Don't Fail Me Johnny

Title: Don't fail me Johnny.
DM: Indrakashi
Players: Naomi. Knight. Nine. Rysh.
The shadows always buzz with information, and some times that information relates to the non shadows. Such as when a certain well known C zone's security contract is up for renewal and LoneStar puts a bid in on it. With Knight Errant the present holder. KE who is notoriously corrupt in the area. It's prolific for smugglers, those trying to lay low, and those wanting in and out of the Rens. But that just ties into all of this.. Mr. Wolf has tapped the Shadows, he's put out a call for independent parties.

The Meet? A morgue in the only hospital in that C Sector.
Nine chills somewhere in the Aurora Warrens while lounging around in PJ pants and an ABBA T-shirt with a dark-grey background. She slowly pets a white cat while watching the flat version of the movie "Ben Hur", with trode jacks atop her well-groomed noggin. Nearby rests a cherry soyoda and a full bowl of some spicy garlic krill chips. Terrible low-lifestyle food, basically junk it is! Then, the work call comes through to the silenced pager, which notifies Nine via mental impulse. She sighs softly, moves the cat aside, then stands up.
With some help, she gets suited up, on her bike, then makes her way to find a likely point where she can border cross from the Warrens and into UCAS proper.
Rysh was just into town, had a drink at a local watering hole, then the word was out of a run. Accociated with smuggling routes. Well that just sounded interesting and a few mor nuyen was always a good thing. He got the meet and greet spot. Burned after noting and headed out. A Morgue, really! There was either poetry in this, or things were going south before th wind even shifted. Ah well time would tell, with a slight shift of his tail. he made his way in.

Knight arrives at the meet in the Warrens which is becoming the usual for him, when it isn't the more fancy establishments. Morgues just make it a little more rough than usual, while he doesn't quite wear his fancy outfit, he still has a pair of black jeans which are torn artfully at different places, a belt latches at the waist which holsters behind him the Black Panther which he is fond of, and he has a shirt which is fitted beneath his black jacket with quite detailed gold in decorative fabric, collar turned back to look a little street while keeping the air, and he has the Ancien scarf wrapped about the neck. It is a curious mix of fashion but it's made to be a bit less outgoing. The Shaman waits for anyone else that might come.
Naomi likes to look professional for her meets, where ever they are, so she arrives with a pinstripe suit on under her greatcoat. She walks casually, hands in her pockets as she looks over the building from afar for a few moments, then heads in to find out what the deal will be. She has a small satchel slung over her shoulder, presumably carrying some soft of gear, just in case they see fit to leave from here.
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Disguise (to Indrakshi) for "+2 Disguise Shop.":
2 2 3 4 5 7
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine stands with TN9 for disguise.
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Intelligence (to Indrakshi) for "Physical scan.":
2 2 4 5 5 7 8 8 11
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Any one digging into the location will find's just a run down hospital that is seemingly always understaffed."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Intelligence (to Indrakshi) for "Astral scan.":
2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 10
You paged Nine with 'There is nothing unusual here. It's just what you'd expect in a C zone.'.
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine says, "Those two rolls were for scouting the locale."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Street Rumors for "indrakshi~Actually learning about how it is run down and always understaffed?":
1 1
The hospital is chronically undertaffed, and looks run down, after all, C-zone. In an industrial area, where most corps just have their own facilities. So there isn't much to keep runners from going to the morgue…I mean it's sort of a Wiz place to meet people. Who the hell checks there for runners? If the Jay decides to execute you? Well the morgue is a wonderful place that too!

Of course when they walk in, there is Mr. Wolf, leaned over a man with a small black case beside him, and several surgical tools beside that. Currently, he's holding his dikot'd, razor edged Pen Knife and slicing into a man who is very much so, alive, on a cold metal slab.

"One Moment."

He says with out looking up. Though his two large troll guards, holding what suspiciously look like shotguns modified to fire PAC shells, do. They don't even hide the weapons, and they grunt a bit. They acknowledge you exist.

"Johnny my boy, when I said 'Don't Fail Me.' I meant it. You failed, and now I need to hire -these- people to do a simple fucking job."

He says, and then expertly slices..cutting the man's tongue clean off and beginning to micro suture the remains shut as he won't bleed to death, whilst he begins to speak to the team here.

"Most wonderful! Perhaps -you- will be more competent. Unlike Johnny. Do you hear that Johnny? Maybe they can handle a simple fucking job of making sure one fucking LoneStar officer looks like he fell the fuck asleep on the job."

With that, Mr. Wolf slams the pen knife into Johnny's knee cap to establish Johnny fucked up.
You paged Nine with 'Nine, you are positive that this place, is infact a secret S-K Facility for organ harvesting, and haunted by serial killers. You -know- the street legend it used to be a UCAS Mental Asylum, and people were left inside the walls. Some times the walls talk to people and try to literally eat them.'.
Knight looks around for a moment while he moves forward a bit, and shifts to adjust his jacket a bit while he does, but then at the display he gives a pensive frown and heaves out an exasperated sigh, and doesn't quite look at all pleased. But, he doesn't speak about it for the moment, and when he speaks about the matters to the man, his brow knits together a little. The Shaman relaxes a bit away from the display.
Rysh raises a brow and lowers his shades enough to look over the top, and yet another unsatisfied employer. The half smile doesnt exactly say this is amusing, but rather. Yes this is how the world turns. He wisely opts to not make remark, not only rude. But he didnt have anyones measure and as a very new face in town. annoying the local was not the best route to winning friend or avoiding the deadly ones…clearly.
Nine gives a long look at what she believes is a real asylum, not the kind where she effectively 'grew up' into the shadowrunner she is today. After talk with the local people, as well as a few discreet trix searches, Nine watches the exterior wall outside… giving it a LONG look. Does it talk?!
Naomi steps into the doorway of the morgue, giving a smile and a nod to Knight as she notices him there. She looks over the scene, taking particular note of the two trolls that seem to be there to keep them at distance. "Shall we wait in the hallway while you finish what you're doing? You do seem to be in the middle of something."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Intelligence for "Listening for the voices.":
1 2 2 3 3 4 4 11 11
The walls do not talk to Nine, at least, not unless she's high as a kite. Then again, she might be?
Mr. Wolf is still continuing to work as people talk to him, though they keep a respectful distance, this is much to his liking.

"Oh no, by all means, you may be here. We have much to discuss. I have a job offer for those gathered. Recently, it became apparent..Lonestar -may- take over this sector of town. This will be a disaster for my friends here. We require Knight-Errant to maintain control. Thus, I asked -Johnny- to arrange an accident for the Local Rigger LS has on site when they try to show up KE. He -failed- me."

Mr Wolf is -opening- Johnny's chest, to expose his heart. Is Mr. Wolf a mage? No. One of the -trolls- is a mage. It seems he's attaching small inserts into Johnny's heart and artery valves. Johnny looks like he's in excruciating pain.

"I have arranged for several friends and those I employ in Knight Errant, to stage a fight, to draw out LS' rigger. I need you to disable him when this begins. Not kill, merely make it appear he fell asleep on duty. So KE can claim all the glory for stopping a band of gangbangers trying to rob a pharmacy. Oh..and it looks -awful- when a cop nods off on duty, doesn't it?"

He asks, beginning to stitch up Johnny and has his mage-troll friend put him into one of the morgue vaults.

"Oh. Johnny has your payment."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Perception checks from those in the Morgue. TN4."
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Intelligence vs TN 4:
1 1 2 2 3 5 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Rysh (#1244) rolls Intelligence:
1 3 3 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Intelligence vs TN 4 for "Elf eyes.":
1 1 2 3 5 5 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "He had strategically inserted certified credit sticks into Johnny's heart and Arteries. They looked to have some sort of small electrical device on them. Removing them will kill Johnny when they rip holes right through his major blood vessels and heart."
Knight swallows a bit and watches while he looks a bit queasy and it seems like he might vomit, then he regains his bearings to keep from it. The Shaman nods a bit, "I'm a little fond of KE too," he says for Wolf's benefit, and he glances towards 'Johnny'. A sigh, "Anymore specifics to it, such as location? And uh." Payment? Yes, he is likely to not get paid for this. But, he has vested interest to Knight Errant so it isn't a full loss to him to take it.
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Safehouse Locations (to Indrakshi) for "First, we find one of these.":
1 2 3 4 10
You paged Nine with 'you find one. :P'.
Rysh slides his shades back up and steps forward, now that the side show was done. "Ok, interesting. You want him sleepy during the pomp and circumstance." he glances around to the rest of those gathered. "Not to question nuyen mind you, but a four man team for a nap time event. I have to wonder along with the this fellow." he gestures to Knight. "There has to be more to it." the same hand rises in a palm up gesture. "Again, no offense intended."
Nine angles herself away from the wretchedly-rumored place. She then beats feet into the back alley. Having never gone inside, not knowing what has happened, she considers local safehouses where she can go. Then, she bikes there.
Naomi sighs softly at the set up. "So, we make this Lone Star rigger fall asleep on the job, then you give us Johnny? Is that the arrangement I'm hearing?" She watches Mr. Wolf as she speaks. "What sort of commotion are you going to be causing? And is this rigger going to be somewhere secured, or near the scene?"
Mr. Wolf is still busy..activating a fail safe device. It just reads 'Armed' on the morgue vault. Oh, and if any one looks astral? The Morgue Vault is FAB coated. He's one of -those- people.

"Oh he will, a few blocks away when the show starts, in his Mariah. Nice and safe..he thinks. You put him to sleep, his drones either blunder off, or go haywire. You come here three hours after the shooting stops. You will find the passkey written on the door."

He says, tapping next to the failsafe device.
He also gestures to the table. "There should be about a hundred thousand nuyen to be shared."
Knight looks at the table, and nods a bit towards the 'J' which hasn't quite made him feel the best, but he knows the person. Who, had them retrieve an entire reactor. It is quite the odd situation, while he relaxes, "I think I might understand the gist, as for all the distractions, I do hope that it will keep cover for ours to do all this, I appreciate the ability to prove ourselves further to you, and be of assistance," he adds.
Rysh listens to the details such as they were, he was a samurai and a bit of a smuggler. Dosing someone to sleep was a bit out of his norm, but hey rock on! He listens to the exchange and hasnt yet really been able to nail down who does what. Well aside from the guy with the surgical fetish.
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine gets set up in a local hotel where she begins warding, a masking ward only, force 2 (still legal and not seeable) inside the rental space
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls 2 (Magic Dice) vs TN 2 (to Indrakshi) for "Limiting Rating.":
8 17 = 2 Successes
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine says, "It could last 2 weeks, if she wanted it to."
Naomi nods slightly. "Is this going to be a Lone Star branded Mariah, or are we looking for something at least painted inconspicuously?" She looks at the pair standing with her. "But, yeah, I think we'll do it. When is your event happening?"
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Effectively; you guys can do yer planning bit for tommorrow's gun fight now. You got a general idea of where to look, and what the guy will be sitting in."
Mr. Wolf clears his throat, he seems like he's about to leave.

"Tommorrow at noon. Black Mariah. Lonestar markings."

Then.. Mr. Wolf is leaving, his guards pushing people aside if they don't move aside. Meeting is over.
Rysh doesnt need to be pushed, he simply flows out of the way. Offering what cant be missed as a very asian style bow. He then takes in the others and cant help but wonder at this turn of events. It sounds far to simple to him.
Naomi steps aside, letting Mr. Wolf depart, looking to the morgue for a moment and giving another sigh. "Well, this is an odd one, isn't it?"
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine finally gets to the safehouse location where she sets up the white noise generator as well as bug scans!
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls 9 (to Indrakshi) for "Bugscanning my temp abode!":
1 2 2 3 4 5 8 8 8
You paged Nine with 'It's full of bugs. Just not the security kind.'.
Knight folds both his arms a bit as the man makes his way, then moves aside. When he's gone, he nods a bit, "We should plan a little, the problem will be catching him off-guard, all he needs is enough time to get response and we might have more than problems. I could stun him easily but I'd need time to erase the semblance too," he says, with a small frown, "Save anyone might have a better plan?"
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Centering + 6 (Focus) vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "Centering Successes for Slaughter Casting.":
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 8 10 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 5 vs TN 4 for "indrakshi~Casting Slaughter at full force.":
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 16 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 2 (to Indrakshi) for "Soak Deadly.":
1 1 1 1 2 4 5 5 8 10 = 6 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 - 6 vs TN 2 (to Indrakshi) for "Soak Deadly. (KP1)":
1 3 4 5 = 3 Successes
Naomi shakes her head. "That's the basic plan, certainly. I can clean signatures from the area with a bit of effort. Getting into the van is also a step, of course. I suppose that will depend on if he's aware of his surroundings, if he'salone, and a few other variables we'll have to see them to plan for."
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Much to her chagrin, Nine finds too many CRAWLING bugs. They must die. All of them! CEASE TO BE! With neck rubs she applies herself along her own trap muscles, she focuses her will to kill all the pests… they turn up dead, in the most literal way. Rolled over on their backs with their legs coiled up to their bug bodies.
Rysh leans against the doors to the freezer cells. " Well, we have to let him get is drones in the air for maximum bungle effect. What about magic?" he looks around the room. "We could put em to sleep that way yea?" the question was directed to the room in general. " Sleep darts…would leave marks, drugging his coffee thats iffy on timing."
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine finally kills all the bugs everywhere, then she sighs as she approaches the lone piece of tattered furniture over which a single bulb gives a dim illumination due to the bug collection inside the once-translucent fixture.
You paged Nine with 'you feel reasonable safe and ..not so dirty.'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Cleaning for "Cleaning up the mess on the lonely couch.":
1 5 10 10 11
Nine must have a lot of domestic practice. Lately. She knows exactly what a broom closet looks like and where those are in most buildings where Cat mage can find a mewraculously-working vacuum, which she utilizes at top speeds!!!
"As far as Johnny goes," Naomi adds. "We can probably get our cred and keep him alive, if we try. I may be able to do it, but I know someone who's better at that sort of thing than I am. I'll give her a call, she may be helpful with the job, too."
Knight offers to Naomi, "I know someone too!" he exclaims, with a nod. Because the person he knows saved his life, and he shifts a bit while he offers towards Rysh, "In any case, we should likely try and stun him but we need to cover from backup."
Rysh shrugs at her suggestion. "That much damage to his heart, tongue. If he lives odds are whomever he worked for before will kill him in the hospital for knowing to much." he turns his gaze on Knight. "Sounds good…one pony show coming up!"
Nine finishes her crazy cleaning spree in under 30 seconds after having taken all couch cushions off and thoroughly swept those and turned the couch over, which produced multiple nuyen, dried/cracked condoms, loose BTL chips, as well as a few McHugh's wrappers. Once she gets everything reconfigured as well as completely cleaned again, she turns off the vac and then flops down on there, letting out a slow breath as she tries calming down.
Meanwhile, Wire gets 2 part text messages that he knows how to piece together to tell him what has been happening, as far as Nine believes.

Naomi shrugs. "Maybe. I'm not taking responsibility for him for the rest of his life. I'd just like to see him survive us getting paid." She reaches into the pocket to pull out her pocsec. "And two surgeons is better than one." Away goes the text to Nine, asking her for a ride from the hospital as she starts to head out (and promising that everything is fine).
Rysh gives a half smile and shifts a glance to the chrome chilled coffen hotel and the fella within. "No frenching for you…if you live?" he chuckles quietly. "Unless they have cyber replacments?" this draws a soft laugh from him as he follows the other out.
Knight also moves his pocsec from the pocket and begins to tap at it to send Nine a text also. It is likely a little bit different from Naomi and hers, because he says its about similar matters to what happened to him but different, and vague, and location maybe even? The Shaman though, then adds to the people, "If we can't manage to save him… I'll handle it, alright? I should be able and manage."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Steganography:
2 2 2 2 5

Nine texts Naomi back, » "THERE?! I was just getting ready to go scouting it for some burnination maybe, due to it being h . aunt . ed!" « See how she let the homeland security of the 2070s age believe she simply spelled 'aunt'? » "Already got even -more- news, but I was just about to recoGnIZE the place… were you inside? Did the walls speak from in there?" « She sounds crazy, but then asks the elven blonde, » "Can Mrs. E pick you up? She is good to go, FINALLY." « When Knight texts, Nine kinda gets what is going on as texted, but the misconceptions she already has override most sensible reactions, "Oi, are you there with a busty blonde, really sexy, tall beautiful, lovely lady?" «

«Plot» Nine says, "*as stated (not as texted) XD"
Naomi puts her pocsec back i nher pocket. "He can always pay to have it cloned. Or get a cyber tongue. Whatever works for him." She smiles to Knight. "Don't worry about it. It'll all work out for the best, I'm sure. First thing, though, is finishing the job to get into the vault." She pulls out her pocsec, looking at the return text, a bit confused at the content. Haunted? She looks around for a moment, then responds simply, » I would love to see Mrs. E. Thank you. «
Knight nods a bit to Naomi and considers for a moment, "I imagine so, though we will have to see," he says. The woman knows about his feelings to such matters, which he'd explained before. The Shaman blinks a bit at his pocsec, and texts back, «Yes, why? Wait, what?» Squint to the woman he's with, "Uh, who're you texting?" he asks. Rysh gets a light wave, "Tell me, what is it you do anyyways?" he asks.
Rysh tips down his shades to reveal silvered eyes. "I am often paid to move things from point A to point C…bypassing point B or if that fails making sure point B isnt able to prevent transit of said goods. Preferabally in a quiet manner, but also noisy if there is no recourse." his tail curls around his ankles for a moment.
Nine texts coords a block away where Sheila will stop at a convenience store, sending those to both Naomi and Knight for vehicle pickup, if they want to. Nine makes further preparations where she is, starting a warding ritual due to the fact she has nothing else she can do while waiting to meet up and talk the dirty details where the deckers cannot see.
Naomi looks to Knight as she heads out of the hospital, lookingat her pocsec for the details of where to meet with Mrs E. "A feline medic I'm friends with. We can finalize our plans when we meet up with her." She looks to Rysh and gives a nod. "That sounds like it could be quite useful, if we get any sort of persuit. The real question is who can open a lock?"
Knight quirks up a brow towards Naomi, but is quiet for a moment, "Mmm." The Shaman has his suspicions but it isn't the place, and he will know if they meet. In any case, he gives a nod to Rysh, "I can't, but we should be able and manage if he can." Then he makes towards wherever.
Meanwhile, Wire applies his poly mask in an undisclosed Aurora Warrens location, then prepares his gear for the few hints he has been given. He makes sure all the modified firearms are in top shape, then locks up the 'safe' house before smoothly mounting the heavy chopper he owns, making his way to the Rens border while doing some of his own legwork, which will be a process all its own, but the stealty fellow can find his way to the other side into the Yankie sector. (Nine proxy pose.)
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls 9 (INT) (to Indrakshi) for "Fred proxy disguise. INT defaulting with ME3 bonus, -3 TN +4 TN from Poly Mask. = +1 TN total.":
1 2 3 4 4 4 5 7 15
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi and Fred) Nine says, "TN 16 disguise."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls 5 (Underworld Rumors) (to Indrakshi) for "Also, a Fred KS.":
1 1 5 10 17
You paged Nine with 'I posed all the rumors about this when the plot started :P'.
Sheila shows up just like Nine promised she would, wearing a black coat today, which seems extra shiny because it is brand new mesh paint!
Shiela picks up the group and everyone meets up at a secure location. Naomi explains the situation to Nine and everyone nods knowingly. "So, now that it's safe, can anyone open up the van, or are we going to have to get someone to open it from the inside?"
Naomi points out the car as they approach. "There's the ride. If she's not in there, it'll take us to meet her. She has a thing about talking to much about this sort of thing over the phone." She continues up to Shiela without much concern, opening the door and holding it for the others.
The drone cat even seems recently groomed, as she sits regally upon the seat where everyone can see her when Naomi opens up the vehicle door. "Meow." the mechanical feline says. Somewhere else inside the car a feminine voice speaks with a robotic quality, yet a sexy one, "Welcome."
Knight moves to the vehicle and settles about within it, just waiting for the ride in general, while he relaxes, blinking a bit at the voice. "Oh, thank you," he says. A bit perplexed while he waits, not sure who is speaking!
Rysh slides in when convient and settles in, a nicer ride then his bike thats for certain and a smooth kind voice. He looks around impressed and the relaxes for the ride.
Meanwhile, Nine paints the walls in her safehome, where Sheila knows the coords because the vehicle herself has a tactical comm on one electronic port, even. Also, Wire asks the more 'trustworthy' types to an extent about the hauntings, but everything comes up with the same story without the crazy references.
Naomi climbs into the car after the others, closing the door and making herself comfortable. "Good evening, Shiela. Has the mysterious feline arranged for a location at which we can meet and speak? If you would be so kind as to take us there, it would be much appreciated."
Knight waits about a bit as he relaxes. You know, for them to arrive and meet their benefactor while he yawns.
Once vehicle doors are closed up, Sheila drives herself out into Denver traffic, the wheel turning every so often to adjust her travel, but no one sits in the driver seat right now. The disembodied voice seems to come from a few speakers to tell the runner team, "You are welcome." says Sheila due to Knight's thanks before telling Naomi, "Yes, My Lady has given me directions on where to go. Would you like to synchronize frequencies? I have an open tactical comm."
The drone cat jumps toward Rysh's lap!
Rysh lifts his hands out of the way of the leaping creature and raises a brow. "Can we shoot something soon, I am not terribly good with social graces or tea parties." he looks up a bit helplessly about. "I get an itch to shoot or punch things rather frequently."

Meanwhile, a safehouse somewhere gets so many Egyptian pictograms because the Nine uses this backup method for nervous drawing. She would normally use a different symbology, but the place gets ancient hieroglyphs in sharpie marker!
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Ancient Egyptian (to Indrakshi):
1 2 2 2
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Ancient Egyptian (to Indrakshi) for "KP2":
1 2 4 4
«Plot-Page» (To: Indrakshi) Nine almost fails! What is wrong with my dice!
"Certainly. Thank you." Naomi pulls her comm from her pocket, syncing up and putting on the headpiece as she continues to be driven. "Hey, thanks for the ride." She sums up the situation as they get closer to the safe house. "So… who can get the door of the van open, when the time comes?"
Knight tugs out a small booklet from the jacket which he wears, then he opens it up and flips through its pages for the moment, "Quite a curious vehicle," he says. The Shaman begins to write a few things with an artistic styling and a pen. He doesn't give away his presence much and he relaxes. "Can't wait to meet your friend," he adds aside.
Commlink-Someone> Nine sounds like another robot, but is in fact the person with whom the car has been communicating all this time, yet the transduced messages are electronic ones, "Oh no… but, I was sure the place was haunted by serial killers as well as a secret Lofwyr fac for organ harvesting, and the place also used to be a UCAS Mental Asylum, where people were left inside the walls… oh God."
The calmer vehicle drives, finding her way into the suggested safehouse via a garage entrance before the door closes behind, blocking out any light from the outside world. Sheila replies for Naomi, "You're welcome."
The house door in the garage space opens up, letting light spew forth from the home's insides, then the LED light in the ceiling space turns ON.
Naomi waits for the car to come to a stop befire opening the door and stepping out, talking over the comm still.
Commlink-Princess> Naomi sends, « I am not sure how much of that is true. It's a slightly active hospital, with doctors and everything. But, regardless, I'd like to get this job done and get Johnny out of there, and I figure you're the one to surgery him »
The drone cat curled up in Rysh's lap, purring quietly with a motorized voice, but when the ride was over, she decided to stand up, flick her tail, then saunter away to the front seats.
Knight listens to what is said while he quirks a brow at it all, "Weird," he says. The Shaman steps away from the vehicle when it opens, looking to the curious home, "Hmmm." Then makes his way to it.
For someone rushing, Nine managed to clean the home immaculately here, where she has settled in and considers a safe place to be. She still wears the whole courier suit, and all the lime green walls have heiroglyph drawings while the orange shag carpet seems recently vacuumed. The retro yellow couch seems to also be crazy clean, and Nine caps the sharpie marker right away. "Hello!" says the actual person.
Nine says "I already bugscanned everything. As well as cleaned up! There is a white noise generator running, too."
Naomi moves to give Nine a hug as she enters the room. "Very forward thinking of you. So, you've heard the situation. The plan is to find the van, open it up, and knock out the rigger, likely with a stun bolt or two., then wipe the signatures, lock up, and away. It's just a question of opening the door, if we're going to do it electronically or magically. So, peeps? How do we open the van door?
Knight blinks a bit at Nine, "Mmm, it is you," he says, with a chuckle. The Shaman glances at the hug with curiosity, as he tilts his head to the side, "Well, don't look at me, unless it's unlocked or I have a key," he teases. Glancing to Rysh a bit, and next settles about to listen and gives Nine a poke to her arm. Because he's scared she will hurt him if he hugs her.
Rysh takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Well placed round to most locking mechisms will spring em." he suggests to those gathered. "Locks are neat like that."
Nine hugs Naomi, squeezing her fondly, but she lets her go soon afterwards, "Really, can we save Johnny now? I mean… he is gonna die in this condition, now really pissed I did not show up, cause I would have gone all out on them." Nine gives Knight a short hug, too, then looks toward the fellow she does not currently know, "Yes, shocklock rounds. I have plenty remington room sweepers, but those are extremely loud… if you are going to do this sorta thing, then maybe having someone invisible as well as levitated with maglock picking could possibly try?
Nine says "There is no way that guy will survive the hours till tomorrow."
"That may be true," Naomi responds, "But, we are trying to make it seem like he fell asleep, not like he was assaulted. If someone can pick the lock, that's great. If not, we can have a spirit open it from the inside. Just. hwo's decent at picking maglocks?" She looks to Nine. "He was magicked after that impromptu surgery. He ought to be alive when we get him."
"I don't know if he can survive, but… I will take care of the matter if such comes to that," Knight answers a bit, but he doesn't sound like the thought makes the male happy. And Nine might know if he'd brought up when he was hurt before what had him generally less like himself. "Mmm. But, it'd be worth trying, still. It was… Less than pleasant." The Shaman nods, "I could always try and manage the stunning if you all could focus to other matters, because I don't know much I can do beyond such."
Rysh runs his hand through his hair and looks at those gathered again. "Ok, black and white…we knock out LS rigger. Allowing the staged attack to get the upper hand." he now takes off his shades revealing silvered eyes. "After the staged attack does its damage…Rigger included. KE comes in to save the day. You dont really think the rigger is meant survive this do you?" he seems a bit surprised. "And surgical fetish guy rigged the removal of the sticks to kill johnny not time."
Naomi nods to Rysh. "This is all meant to make Lone Star look bad. Someone killing their officers isn't really the same sort of impact. He might get reprimanded, but that's a whole seperate thing." She looks to Nine. "I can manage making someone invisible and levitating. If it's going to be you, you can pull open the door, our hero…" She nods to Knight. "…can throw a stun bolt and silver-eyes," as she nods to Rysh, "… can be ready to pounce if need be. Also, what are people going by?" SHe touches her chest. "I'm Princess."

Nine weighs options. Her heart cries inside for the injured person who must be in terrible suffering right now. "Can we do this during the dark of the night, aka right now?" She frowns slightly after Knight's words, then head shakes, "No, I got plenty skills as well as resources. I will buy the guy a sythn one, and stuff it in there myself!" She growls slightly. "Wire is in the near, who is very great at mag locks, then I am here, too. I am not so bad at them, but the gay man is way better." She looks to Rysh then, listening closely before finally stepping back and glancing around her at the runed room, "okay, so…" Then, she pauses and nods, "Exactly what I was thinking. Call me Someone."
"You may call me Knight," Kress answers, while he rolls his shoulders a bit, and frowns, "You can try, I'm not hopeful about it, was truly intricate and unless you have the surgeon skills of the greatest masters." The Shaman tilts his head to the side, "From what was said he will live, if we compromise it now he might have us all killed, Someone. But, if we wait, we might have a try at least. He /wants/ us to kill him, so he will keep him alive likely."
Rysh put his shades back on. "lets survive the run, we do that. Then we can think about mercy moment at the morgue..yea?" he reaches in to check his shoulder holster. "We dont do the job we dont get the code and johnny dies anyway."
Nine purses her lips slightly while viewing Knight, though, her eyes remain completely covered by the tinted visor. Mostly rueful, the Cat mage turns the borderline expression into a Cheshire grin. She almost says something, but the hermeticat woman decides not to. Time ticks. "Princess's plan is epic, so, let us go, right? We can also use Sheila as a getaway car, if I can get back inside her to drive us." Color change paint, morphing plate, transponder chip!
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Etiquette + 1 (KP) vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "Synthacardium (Rating 2) 10 Days / # Successes":
1 3 3 4 5 14 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Etiquette + 1 (KP) - 3 vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "Synthacardium (Rating 2) 10 Days / # Successes (KP4)":
2 4 5 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Biotechnology vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "Comp Dice.":
1 2 2 3 3 4 17 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Negotiation + 1 (KP5) vs TN 3 (to Indrakshi) for "Negotions!":
1 1 2 2 4 4 5 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Negotiation + 1 (KP5) - 3 vs TN 3 (to Indrakshi) for "Negotions! (KP6)":
1 4 5 7 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls 6 vs TN 3 (to Indrakshi) for "Medicine Comp. (Too high to type it.)":
2 2 2 3 4 7 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls 5 vs TN 9 (to Indrakshi) for "Maria Negotion vs Nine.":
3 3 3 5 11 = 1 Success
Noon the next day;

Just as promised, there is a staged fire fight happening in this sector, with paint rounds, and simulated explosive. And just as Mr. Wolf had theorized, there is a Black Mariah a few blocks away, sirens off, but the cherries and berries going, parked jack knifed in the street. All official cop like. Already a few Strato Drones and a Steel Lynx have departed it, racing off towards the firefight. So. Who is going to pop that lock?
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Centering + 4 (focus) vs TN 4 for "Centering against Drain":
1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 10 16 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Rysh (#1244) rolls Stealth:
1 2 7
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls 1 vs TN 7 for "Does passive sensors pick up Rysh?":
2 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Magic vs TN 2 (to Indrakshi) for "Filtering":
1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 = 10 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Sorcery + 4 (focus) + Sorcery Pool: 8 vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "F6 Physical Invisibility":
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 10 = 9 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Willpower vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "M Drain, 2 successes from Centering":
1 2 2 2 3 3 7 = 1 Success
Not too far away, whoever decided they would ride with Nine in the tinted car as she drives them with definite skill, they roll up in a back alley not far away with a great vantage point to the vehicle beyond. Once parked where they can have the best view and also be ready for get-away maneuvers, Nine reaches over and gives Naomi a one-handed shoulder rub while cleansing the astral space.
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Willpower - 1 (successes) vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "M Drain, 2 successes from Centering - KP:1":
1 1 3 5 10 10 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Centering + 4 (focus) vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "Centering against Drain":
1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 8 15 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Centering vs TN 2 for "Soak Drain (2 Sux = 1 Main)":
2 4 5 7 7 8 = 6 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Sorcery vs TN 2 for "Cleaning BG.":
1 1 2 3 3 5 5 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Sorcery + 4 (focus) + Sorcery Pool: 8 vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "F4 Levitate":
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 8 9 10 = 11 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Willpower vs TN 2 for "Soak Deadly. Need 5.":
1 1 1 4 4 5 5 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Willpower vs TN 4 (to Indrakshi) for "M Drain, 2 successes from Centering":
1 2 3 4 4 5 16 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Willpower - 4 vs TN 2 for "Soak Deadly. Need 5. (KP7)":
1 2 3 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Massage for "For Naomi's shoulder. (Centering artistic skill.)":
1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Massage for "For Naomi's shoulder. (Centering artistic skill.) Oh come on. (KP8)":
2 2 3 4 4 5 7 7 10
«Plot» Nine says, "There we go."
Naomi is ready, muttering a few words of Gaelic before disappearing from view. She looks to Nine, not that she can be seen anymore. "So, ready to go? I'll get you next."
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Centering + 4 (focus) vs TN 4 (to Nine and Indrakshi) for "Centering against Drain":
1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 9 13 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Sorcery + 4 (focus) + Sorcery Pool: 8 - 1 (totem) vs TN 4 (to Nine and Indrakshi) for "F6 Physical Invisibility":
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 9 11 13 = 9 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Willpower vs TN 4 (to Nine and Indrakshi) for "M Drain, 2 successes from Centering":
1 3 3 4 5 9 14 = 4 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Centering + 4 (focus) vs TN 2 (to Nine and Indrakshi) for "Centering vs penalties":
1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 8 = 9 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Sorcery + 4 (focus) + Sorcery Pool: 4 vs TN 4 (to Nine and Indrakshi) for "F4 Levitate":
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Naomi (#11853) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 4 vs TN 4 (to Nine and Indrakshi) for "M Drain":
1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 9 9 = 5 Successes
«Plot» Naomi is now sustaining a F6 Physical Invisibility with 9 successes and a F4 Levitate with 5 successes on Nine.
Commlink-Princess> Naomi sends, « Positions. Someone is moving into position. »
Naomi with just a few quick gaelic phrases, Nine also fades from view and starts to float off the ground. Naomi brings her into position, quick to find herself an out of the way place to stand, or float, and watch and not be observed while the plan is implemented.
Knight stands a way back and watches towards the van's direction and tries to keep a direct line of sight while he relaxes a bit and places a hand about to keep balance while he waits. The Shaman shifts a bit and brushes back his hair for a moment while he tips sunglasses back to his features.
Nine bows her head. She looks like she did not get as much sleep as she shoulda but does not complain much. She puts the visor down then awaits the magic from her close friend. "Thank you." she tells the Princess woman. Today, Nine has a darkhorse balaclava with micro goggles, as well as her rapid transit suit with various tools for maglock picking. She has several balaclavas, which were given to the other people, if they decided they needed those, but that was earlier. This is now, where Nine opens up Sheila's door then slinks forward toward the other vehicle while using silent comm as well as stealthy steps.

Rysh is crouched low by the driver door, making himself as small as possible next to the vehicel without actually touching it. His features hidden behind the black face gear. Pulling the katana from its sheath. A silent weapon for a silent task if needed.
Nine finds herself soon floating, which is a strange yet awesome feeling, too. Should anyone see the astral space, she seems to be walking on air, even!
Commlink-Someone> Nine silently transduces via electrode net to tactical comm with robot voice! "Alright, ready."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electronics B/R + 1 (KP8) vs TN 4 for "Rating 6, -2 Micro Vision.":
1 4 5 5 7 11 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electronics + 1 (KP9) vs TN 6 for "Rating 6, -2 Micro, +2 Tamperblah.":
1 1 1 3 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electronics + 1 (KP9) vs TN 6 for "Rating 6, -2 Micro, +2 Tamperblah. (KP10)":
1 2 2 3 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electronics + 1 (KP9) vs TN 6 for "Rating 6, -2 Micro, +2 Tamperblah. (KP12)":
3 3 4 5 9 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electronics + 1 (KP9) - 1 vs TN 6 for "Rating 6, -2 Micro, +2 Tamperblah. (KP15)":
1 2 2 3 = 0 Successes
<Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electrical Engineering vs TN 6 for "Comp Dice.":
2 2 5 5 7 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electrical Engineering - 1 vs TN 6 for "Comp Dice. (KP16)":
1 3 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Electrical Engineering - 1 vs TN 6 for "Comp Dice. (KP18)":
1 5 5 5 = 0 Successes
Nine fiddles quietly at the maglock for 1:12. It is a long and arduous time, where anything could happen! She takes care not to drop any tools.
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Sorcery + 3 (Dragonslayer) + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 5 for "6D Stunbolt vs. Lonestar":
1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 9 = 3 Successes
Finally, the door unlocks. Then, Nine pulls the door open quickly for the waiting shaman to have a good line of sight to the rigger within!
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 2 for "Drain soak.":
1 1 4 4 4 5 9 9 14 = 7 Successes
Knight waits for the door to open up while he gives a low and quiet chant in the Old Norse. Line of sight which he has allows the male and focus to make the energies ripple right through in a jolt to the Lonestar man and causes him to simply slump at where he is, unconscious, but to all views he could just as well look asleep. The Shaman heaves a sigh, even as he gives a light wince from backlash.
Naomi watches events astrally, since she's trying to coordinate invisible people's moveement with real world objects.
Commlink-Princess> Naomi sends, « It's done. Clean up, please. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Centering + 6 (Focus) vs TN 2 for "Centering Successes on Cleansing Metamagic.":
1 1 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 8 10 13 = 10 Successes
«Plot» Nine says, "Centering DRAIN. Not successes."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Sorcery vs TN 2:
1 1 2 4 4 5 8 = 5 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Willpower vs TN 2:
1 1 2 5 5 7 10 = 5 Successes
«Plot» Nine says, "6 seconds, and Nine can clean all sigs and BG from casting."
Rysh rises up slowly to peek in at the now sleep Rigger and nods, reaching in and switches the standard com system to mute. Making it look like the rigger was tuning chatter out. Once that is done. He closes the door softly and gives the area a once over. Listening for indications that the magical sorts are withdrawing. It was his task to be last man out in his mind.
Once the deed is done, the signs wiped, and the door closed, Naomi pulls Nine out of there with great speed, setting her down well clear of the car, so as to make an easy escape.
Commlink-Princess> Naomi sends, « Someone is clear. Time to go. »

Nine puts her tools away hen reaches up to rub her scalp through the ski mask, drawing all astral mess into her own body before filtering it out clean. Yes, Nine is the biggest clean freak you ever saw! (or not, since she is invis!) Then, Nine slinks back to where Sheila is and enters her, doing so quietly!
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Stealth for "!":
2 3 3 4 5 10
Knight works by an instinct, and when he is satisfied all has been managed, he nods then takes a path towards the vehicle with quiet grace, though he moves a bit to try and catch Rysh to make sure that the other will join them and isn't too caught up by anything. If safe, he moves to take a seat at the vehicle.
Naomi lets all the magic drop, blendinginto the disgruntled crowd as she makes her way to the vehicle, ready to away and get paid.
Once runners wait a few hours after the firefight dies down, they can fall back to the morgue, and just like Mr. Wolf promised, there is now a four digit code spray painted on the Morgue Vault the quite alive Johnny is in. See? Mr. Wolf didn't lie. He never lies.
Rysh smiles as he looks at the code and raises hand to the sorta pay vault. "Ok, job done. Mercy gesture next?" he glances between them all. "I cant wait to see how this plays out." he actually takes his shades off, for a better view. Its not that he didnt care entirely, just not that often.

Knight shifts his pair of sunglasses to his features when they arrive, and waits for the others to unlock the vault and take Johnny. The Shaman frowns a bit in pensive thought, as he unlatches his shotgun, and feeds it ammo, "Don't worry, this is just in case." Because, the man has already been quite tortured, it is mostly a thought towards safety and mercy. But only if such is required, while he places a hip to a table.
Naomi makes a quick gesture and says a few words of gaelic, the flickering of a phantom spear foreshadowing Johnny's sudden and complete unconciousness. She moves to tstand next to him with Nine. "So, ready to work, Doctor? I'm ready to assist."
Nine carefully steps into the room with face coverings still worn as well as the micro goggles (which are on the low light setting, so she can actually see), then glances up. She waits for a moment before doing any button pushings, or others can do those. Nine holds up a single finger but does not speak.
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Intelligence (to Indrakshi) for "Detailed observe.":
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 5 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Intelligence (to Indrakshi) for "Detailed observe. (KP19)":
1 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 13
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "He is, as Rysh said before. Set up, so no matter the play, he'll die the moment you try to do any thing to what was in him. Unless you can stop time."
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Chemistry for "The fuck are micro charges?":
1 1 3 3 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Nine (#10584) rolls Chemistry for "The fuck are micro charges? (KP20)":
1 2 4 10 13
No matter how it's played, the only way to get paid? It involves messing with Johnny, who Naomi at least knocked out. The moment the skin that was previously cut open is disturbed, four micro detonations are heard, and some blood leaks out around the stitches, and his body goes into convulsions. Then he stops moving entirely, and blood leaks out. Of course when you -open- that. It's because cutters and about ten meters of monowire lashed out into his body. Mr. Wolf didn't need people saving Johnny. He was terminated as an employee. Mr. Wolf though, was true to his words. The Actual nuyen sticks? Quite safe and sound. All four of them.

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