Log: Burning Cheeks

GM: Posh
Players: Feather, Krieg, Miyo, Posh
Synopsis: Feather, Miyo, Kreig, and Posh are hired by an associate of the Black Dragon Triad to publicly humiliate a contractor who’s been taking jobs for the Black Chrysanthemums. The contractor runs rackets on a lot of unions and businesses in the B-zone parts of Asian town. Posh and crew managed to stage an assault on his bar, dragged him outside, and delivered the slap before a crowd, fortunately disguised, of course, before getting away long before a police response. With nobody dead, and with it not worth squeezing the locals if no blood was spilled, the Star chalks it up to a local disturbance nobody wants to talk about. And Boris Wong likely won’t be able to show his burning cheeks in town again.
Date: 10/13/2075

Burning Cheeks

GM: Posh
Players: Miyo, Feather, Krieg, Posh

Reward: 35k nuyen and 4 karma for each participant. .5 bonus to GM for log post.



The van smoothly travels through traffic, the trid screens on the interior replacing the windows, now filled in with the vehicle's discreet armor, showing the dark, misty streets outside.

"In any case, Miyo," Posh says, to the fox next to her, the cloak covering the fox's ears, "I have to say I'm very impressed with how your medical training has been going along," she says. "You're really developing that into…" Posh is interrupted.

"It seems that a man handling one of my contact's affairs wishes to arrange a brief meeting with me and a team, suitable for in-city close-quarters work," she says, thoughtfully. She dashes off a message to Feather and Krieg. «Seems like we might have an opportunity. I'll meet you both in the basement of the Woodlands. Already have a selection of ammo aboard, in the smuggling compartment. We're not set up to vidlink to your bike, Feather, so you'll have to join us at least for the meet.»

Miyo looks over at Posh and smiles. "Hehe… I suppose that is true!" Once Posh gets interrupted, she leans over onto the elf and randomly passes out. "Wake me when we get there." Sleeping until they arrive at their destination. Sleepy foxmages and stuff, ya know?

Feather is somewhere in Denver, her own bike not so quietly carving a path down some of the meaner streets of the CAS sector. This is her stomping ground, just about. It's almost scary how much she flaunts it, with the number of people who hate her, but she's generally playing a different game. There's no "legal" side in the fights that rule her world. It's a bit of ugly might is right, sometimes with a premium placed on intimidation over discretion. Sometimes.

She gets the audio call, Posh's name popping up in her HUD. Helmeted head swivels to check her surroundings, looking for tails, before she pulls off into an alley. She listens. "I understand. I am on my way. I am pinging you my location now. I should be there in a few minutes." She's not far, only a few blocks out. With a brief manipulation of the controls wired into the underside of her sleeve, she switches the color pattern for both her suit and her bike, cycling transponder codes yet again, morphic plates shifting to match. And then she pulls out onto the street in front of her, GridGuide again catching her. Just another bike exiting the garage that lets out into that alley.

She arrives not long after, as promised, finding a discrete place to hide her bike, kicking the stand down, and stepping off.

After a few minutes Krieg finishes her preperations and awaits the others downstairs. She find a spot to simply stand, watching the vehicular entrances to the garage.

The door of the van slides open to reveal a way into the interior for Feather, Krieg, and Senshi if he comes too, so that the meeting can be linked to the vehicle's autonav display in the center console via the cell network connection from a burner pocsec. With plenty of seats available for Feather and Krieg and Senshi, Posh gives a quick smile to everyone, and the van begins to move, getting the group already underway. She sets the display on the dash, and opens the link.

A rather suave looking Chinese man in his late thirties appears, looking both professional and dangerous. Black glasses, skinny tie, the works. "I've contacted you using the method you provided Mr. Suen," he states simply. "Mr. Suen would appreciate a favor from you. One of Mr. Suen's regular contractors seems to have abandoned his patron and offered his services to the Black Chrysanthemums, and indeed has staged attacks on several key businesses that have been paying protection money for a long time. I suspect that he considers himself beyond our reach, with his new employers," he says, his lips twisting. "This is unacceptable, as I am sure you can imagine. Such behavior is a difficult situation, because while we do not want this situation to devolve into public bloodshed in these very precarious times," he says.

"Suen wishes to make a statement, to show that his will is absolute. You are to take this affiliate, who along with his two top enforcers have indulged in cybernetic augmentations, and you are to take him to the center of the street outside the bar that he own, gather a crowd, and publicly slap him," he says. "The Black Chrysanthemums will not be able to be seen to be connected to a man who has experienced such a public display of weakness. He will likely have to leave the city to find employment as a contractor again," he says.

"Thus, this is your mission. The Black Dragon is prepared to offer you thirty-five thousand nuyen each for this service," he explains.

When the door slides open and the others arrive, Miyo wakes up and stretches a bit. She lets loose a good yawn and then waves. "Hello." For the briefing, she is mostly quiet, but once the man is done speaking, she turns to Posh. "Sounds easy."

The man replies, rather dryly, "I would not be so sure. The target, one Boris Wong, made his bones keeping delivery and construction crews in line and running smoothly. He and his toughest guys would likely enjoy cybernetic augmentations. Do not expect an easy challenge; you are making a rather expensive statement that this successful gangster's career and his resources are as nothing to us, that anyone could hire a group of locals and prove him a nothing," he explains. "We have no further information on the specific capabilities of Boris Wong; it's not as if we keep medical files on our paying affiliates," he explains. "Ideally this mission would be completed very quickly, before Wong can conduct any more attacks on our customers."

Krieg is attentive but also politely quiet when the Johnson speaks. She lets the others handle the discussion for now and focuses on gear adjustments within the vehicle.

Miyo fidgets a bit when the man replies. "Soo… uhhhhm… in that case, who is going to be doing the slapping?"

"Slap him?" Feather asks quietly within her own helmet, her voice barely audible to those around her, and probably inaudible to the man delivering their briefing. It's not quite her usual modus operandi, after all. Then again, she knows the power of shame and public humiliation in Chinese society, even if she's usually tapped for more direct confrontations. She doesn't seem to question the job itself, instead probing their employer for details. "Does he have any men under his command that you know of, beyond those two? And do you know of his typical whereabouts?"

Krieg quietly adds. "It is only a loss of face if he does not take actions to correct it. I am in doubt that such an individual would not resport to extreame immediate violence." While fiddling with some optic lines.
"Perhaps he will. Perhaps he will not. Open brutality might be seen as a sign of weakness by his employers. He is being hired for subtle intimidation, after all, not outright murder. Protection rackets tend to fall apart when people think you will kill them anyway. If people feel desperate, that their lives are about to be lost, they will turn to other organizations for protection, or they will go to the police, as ineffectual as those things might prove," Feather replies. "Yes, he will likely resort to violence. We need to amass the right leverage and intimidation to counter that."

To their employer, she asks a more pointed question. "He has crossed you, and my colleague has a point. He may not cooperate. Should we simply make him disappear, if our attempts to do this quietly fail?"

"The man looks bored now. "Yes, yes, perhaps our strategy is to provoke him, or his comrades, to some sort of action that will draw the attention of the law on him," he replies. "In any case, our strategy does not seem to be too much in question. As he is not any of our brothers," explains the man, "I cannot tell you the particulars of his operation, beyond his most common too associates. He likely has a network of part-time tough guys that he knows, so you could expect one or two more such part-timers with him as well," he says. "These days, since he opened his new bar, mainly as a front for his activities and private stomping ground, he can be found there, when not at home. We request that you drag him out of the bar though - it is one of the specifics of the operation." He nods. "Expect to draw stares if you were to just walk directly in there. Rarely is it a full operation, though, especially on a weeknight. Unlikely to be more than a dozen non-associated patrons, and even them are people who know the local arrangement, and occasionally might do a little favor for the local boss," he explains.

"It is not in our interest to do this quietly. I would recommend you cover your faces, and depart the area before a police response arrives. I imagined the bar would be in somewhat of a state of disrepair by that point," replies the man. "You are being hired to be expensive thugs, against difficult opposition who are used to being the thugs themselves," clarifies the man.

"That clarifies much. A final question, then. Are we allowed to use lethal force in dealing with his men? Or would that be too much of an escalation?" Feather asks pointedly. Not much beating around the bush with her.

Miyo looks between her friends. "Soo… lets go slap this guy, yeah?" She chuckles a bit. Not a funny chuckle, but a sort of nervous chuckle. "Can't be that hard, can it?"

"If there are dead bodies on the street, Knight Errant is going to start squeezing until the blank stares become less blank," explains the man, patiently. It's clear why Suen Qiang chose him, perhaps. "This is as close to a statement that we are fully able to publicly assassinate anyone like this if we wish, without the gwailo cops assuming it was any more than a bar fight."

The man shakes his head. "No. We cannot have the police response be more than casual, yet it must be public. They are likely to defend themselves, with lethal weapons anyway, as they are likely to think they are under deadly attack. Which is the crux of why I am arranging a hundred thousand nuyen to this job. Do you realize how many happy endings that is? It is a lot. I don't need to assassinate the man in a legal sense to have his reputation as a man to be feared publicly executed."

Posh considers. "All right. It seems like I have an idea what you want done - you want us to bust into his bar front, knock him and his guys out, drag him outside, and slap him before a crowd. At that point, it would be advisable to make a hasty departure." She shrugs, glancing back at the others. "Well," she says. "What do you think? I'm for this, but I'm not willing to operate without you," she says. "If it's in a B-zone, that's not the most densely patrolled areas. We'd probably be able to at least find some parts of the street in camera dead zones."

Miyo snickers mischieviously. "Why don't we just take his pants while we're at it?" She yawns again. "Ugh…" Then the fox pulls a handful of animal crackers out of her pocket and nibbles at them in silence.

"I do not know how many happy endings that is, actually," Feather replies dryly, her voice suddenly a little sharp. "I think we have the information we need. Thank you for your time." A bit of obligatory politeness, even if it doesn't seem like she likes this guy. She seems to hate an awful lot of the people she works with, actually. Or maybe that's just an image she likes to maintain.

"Would it not be the most public if it was also recorded, aired on the news, and his attack responded to by medical treatment? I beleive they are desiring complete character assasination, on all levels of the public eye." krieg mentions as she continues ehr own work. "Doing that, not killing them, and escaping without police intervention."

Miyo puffs up a bit. "Let's go and get to it! Someone will tape it. Everyone is strapped with cameras these days."

Posh gives Miyo a quick glare, and resolves to had a conversation about professional demeanor with people who can decide whether or not they are offering nuyen. She then turns and gives a sweetly fake smile to the man, and nods. "It sounds like we will be able to able to do this," she says, while the man shakes her head. "No. Character assassination at the level of word of mouth is the highest level provided. We may have jobs that will ask you to smile for the cameras in the future, when we need a very public statement made," he says. "We will be able to direct greater resources towards those, however."

The man gives a sleepy-eyed look, and does not speak for a while. "All right, then. You seem to know what you need to do. Go, and do. I'll know soon after you've finished. We'll..not likely speak again. It's not you, it's me," he says, giving a sour look in Feather's direction, and then cutting the feed.

"Well," Posh says. "That was…different. In any case, though, I'm not sure I wish to give one of Suen Qiang's men any further grief. We've accepted his job. Shall we head to the area where the bar is and have a look?" she asks - a very easy task, as the van's already underway.

It's a sort of light industrial zone where this out of work bar is. A lot of long industrial buildings with different names of food and fish importers, suppliers for local Chinese restaurants, and businesses that primarily serve workers at those. Gas stations, coin-op laundries, gun stores. A CAS Chinese community is a tough community, and Posh is grateful for the lack of windows as the van, common as dirt, adopts a little extra fake dirt on its paint job and heads in the direction to the bar, which is across the stret from a diner, near a soy processing plant and a truck rental place. A lot of the bars look like tough places as you pass, with autoguns outside the door, likely filled with gel to break up outdoor gang confrontations. It's not the Rens, but it ain't Uptown either, and around here the Star doesn't come by too much, often covertly negotiating with the real local powers to maintain order, except in the cases of higher profile issues like murder investigations

"There may be something demeaning about this task. I am not sure, but the directions, method, and suggestion of additional resources for a more important matter. What is it you would like us to Do to accomplish this?" Krieg finds a seat beside Senshi and awaits the big plan.

Miyo fidgets a bit as she finishes snacking. "MMm… Yeah, Posh, do you have some sort of plan in that pretty head of yours?" She giggles a bit. "I mean, I can help with the crowds if there are some."

"What spells do you have at your disposal, Miyo? I will need to know the details of your capabilities to formulate a plan," Feather states.

"Oh… uhmm…" Miyo ponders a moment. "I can heal, levitate a liiittle bit… and create some armor. Also some control things."

"What 'control things'?" Feather replies.

"Well, as you've seen before, I can sort of influence people and crowds. That's what I mean." Miyo grins a little. "Should be handy."

Posh nods at Feather. "I'd love to have your insight on how to approach this. I feel like if we can get everyone in, and Senshi in a quick aiding position, without causing too much trouble, and get the boss and his men to show themselves to us, stage some kind of managed confrontration, Miyo could maybe get everyone to run out. Your understanding would be invaluable for that," Posh says to Feather. "I don't know about that, Krieg. I got the impression more that he was trying to say that there was the chance for higher profile jobs in the future," she says.

Posh finds the parking lot of a Chinese take-out buffet often patronzied by teamsters who work in the area, as here on the outskirts of Asiantown there's a lot of overlap with non-Chinese unions and other workers. It's only a couple blocks from here to the Blue Lotus Lounge and Club, the bar in question.

"Kitsune-Tsukai." Krieg says quietly as she peers at Miyo for a momment. She then just returns to looking over to Posh and listening. "Yes, that is possible and was what the tail end of the message implied. But the overall conversation seemed to be handled in a state of almost narcotic miasma."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Biotech + 1 for "Narcotic Miasma?":
1 3 3 3 4 5 17

"I agree," says Posh to Krieg. "The man in question exhibited symptoms of Zen use," she says. "A common relaxant among financial firm types - they'll often on and off with Long Haul."

Miyo pokes her tongue out at Krieg. "We'll just have to be careful and get backsafe!"

"Could you incite a crowd to violence? Or a few people?" Feather's voice is thoughtful. "If we created a disturbance among the general patronage of the bar, we could use it to mask our own attacks. In the confusion, we might be able to disable a few of their number that attempt to intervene to stop the disturbance. Beyond that, it would create a social smokescreen to mask our egress. It would definitely be seen as a barfight in that case, and with a mass number of people fleeing the bar to evade arrest, law enforcement will likely focus on containment over arrest."

"That might be our best opening to deal with their superior numbers and give us an opportunity to drag the target out. What do you think?"

Miyo nods a bit. "I suppose it could be used to do some of that stuff. It requires my full concentration, and I have to be close by, so don't expect much else out of me if I go aout doig that stuff."

Krieg glances at the tongue gesture then to Feather. "That does sound workable. How would you like the support to operate in this encounter?"

"We can deploy Posh ahead of you to draw their attention while you work your spell," Feather says. "Senshi will be behind you, ready to provide support once the fighting breaks out. With Senshi's speed, mass, armor, and power, few opponents will be getting past him to engage you, Miyo. Once the fighting breaks out, Posh can engage in direct melee to take down any intervening members of the bar's security. I will sneak in during the confusion and provide support with my bow, to prevent her from getting overwhelmed, prioritizing the takedown of the target's bodyguards. That is my basic initial plan. Given our constrained options, it seems like the best way to go."

"Well… unless they have a way to detect me wielding magic, which I doubt they do, being all augmented and such, I should be able to go mostly unnoticed." Miyo adds.

"This seems to explain the initial outbreak encounter. How should we then handle the actions of dragging this individual out and administering the requested actions onto him. Who would you like to do that?" Krieg asks, every so often watching Miyo.

Posh nods. "Indeed. You are the most likely to be recognized, at least by reputation," Posh says to Feather. "All right. I wonder what I should do to create a disturbance. Perhaps I should go in there, and motivate someone to get a little fresh," she says, thoughtfully. "When you see me slap somebody, that's the perfect signal for Miyo to cast her spell," she says, with a grin. "All right. I'm going to go in there and loudly proclaim that I'm looking for Cheng, and I'm not going to leave until he shows up. I found his little hussy and she said I could find him at the Blue Lotus!" She grins. "All right," she says. "It'll be confusion, and then we'll try to pick out those who move to defend the target." She nods, getting ready to head out, shifting her hair to dark, adjusting her look so that she might be able to pull off having a Chinese grandparent. She then slots her Candonese chip, and then grins. "All right. I've got rebounds loaded, and I think we're ready to roll," she says. "Senshi, stay as close protection as well for Miyo, until I call for you." She smiles, and nods to Krieg. "I would like for you to operate the van, actually. Ideally Miyo should not have to get out at all. Can you direct the van's movement on your remote control network? It's equipped with decryption," she says, with a nod. "That's true," she says. "But he might also have anti-pain compensators or that sort of thing. Doing it unconscious was mentioned as acceptable, after all." She nods to Feather. "So, does that sound all right, with those modifications? The van will be a mobile pod for Krieg and Miyo, under Krieg's control. Senshi is waiting nearby to smash through a window, and you're waiting with hammerheads. We all clear?" she asks.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Disguise for "+2 hair/eyes":
2 2 2 3 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Disguise for "+2 hair/eyes KP 1":
1 1 3 4 15

With a grins, Posh hops out of the van, shifting her hair color and creating a pretense of being a hard working but lusty woman in her early forties, the type that might be involved in a rather quaint love triangle. She pulls her hair back into a ponytail, adjusting her makeup along the way, and then pushes her way into the bar.

She's taking camera shots as she can, surrepticiously, uploading to the others via a cell network. A really tough looking guy who's clearly Wong is sitting with his back to the corner in a raised VIP area; there's an enclosed bar in the corner and a few tables. There's few guys in here getting drunk after work, a few girls, an aged bartender with a vest and a white collared shirt. Posh reaches into her pack and pulls out a smoke, heading up to the bar.

"Hey!" she says, loudly. "Is Cheng here? His slut told me this is where I could find him," she says. "Look, just give me a drink. Synthwhiskey. I'll wait for him here." She adopts a bit of an angered look to her face, but it's not long before one of the tough guys who'd been taking a call away from the table where Wong and the other one is moves to approach. "Hey there," he says, a little curious about who the loud woman who made a little. "What are you doing here? You better not be causing any trouble here," he says. "Look, forget about that stupid guy Cheng. I heard you. Why don't you let Jimmy here show you how to have a good time here at the Blue Lotus?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Etiquette + 4:
1 1 1 1 3 3 5 8 9 9

"Hah! Bet you wouldn't know how to show someone a good time if it was sucking on your tiny dick," replies Posh in fluent Cantonese, thanks to the chipsoft."

"Hey! Do you know who I am? Nobody talks to me like that, bitch."

Expecting to show that he's a big man with a backhand, he takes a swing right at Posh.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Stupid bitch.":
1 2 3 4 4 16 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + 2 vs TN 4 for "2 karma dice (3 spent, 4 total this plot)":
1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 9 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat + 2 - 3 vs TN 4 for "2 karma dice (3 spent, 4 total this plot) KP 1":
1 2 3 4 5 7 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 + 6 vs TN 4 for "Soaking vs Posh":
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 7 10 = 5 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 + 6 - 5 vs TN 4 for "Soaking vs Posh KP 1":
1 1 2 5 5 5 11 = 4 Successes

Feather nudges Miyo almost as soon as Posh exits the van. "Give her sixty seconds to get their attention. She should not need more. Then cast the spell."

Sixty seconds seem to pass awful fast, though. The sound of screaming and fighting is heard inside not long after. Not long after, at all. "Now. Try to catch everyone that isn't Posh in your spell. Krieg, can Senshi follow her in and provide cover? Block any attackers physically if you must." She quietly begins to work her weapon case, drawing her bow. "I will be right behind you."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 3 vs TN 5 for "Soaking 8S Stun with half impact KP 1":
3 3 11 = 1 Success

The man looks surprised, Boris and the other tough shooting up to their seats as Posh smashes the guy who'd hitting her, forgetting to turn off her shock and the man staggering back, slightly stunned. "F…Fuck! Attack!" No doubt - that's exactly the kind of signal Miyo had been waiting for.

«Auto-Judge[]» Miyo (#13014) rolls 6 + 5 vs TN 4 for "F3 Mob Mind vs people in bar BG1":
1 1 2 2 4 4 4 5 8 9 9 = 7 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]»Miyo (#13014) rolls 6 vs TN 2 for "vs drain":
1 1 1 2 4 9 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]»Miyo (#13014) rolls 6 - 3 vs TN 2 for "vs drain KP":
2 5 9 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "L stun"

"Oh nuuu! Poshie's in trouble!" The fox closes her eyes, scrunching up her face, and casts the STRONGEST spell that she can do without making her body start to weaken dangerously.

It's like all pandemonium breaks out. The fox girl focuses and makes everyone think that they are all about to be attacked in the fight that just happened, and a few start to swing at each other while most just run out into the street screaming!

Krieg nods and quickly Instructs Senshi. He releases the quicklinks on his harness to drop the heavy backpack, leaving the duffle in the vehicle before hopping out from the exit door. The drone adjusts it's clothing covering to maximize the coverage and detection avoidance, then quickly moves to prepare for blocking any of the targets from departing early.

At the sound of all the commotion, a few passersby stop, as well as a few cars, as people run into the street. Surely there's going to be some kind of police report soon, but the locals aren't likely to be hitting the panicbutton at the first sign of trouble.

«Plot» Feather says, "Is there any kind of cover she can jump behind to fire from? Or an elevated position? Rafter? A partial second floor?"

«Plot» Posh says, "You can jump through a window, and then there's plenty of cover around, tables,

«Plot» Feather says, "Ok. She'll simply find a corner table and duck behind it, to get as much improvised concealment as she can."

«Plot» Posh says, "And a pool table. You can hide behind the pool table."

The smash of the window as Feather dives through it invisibly had gone unnotcied among the other smashes of people rushing out through other ones. Feather had managed to find a great spot behind the pool table, a corner behind her and the jukebox nearby, as the situation had unfolded.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 vs TN 16 for "Vs Feather stealth":
1 1 1 2 2 3 4 7 = 0 Successes

The people running out of the door and the bar are too frenzied to even notice Senshi.

Inside, Posh is looking suddenly surprised, but Wong and the two other heavies don't seem affected, nor does the bartender who's reaching for the shotgun under the bar. "It's a fucking trick!" Wong snarls from the corner. "I don't know what the fuck's going on, but kill the bitch. Then we're gonna call Sheng, and we're getting to the bottom of this."

Posh suddenly makes a move to dive as she sees the guns coming out…fortunately, there's plenty of tables and seating and couches, just as Senshi bursts in against the flow, and she sees the shadow of Feather at the window…or at least imagines she does…

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 3 for "+12 Wong":
2 3 5

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 2 for "+10 Heavy1":
4 4

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 2 for "+10 Heavy2":
2 2

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 3 for "+10 Bartender":
1 2 9

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Initiative with a result of 24.

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather has LOS on both thugs, but not Wong or the bartender, from outside. Senshi has just burst into the room, and Posh, although she is not in cover yet, is about to dive for it. No-Ambush init situation."

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Initiative using a VCR rating 3 with a result of 32.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Initiative with a result of 22.

«Init Tracker» Posh (#11342) has set Feather's init to 24.

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather is not detected by the hostiles yet"

«Plot» Posh says, "Anyway, Krieg, you are up first."

----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
============================> Initiative Listing <=============================
Combatant Name…………….. P1(B) P2(-10) P3(-20) P4(-30) P5(-40)
Krieg…………………….. 32 22 12 2 —
Feather…………………… 24 14 4 — —
Bartender…………………. 22 12 2 — —
Posh……………………… 22 12 2 — —
Wong……………………… 22 12 2 — —
Heavy1……………………. 18 8 — — —
Heavy2……………………. 14 4 — — —

«Plot» Krieg says, " Senshi will move to engage the man who was ordered to fire on Posh."

«Plot» Posh says, "GM note We aren't allowed to kill anyone according to the J. The only one we have to knock unconscious and slap is Wong. Everything else is not a target so much as an obstacle. Everyone in the bar at this point, still, who is not one of us, is doing something that suggests clearly that they are an obstacle. The 'surprise round' sorta happened earlier, it was when that guy tried to backhand Posh. In the seconds since that happened the bartender, Wong, and the two others are all reaching for guns, and they all seem to be under Wong's command. Just for full clarification. :)"

In response to Wong's command, cyberspurs snick out of the elbows of the man she's engaged with, and the bartender starts to bring his shotgun to bear, while the guy with Wong starts to draw his Predator.

«Plot» Krieg says, " Senshi joins Posh in the brawl and Engages the man drawing a preditor."

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 3 for " TN3 base, Punch 7M(+1 Charge) Stun (8S Stun (electrical))(3/13RP)":
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 9 10 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation - 4 + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 3 for " TN3 base, Punch 7M(+1 Charge) Stun (8S Stun (electrical))(3/13RP)(1KP)":
1 1 1 1 4 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "Stun damage penalty, L wound, FIMM penalty":
1 2 2 2 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "Stun damage penalty, L wound, FIMM penalty KP 2":
1 2 2 2 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "Stun damage penalty, L wound, FIMM penalty KP 4":
1 2 3 7 9 23 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 3 vs TN 7 for "Stun damage penalty, L wound, FIMM penalty KP 7":
1 2 3 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Soaking":
1 5 5 5 7 8 = 5 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "Soaking S":
2 2 2 4 5 8 = 1 Success

«Plot» Posh says, "Make an epic pose of Senshi charging in to even the odds, dashing him to the ground."

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather. You're up!"

Senshi stands amoungst the swarm of leaving occupants, watching carefully for any of the noted targets to prevent their departure. The flood of bodies pours by revealing a small contingent and Posh. As weapons begin to draw Senshi burst forward from the doorway, sliding to a stop, chairs and a table get knocked over as the Drones fist grazing along the body on one of the men ending with a bright spark of discharging capaciters.

«OOC» Krieg says, "There you go"

«OOC» Posh says, "Wong has a big silver Nighthawk out. The guy he was with has a pair of cyberspurs snicked out of his arms. The bartender has a shotgun."

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Reaction vs TN 4:
1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 7 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Projectile Weapons (Bows) + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 2 for "One Take Aim action, one Quick Draw shot with bow, Hammerhead Arrows, 11M stun vs impact, TN11 Knockdown, firing at Bartender":
1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 11 = 7 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 vs TN 4 for "Dodging arrow":
2 2 2 3 3 5 5 11 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 - 3 vs TN 4 for "Dodging arrow KP 1/8":
2 2 3 3 4 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 - 4 vs TN 4 for "Dodging arrow KP 3/8":
4 8 9 16 = 4 Successes

The bartender seems to get some kind of notice…just the twang, maybe a sixth sense, but in any case, he ducks back down quickly. However, that means that he knows that he's in trouble…and this bartender's the vet of a few fights. He figures he's just going to stay back behind that bar, until he's taken a breath and he'll be able to respond to another attack. However, he -does- hit the panicbutton - this is getting out of hand, after all.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 2 for "Minutes till the 'Star":
3 3

Posh realizes that this is a dangerous situation, and the size of that Nighthawk is…scary. Scary! She figures that single shots from her submachineguns will sound normal enough, and so from her position of cover she sends four single shots in a pfftpfftpfftpfft right towards Boris Wong

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 6 for "dodging dive, cover, etc.":
2 2 2 3 4 11 11 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 6 for "dodging dive, cover, etc.":
1 1 2 3 3 5 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 6 for "dodging dive, cover, etc.":
1 2 2 2 3 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Submachine Guns vs TN 6 for "dodging dive, cover, etc.":
1 2 2 3 3 5 15 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "Boris dodge":
1 2 3 3 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 - 1 vs TN 4 for "Boris dodge KP 1":
1 2 5 9 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 4 vs TN 4 for "Boris dodge 2":
1 2 3 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 4 - 1 vs TN 4 for "Boris dodge 2 KP 2/12":
4 4 5 = 3 Successes

Boris returns fire at Posh, his much more powerful Nightawk booming out a pair of shots! It's quite the gangland gun battle…shots fired…shots fired…but without any autofire or major weapons, it hasn't escalated. Yet.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 4 vs TN 4 for "Posh dodge KP 1":
1 3 5 17 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 4 - 2 vs TN 4 for "Posh dodge KP 3 (10 spent)":
4 4 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body + 4 vs TN 5 for "soak vs 12S with 7pts ballistic":
1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 10 15 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body + 4 - 4 vs TN 5 for "soak vs 12S with 7pts ballistic KP 1":
1 2 2 3 5 5 7 8 17 = 5 Successes

Posh manages to pull back right as one of the bullets digs into the cover that she's hiding behind, but another one catches her coat's reinforced shoulder, spinning her back with a cry. The heavy bullet doesn't penetrate, and Posh snarls. "You're going down, Boris Wong!" she suddenly threatens, getting a little enraged. «Kami time?» she asks her friends.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 + 6 vs TN 4 for "Assault from double cyberspurs man, combat pool, 11S vs Senshi (dikoted spurs)":
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 7 9 16 = 7 Successes

The man from the bartender takes a quick potshot at Senshi with his shotgun, the weapon doing nothing to the armored figure. Senshi, after all, is the only one who had taken it down. He hadn't focused long enough as he stays behind the bar, really just sticking the shotgun up for a BKOOM.

The one with the two cyberspurs, though, makes a brutal assault at Senshi, the dikoted spurs gleaming as they snick out towards the heavily armored vehicle.

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation + Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 4 for " TN4 base, COUNTER, Punch 7M(+1 Charge) Stun (8S Stun (electrical))(9/11CP)":
1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 8 11 14 = 7 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation - 7 + Combat Pool: 6 vs TN 4 for " TN4 base, COUNTER, Punch 7M(+1 Charge) Stun (8S Stun (electrical))(9/11CP)(2kp)":
1 2 5 9 11 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 + 3 vs TN 4 for "Soaking (All CP spent)":
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 7 13 = 5 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 + 3 - 5 vs TN 4 for "Soaking (All CP spent) KP 1":
2 2 3 4 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 vs TN 6 for "Soaking Stun":
1 2 2 3 4 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 vs TN 6 for "Soaking Stun KP 2/8 spent":
1 2 3 5 5 9 11 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 - 2 vs TN 6 for "Soaking Stun KP 4/8 spent":
3 4 8 10 11 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 - 5 vs TN 6 for "Soaking Stun KP 7/8 spent":
2 5 = 0 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "He only takes L stun, but crucially, you have applied the +2 TN stun penalty to him."

Feather follows the other members of the team in, ruthenium engaged, running low behind the chairs and tables farthest from the bar. Finding herself in a far corner, she kneels for a little extra concealment, looking for the right shot.

Posh is already engaged with several combatants in melee, but with Senshi rushing in to assist, Feather figures that brawl is going to have roughly even odds. She prioritizes ranged attackers, then. No need for Posh to eat a stray bullet while she's fighting off enemies in close quarters. Wong probably isn't a joke, but she can't take him out first. The bartender has the larger weapon too, and he looks like he can handle himself. So she lifts her bow, spending a moment to adjust the targeting in her helmet. Then with lightning reflexes and immaculate form, a single arrow is strung and fired, streaking toward him. And for the first time in a long time, Feather misses. This guy is fast, dodging her shot cleanly.

«Plot» Posh says, "Krieg! It's back around to you. You're up!"

«Plot» Posh says, "Present situation: Wong has his nightawk out and is trading fire with Posh. You are engaged and have the upper hand, though having only lightly wounded, a cyberspur enforcer who's suffering shock penalties. The bartender is hiding behind the bar and shot at Senshi but his shotgun did nothing. Action?"

«Plot» Krieg says, "Senshi continues his defensive assault on Poshs attackers. Re-engaging the now sleightly stunned man."

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "wound and stun penalty, no CP left":
2 3 3 4 5 16 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 1 vs TN 7 for "wound and stun penalty, no CP left KP 8/8":
1 2 4 5 7 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation - 1 vs TN 4 for " TN4 base, 7M(+1 Charge) Stun (8S Stun (electrical))(3Kp)":
3 4 5 5 9 = 4 Successes

«Plot» Krieg says, "Stand"

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation vs TN 4 for " TN4 base, 7M(+1 Charge) Stun (8S Stun (electrical))":
1 1 1 2 3 23 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 vs TN 4 for "Soaking":
1 1 2 2 2 5 8 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 7 vs TN 6 for "Soaking":
1 1 3 4 4 5 5 = 0 Successes

The man with the two spurs goes down…hard, Senthi's mechanical arm catching him right on the side of the head, smashing him down. He's still breathing, but that was…that was /rough./

Wong curses. "Fuck you guys! Fuck you Red Lotus guys!" Red Lotus? Why would he think you're from the Red Lotus. "There's more fight in Wong than you think!"

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather, you're up!"

«Plot» Posh says, "…Two take aim actions. All right then."

Both the bartender and Wong see Feather just crouched there, a bow drawn. Perhaps smartly, they dive behind cover, breaking line of sight, but preventing them from taking a shot this round. "I know I'll be happy when the Star gets here," Wong shouts. "How about you?"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Small Unit Tactics vs TN 6 for "Radio":
3 5 9 10 13 = 3 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Krieg's action!"

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather: Maintaining 2 aim actions at marked bartender."

Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « Senshi: Tie up Wong in melee. I'll come help. When the bartender pops up to shoot me, Feather will take him down. »

«Plot» Krieg says, " Senshi engages as directed, attempting to keep Wong in melee."

============================> Initiative Listing <=============================
Combatant Name…………….. P1(B) P2(-10) P3(-20) P4(-30) P5(-40)
Krieg…………………….. 32 22 12 2 —
Feather…………………… 24 14 4 — —
Bartender…………………. 22 12 2 — —
Posh……………………… 22 12 2 — —
Wong……………………… 22 12 2 — —

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 4 for " TN4 base, Punch 7M Stun (8S Stun (electrical)) (11/11CP)":
1 1 2 2 2 4 5 10 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation - 3 + Combat Pool: 2 vs TN 4 for " TN4 base, Punch 7M Stun (8S Stun (electrical)) (11/11CP)(4KP)":
2 3 3 3 5 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 4 for "Melee hardened Nighthawk":
1 2 3 8 11 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 - 2 vs TN 4 for "Melee hardened Nighthawk KP 3/12":
3 10 14 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Tie to attacker"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Vs 7M Stun":
1 2 4 5 10 10 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "Vs 8S Stun":
2 3 3 5 5 8 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 1 vs TN 6 for "8S stun KP 4/12":
1 2 4 5 7 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 2 vs TN 6 for "8S stun KP 6/12":
2 3 3 4 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 2 vs TN 6 for "8S stun KP 9/12":
1 2 3 11 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 vs TN 4 for "Opposed Reaction vs Feather":
1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 - 2 vs TN 4 for "Opposed Reaction vs Feather KP 1/8":
1 4 4 5 5 13 = 5 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather had been sighting on the guy and thus gets vs TN 2"

Senshi manages to dive in and engage with the man in close range, landing a solid hit on Wong, who seems severely weakened.

Posh suddenly gets up and sprints from her position, heading forward. Perhaps the tender had been waiting for his moment, holding his own action, for that's right when he pops up…

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Reaction vs TN 2:
1 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 8 = 8 Successes

«Plot» Posh says, "Feather wins by 1"

«Plot» Posh says, "Including all your aim actions, it is 6, for a called shot. You must take a called shot if you want to prempt his action, because that's when only his head is sticking up. But you do get the damage bonus."

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Projectile Weapons (Bows) + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 6 for "Three Take Aim actions, one Quick Draw shot with bow, Hammerhead Arrows, 11M stun vs impact, TN11 Knockdown, Called Shot vs Bartender head":
1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 7 14 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Projectile Weapons (Bows) + Combat Pool: 3 - 2 vs TN 6 for "Three Take Aim actions, one Quick Draw shot with bow, Hammerhead Arrows, 11M stun vs impact, TN11 Knockdown, Called Shot vs Bartender head KP 1":
1 2 3 3 4 5 5 9 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Feather (#12973) rolls Projectile Weapons (Bows) + Combat Pool: 3 - 3 vs TN 6 for "Three Take Aim actions, one Quick Draw shot with bow, Hammerhead Arrows, 11M stun vs impact, TN11 Knockdown, Called Shot vs Bartender head KP 3":
1 1 4 5 5 8 16 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "soaking 11D+2":
1 5 5 11 11 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 vs TN 8 for "soaking 11D+2":
1 5 5 11 11 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 - 2 vs TN 8 for "KP 4/8":
1 3 3 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 5 - 2 vs TN 8 for "KP 6/8":
1 4 5 = 0 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Pentjak-Silat vs TN 4:
2 2 3 3 5 9 15 = 3 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "wounded":
1 2 2 5 8 16 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "wounded KP 10/12 spent":
1 2 3 4 5 7 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 - 3 vs TN 7 for "wounded KP 12/12 spent":
2 4 9 = 1 Success

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Body vs TN 5 for "soaking":
1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 9 = 1 Success

Posh's assault, however, is turned to the side by the rather tough Wong, perhaps who earned his reputation, who catches her in the cheekbone with the bottom of his Nighthawk's magazine, leaving her reeling back, dazed, stars exploding in her vision…

But it's enough to draw his attention for Senshi…

«Plot» Posh says, "Pass 4. Senshi, you're up! FIMM."

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation vs TN 3 for " TN4 base, -1 FIMM, Punch 7M Stun (8S Stun (electrical))":
1 2 2 2 5 7 = 2 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Krieg (#6133) rolls Mechanical Arm Operation - 2 vs TN 3 for " TN4 base, -1 FIMM, Punch 7M Stun (8S Stun (electrical))(5KP)":
2 2 3 3 = 2 Successes

«Plot» Krieg says, "Stand"

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 7 for "vs Senshi":
2 3 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

Feather's first shot goes wide. She has a chance at an imperfect follow-up on a secondary target, but she chooses to exercise a little bit of discipline. Yeah, that big heavy pistol is scary. But that shotgun? She didn't get a good look at it, with the bartender behind the bar, so she's not sure how much of a threat it is. Maybe it's a short barrel sawed-off with buckshot, not a lethal threat against Posh's ballistic armor. Or maybe it's an assault shotgun with explosive slugs, quite capable of dropping the Brit with a single burst. No. Feather is going to wait, as painful as it might be. So invisibly, she steadies her aim, waiting for the bartender to show his face.

And show his face he does. His head pops up briefly, about to fire, and that waiting arrow streaks toward its target. A single hammerhead arrow is rapidly drawn and zips across the room, striking the man in the side of the head, dropping him to the floor in a single shot. Behind her helmet, Feather smirks. A bit of redemption, for her.

Senshi seems more at home in a Bar room brawl, his methods brute force and speed. With the enemy focused more on striking back at Posh he wastes no time in taking full advantage of his opponenet.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Soaking":
1 3 4 4 4 10 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 4 for "Soaking":
1 3 4 4 4 10 = 4 Successes

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 6 vs TN 6 for "Soaking Shock":
2 4 5 5 5 10 = 1 Success

Boris takes Senshi's skillful arm strike directly to the forehead, the stun burst overloading his brain for the moment, and he collapses with a grunt to the floor.

There's a crowd that's formed a bit in the street outside, now that Miyo's spell has dissipated, and they seem more curious now, forming a little ways away, as the gunfire and the sounds of fighting stop.

Posh takes a deep breath, gasping for air, still a little dazed, but she reaches down and grabs Boris by the arm. She nods over to Feather. "I think you can do the honors?" she suggests, glad that she's well disguised as, with Senshi's help, she drags the man outside and then holds him up in front of everybody.

The sound of a siren can be heard in the distance.

Commlink-Posh> Posh sends, « Just give him a couple good smacks, Feather, in front of everyone. Then we scram. »

Outside, there is more curiosity than anything, a good two dozen people, none of whom want to seem to approach, curious to see if this is something that is going to escalate, or something that's going to be over soon. It's quite a tableaux, really, with the dark-haired woman holding up the burly gangster, his head lolled.

The raggidgy trenchcoated Senshi assists Posh as instructed.

Commlink-Krieg> Krieg sends, « I do not have to check to know that a response force will be here soon. »

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls 8 vs TN 17 for "Collective Perception Posh Disguise TN 17":
1 1 2 4 4 5 5 5 = 0 Successes

Feather emerges from the bar with her ruthenium already off, now wearing a jet black riding suit with white stripes. White, a color of death in her color. She slowly approaches the man held up by Posh and Senshi, doing her best to look imposing and larger, to make him look pathetic. And then a series of backhands and slaps intersect powerfully with his face, his head flopping around left-to-right, the girl probably using a little more strength than she needs to, though not breaking any of his bones.

Posh ads to the scene by just dropping him afterwards, letting him slump to the pavement heavily to sleep it off, or for when the medics come. Expressionless, she turns away, heading through the crowd with a purposeful stride, like one having made a statement who should not be interfered with.

«Auto-Judge[]» Posh (#11342) rolls Etiquette + 4 for "No.":
3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 7 15

Nobody seems to follow at first, though the siren gets steadily louder. It's easy to turn around the block, and for Krieg to direct the van to open its side door to an alley where Posh, Feather, and Senshi can join Miyo and Krieg, the van changing its color and smoothly, silently heading off into the night.

The Zen addict from earlier doesn't send back a message, instead, there is just, a few minutes later, a payment notice to each of your accounts.

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