Alex Moreas (KE Involved)

Mirage plot: Corporate Analyst murdered in alley. Laura on scene could not save his life; took his pocsec and cert stick and fled. Now KE reports say her prints are all over and maybe video also.. she panics and contacts someone for help.
Players in this log: Laura, Ryan
Synopsis: Laura gives Ryan the pocsec and the (empty) cert stick.. he's going to help her out… she's going to stay out of sight for a while.
Date: Sat Mar 3 16:23:25 2072

Denver - Saturday, March 03, 2012, 3:40 PM

===============================> Police Rumors <===============================
You receive word from a dirty Lone Star beat cop (Thu Mar 1 16:49:33 2012):

So we found this guy in an alleyway, in the UCAS FTZ. ID says he's Alex Moreas, CAS Sector Resident, apparently some analyst for Clark & Stratford Mutual. Anyhow, looks like his phone went missing, and he took 10k out of the bank on certified cred half hour before the shooting, also missing.

Call went out on a Panicbutton, Lone Star carrier so we arrive on scene first.

Apparently KE has it's panties wound up tight, cause they arrived and wanted us off the site not ten minutes after we got there. Anyhow, we got to stick around a bit seein as he's a CAS national and they suddenly wanted our help again.

So what we saw? Prints all over the place, as was a bit of a blood trail leading further down the alleyway. I'd call this a mugging gone bad if it weren't for the armor piercing rounds used on the victim. Bloodstains were found in most of his pockets, so someone must have gone through his stuff after the shooting occured. Also found pieces of a phone, probably a pocsec, inside his coat pocket, but the phone was gone. Whatever was on that phone, the perp wanted it.

They're still investigating, but that's what they got when we left. Bunch of promising stuff went to the lab, some partial prints and the likes. KE is still working on warrants for the camera footage, seems that Frontrage Arms Hotel place on the corner there had a back alley camera pointed at the scene, and they want to see it.
-----> Posted by Mirage (#5721) <------
-----> Text Message to Ryan from LooLoo <----

Need your advice, major important.

-----> Text Message to LooLoo from Ryan <----

Whats up?

-----> Text Message to Ryan from LooLoo <----

Need a face to face in quiet location. Same location we met at to plan Blackfoot

work for you?

-----> Text Message to LooLoo from Ryan <----

Sure, i'll head that way.

Denver - Saturday, March 03, 2012, 3:47 PM

Laura enters the conference room looking frazzled and paranoid.

Ryan sits calmly at one of the chairs, sipping from a drink and his usual cigar in hand. "Good afternoon, you seem to be a tad tense, can I offer you something to drink?"

Laura closes the door behind her and make sure… three times that it's locked and then she comes over to the table and nods to Ryan, "yes please.. yes indeed." She takes off her backpack and puts it down on the floor; her hands shaking with nerves as she starts to pace, "I heard a wetwork job go down against an analyst for Clark & Stratford Mutual named Alex Moreas. The assasin ran off and I tried to save Alex' life but could not. Fearing reporting the event to KE that the assasin would then come after me if I was in a report as a possible witness.. I searched the guy for ID. I found a pocsec," she pulls out a pocsec with a bullet hole in it and lays it on the table, "Thought I could pull out the memory core and find out something to figure out what went down. Also found a cert stick on the guy that I took… um.. and spent. I pushed the guys panicbutton keychain and took off."
Laura is absolutely frazzeled as she paces, "Now word is that there was a camera in the alley that has probably got me on memory… do I turn myself in to KE and trust that the truth will come out.. keep quiet about the cert stick and hope I don't have to repay that? Or … can you find out if there really is video? They have partial prints of mine too I hear.. Midas… damn.. what do I do?"

Ryan nods as he listens, pouring you a glass of scotch from his small decanter, then sliding it over to you. "Ahh, I see. Well, if there was a camera, the footage has been reviewed by know. I can ask around, see what the word is. They may not even pursue this much honestly, its got some juristicional issues. If there is a camera though, you should be cleared as the killer right? Worst thing is your wanted for theft and questioning right?"

Laura nods as she sees Ryan's wisdom and his ability to cut through her fear to the logic beyond her panic, "Um.. yeah. I guess that's true. Maybe the best thing *is* if there really was footage. Theft is much better to stand up against than a murder charge. But.. if the assasin gets ahold of that video then he might want a face to face with me in the middle of the night; if you know what I mean. I don't have any cred to pay you though. I've got jobs on/off pretty frequent now though so cred comes in but isn't like a predicatble Corp Sallary or anything."
Laura accepts the glass of scotch offered to her and takes a sip from it and relaxes just slightly, "Sorry if I sound like a complete dolt and newbie Midas, I just feel so vulnerable on this right now."

Ryan chuckles "Its alright, you walked into something serious, its perfectly resonable to be worried. Now, in order to help clear you, I have some ideas. First, I'll need everything you got off the man, even if the stick was spent, it could prove useful. What I'll do then, is donate the items to the authorities. It gives them some leads on the true killer hopefully, and makes them care alot less about you. Plus, if whomever killed this fellow is smart, he will keep an ear to the ground for what the cops know, if that data turns up in thier hands, he won't have a reason to target you anymore."

Laura puts the glass of scotch down on the table and then leans on the table with both hands heavily as if needing to so she doesn't tip over from being light headed. She nods a bit as she takes a couple deep breaths, "The pocsec off him is there," she nods over to the bullet hole pocsec on the table and then she moves over and takes an empty cert stick out of her backpack, "Here is the stick."
Laura picks up both things and walks them over and hands them to Ryan, "Thank you so much Midas. You are litterally a life saver."

Ryan smiles, pulling out a large hankerchef and picking up the items, carefully placing them in his pockets. "Not a problem, you know, turning this over to my contacts might make them look good for thier bosses, so you could be helping me out. No charge for this then."

Laura sighs with relief, "Still.. if you need my drones on a job, I'd feel good if I could learn from you and see you work again. I feel like there is so much to learn still and you seem to have a lot more answers than I do."

Ryan smiles "Not a problem, I enjoy working with talented individuals, and you have good sense. Thats saying alot for Denver, you'd be suprised at what some folks think is reasonable."

Broken Pocsec has left.

Laura picks up the glass drink and finishes off the scotch, "You think I should stay out of the popular places in town until this calms down? Hole up in a garage somewhere and just work on a my van for a couple days?"

Ryan nods "Definatly try to lay low. Dont be barhopping in the FTZ, UCAS, or CAS. Any other location should be fine."

Laura nods slowly and then picks up her backpack, "Thank you Midas.. you've got my email dropbox.. please contact me to keep me updated."

Ryan smiles and nods "Of course, I'll let you know how things go with the authorities." He takes a sip of his drink, he isn't too much a gentlman though to get up as you leave, so he stays seated.

Laura puts the glass down on the table, so nerved still that she doesn't wipe it with her alchohol wipe like she always does glasses she drinks from in public… and she shoulders her back and heads out."

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