Log:Crossing The Street

GM: Turk
Players: Bull
Synopsis: Bull tries to cross the street!
Twists: It's the Warrens, so someone tries to kill him! That's always happening in the Rens.

Skinheads based on Reluctant Gangers
Reluctant Ganger 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 Human
Reluctant Ganger: Bike (or car) 3, Clubs 3, Etiquette 2 (Street 4), Intimidation 2, Pistols 3, Stealth 3(Hiding 4, Sneaking 4), unarmed combat 3
EQ: Armor jacket [5/3], Colt American L36 (6 11(c) SA 6L)
Combat Pool 4
Karma 2
3 + 1d6 init

«Plot» Turk says, "This is a micro-run, and is not expected to take more than an hour or two. This will be a 'scenario' run, so there is no Johnson. There is the potential for death, mutilation, loss of limb, loss of equipment, loss of perspective, loss of lappetite and loss of mind. If you consent to this, please state so on the PLOT line for the log."

«Plot» Bull says, "I consent"

----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
==========================> Current Denver Weather <===========================


Temperature : 50 F (10 C)
Feels Like : 50 F (10 C)

Humidity : 37 %
Barometer : 29.99

Visibility : 10 miles
Wind : 17 mph from NW

----> Last Updated: Feb 03 2075 12:35 CST <----

«Plot» Turk says, " All data noted in +weather is used as environmental factors for this."

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! A wonderful day to be neighbors!

Well, maybe once upon a time. Aurora - better known as 'the Warrens', the 'Rens', 'hurtville', 'hey those are nice sneakers you got there', or 'ah gawd it hurts it hurts' is the blistering, acne riddled mar on Denver's pimpled butt. If you had a choice, if you had a chance, you weren't in the Warrens, you were anywhere else. Mission Hills is - in terms of Warrens living - relatively stable. There's only a high chance of mugging, a slightly smaller chance of stabbing, and you can expect to be shot at only -twice- a week rather than every day.
Good living standards by Rens typical layout. There are trash cans, pitted and rusted, with fires burning in almost every alley, with the poor gathered about. Those who aren't gathered about are either mad - or dangerous. Sometimes both. Old biddies push brown carts while sing songing, past clumps of gangers just 'hanging' and otherwise waiting to die. They never look beyond tomorrow anyways.
No one does, in the Rens.

Its just the day to day life. Bulls massive frame isn't exactly easy to miss. He stands impressively tall, only dwarfed by certain Trolls. But he is wide, stocky, powerful. Heavy cargo pants filled with an assortment of gear, an armored jacket, and a helment pulled over his head complete his day to day attire. The helmet, almost comically, kinda looks like a viking helmet with the mans horns poking out through the top of it where custom holes have been cut. He glances around the street one way then the other before his large hands slip into his pockets, and he begins to trek towards a familiar place. The cybered arms.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Intelligence for " Troll vision!":
1 1 2 5 10

Maybe it's just the light glinting off the lack of rust; An unusual situation in and of itself, in a place where umbrellas often melt beneath the toxic sludge they dare to call rain. Maybe it's the way it slows down. But something draws the large metahuman's attention aside as a Landrover 2046 brundles past, the skinheaded occupants all watching Bull at the same time. Two in the flat bed, two in the compartment. The passenger in the compartment itself leans over to murmur to the driver as they pass, while the two in back never take their eyes off Bull.
The engine slows to a mere idle as it slows to a walking speed, sliding off towards the other side of the road.

Through the opaque lenses of Bulls helmet, it'd be difficult to make out that his own eyes are closely watching that vehicle. His hands slip from his pockets, adjusting his jacket on one side enough that the people in the vehicle could make out, if they were watching close enough, the grip of a firearm underneath that jacket. As they pass by, he doesn't stop moving. But he does turn on his heel as he instead backs down the street, very clearly keeping the vehicle with those glaring occupants in sight.

One of the skinheads raps on the side of the 'Rover. Engines reeve as the tires burn, and it quickly leaps forward, screeching as it rounds the corner. But those glaring gazes never once waver, until the entire thing is out of sight. Of course, one can still hear the faint echo of the revving engine still as it speeds away - followed by another faint screech.

That second screech has Bull grimace, and he starts to look around. Why? He wants something solid to get behind. There is a quick and cursory scan around himself, perhaps sinking a derelict wreck to find that can conceal his impressive size. His hands both slip into his jacket and fill themselves with a smartgun, induction pads in his hands whirring the targetting system to life as he checks the road in the opposite direction the gangers had come from. Pincer manueveurs were pretty common, after all. Bull would hold for a full 30 seconds behind whatever cover he could find, waiting to see if that second fainter screech was the truck doing a 180 to come back his way.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Intelligence for "Not cardboard, not cardboard…":
1 1 2 3 5

«Plot» Turk says, "There is, indeed, an old burnt out shell of a car. It'll be pretty tight to duck down behind. And you can already see other people edging further into the alleyways - Warrens instinct."

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 3 for "Handling":
2 4 10 = 2 Successes

The faint screech turns into a roar of acceleration as the 'Rover comes screaming back around the corner, the driver fluttering the accelerator, tires squealing as it drifts. The nose originally pointed for Bull's old location, the driver quickly correcting as the rover accelerates. The flat-bed passengers ducking down and bracing-

----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
============================> Initiative Listing <=============================
Combatant Name…………….. P1(B) P2(-10) P3(-20) P4(-30) P5(-40)
Bull……………………… 19 9 — — —
Passenger…………………. 7 — — — —
Driver……………………. 5 — — — —
Flat Bed 2………………… 5 — — — —
Flat Bed 1………………… 4 — — — —

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) has the Active Skill Ambidexterity with the value '3'.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176)'s Weapons (#4440) has the Voucher Item 1 Ingram Smartgun with the following information:
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]-
=============================> Item 1 on Weapons <=============================
Item Name: Ingram Smartgun
Item Type: ITEM
Quantity: 2
Fractional OK: No
Clonable: No
Players Can Link: No
Created For: Bull (#4176)
Created By: Touchstone (#8349)
IC Location: Carried
-----> GM Notes for Item <-----
Jan 24 23:46 Purchased 2 at chargen for 2274 in resources. Approved by
Touchstone (#8349).

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) has the Cyberware John Woo Chip with the following information:
----> Cyberware Item for Bull (#4176) <----
Item Name: John Woo Chip
Contained In: SmartLink-2 Package
Essence: 0.08
Installed: Yes

«Plot» Turk says, "OKAY. Base TN 4, +2 two weapon, +2 off-hand, +2 fast moving. Reduced offhand to +1, smartlink reduces additional -2 via John Woo. TN 7, punching through standard glass barrier 2."

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 7 for " Base 4, +2 called shot(withSL)+1(Walking)+2(Target running), -2 (SL) Two weapon penalties mitigated.. Damage code 10S after Burst. (1st, primary)":
1 2 2 3 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 8 for " Base 4, +2 called shot(withSL)+1(Walking)+2(Target running), -2 (SL)+1 Secondary. Damage code 10S after Burst. (1st, Secondary)":
2 2 3 4 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) has the Attribute Strength with the value '7'.

«PLOT» High strength reduces recoil.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 9 for " Base 4, +2 called shot(withSL)+1(Walking)+2(Target running), -2 (SL)+1 second hand. Recoil comped. Damage code 10S after Burst. (2nd, secondary)":
2 3 4 4 8 = 0 Successes

«PLOT» Mis TN'd, had 1 success.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 7 for " Base 4, +2 called shot(withSL)+1(Walking)+2(Target running), -2 (SL) Recoil comped. Damage code 10S after Burst. (2nd, Primary)":
1 3 3 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 3 for "8S, Armor jacket 5/3":
1 4 4 5 = 3 Successes

Bulls large body rises, still partially concealed by the derelict husk he had been behind. His smartguns are drawn up, the dual barrels of the twin Ingram SMGs filling the air with the quick chatter of rounds firing. The Landrover is ting-ting-ting'd by a variety of bullets, but at least some of his rounds find their mark and impact on the driver. Bulls long legs continue to gain some distance, though its not going to likely be enough to escape the vehicle if it impacts on his old cover.

«Plot» Turk says, "Passenger braces. Flat bed 1 and 2 brace. Driver makes ramming test against body 0 (1) derelict."

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 6 for "Ramming test, M wound":
3 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Turk says, "Correction, TN should've been 5. 1 Success. GM Posing."

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 2 for "Body vs Body, L for lower. Derelict is destroyed, no maneuver possible.":
1 1 5 17 = 2 Successes

The driver yells out as the bullets spider-web through his glass shield, and his body thumps against the back of the truck cabin. He squints and grits his teeth as he SLAMS into the derelict, the Rover shredding it to pieces and shrieking to a halt. Paint scratched, the skinheads having braced for the impact. They're still rattled though, giving the Troll an advantage..!

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 3 for "Armor Jacket 5/3 resisting 8D, already M wound":
1 3 5 7 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 1 vs TN 3 for "Same, KP 1/2 for Driver":
3 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 4 for " Base4, +2 called shot(SL), -2 SL. -1 stationary target. +1 Two weapon First burst, 10S after burst. (1st, secondary)":
1 3 4 4 5 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 3 for "Same roll as before, six boxes of damage.":
1 1 1 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 3 for "KP 2/2":
2 3 5 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Driver is splattered.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 4 for " Base4, +2 called shot(SL), -2 SL. -1 stationary target. +2 second target, Recoil comped, 10S after burst. (2nd, Primary)":
3 3 5 5 5 = 3 Successes

«PLOT» TN should have been 5. Successes stand.

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 + 4 vs TN 3 for "Passenger rolls, uses all combat dice. 3D":
1 2 2 2 3 3 5 16 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 3 for "KP 1/2":
2 2 8 15 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Turk says, "Light wound"

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 6 for " Base4, +2 called shot(SL), -2 SL. -1 stationary target. +2 second target, +1 two weapons. Recoil comped, 10S after burst. (2nd, Secondary)":
1 2 4 4 5 = 0 Successes

As that derelict wreck manages to bring the oncoming Landrover to a halt, it does place it in the unenvious position of being directly in front of a stationary Bull, two guns drawn. The grin on his lips can't be seen through his helmet, but he expresses his happiness through the twin chatters of both of his submachine guns. The driver is pelted with a half dozen rounds of perforating goodness, and the passenger is treated to a similar hello as Bull doses the windshield with another dozen rounds. The passenger is fortunate and only takes a grazing injury, while the driver has large portions of his anatomy turned to paste.

----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
============================> Initiative Listing <=============================
Combatant Name…………….. P1(B) P2(-10) P3(-20) P4(-30) P5(-40)
Bull……………………… 24 14 4 — —
Flatbed 2…………………. 8 — — — —
Passenger…………………. 7 — — — —
Flatbed 1…………………. 6 — — — —

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 4 for " Base 4, +2 called shot, -2 SL, -1 stationary target. Passenger wounded. 10S base, burst. (1st, Primary)":
1 4 7 9 10 = 4 Successes

«PLOT» TN should be 3, same result.

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 6 for "11D, glass has shattered entirely, armor jacket 5/3":
2 3 3 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 6 for "KP 2/2":
1 2 3 3 = 0 Successes

Bulls left hand moves onto the passenger, and without the glass in the way the volley of rounds impacting the man do their work swiftly in rendering him dead. His second hand, followed by the first, then track to the top of the landrover, pacing from their to the sides as he stands in the open, legs spread. He doesn't have cover, but he doesn't seem to care as he waits for the two he knows are still in the bed to make their move.

«Plot» Turk says, "Bull holds his last Simple"

The truck had barely begun to settle from smashing through the derelict before both driver and passenger are shredded; Glass spiderwebs and then fails entirely, exploding inwards in slow motion to render the dead flesh within; Two skinheads slump sideways. Bull can hear, with his wired reflexes, the other two skinheads clambering, voices dropped an octave by his enhanced speed.
"Son of a b-!"
"-ill you tusker!"
One pops up from the top, drawing his gun and snarling. The other is diving sideways from the bed of the truck.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 3 for " Base 4, -2 SL, +1 target moving. (2nd, Primary)":
1 1 2 3 3 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 4 for " Base 4, -2 SL, +1 target moving, +1 Two weapons (1st, Secondary)":
1 1 3 3 8 = 1 Success

«PLOT» Bull was 'switching targets' +2 mod, so firt gun misses, second gun hits.

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 4 for "Flat Bed dodge attempt! All combat dice! Needs 2 successes.":
1 1 1 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 4 for "KP 1/2":
1 4 4 = 2 Successes

Bulls guns twitch, both moving after the man disappearing off the side. Why? Because flankers are annoying. Little shits always get behind the couch, then you spend ten bloody minutes shooting at them… Unfortunately for Bull, winging a duet of bursts at a man soaring through the air didn't work out for him, and he caught nothing but sidewalk. "BRING IT ON!" He roars, the bulls deep baritone carrying the combat lust that has taken over him. Ooooh, they called him a tusker!

Begins the skin head standing over top, as his small pistol barks twice in his fist. Apparently, they did NOT know who they were messing with, only that they were messing with a metatype. Or they assumed that four would be able to take on 1 with ease. Standard overwhelm-them-with-numbers techniques.
Guess they weren't counting on the bull being able to move that fast. Boom. Boom.
The second ganger hits the ground in a roll, grunting at concrete on shin contact as bullets whirr past him. Then tries to turn and shoot as well.

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 7 vs TN 3 for "Flat Bed 1, target stationary, 6L, no other mods. First shot":
1 2 4 5 5 9 10 = 5 Successes

«Plot» Turk says, "All combat dice blown."

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 4 for "SA, second shot, +1 recoil. Flat bed 1":
2 5 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 4 for "flat bed 2, all combat dice already blown, difficult ground walking (Landing after roll). 6L":
2 3 3 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Turk says, "Resist 6S for first shot, 6M for second shot. 5 successes for first, 2 for second (if dodging)"

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Body vs TN 2 for " PEWPEW little bullets, PEWPEW~ (7 ballistic)":
2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 7 10 11 = 13 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Body vs TN 2 for " PEWPEW little bullets, PEWPEW~ (7 ballistic)":
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 11 11 = 11 Successes

«Plot» Turk says, "It turns out shooting Trolls iwith small pistols is a bad idea. Absorbed."

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 1 vs TN 5 for " Base4, +4 cover, -2 SL, -1 stationary. 10S, burst. (1st, primary) Targetting pickup target.":
4 4 4 5 9 10 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 5 for "10D, armor jacket 5/3":
3 4 5 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 2 vs TN 5 for "KP 1/2":
3 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 1 vs TN 6 for " Base4, +4 cover, -2 SL, -1 stationary,+1 second hand 10S, burst. (1st, secondary) Targetting pickup target.":
1 1 2 3 3 3 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 1 vs TN 5 for " Base4, +4 cover, -2 SL, -1 stationary, Recoil comped 10S, burst. (1st, secondary) Targetting pickup target.":
1 3 3 4 4 8 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 5 for "Resisting 5D":
1 2 5 11 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 2 vs TN 5 for "KP 2/2":
1 9 = 1 Success

«PLOT» Two serious wounds. Splat.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 1 vs TN 4 for " Base4, -2 SL, -1 stationary, +1 second hand, +2 changing targets Recoil comped 10S, burst. (2nd, secondary) Targetting pickup target.":
2 2 2 3 3 4 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 5 for "Resisting 5S":
2 3 5 9 = 2 Successes

«PLOT» M wound.

Bulls body is like a brick wall. Those bullets clearly didn't miss, they impacted on him, but the metahuman doesn't have time to twitch as they hit him. His fists of SMG fury light up the man in the pickup truck, turning just in time to deliver a burst of SMG rounds to the figure on the ground. Bull still hasn't moved, rooted to the earth as he begins to bring both of those dual chattering weapons over to the solitary figure remaining.

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 2 for " Base 4, -2 SL, -1 stationary. 10S burst, target on ground. (1st, primary)":
2 3 3 5 7 = 5 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 2 for " Base 4, -2 SL, -1 stationary, +1 off hand. 10S burst, target on ground. (2nd, primary)":
1 1 1 4 10 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 2 for " Base 4, -2 SL, -1 stationary. recoil comped. 10S burst, target on ground. (1st, secondary)":
1 1 2 5 5 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Bull (#4176) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 2 for " Base 4, -2 SL, -1 stationary, +1 off hand, recoil comped 10S burst, target on ground. (2nd, secondary)":
2 4 5 5 14 = 5 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 4 vs TN 6:
2 3 5 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 6 for "KP 2/2":
1 3 3 = 0 Successes

The ganger yells in victory as the bullets find their mark - then simply 'thwang' off the heavy body beneath. He has only time to widen his eyes in horror before his neck is jerked back, head disappearing in a spray of gore.
The skin head on the ground had begun to turn and run - and is quickly perforated as well, left bleeding and twitching on the Warrens sidewalk.

And what's this? A perfectly good Rover, still idling. Besides bullet holes, missing windshield and some paint scraps, it's in good shape.

Bull moves up aggressively on the vehicle, pointing the firearms he wields at the bodies as he does. He checks the back, and does a full 360 around the Landrover before he finally relaxes. Both weapons put away, he shoots looks around the street. The passengers body is hauled out, and hucked in the bed. He picks the guy from the ground, and hucks him up into the bed as well. Finally, he moves to the drivers seat, and peels that man out of there to throw into the back as well. He'd roll the bodies later, right now the big man wanted to get out of the area. He'd made a whole lot of racket. Even if law enforcement doesn't check often, others might come see what pickings they can glean!

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