras. "YEah, seee? It's going to go like this, see?" she kids as they wait for the ride.

"That'll work. Though it might be more trouble that it's worth to smuggle the bike in and then back out again. So… not totally necessary. I can just follow behind you guys on foot. Little bit of exercise wouldn't kill me." Lost replies, pulling her hair back and smoothing it down before pulling her hood up. Grinning at Blackheart, she nods, "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess. Let's get this show on the road."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) has the Contact Sara Milczarek with the following information:
-----> Contact for Posh (#11342) <-----
Contact Name: Sara Milczarek
Level: 1
Type: smuggler
GM Note: Racism +2 (Humans). Troll woman, age 45. Minor dislike for humans, if only because of the humanocentric Humanis Policlub.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) spends 500 nuyen for " Smuggling Bull, Lost, Posh, and Blackheart into the Warrens, with basic 'burner' firearms from Posh's stash".

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Negotiation vs TN 6 for "Convincing Sarah to take Blackheart":
2 2 2 3 4 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Negotiation vs TN 6 for "Convincing Sarah to take Blackheart KP 1":
1 2 4 5 5 5 9 = 1 Success

After wheedling with Sara to let her know it'd be a BIG favor, Posh manages to get the slightly grumpy troll to take the gang to meet Prey. Around a rather unsupervised corner nearby to the Court, a common hangout for Prey, Sara grumbles as the gang departs the Warrens, cheap smartguns all 'round, plus a nice manhunter with laser sight for Lost.

"Maaaaaaaan Hunteeeerrrr!" Blackheart sings as she hip-bumps Lost while they head down the street on the way towards the meetup point. "But seriously, I should totally get laser sights on my guns, too, they'd look particularly cool with my smoke grenade," she says.

Bull is pretty quiet for most fo the transport, the large 'Taur looking almost like he is meditating. Or wait, maybe its just sleeping. Either way, the 'Taur is along comfortably for the ride with a polite nod to the Troll driver.

The gun in question is handled gingerly by Lost, who at least seems to have /some/ idea of how to properly handle the weapon. As if to show that she does, she unloads the pistol, checks the magazine, reloads it, and then switches the safety on before tucking it away in the inside pocket of her jacket. "Hope I don't have to use it…" She mutters to herself. As she's hipbumped, she grins at Blackheart, poking her in the side playfully, "Lasers, smoke… just add some music and some drugs and you got yourself a party!"

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Stealth for "Sneaking up on the group. Because you asked for it Posh.":
1 2 3 4 4 5 13

"Deal!" Blackheart nods her head to Posh's suggestion.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 2 2 4 4 4 9

«Plot» Posh says, "Nope."

"Prey has a rather, possessive attitude," explains Posh, with a touch of an eyeroll.

"That could be anyone." Lost replies to Posh, the corners of her mouth slowly turning up into a smirk, "I imagine folks are a bit grabbier on this side of the wall, anyway." After a quiet chuckle, she tilts her head from side to side, neck cracking audibly as she too tries to put her game face on.

Bull is a large, imposing, and slightly freaky looking Minotaur. He also might have a reputation on this side of the wall, as his gaze roams the crowds. He may be doing a passable job of encouraging people who may be interested in getting close to the gorgeous elves around him to go the other way. Or maybe just adding a challenge to it!

Fortunately, Posh has worn her travel cloak, and had offered the dirty fedora and coat to Blackheart, presuming that Bull had his own warrens gear. So at least the gang does not shine like a beacon that says 'Come here to rob and ravange!'

Tsk, what is the fun in a target that knows it is coming? Posh does not get harassed. No, Blackheart gets the grab and squeeze to the rump, firm, as Prey once again makes herself known. "More than just girls, buncha dealers missing payments. One of them tried to run and got pegged by a high-power for his trouble. So, I got nothing."

Blackheart gives a yelp and a bit of a jump as her narrow booty is bothered. She is just about to draw when she notices it was Prey perving on her posterior. A smirk and she looks the warrens native over, "Your contact got got?" she asks, sounding disappointed.

"No. Means I can only give an area fer now Chica." Prey shrugs her shoulders, keeping her hand where it was, and seemingly making herself comfortable. "No names or anything that easy, so I'll hold off on my full payment for now."

Lost doesn't even notice as Prey slips in, only alerted to the other woman's presence by Blackheart's yelp. As Prey reports on the situation, Lost purses her lips thoughtfully, "Mmm. Shame. Well then, where to next? Anything that reduces the size of this haystack we need to search through is helpful." She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, glancing around the streets warily as she tries to keep her voice down.

"Did Sean mention the names of any of the stooges taking payouts? That would be the obvious place to start. Track one of them down and start turning screws," Blackheart suggests, stepping away from Prey's hand. "Maybe one of these dealers who's missed a payment, if they're skipping out on that sort of thing, they're either getting money or trouble from someone, probably who we're looking for."

"Was there anything at all?" Posh asks Prey. "Any sort of clue, anything that might help us identify the robbers?" asks Posh. She grins. "Maybe you could check around to see if any of the gangs with a beef with any Royals affiliated gangs have been doing a little spending lately," she says. "In any case, let's get out of sight. It's probably not a great idea to be gawking around checking our pocsecs on a Warrens street corner." She grins at Prey. "Where shall we go to prepare?" she asks. "And you're well known at pretty much all the Royals-friendly outlets, right?" she asks. "Do they all go to your fights? Maybe if you get us backstage passes or something," she says, thoughtfully, "we might be able to rub shoulders with the right Royals."

"Everyone goes to the dome at some point." Prey rolls her shoulders into a shrug. "And the dealers are getting hit. I can tell you the neighborhood it is happening in, and I can tell you there is at least one guy with a browning ultra-power, but that is a pretty common piece." A shake of her head then. "I can get one of you into court, but I'd like not." A sharp nod. "Hey Steve! The chinks want to help you out and the five-o by giving you a hand and undermining your authority!" Her eyebrow arcs upwards. "Not a good way to make friends. Tell you what though Chica. I can get you all nice and cozy in the hood that is getting hit, then you just need to pick a spot and watch. Heck, I'll sit out on the porch with your friend with the skinny ass."

Lost surveys the team briefly, "I might be stating the obvious here, but getting into court sounds like risky business." She pauses, glancing toward Posh, "Though, if you're feeling up to it, you might be able to talk some answers out of some people. That said, posting up in the neighborhood in question might bear fruit, and it seems a helluva lot smarter and safer than strolling into the Royals hangout." She crosses her arms, glancing from face to face, "What do you all think?"

Posh arches an eyebrow, and then glances at Bull and such. "All right, all right," she says. "That seems like a reasonable idea, frankly. Blackheart, are you up for being Prey's flavor of the month, while the rest of us wait nearby and we pretty much stake things out?" she asks. "If this tip is right, we could interdict a robbery and hopefully take a captive." She grins. "That's where the beating stick comes into play. Ideally we'd take someone without firing a shot."

Blackheart nods her head to Lost, "Let's stake out some of the Royals' dealers, run some counter surveillence and see if we can catch who's watching them."

Bull tips his head to Posh, "Beating stick is good to go whenever." He grunts, rolling his shoulders. "Not sure I'll drop him before he gets a chance to shoot, but I'll give it a good go." Otherwise, the large 'Taur has mostly just been spending his time crowd-watching while the discuss specifics.

Prey shrugs her shoulders lightly, an eyebrow arcing up on her face as she waits for the official answer.

"All right, Prey," says Posh. "You're the local expert, you're the one we're looking to to operate under the cover of your local celebrity and keep our footprint as light as possible," she says, with a grin. "Lost. Are you able to make our big Bull friend here invisible, by any chance?" she asks, thinking of a response plan now that Prey and Blackheart are going to be the pointgals for the stakeout.

Lost turns toward Posh, nodding, "I think we can work with that. Post up nearby, maybe find an abandoned building or something. Somewhere quiet and private where I can project from." The dark-haired elf grins at Posh as the redhead mentions invisibility. Again she nods before speaking, "Can do, no problem. Granted, I won't be much use while maintaining the spell, but I can do invisibility. With a little luck, I could make him totally silent, too."
Bull quirks a brow. "Well. If you can do that, I may need to find a china shop before this is done." He quips, "Can't say I've ever been invisible before. Should be fun.'

Blackheart looks from one to the other, "Flavour of the month, eh?" she asks and sighs, "I guess that's that," she says, shifting out of her trench coat and fedora. "I guess I'm going in unarmed? Dishes don't typically wander around with submachineguns, do they?"

"It's the Rens." Prey tilts her head, before sliding over to put an arm around Blackheart. "Just tuck it in your pants. Ain't nobody that can afford to goes unarmed 'round here."

Lost grins at Bull, "Something tells me you aren't likely to find a china shop on this side of the Wall. I expect people are scrambling to scrape together the cred for food, without any left over for fancy plates to eat it off of." Turning toward Blackheart and Prey, she dips her head, "Good luck, be safe, and keep in contact." Putting her hands on her hips, she turns back toward Posh and Bull, "Well then, shall we find a nice, shadowy spot in which to operate?"

"You think they'll just let some random wander win with a couple of uzis?" Blackheart shrugs her shoulders, "Okay, let's get going, I guess." She fixes her mullet and puts on her mirror shades before getting nice and cozy with Prey. "Where we headed, dear?"

"Somewhere private. After we go nab ourselves an idiot." Prey offers in return, shrugging her shoulders slowly before moving off to the target area on foot. She moves slow enough to let the others follow her while remaining out of sight, and picks out a stoop of an old apartment building with a good view to sit on with Blackheart in her lap. Just another ren's couple in the worst places for humanity.

"Only if you're with her," explains Posh to Blackheart. "Prey's something of a local celebrity. This is sort of…hiding in plain sight." She grins. "Let's do it," she says, as the group sits up.

It's relatively easy for Lost, Bull, and Posh to find a place to hide. A few of the local crew seems to be out, dealin' out in the open on this cool evening, on that destroyed street corner. At this time, it seems like there's pretty good business, and a couple of folks are hanging out. Prey can see a couple of folks from the gang, Dizzy and Smoke, both of them dealers affiliated, but not jumped in. Exactly the kind of folks that have been hit lately.

From their hiding place, Lost finds a sturdy wall to lean against. Head down, she produces her PocSec and begins to tap at it idly, just another denizen of the Warrens. Or so she thinks, at least. In reality, she's probably not doing that great of a job blending in. If nothing else, she wouldn't pass a smell test, having showered recently. But… as long as she keeps her head down, eyes glued to her PocSec, there's hope. And Bull's presence nearby also serves as a pretty good deterrent for anyone getting too close.

On the way to the stoop, Blackheart stops in a corner store and picks up a couple of 40s so they can blend in. She gets comfy on Prey's lap and leans back, sipping and doing some people watching in the dilapidated neighbourhood, keeping her sight shifting from the material to the astral in case there are invisible stalkers lurking about.

Bull would rest near the door of the hiding place, glancing around casually as he remains on guard. And exposes just enough of himself someone coming towards the hidey-hole might suddenly decide they are going to pick another place to go!

"The two down there on the left, with the red and gold." Prey speaks, hushed tones, passing it off as a kiss to Blackheart's cheek. "Friends, and the kind that have been getting hit. Watch them."

Blackheart sips her 40, lounging on the stoop as she does some people watching. "So, how much do these cornerboys make slinging in an average night?" she wonders, it's been a while and a few cities ago since Blackheart was directly involved with the drug trade.

That abandoned building is kept slightly more abandoned by Bull looking quite intimidatingly at anyone that happens to stray too close. This is -Bulls- building, damnit!

"Depends." Prey keeps close to Blackheart, so she could keep her voice lowered for one. Her head tilting ever so slightly. "Steve controls the gateway, get a lot of up-towners down here looking for a bit of a thrill, you know? If they are around, good money. If they are not, you only get the locals. Wich can be…erratic."

Blackheart sighs at the vague answer and has another pull from her malt liquor. She leans against the stoops rail, bracing one foot on the step to look extra cool as she looks out over the street. "You got a suduko or anything?" she wonders, smacking her lips at the taste of cheap beer.

"Means I don't know who they have been dealing with tonight." Prey snorts a little, in a semi-relaxed state. "If uptowners have been around, they are prolly carrying a couple gees. Fleeced the fuck out of them. If its locals they have been dealing with?" Prey pauses for a minuite, then shrugs her shoulders. "When I look at you, I see a nice piece. But I went through a lot of things to be able to say that. To a lot of the locals? They see a quick way to get their rocks off, bout a weeks worth of their cram fix from whats inside you, and prolly food fer about a month off the eyes and the guns chica." A long nod then. "Less fleecing, more desprate bargaining, less cash and more in barter. Stolen jewelry and such." A slow nod of her head. "Did it for a few years."

It seems like a few of the guys are getting a little nervous. Prey can see that it seems like some are getting ready to take some on a little walk around - something of a patrol. A few look at their wrists, or at old pocsecs. It seems like something might be the matter.

Blackheart frowns as it seems there's no sudoku to pass the long hours of the stakeout. She sips her drink and nods as Prey goes on and on, when it gets quieter, she hmmms, "We should go after them, get some spending money and blame it on this mystery group that's making the everyone so on edge. Maybe get recruited by the mystery group and then get them from the inside." This is followed by another sip as she watches the street. "I'm sure the Royals would appreciate us looking out for them like that."

However, they seem to relax as another crew seems to approach, an armored urban van along with a couple of outriders as escorts, fat tires perfect for rolling over the destroyed Rens streets. A big ork and a human, both male, get out of the van as it stops. It seems like they're about to make a delivery.

Blackheart frowns as it seems there's no sudoku to pass the long hours of the stakeout. She sips her drink and nods as Prey goes on and on, when it gets quieter, she hmmms, "We should go after them, get some spending money and blame it on this mystery group that's making the everyone so on edge. Maybe get recruited by the mystery group and then get them from the inside." This is followed by another sip as she watches the street. "I'm sure the Royals would appreciate us looking out for them like that."

Prey holds up her hand, snerking once as she does so. "I'd rather not piss off Steve. And this looks interesting." Prey gives a small pause, eyes darting over to the new group. "If this is nothing, I promise we can tounge wrestle until something more exciting happens."

Hooded and leant against a wall, Lost fiddles with her PocSec idly. After all, personal electronics offer a multitude of ways to kill time. Every so often, she glances up from the screen in Prey and Blackheart's direction, just making sure there's nothing strange going on on either plane, while simultaneously trying not to draw any undue attention. The approaching van and ensuing deal is watched intermittently, tapping at the device in her hands all the while.

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Gang Identification for "Is the van one of the Royals' cars?":
4 5 8 9

Blackheart looks over the van, then pushes her mirror shades back up, "Eh, looks like they're just re-upping their supply for the night," she says, taking note of the wheelman. She glances back to Prey, "You wanna go ask if they've had any trouble?"

Suddenly…it seems like about a half to two thirds of everyone assembled suddenly starts clutching their heads. It looks like it's almost a random spread, while those unaffected look utterly surprised. Suddenly, those clutching their heads reach for their pistols. The big ork is surprised as the human he'd arrived with pulls a pistol and sends to bullets right into him, but then he's reacting, surprised, not even reaching for his weapon. "What the frak, Joe?" he asks, stunned and bleeding, stepping back. It's utter chaos, a melee. One of them, looking dead in the eyes, turns directly at Blackheart and Prey with his SMG coming out, about to fire a wild burst in their direction.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 vs TN 4 for "Reaction vs Prey and Blackheart":
1 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Blackheart says, "savign it, I should beat them on initiative"

«Plot» Posh says, "Blackheart, Prey. Reaction TN 4."

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Reaction vs TN 4:
2 2 3 5 8 9 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "No problem. You can't act against him, but you could dive behind cover."

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Intelligence vs TN 5 for "Noticing spells.":
2 2 3 4 5 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Intelligence vs TN 5 for "noticing spells as well":
1 3 3 4 4 5 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "Ah, okay. No problem then. Both Lost and Blackheart detect signatures from a major spell happening nearby."

«Plot» Prey says, "Set for summertime wargear. Good to go."

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Reaction vs TN 4:
1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 9 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Can you both give me magic rolls?"

«Plot» Posh says, "Like magic identification, that sort of thing."

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Magic Background:
1 1 3 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Magic Background:
1 2 3 3 4 5

«Plot» Posh says, "All right. That SMG is swinging towards the both of you. Actions, Prey, Blackheart?"

«Plot» Posh says, "You were hanging out with Blackheart in your lap, across the street. So let's call it 15 meters."

«Plot» Blackheart says, "Diving for cover, as much as I can"
The moment there is gunfire, Bull flinches and sticks his head out the door. "Well fuck." he grunts, glancing over his shoulder at Lost. "Stay here." A block away? Lets see how fast the Minotaur can cover that distance.

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Reaction vs TN 4 for "QD":
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 9 11 = 5 Successes

«Plot» Prey says, "QD into simple action stand, into one burst, into walking forwards."

Blackheart notices the flash of mana erupting from a nearby building and sees the bizarre change in disposition of the gangers. "Oh shit, chummer's gone loco!" she says as she quickly drops her 40 oz bottle of ChugaLug and dives behind the stoop to get out of the way of the guy with the machine gun.

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 5 for "Medium range, -1 TN laser sight, +1 TN attacker walking.":
2 3 4 5 5 5 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 vs TN 6 for "Soak":
2 2 2 3 3 5 5 8 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "Prey, you have an action. 3 guys, two with AK-97s, one with a shotgun, seem to have noticed that you were shooting from outside the melee. Two aim at you while a couple of the Royals affiliates who haven't lost their mind seem to recognize you. "Fuck! Thanks for helpin' out!" one of them says."

«Plot» Posh says, "Less than 10 meters now. You've been walking towards them."

Posh moves to follow Bull out on the street. "Lost!" she hisses. "Come with us. If you've got a lead, we'll need you to point it out to us!" she says, looking a little wildeyed. "Has it all gone to shite? What's with all the gunfire?"

Oh yeah, I'm good." Bull grunts over his comms as he moves down the street at a full charge, quick as his legs can carry him. (Its not really that fast, but that is a -lot- of meat in motion).

« Fall back to us, no sense in slaughtering these guys if you can help it. » Lost says over comms, rubbing her neck as she realizes Blackheart and Prey might not have a choice in the matter. As Posh calls out to her, she nods. "I can do that. Let me see if I can't find a way for us to skirt the crazies and get toward that building." She takes a moment to assess what part of the building might be the sturdiest before settling down on the floor, leaning against the nearest wall. With a slow exhale, she begins to project, looking out for Bull while trying to find a safe route toward the building in question.

As Bull starts to hustle down the streeet, making all kinds of noise and being, well, a big ol' Bull, Posh looks rather frantically across the street, where Lost says there's something. "Fuck! Can you keep track of…of that!" There's just a little blur, of a figure taking its opportunity to scuttle away behind Bull.

Posh doesn't interdict Bull's instincts, and the trouble's really starting. Blackheart's behind cover, Prey's got big guns aimed at her, but two of them swivel towards Bull now, as the big bull moves to help out.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "FA vs Bull, 13D":
1 2 2 3 8 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "FA vs Bull, 13D":
2 3 4 5 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "FA vs Prey, 13D":
1 1 1 2 7 10 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Okay. Tactical picture: Blackheart has full cover and has taken first action. Bull is hustling down the street to help, he can do a melee charge in one round, or next round, he can use SMGs. Posh is guarding Lost's body. She's spotted a figure escaping the building, who she's requested Lost to tail astrally."

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 4 for " Ohmigosh thats FA and scary, doj plzthx.":
1 1 5 5 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 4 for " Ohmigosh thats FA and scary, doj plzthx. The Re-dodgening":
2 3 8 = 1 Success

Lost can move at the speed of thought, so tracking someone moving in meatspace is a piece of cake. She's careful to shadow the figure, just in case, zipping back to her own body every now and then to relay info as needed.

Bull emits a low rumbling roar from his throat as he charges. Why? Because getting attention and getting shot at is what Bulls good at! As he nears the fray and two individual streams of Bullets fly his way, he zigs when he should zig, and zags when he should zag as the large 'Taur narrowly avoids the hurt coming his way.

The figure seems to scurry into a compound, or at least what corresponds to one in the meatworld, but that's of less concern likely to Lost now than the two guardian spirits for said compound that are in her face at equally the speed of thought, all WHAT DO YOU DESIRE, WORM, and YOU SHALL NOT PASS

«Plot» Posh says, "OH! Sorry. The dodge TNs were 6, because of FA."

«Plot» Posh says, "So the first is presently a hit, but the second is totally a miss."

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 6:
1 2 2 3 3 3 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 6 for "kp2/6":
1 3 3 5 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Combat Pool: 6 - 1 vs TN 6 for "kp4/6":
2 3 3 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Okay. 1 success on the attack on you, Prey. Soak."

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Body vs TN 6 for " Soaking 13D.":
2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 8 14 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Body - 2 (Successes) vs TN 6 for " Soaking 13D. Kp1/4":
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Body - 2 (Successes) vs TN 6 for " Soaking 13D. Kp3/4":
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 9 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "Crashcart first aid attempt on M wound":
1 1 2 2 3 4 = 1 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Okay. It failed and now it can't be healed by a doctor, I guess."

«Plot» Posh says, "It automatically heals it by 1 DL so it's now a Light."

«Auto-Judge[]» Prey (#7128) rolls Body vs TN 9 for "Soaking.":
1 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 11 = 1 Success

«Plot» Bull nods. "Its tn 3 with my body modifier, so that would have been 2 successes, yeah.'

Lost sighs at the sight of the guardian spirits in her path, "Geez, no creativity with you guys." She laments before turning on her heels and zipping away. If they decide to give chase, she'll try to evade them. Otherwise, she'll make a beeline right back to her body.

«Plot» Posh says, "Drawing is a simple. Going to shoot with them?"

"Building's guarded," Lost replies to Posh, "Nothing I can't handle, just thought I'd call some help before getting rid of them. Once I do, the mage who summoned them is gonna know we're here, so… uh, I guess I'll just wait for you guys to be ready to move on the other building. Shouldn't take me long to deal with them." She focuses for a moment, and a shambling mass of living stone forms nearby in the astral, ready to do her bidding.

Prey snarls, it was more that she notices the wounds more than feels them. But she responds with the cold calculation that got her this far on the streets. A few steps to the side to get things in the way of her and the man with the bullets, then a hand wipes along her shirt as she starts moving away, eyes swiveling back and forth to look for more targets.

«Plot» Prey says, "Walk, backwards, away from combat."

It seems like as Prey walks backwards, away from the combat, the mess that is there distracts the approaching folks. One of the still sane gang members is down, while the one that Prey shot cools and two of the crazies turn to shoot each other. A few others on both sides have taken a hit or two, but it looks like it's going to go bad for the ones not off their rockers.

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Sorcery vs TN 5 for "Manaball F6(exclusive spell) M targeting group of machinegunners":
1 2 2 2 3 4 9 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Willpower + Spell Pool: 4 vs TN 3 for "Soaking S drain, need 6 for full soak":
1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 8 = 6 Successes

Blackheart peeks up over the edge of the stoop as the gangers blaze away with their machineguns, plugging her team with buckets of lead. "Motherfuckers gotta get got!" she scowls and focuses, narrowing her chrome eyes as she tries to use the physical line of the stoop she's hiding behind to block friendlies from her line of sight when she drops the hammer on the gangers.

«Auto-Judge[]» Blackheart (#12120) rolls Willpower + Spell Pool: 4 - 5 vs TN 4 for "oops, forgot the drain code modifier on TN as well. Need one more success":
3 4 4 5 8 = 4 Successes

The gangers blaze in agony, but things seem to be slowing down. Blackheart seemed to have hit just the right amount, as the injured machine gunners, bleeding from nose and mouth as they blaze with their rifles, start to collapse from apparent exhaustion, or from the fists of their still-sane comrades. There's still a couple up - and right now, at this moment, there's an opportunity to send a troll with a beating stick right into the midst of all that.

«Plot» Bull says, "How many people are standing that look like they might competently project a full auto attack?"

«Plot» Posh says, "Competently? Nobody left. Incompetently? 3."

«Plot» Posh says, "They're all operating at /least/ at +2 TN now."

«Plot» Posh says, "You have enough momentum to execute a sort of running attack and then end up in cover"

«Plot» Bull says, "Huzzah! That it is then."
«Plot» Bull gets out the telescoping staff.
«Plot» Bull says, "Help me out with the tns. I haven't done melee in forever."

«Plot» Posh says, "Don't worry, they have TN 6 as well, for injuries."

«Plot» Posh says, "thanks to your L wound"

«Plot» Bull says, "Yeah, Bull is going to run to cover then shoot them then."

«Plot» Posh says, "OK"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "Melee defense with AK-97 as club":
2 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 6 for "Melee defense with AK-97 as club kp 1":
1 1 2 4 11 = 1 Success

The already injured man goes down like a sack of potatoes as he's brained by an enormous troll, and that seems to take the fight out of the others. With one already shot dead by Prey, Bull's wild charge creates the advantage that one of the guys needed to get his elbow right to the elbow of another forehead.

Posh's voice sounds through the comms as she hears the shooting end. "We need to regroup and figure out what happened. You guys created the chance for Lost to get some crucial intel, it looks like. Everyone able to exfil under their own power?" she asks.

Prey is, as it were, withdrawing, indeed under her own power. Her hand reaching for her beat up, and several year old pocsec as she presses herself up against a wall.

Lost gets up off the ground, leaving Boulder the earth elemental hanging out in the astral for now. « Everybody good? Anybody need any patching up? If not, let's reform and hit this building. » Nodding to Posh, she grins, "Alright, since you guys have cleared the way for me, let's get over there as soon as possible, see who's responsible for this whole fiasco. I think we should try and take them alive, see what kind of info we might be able to get out of them."

Prey just keeps her lean on. Apparently done with walking, or doing much of anything group related at the moment. Slowly tapping at her pocsec as she closes her eyes for a moment.

Since Bull was shepherding the others back, he definitely notices Prey against the wall, and stops to look at her. «Preys hit hard.»

Blackheart looks back over her shoulder as Prey does the lean of death. «Lost, Prey looks kind of fucked up, better get out here quick!» She moves over, around the stoop, "You still with us?" She asks, looking the runner over, wincing at the blood.

« On my way. » Lost replies, clutching her medkit close to herself as she rushes out to dispense aid as it's needed. Prey's obviously the priority, the dark-haired elf wasting no time emerging from the building they'd been using as a base, kneeling down on the ground beside Prey, getting ready to let her Savior do its thing.

Posh grins at Lost. "All right," she says. "Well done." She nods to Blackheart and Bull and Prey as they approach, concern showing on her face as she sees Prey's injuries. "Well, damn and blast," she says. "All right. Wait. Let me help," she says. "You prepare a spell, all right?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Biotech + 1 for "task pool +2 ~3 karma spent / 8 ~bad conditions, serious wound":
1 2 4 4 4 8

"I'm good." Prey's voice remains controlled, tight. Never show weakness, weakness brought on the scavangers. Even her face is flat as she speaks. "Just need to make a call."

Lost glances toward Posh briefly before nodding, putting her 'kit back in its bag and shouldering it before taking a breath and readying up a healing spell.

"You are fucked." Bull snorts with amusement, shaking his head slightly. "Let the waggler patch you up. I'll wait my turn." He grunts, giving Lost a tip of his head when she approaches. "Crash cart tended to the bio side."

«Plot» Posh says, "Posh shakes her head at Prey. "Never you mind," she says. 'I've been practicing a bit," she says, as she grabs a bullet extracter and a syringe of nanites and painkillers. "Just hold still for a moment and Lost and I will do what we can." She wields both with consummate skill, right there in the dirty Warrens, using a mini chemblaster to sterilize first and managing a pretty darn good job, dropping the trio of bullets into a little baggie, which she offers to Prey. "You should be ready for her now.""

«Plot» Posh says, "First aid brings Prey to M."

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Spell Pool: 3 vs TN 7 for "F4 Heal":
2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Spell Pool: 3 vs TN 7 for "F4 Heal KP1":
1 1 3 4 4 5 5 9 10 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Willpower + Spell Pool: 3 vs TN 3 for "Resisting L drain.":
2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 8 = 8 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Sorcery + Spell Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "F4 Heal for Bull":
1 3 3 4 5 5 5 9 16 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Lost (#4658) rolls Willpower + Spell Pool: 3 vs TN 3 for "Resisting L drain.":
2 2 2 4 4 5 5 7 11 = 6 Successes

It doesn't take long for Lost to administer a little magical healing to both Prey and Bull. Bull should find himself back at 100 operating capacity, whereas Prey at least won't be slowed down by her wounds nearly as much, "Sorry I couldn't heal you fully," She apologizes before smirking, "All that chrome you two are rockin' makes it a challenge." She gets back up to her feet, dusting herself off quickly before nodding in the direction of the suspicious building. "Well then, shall we?"

"I said I'm fine." Prey growls out lightly, even as everyone fusses over her. "What, do I need to fuck chrome-eyes to get the point across?"

"Good job." Bull grunts, flexing and testing his arms as he turns his wrist over. The bull figure on his forearm now sports a big old smiley face. He glances towards Prey, "Stop whining." He says to her simply, placing his baton back under his jacket. "You can still say you have the biggest cock here if it makes you feel better. Don't turn down healing."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 1 for "Savior supplies used up?":

«Plot» Posh says, "No supplies used."

"Oh please, enough about cocks," interjects Posh. "In any case, are we all fit to finish this one out?" she asks. "All right." She turns back to Lost. "What exactly did you see?" she asks.

Lost rolls her eyes before chuckling softly, "A 'thank you' would have sufficed. But maybe /that/ would have killed you." She glances sidelong at Bull before breaking into a short fit of giggles, "In any case, I don't think any of us are gonna question your toughness." Looking to Posh, she nods, "Well, I can't really describe it, but I'm quite certain whoever we have to thank for the mass hysteria out here is in there. Couple of guardian spirits which I'll take care up, but you're gonna want to be in position to bust in as soon as they're down. Building looks defended, barbed wire and all, and there's at least two cybered toughs with him, a big one and a smaller one."

Prey pauses for a moment, her hand stretching, then clenching. Finally a snort, and a sharp shake of her head.

Posh grins back at Lost. “Well, it looks like we got what we came for,” she says. “It’s time to exfil. Well, we got our intel, and we got away pretty clean, and nobody’s going to be the wiser. Good one, people.”

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