GM: Oz
Players: Knight, Indrakshi, Hek
Synopsis: The team is sent on an odd mission to break into a high-tech bottling factory.
Twist: They have to babysit an inept 'courier' all the way in to deliver the package himself.
Double Twist: He's actually a simstar wannabe, and they're all going to be part of a gore porn simsense show. The whole run is a setup to give the opportunity to get some high adrenaline moments and death.
«NOTE: Many portions of this log were lost due to technical difficulties. This is what survived.»
Word goes out through the usual places. Matrix, Fixers, private boards and even the equivalent of ShadowCraigsList sometimes. A job offer! Open market for all comers, but the meet up spot is rather unusual; The historia themepark out near CastleRock. For those without vehicles, it's a long walk or a stinky bus ride. The historia themepark is unusual - because it's been abandoned for quite sometime. Why go to a themepark, after all, when you can ge the exact same experience from a set of trodes and a quick micropayment on the Matrix?
Then again, some ride in style, letting their vehicle do the real work of getting them there, whilst they sip a Singapore Sling, shoot down Mezcal, and prep them selves. Abandoned parks? Time to stay frosty, the Limo is there, but Indra doesn't get out, not yet. She wants to see if there's any thing unusual in the area..
Hek has heard rumors of the theme park but has never visited it himself. In his mind, it seems like the kind of tactical cluster fuck that gangers and other opportunistic miscreants thrive on. An abandoned, complex urban environment with Lord only knows how many blind corners, dead ends and high vantage points from which those who have claimed the turf can keep an eye on those who stray too close. So he keeps his gunmetal grey, Lone Star edition Ford Americar parked near the outskirts of the complex, there near the entrance to the parking lot. The vehicle has the tell tale markings that one comes to expect from transportation used by security contractors, down to the swivel spotlights mounted on the driver and passenger side doors.
Not quite sure how the situation is going to play out, Hek leaves the engine running so that the heat continues to pump into the interior of the vehicle to offset the cold front that has embraced the Mile High metroplex in its icy tentacles. From inside those climated controlled and reassuringly armored confines of the vehicle, Hek surveys his surroundings with a set of keen eyes calibrated to notice threats, both obvious and not so much so.
Knight arrives at the themepark which is around Castle Rock with his shotgun adjusted to his belt and his black and silver breeches, shirt, and jacket wrapped about, as well as his fancy Ancien scarf with gold fringe, as he glances about to wait for the others.
Posh fetches a taxi, after getting set with one of her disguises - this time, it's a Pueblo parahunter - brunette and bronzer, tres chic vaguely safari-esque clothes in the form of a white shirt and a smart tweed vest, and of course a brilliant smile.
She's got her white noise generator in her Snap-Tight purse, and she reaches down to fondle it for reassurance as she looks into the room, without a word, looking around as she suddenly gets a fly buzzing right in her cybereye. "Motherfucker!" she manages to gasp out, trying to swat it away, the obscenity quite incongruous when delivered in such a high tea accent.
To (Indrakshi, Hek), Oz pages: The 'abandoned' themepark is lit up by thermal spots here and there; Like any abandoned structure in the 'new' world, it has its share of squatters looking for some reprieve from the bitter, biting wind. Your ultrasound catches nothing that your eyes fail to see, and everything looks fairly square save for one bit; Near the 'admin office', two rather new, sleek black vans wait, idling softly as they maintain internal temperatures against the biting cold. It is in the admin office itself that the meet is to take place.
The meet itself is set to take place in the 'admin office', where the mysterious benefactor - or betrayer - awaits. On entry, one can quickly tell the delipidated shack is not up to code; It's bitter freezing, as evidenced by the small dwarf in the sharp suit who waits near the desk. To say he looks pissed would be an understatement; The metahuman's blood must be as bitter as alkalyne to have frowns so deeply carved into such a young face. Near the other side of the wall is a typical ork muscle, shades and one-sided personality to boot. There are a few chairs scattered about, but their stability is… questionable. It'll be a bit of a tight squeeze.
Knight looks around a bit while he takes note of various views, his eyes moving to those which also have come, "…Strange vans," he voices quietly a bit as he glances near the office, and next to a few shapes, "Squaters," he adds simply. The Shaman makes his way and notices the dwarf, his brow lifting, while he moves to take a seat.
Manitou moves to disembark in her black armor and long coat, she'll need to return to Jarvis for kit post meet, which is why she brought him. Leaving him in defensive mode, and watching for any Hobos who might approach, helmet locked into place, her world changes into further enhanced senses and readouts, giving her constant update from Jarvis as she goes. That is how she arrives, a gender-neutral armor encased Soldier. Her voice is even synthed through her comm unit bouncing through the HUD systems. "What is the Op?" Manitou asks.
Posh has a few smudges on her makeup, where her paleness can be seen through the bronzer - well, you can't always be on every day. She hums to herself softly as she looks around, recognizing a couple of the others and dipping her head politely as she does so.
Hek lingers near the door in stereotypical runner fashion, apparently not inclined to test the load bearing capacity of the chairs. If the cold affects him at all, he does not seem to show it. The man seems content to lean against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and listen to what the half sized Johnson has to say.
The miserly short-stack exec glances up as each of the hired muscle enters the room; If you thought he could frown before, he's reached olympic heights of frowning. Any more and it'd probably be forming a curve under his chin. He glances up at the ork muscle, who nods almost imperceptively. Then, with a growl, he pulls out a white noise jammer and places it on the desk. Flipping it on, and making sure the little light is showing active before he even starts talking. Starting with Grey Fox the androgynous helmet face there.
"I'm not going to waste your time, and I'm going to assume you're not going to waste mine." He begins, tersely. "The job I need done is something your kind probably does everyday. I have a payload; A small data-chip that needs to be plugged into a particular computer. I need that chip in, I need it read, and I need it as soon as possible. There are .. other details.."
A glance to the ork, and back. Man, he looks pissed.
".. But the payout is one hundred thousand nuyen for full completetion of the contract. If you're in, I'll give you the details - otherwise, get lost."
Manitou holds up a hand before -any one- else begins to talk, she's seen what happens with some runners. "Details first, then we discuss final arrangements." The thing says in the machine like voice, respirator hissing quietly. "I need to know approximate enemy strength if you have it available."
"I'm still here, give what details you can, I'm sure as long as one of us would be in, it isn't really a loss to explain," Knight answers, as he tips a nod, relaxing back at his seat and taking out a small stick of gum to place in his mouth and chew.
Posh nods, as she thinks rather thoughtfully. "Well," she says. "I tend to prefer not being dictated to by those I like to take jobs for." She smiles. "I suppose that'll increase the payout for the rest of those who're attending," she says, coughing a moment as she remembers a memory of a whiff of hyper. "But, charmed anyway," she says to the brusque Johnson.
The high level overview is succinct enough to elicit a nod from Hek. "I understand what you are trying to achieve, and can assure you that when it comes to ensuring that the chip is properly connected to the device and the communications channel verified, I can handle that." There are plenty of unfamiliar faces in the room, so Hek takes a moment to look over the assembled group before he speaks to the entirety of everyone who has been assembled. "As for physical penetration of the site, I can assist with planning and execution on that front as well. Though like they say, the devil is in the details but as long as the compensation is right.." He trails off, leaving it unsaid.
The dwarf waits with barely restrained - okay, not restrained at all - annoyance as Posh leaves the area. He then turns his attention to the remaining three runners, glancing again at the ork as he begins to speak. Slowly, as if he thinks the crew is either stupid or he's trying to remember details. "The company is called 'Great White Bottling'. Details are here;" The Dwarf holds out a hand, and the ork prompty places five data-disks into his palm. There's a moment's confusion, before the dwarf removes the disk meant for Posh and tucks it back into his suit.
These are left on the desk as he continues. "The -detail-.." The word is ground out for a moment. ".. is this. I have a courier whose going to carry the package, start to finish. Your job is to get him in." A frown, and a sideways glance to the ork. ".. And only the courier is to do the actual plug-in. Your pay is directly proportional to how well he comes out of it." And now, a deep sigh. "Minor injuries are fine. Loss of limb will result in a thirty percent reduction."
The ork clears his throat, and the dwarf grinds his teeth. "Injuries to the face, fifty percent." Finally, he finishes: "Death is loss of the contract all together."
Manitou's faceplate reveals nothing, with Posh going, that raises the money for the rest of them a bit. "It seems agreeable.." Yet, the faceplate points directly at Hek. "Unless we wish to negotiate a clause for the inevitability that some thing will be terribly unforeseen."
Knight frowns a bit as he seems to consider, "Mmm," he muses, but shrugs a bit and just listens for the moment.
Hek nods again, once, succinctly. "Got it. The courier has credentials for the site?"
The dwarf shakes his head. "He does not. He's.." A glance up at the ork again, and back. A brief flicker of worry quickly buried beneath a pile of incoherent aggravation. ".. another person we hired. He'll have to depend on you to get him in, get him to the port, and get him back out again." The dwarf then glances to the adrognyous metal faceplate, and blows a breath through his mustache. But awaits further questions otherwise.
Manitou turns that faceplate to look at the Johnson. "We request some nuyen up front in addition the stated amount, we will likely need to spend nuyen to grease palms to enter this facility."
Hek, for all intents and purposes looking like he walked out of a corporate facility where are plenty of computers that people might want to surreputiously insert chips into, arches an eyebrow at the revelation. "I respect your need to pull together talent from where ever it comes from." He conceeds with a nod to the mention of the additional contractor. Needing time to think, he takes the data provided by the Johnson and sockets it into the jack behind his ear. Apparently he's a trusting fool, willing to directly access whatever some random stranger hands him in the decrepit confines of an abandoned theme park. A moment later his eyes illuminate and he rests his chin on his chest, staring vacantly at the floor beneath his feet, but not seeing it.
«NOTE TO LOG STAFF: This portion of the log went missing, as did the rolls. Indrakshi won handily at her negotiation for an upfront amount»
The dwarf actually turns red when the metal face begins saying how they'll need money up front. "And what if you screw up and kill our courier? You intend to give it b-" He pauses when the ork 'bouncer' places a hand on his shoulder. A slow breath is pushed out through his mustache, and he takes a moment to straighten his tie. "Fine. Twenty percent up front. It's the minimum you'd get for bringing back my courier alive, if damaged."
Having digested the details of the data dump, Hek removes the chip from the jack and sockets a fiberoptic datacable in its place. A quiet *crunch* of plastic datachip breaking on plastic laced bones with but a thin layer of skin between them heralds Hek's initial pass at destruction of the datachip, which he tosses back onto the table for the dwarf to deal with. "For that twenty up front, I will work with what you've brought together.." A casually upturned palm waves around the room to encompass the assembled team. " come up with an infiltration plan." Eyes with all of the emotion of two tiny security cameras, despite their hyper realistic appearance, linger on the dwarf. "Whether or not we can come together and execute on it will be told with time."
Almost finished, he relaxes his shoulders and lets his hands rest on his overcoat. "If you want help getting your asset back out of the zone, it is going to cost you a bit more. My responsibility for him ends at the property line." Not a completely heartless bastard, Hek bows his head ever so reverently in acknowledgement of the difficulty realities the Johnson faces with moving valuable assets around the metroplex. "However if you need a place to stash him nearby, and can afford me a half dozen hours… I can arrange suitable place to put him for approximately 48 hours."
«NOTE TO LOG STAFF: Again, portions of the log were dropped due to computer problems. The end result was the Runners being informed they were to pick the courier up tomorrow at a specific location. The Runners then began legwork, such as scouting out the facility»
«Auto-Judge» Hek (#10968) rolls Safehouse Locations (to Oz) for "To find a locate for Hek to bugout to, just in case things go REALLY sideways.":
2 2 2 5 7
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Intelligence (to Oz) for "Low Light. Thermo. Mag 3. Ultrasound. Detect Ward.":
1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 8 10
You paged Hek with 'You find a pretty comfy spot that asks few questions and takes nuyen up front; It's a good place to hide, considering almost everything is vendored. From the placement of keycards to the checkout payment.'.
You paged Indrakshi with 'And you're just doing a slow drive by, right?'.
Hek pages: Thanks. Ready to move onto bribes and questions for the truckers and director.
Indrakshi pages: Ayep. Following the traffic laws!
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Comm Check. Encryption Check. Anybody broadcasting in the open? »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « Negative. I run Military encryption as the norm. »
You paged Indrakshi with 'The outside of the Great White Bottling factory - at least, this one - is fairly innoculous. A basic squarish building, low to the ground compared to the towering skyline around it. Only three stories tall. There do not appear to be any windows from the side facing the road, with a perimeter fence all the way around. Cameras on posts, as normal. As you pass, you can just about see the freight entrance on the side, and small rolling lifts moving about in the yard. The place seems like a hive of activity during this time of day, with all sorts of drink brands on display in some of the freight tractor-trailers. You do not see any obvious signs of guards. There is no visitor entrance, the front adorned only with the splash logo for Great White Bottling.'.
You paged Indrakshi with 'There is a ward around the outside.'.
Quite the efficient mobile worker, Hek leverages his pocket secretary's wireless connection as he navigates the neighorhoods around the target location. Or more correctly, allows the Americar's dog brain to do so. Tapped into the GridGuide system, he is free to observe the site and the ebb and flow of law enforcement in the neighborhood. While doing that, he starts calling around and getting a feel for any organized influences over the distribution facility. Beyond the truckers themselves, there is a managerial lead for Hek to follow up on. But before launching that endeavor, he does a drive by of the place, probably not at all that dissimilar to Indra's own efforts.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I got eyes on… Wards.. *rattles off details* »
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems (to Oz) for "External security, gates, cameras, guards, etc":
2 2 7 8 's
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Police Procedures (to Oz) for "Long shot chance to pick up any particular law enforcement oddities in the neighborhood":
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Procedures (to Oz) for "Same thing, but for local security agents":
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Oz) for "Perception in support of all those knowledge skills":
1 2 2 5 5 14
Long distance to Hek: Oz nods. This particular factory of the Great White Bottling co. is fairly innoculous. A large building that's basically squarish, and fairly flat compared to the towering structures around it. "only" three stories high. A perimeter fence surrounds it, with cameras on posts. The front is splashed with the logo for Great White Bottling. As you drive by, you can just about see the side yard, which is a hive of activity, lifts moving too and from freight tractor trailers. The tractor trailer logos range all sorts of soft drinks, from high popular to single nuyen brand knockoffs. There are no obvious guards on patrol along the outside, that you can see from a casual drive by. Which is a bit odd in and of itself; Usually, you'd want a clear indicator that someone is watching, or a 'visitor' station. But utility is key here, in this automated factory.
Hek pages: Long shot here, but is there any remote connectivity to the facility? For remote monitoring / control of the cameras at least? I am guessing no, given that we are paid to get someone onsite. But Hek has a decker contact who he can pay to at least try to find the Great White Bottling Co. host in the Denver area.
You paged Hek with 'Only one way to find out. :D Are you wanting to pay the Decker to see what he can find?'.
Hek pages: Yup
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Contact Jackhole with the following information (only to Oz):
-----> Contact for Hek (#10968) <------
Contact Name: Jackhole
Level: 1
Type: decker
GM Note: A decker contact of Hek's from Long Beach, CA. He got his name because well, he's an asshole for the most part. Pretty much anti-social and criminally minded. He has worked with Hek in the past, but their relationship is strictly based on nuyen. Unless Hek has something that involves making Jackhole money, they won't talk.
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
===========================> Searching The Matrix <============================
Type of Search Target Number Base Time* Base Cost (per Hour)
Simple 4 1d6 hours 0 =Y=
Standard 5 2d6 hours 10 =Y=
Detailed 8 1d6/2 days 25 =Y=
- If the character is using a cyberterminal with Response Increase 1
or less, multiply this time by 2. If the character is using Tortoise mode,
multiply it by 3.
Search Results Table
Successes Search Results
1 General info (not quite what the character was looking
for, but at least a lead for another search)
2 The basic data the character wanted.
3 More details, perhaps including a new lead.
4 The full details, plus another lead or two.
5+ All the juicy bits the character wanted to know, plus some
that he didn't.
---—> Type +info matrix search s2 for more <---—-
Hek pages: I just use the basic decker archtype stats from SR3 core for him, in terms of Negotiation and what not. I figure it is 2 favors. 1 to locate the host. 2 to penetrate it to see if it is actually connected to the facility that we need to work on.
Though he lacks the augmentations to actual capture images of what he sees, Hek takes copious notes directly onto blurry satellite maps and other open sourced data points with the help of his pocket secretary. Knowing that one of the team lacks a secure communications channel for up to the moment observations, he tallies them all to be shared amongst the group once he meets with them again. The general gist seems to be that the particular factory of the Great White Bottling co. is fairly innoculous.
A large building that's basically squarish, and fairly flat compared to the towering structures around it. "only" three stories high. A perimeter fence surrounds it, with cameras on posts. The front is splashed with the logo for Great White Bottling. The side yard is a hive of activity, lifts moving too and from freight tractor trailers. The tractor trailer logos range all sorts of soft drinks, from high popular to single nuyen brand knockoffs.
There are no obvious guards on patrol along the outside, at least not during the brief drive by. Which is a bit odd in and of itself; Usually, you'd want a clear indicator that someone is watching, or a 'visitor' station. But utility is key here, in this automated factory.
From afar, Hek is willing to pay Jackhole 1000 nuyen to locate the system and take a crack at it. More for him if it is an Orange or higher host, and of course additional for him if he actually gets in. I'm thinking his decker budget maxs out around 4000.
Long distance to Hek: Oz nods. Lets get a roll to see if he's even willing to help.
Hek pages: Open Etiquette, or with a TN?
You paged Hek with 'Toss me an open etiquette for right now. I'm still waiting for my PDF to open.'.
Hek pages: To be theme consistent, Hek's relationship with Jackhole is strained. If he had stayed in Pueblo, the two of them would likely be competeting for clients. Given that, it should probably be a +1 TN to whatever you come up with.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Etiquette (to Oz) for "Hek doubts Jackhole's ability to locate and a crack a system so far from his usual turf.":
1 1 3 5 16
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 1 (to no one) for "1d3 + 3 for security value.":
External recon complete, Hek turns to the local directory to find a watering hole to decompress at. The fact that watering hole is rumored to be frequented by organized elements of the local community, and that it is nearby the facility and frequented by the drivers who visit the plant and have not yet lost their jobs to automated rigs driven by dog brains for liability and insurance purposes, is completely coincidental of course. As is the large, rubber banded roll of nuyen that Hek has with him, to facilitate conversations with various employees of the plant who happen to be known to the bartenders and others who profit from their age old alcoholic enterprise. Whenever there is work being done in the shadows, there is plenty of opportunity for people to get paid. Hek just happens to play the roll of the faucet, while in disguise of course…
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Disguise (to Oz) for "For conducting employee interviews":
2 2 3 7
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 8 vs TN 6 (to no one) for "Success on Decking?":
2 2 3 4 4 5 8 14 = 2 Successes
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « What ever you do..don't try to hop a fence if you got ink up, it'll go poorly. »
You paged Hek with 'Jackhole is, as typical, in a rather bad mood. Still, money is good for a simple dip-and-look, and it takes a cruise through the neighborhood. He won't get back to Hek for a few hours; When he does, it's bad news. Phone lines and a couple of data lines for encrypted production numbers. That's all he could find, nothing external for the security systems. Whoever runs them is on sight, or has a dedicated line elsewhere.'.
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Affirmative. Site survey completed. Investigating personnel and the site's matrix connectivity. »
Hek pages: Cool. Once you get done with Indra and Lakota, I'm up for picking the employee's brains
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 1 for "oz~Ward Strength?":
Hek's choosen water-hole is, as usual, half full of the wretched blue collar type that's being squeezed out of existence by automata. And has been in the process of being squeezed for the last half a century or so, since the dawn of thhe information age. Still, there are a few instincts that no one has successfully duplicated in a dog brain, and so the proud truckers hang on. And booze on.
Knight tries to do his best and find a safe place, though the motel which he has found really is the best that he can manage. Settling about and folding his legs together with a good cup of water, he begins to reach out astrally and take off for recon search.
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Quickness:
3 4 4 5
You paged Lakota with 'You move down to the FTZ, which is lit up with the river of life in terms of emotions. Loves, hates, pain, pleasures, all blurring together in a great cacophony of living. And all of it tainted with the poison of the city, of modern living, and of machine-in-flesh. Still, it's not something you're unused too as you head towards the place. Just as Indrakshi said, the plant itself has a ward around it; While not on the fence, it does cling to the walls of the building proper.'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 2 4 8 11
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) spends 500 nuyen for "Community Outreach".
You paged Lakota with 'Nice. +roll int=oz next time to make sure it comes just to me. There DOES appear to be a couple of spirits in the vicinity, but they don't seem particularly interested in the plant of choice. They're busy circling other industries in this area. While they give you some attention as you pass by, none seem interested in stopping you either. The only thing keeping you out is the ward itself. Nothing living moves outside; Even the lifts are dark blots in the background, automated and dead.'.
You paged Lakota with 'Although some of the freight drivers are alive, most monitoring the automata to make sure they don't screw things up.'.
You paged Hek with 'Alright. Lets get some wheedling going on, for information. Aiming for the truckers themselves, I take?'.
Hek pages: Exactly. Hours of operation. Proceedures. Amount of time at the dock. Depth of the facility. Are they allowed to go inside? Use Restrooms. Even a break room?
Hek randomly steers the conversational rant session with the workers in the trenches onto the subject of Big Brother Borg style automated monitoring of the human workforce. Those peksy cameras and badge readers, secure doors and restricted access cooridors. As if the workers cannot even be trusted to find their own way to bathrooms. Fucking middle management.
And those procedures over docking privileges and length of transfer windows, and queuing systems. Shouldn't there be computers to track all of that drek?
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems (to Oz) for "Cameras, Door Locks, Gates, etc":
1 2 3 4
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems (to Oz) for "Cameras, Door Locks, Gates, etc (KP:1 15/19 remain)":
1 4 5 10
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Procedures (to Oz) for "Access Times. Break Rooms. ID checks. Etc.":
For the most part, Hek's plan works fine; The inebriated truckers bitch and moan about how poorly they're treated, even if they are contracted to a seperate company. Most of their complaints revolve around their own companies; GPS, time windows per stop, unpaid overtime to try and make under that quarterly limit, etcetera. When Hek steers the conversation oh so gently towards the Great Bottling Co, the complaints are almost all the same;
No control over their own cargo. They can't go in, they can't take a piss, they can't even pack it the way they want. The lifts are all automated for 'effeciency', and while they do pack in every last cubic meter, they make it a bitch to get back out again. What about unloading them? Ever try to get wiggle room on a pallette with less than a milimeter between it and the neighbor? Not a soul to talk too, save to go up and sign off on the registry for the guard on the way out. They aren't cogs, man! They're people! And so forth.
Hek has learned all that he needs to know about the efficient operations of the modern day beverage distribution operation. With that knowledge packed away into recesses of his moderate term memory, he retreats to the relative safety of his Americar. An outgoing communication channel is established back to the Pacific Coast»NA/PUE/LA-LGB056-23 . NA/DEN/CE-CAS023 «
Onsite security audit needed. Maintenance Supervisor and Two Journeymen. 120 minutes needed. Deliver via external enecrypted production lines. Can provide local patch for you if necessary.
Hek pages: In IC terms, Hek needs Jackhole to insert notice to onsite personnel that a systems audit will be taking place. Robot recalibration firmware uploads or whatever. He has Computers(5) and Electronics+B/R(6) to back up whatever story he comes up with. If need be, Hek can try to get a dataline tap and jack into the local trunk so that Jackhole can have the access he needs. Assuming that he cannot just tackle it at the local LTG or RTG level.
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 8 vs TN 6 (to no one) for "Insert audit notice":
1 1 1 1 4 4 5 7 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 1 vs TN 6 (to no one) for "Luck roll":
10 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 5 vs TN 5 (to no one) for "Computers 5":
1 2 5 9 11 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 6 vs TN 5 (to no one) for "Electronics+b/r":
1 1 2 2 4 5 = 1 Success
You paged Hek with 'For once, Jackhole seems to get back rather quickly to you. The news is both good - and bad. He'd placed the notice on the local system like he was supposed too, but did not get a response to it. Whether the notice was believable or not is up in the air. The real trouble is not having anything in terms of corporate policy to go on, or procedures for the company so he can spoof it. But, the notice is there.'.
From afar, Hek invents policy on the fly, and applies kung fu to anyone who questions his author-a-teh
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Hey MilSpec, do you have any remote detonated charges? Something small enough to take out a telco trunk. »
Hek gathers the team together at a place not too far from the coffin motel, which he tells them about. In detail he goes over what he knows about the site, and how restricted the access is. It seems like anything past the courtyard is going to require some very compelling story telling. Content to muse upon that, he listens to
Knight arrives at the place and folds his arms a bit as he listens to Hek and considers for a moment, "It looks like that Ward is the biggest obstacle, we don't have any spirits specifically working that site I can see, and the ward only brushes the walls themselves I think, that said, there's a few freight drivers monitoring systems but besides that… It's pretty empty as a facility on the outside."
"What is the purpose of the ward on the office? It just keeps you from looking around in there?" Hek is ignorant about so many things in the Sixth World, and his questions betray that. "Does it mean they have a magician in there? What the frag do they need that for? It's an automated facility."
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Magic Background:
2 3 4 9
Can you drop external connectivity? Or intercept potential offsite confirmation of maintenance activities?
Long distance to Lakota: Oz grins. Wards can be setup - and then left. They last weeks at a time, and it's not unusual to have a pay-mage swing by to setup some basic activity. Especially if you don't want snooping around your techniques. Cheap and inexpensive, especially without having a spirit squatting over it.
You paged Hek with 'Jackhole's reply is terse and unamused. "I can cut phone lines and production data notices. But where ever the security line is running too, I can't find it. You want me to spend a whole day watching for confirmations, that means I'm not watching my own business."'.
"I wouldn't try to break the ward, but it is a little strange they'd put one up at such a place, it makes me question what our benefactor is thinking," Knight voices, as he folds his arm a bit. "But, wards can be set and they can stay for weeks, it's not hard to pay off a Mage to set it up at basics without having spirits around, it's much cheaper. So it isn't necessarily a setback too much, but it is a little curious for an automated facility that noone has much interest in."
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Negotiation vs TN 5 (to Oz) for "Hek's Negotiation vs Jackhole Intelligence (CombatDecker Archtype, SR3 Core)":
1 2 5 7 7 = 3 Successes
[Plot Room 6] Hek gives up 5% of his 15% total and tell's Jackhole to put a fraggin frame on the line to watch the traffic during the 120 minute window the team will be onsite if his personal attention is so drek'n valuable.
You paged Hek with 'Jackhole agrees grudingly, despite having better uses for the fraggin' frame than babysitting trix-mail. The communique line is tersley disconnected - but the frame is in place.'.
Hek drums his fingers on the table. They fall heavily, rapping a statacco beat out on the cheap plastiboard table. "That means we keep you offsite? I do not see how a simple firmware upgrade would require magical assistance." An amused smirk emerges as Hek slowly shakes his head. "Lucky fragger… twenty plus gees to sit the perimeter. Unless we leave you inside with the transport?"
Knight gives Hek a curious look and lift of his shoulders, "I believe I will give you a say into how we proceed, you seem the most avid-minded towards this," he says.
Hek nods amicably while leaning forward, to the point where the table takes up the weight of his forearms. "Worst case scenario." He looks directly at the Knight, being sincere. "If you stay outside, you might have to take first crack at whatever response might be generated. Though I think given the low population of this place, plus my guy setup to capture any distress signals, if we have to put it on lock down we should be able to handle it cleanly."
The exercise of explaining just what the risk is to Lakota seems to solidify some portion of the plan for Hek. "Tell you what. Stick with the transport. If things go sideways, I will shoot you a text. At that point, you make the call on whether or
[Plot Room 6] Oz says, "Also, that's correct. The contract truckers don't get to go inside. They stay in the yard until they're loaded, then sign off and drive off. Much to their chargrin. The cost center director might have better knowledge, since all the equipment would have to go through him, logically speaking."
pr6 So the truckers know what happens on the ground, the cost center knows what they have, but neither would know the whole layout save the few who'd run an automated plant.
[Plot Room 6] Oz says, "So the truckers know what happens on the ground, the cost center knows what they have, but neither would know the whole layout save the few who'd run an automated plant."
[Plot Room 6] Hek says, "Could Hek presumably have a 'techie conversation' with the director about the various crap he has to support? Always needing extra parts for this gear, and updated configuration files for that other piece. Just enough to consider whatever onsite maintenance supervisor or whoever is there, that Hek and the Johnson's guy really do know what gear they should be there to work on."
Our intrepid her-.. vill-.. nuyen hungry criminals have regathered together to go over what they've learned. Via boozing and woozing, Hek has found a few truckers who have delivered to the place; All complaints are basically the same. No lobby for waiting, no piss breaks, nothing but an asshole of a guard who has them sign in on arrival and sign out on exit. They can't even pack their own cargo! Everything done by automation, with effeciency the key word rather than 'ease of unloading'.
Lakota has taken time to look around the place in the astral; While the facility itself was warded - the bare minimum of magical security one might expect - it does NOT appear to have any spirits in play.
Indrakshi thought about shooting people. A lot. Also, she'd noticed much the same thing that Hek did, physically.
Further conversations conducted inside the confines of a Ford Americar parked a few blocks from the facility further hash out the details. Hek and Indra are going to perform the machine maintenance along with the Johnson's man, while Knight remains behind with the guard so that he can deal with them if Jackhole's attempts to intercept the verification of the maintenance order goes sideways.
Despite his better judgement, Hek offers to drive his Americar due to the tight time schedule and the logistics involved in acquiring temporary transportation. At least it is a Lone Star edition, the kind of vehicle that corporate contractors dispatched on low importance assignments around the metroplex are apt to drive.
You paged Hek with '
Jackhole comes back, having had an e-mail hit a few hours after sending in the maintenance request. Namely, a trix-message sent to corporate asking for a work order number; Nothing in the system logs shows maintenance having an out-of-schedule arrival.'.
You paged Hek with 'He caught it going out. I've given you the jest of what it said. Nothing's going in or out, but the security on sight is requesting a workorder number off corporate; Schedule's off.'.
Inside the Americar, its windows set to full chrome metallic in stark contrast to its muted, gunmetal gray paint scheme, Hek conducts a neuro-linguistic textual conversation with Jackhole, the contents of which illuminating his eyes from the display link.
Put together a security bulletin from the manufacturer. Urgent remote exploit vulnerability with frames actively seeking out targets in the local LTG. Offer to escalate to site management's supervisor if they wish to delay the patching the put the facility at risk.
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « If the third floor ends up being behind a security door, do you have access to charges? »
Knight sits about with Hek and looks a little bit thoughtful as he glances towards the window in thought, his hands folding about while he considers for a moment, "What is it you'd like me to do again?" he asks aside with curiosity, and glances back to the other.
Hek rests his forearms on the steering wheel and interlaces his fingers. The glow in his eyes subsides, the link to the pocket secretary momentarily unnecessary. "Between us, and the Johnson's expert, are at least one security guard and probably a few office staff inside that facility."
"At any point between now and when that guy does what he is being paid to do, any one or all of those individuals might object to his doing that." As he speaks, Hek watches his passenger closely. "If such a thing occurs, I will deal with it at whatever level of escalation is necessary to keep the operation moving forward…"
Knight gives Hek a look and nods a bit in thought, as he tilts his head to the side, his eyes thoughtful a bit.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « Who? me? »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Aye »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I can open a UCAS army Bunker in 10 seconds. But it'll be loud. »
"At some point.." Hek continues, eyes shifting to peer through the windshield and down the street.. far, far down the street at 40x electronically stabilized. "We might have to secure the facility. If that is the case, just make sure that we maintain a clear path to the exit. You can bug out to the vehicle first, followed by the asset and then myself last."
Knight gives a little nod as he adjusts the scarf which he wears about the neck and heaves out a low little sigh in thought. The Shaman shifts up his gloves while he considers, "If fortune is with us this all won't be necessary," he voices hopefully, "But it doesn't often go how we like."
Indra is parked further out, in her Limo, sipping a Singapore Sling in the back. Because she can.
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
==========================> Vehicles - Land Drones <===========================
Model Hand Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Auto Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
Ares Sentinel P 4 25 2 1 12 7 0 3 4 1 25
Model Fuel Econ S/B Chass SI Avail Cost
Ares Sentinel P E (40 PF) .75km/PF — Sm. Crawler T 2 8/8 d 32,000
--—> Type +info gear vehicles land drones3 for more <--—-
Remembering to check something, Hek opens the large utility compartment built into the vehicles frame, there between the driver and passenger seats. Inside of it, a couple of extended clips keep an Ingram Smartgun company. The green tips on the bullets contrast with their highly explosive payload. "If it comes down to this.." Eyes leave the horizon to confirm that the contents of the compartment are still as he left them. "..then we are going to exfil to that coffin spot as casually as we can."
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « We'd only need enough to unhinge one standard issue, heavy security door. »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « I am assuming that you can measure appropriately and not open up the entire floor, soka? »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « It's still explosives. Unless it's a manual lock, then we can try the lockpicker. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 1 vs TN 6 (to no one) for "Luck":
3 = 0 Successes
Knowing that Indra has safely ensconed herself in the mobile palace that is the Mitsubishi Nightsky not far from the site, Hek drives with Lakota. In the dashboard of the Americar, a mobile map with a satellite view overlay shows the surrounding streets, frozen in time like the image on the screen. Hek's eyes flick between that, and the horizon as he allows the GridGuide system to carry his Ford along with the flow of traffic.
"You need to sit in back with this guy. It will probably be chill, but if it isn't… him being back there is going to be a tactical issue. Sit behind me." A right handed thumb hooks over his shoulder, while he reaches across his body with his left to close the lid on the center console.
[Plot Room 2] Hek says, "Yes. Criminology 201. Get away driving. Never let a non-team member sit behind your driver. If you are the driver, see rule 1. ;)"
Indra has but one thing to do…snick the suppressor to the RPK, and then dip out invisible to set up to cover the facility with an extended belt ready. She's got her other goodies too, and it's just a few blocks sprinting, and Indra? Indra is fast. It comes with bordering on forsaking your metahumanity. Unless Hek insists she tries to show him how to set up a premade charge and not kill him self.
Knight nods a bit to Hek and shifts about to make his way into the backseat as he relaxes a bit and takes out a small little flask. With a swig from it, he bottles it and settles begind where the other is, "Mmm. Did we even get any statistics about the guy?" he asks curiously.
[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "It's really up to Oz if we can use a premade charge or not"
[Plot Room 2] Turk says, "You can certainly premake it; The real question is whether it's too much or too little. :3"
Hek rummages around in the storage compartment built into the door panel next to him. From it he pulls a safety-pinned metal cylinder, which he passes over his shoulder back to Knight. "You probably won't need this, but just in case you feel the need to clear a room before walking through the door."
[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "With Det Cord? Hard to make it able to collapse a building."
[Plot Room 2] Hek says, "I hope that we will not even need it. The thought is that Indra would be able to pre-measure enough to pop a standard security door inward and off it's hinges."
[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "I can hek, if Turk allows."
[Plot Room 2] Hek says, "If the door is flimsier, well the people and equipment on the other side might be in trouble. If the team needs to go through a wall and not a door, it probably won't be enough… Unless she botches the initial measurement…. =P"
When Hek comes up to the meet, the tiny little 'detail' that made the dwarf so bloody well pissed off comes into view. Yes, standing on the corner near a black van. The knife-eared elf - and he's made sure his hair is cut to highlight the very elfish fact of his life. He wears armor that's obviously armor, but also so very chic and stylish. Point of fact, it would seem he's paid a lot of money to look very rough and rumble. Strategically placed 'wear spots'. He's even got two pistols out, checking himself in the reflective surface of a nearby van and making duck lips.
Yes, in public. Yes, we know.
After a moment, the elf boi (O So Hawt! Yeesh) tucks the pistols back into their custom leather holsters and lets the expensive long coat swing closed just so.
[Plot Room 2] Lakota says, "Do we have a BGcount here?"
[Plot Room 2] Turk says, "Assume 1 for any place in denver. Some places high as two, like the Warrens."
Knight looks up at Hek and reaches forward a bit to take the cylinder and give it a scrutinizing gaze. With a nod, he places it about into a belt pouch and heaves a low sigh, "Come prepared for it all, don't we?" he asks. The Shaman closes his eyes a bit, and glances towards the one they came for, "…Really?" he asks. A light grunt, and he swivels his head to study Hek for a moment from behind. Not like that though.
Hek mentally selects a parking spot on the nearby curb, and then when the Americar fails to initiate a parking manuveur due to the lack of infrastructure in the only part of the plex where a tool like dual pistol boy would be able to brandish fashionable firearms with such flair, would be able to do such things. So Hek manually moves the wheel and eases in the clutch and brake at the same time. "Here we go.."
The window rolls down and with a command down the fiberoptic jack and into the dashboard, the back passenger side door unlocks. "Get in the car!" Hek calls out. Eyes divert to the sideview mirror, then the rear, checking traffic, fingertips drumming a rapid stattacco on the steering wheel.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Disguise (to Turk) for "Do not remember if we did this earlier.":
4 4 4 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Disguise (to Turk) for "Do not remember if we did this earlier. (KP:1 15/19 remain)":
1 2 5 9
The courier snaps his head up as he's called, and grins like a movie star. Just the perfect sideways cant to the lips, brilliant white teeth, the works. He jogs across the way, lifting a hand as he tries to speak in a voice designed to sound mysterious. In reality, it just makes him sound hoarse. "You must be my ride. My name.." Insert dramatic pause. ".. Is Dark Raven Shadow." A glance up and down the street, suddenly serious, as if he expected to be watched as he tries the front door. When it doesn't open, he looks at Hek in confusion - and then moves towards the back. Opening it up and nodding with a somber expression at Lakota. Which is ruined when he watches his own reflection in the corner of his eye, making sure he looks good before slipping in and closing the door.
"Alright, 'chummers'. Are we ready to 'drek' some fools?" A pause. ".. And do the Op with the payload?"
«NOTE TO STAFF: For reasons Hek and Indrakshi explained later, they made the assumption that the courier was a rigger. I never said this, but I did not correct the assumption either. The results are, in my opinion, hilarious.»
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Turk) for "Perception for any security cameras that might notice the dumb ass waving his weapons around.":
1 2 2 3 3 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems (to Turk) for "Complimentary Dice":
3 3 5 10
You paged Hek with 'There are likely plenty of cameras somewhere; But that particular street, so far off the beaten track that it hasn't even got GridGuide, doesn't show any obvious signs of coverage. Of course, the black van with the heavy tinted windows is still there; For all you're aware, it could be filled to the brim with cameras.'.
While pulling away from the curb, one hand on the wheel, Hek half pivots in his seat to both check over his shoulder through the back window, and to extend his gloved hand, palm up towards his recently acquired passenger. "Johnson demanded that I inspect the payload to make sure it's properly calibrated for the target infrastructure." Long fingers extend upwards from a cupped palm, the calloused pad in the center of it almost good enough to pass off as real flesh and not an induction device, almost. "We are ten minutes out." Hek informs him, moving the conversation onwards, pre-supposing that the passenger will comply with his sudden demand.
Knight gives a look to the courier and lifts up a hand to facepalm a little, "Mmm. Good eve," he greets, then he glances at the window and contents to try and not bother the other. It looks like he isn't too excited.
From afar, Hek has a few skills that might 'influence' the rigger's compliance. Etiquette. Negotiation. Raw Charisma maybe?
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Attribute Intelligence with the value '6' (only to Turk).
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Etiquette vs TN 4 (to Turk) for "It is /perfectly/ normal for the driver to inspect the payload. Honest.":
2 2 3 4 5 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 5 vs TN 6 (to Oz) for "How smart are you, Simstar?":
1 2 2 3 10 = 1 Success
Hek pages: The rigger might want to roll a 15 to try to spot the Walter tucked up Hek's sleave.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I'm on overwatch, if you end up discovering this place is a cover for a UCAS drone test? Give me a heads up so I can leg it. »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Affirmative. You pick up the asset on your way out though if it comes down to that. »
'Dark Raven Shadow' or whatever the hell he called himself starts as Hek suddenly turns around and demands the payload. For inspection. He glances uncertainly to Lakota, who's busy looking out the window. And, with a frown replacing the normally vacous 'cocky smile', he pulls the samll datachip out of a hard case in one of the fancy longcoat's pockets. ".. But, why would he..?" Begins the 'courier', before a smile lights up his face. A cocky smile, for the love of god. ".. Right, 'chummer'. Here." And the datadisk, that's oh so important to money and all? It's handed right over.
"I'll need that back, 'oma', so we can finish this and crash." Yes, he pronounced 'omae' wrong.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « What? I'm not really parked close by. »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Then adjust your position. We are approximately eight minutes out. »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I'm overlooking the facility. I'm not parking a Limo in visual of it. »
Hek nods wordlessly, his bushier than usual Fu Man Chu style mustache and beard rather expertly helping to conceal his perpetual frown that has appeared since he picked up his team member. "Eight minutes out." Eyes check the mirrors, a hand swipes the offered devices. One, then the other are connected into the Americar's dashboard ports. From there, they are copied down another fiberoptic cable and into the pocketed secretary that Hek has tucked away into his overcoat.
The man lapses into his silence, one eye illuminating as he scans over what he has just acquired. "Here you go…" Distracted, one eye on the road, one hand retrieving the devices to pass back to sim star in the making. "I swear to the ancestors omae, you have vid ware up in those eyes of yours that is live casting what we're doing to some fanboi fucking audience… I will fucking turn you into a body, and walk on this operation." He clenches his fist around the chips and stabs his index finger at the guy. It lingers there, a second, and then another. He relaxes and unwinds the tension, offering up the contents of the palm. "How long's it gonna take you to own the system?" He quickly again changes the subject back to business, after straight threatening the guy.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Computers (to Turk) for "Attempting to decypher the intention of the payload":
3 5 7 11 20
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Operational Utility Design (to Turk) for "If applicable. I am figuring that it might be a 'control' type program, which would fall under the Operational category.":
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Car vs TN 4 for "To not veer out of the lane while doing too many things at the same time.":
2 3 4 = 1 Success
Knight looks a bit towards the courier and next back to Hek, "Come now, don't make him piss himself," he says, with a chuckle, and shifts a bit to offer a flask towards the courier which holds a little alcohol. "Steel your nerves, no posturing, we are here for a reason and it isn't a game," he adds.
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « I am taking my own transport on site. If it comes down to it, I expect that mobile bunker of an automobile that you are pushing around this plex will be in the position it must be in, to most efficiently support this operation. Even if that means parking it /in/ the guard shack, on top of a pile of hostages. »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I can tell Jarvis to show up if needed. »
«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 1 (to Oz) for "Encrypt Rating":
You paged Hek with 'Sorry about the wait. The encryption falls away pretty quickly - at least, you think it does. For all that, however, the data appears to be useless to your pocsec. Barely formed file structure; That, or something got scrambled in the process.'.
Hek pages: And the other disk?
Dark Raven Shadow blinks a few times at the finger, for a moment unable to process that he's being threatened. The 'elf boi' finds some bit of balls, however, swalling the lump in his throat and frowning pensively out the window. "No live cast cameras in here, 'chummer'. Lets just get this done." A bit of the 'joy' has gone out of him, but at least he seems more focused.
Aaaand then he takes a moment to adjust his hair with a sweep of a hand across his ears in the dim reflection of the darkened interior.
You paged Hek with 'Only one data disk in the hardened case; You downloaded the contents, and handed it back, right?'.
Hek pages: Affirmative
«Plot» Hek says, "If everyone else consents, I think that we are ready to pull up at the site."
«Plot» Hek points to +weather. "Fair enough?"
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
==========================> Current Denver Weather <===========================
Temperature : 25 F (-3 C)
Feels Like : 25 F (-3 C)
Humidity : 72 %
Barometer : 30.19
Visibility : 10 miles
Wind : 6 mph from NE
----> Last Updated: Jan 04 2075 17:35 CST <----
«Plot» Turk says, "+weather's a fine indicator."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Cold and Shitty. WONDERFUL :D"
«Plot» Hek says, "But dry."
«Plot» Hek says, "Description updated. This is the disguise that Hek has been using most frequently lately. Long head and facial hair to obscure his features."
The man you see before you barely qualifies for the description if one were to judge such things based on his apparent age. His dark brown skin lacks the tell tale lines of approaching middle age, and his general demeanor hints toward youth. If he were anywhere beyond his mid-twenties it would be a big surprise, or a decent feat of genetech. The dark skin and black hair hint at ancestry from the southern climates, while slightly slanted eyes speak of Asian genetics. Although he carries himself well, with his head held high and shoulders relaxed, he only stands a little over five and a half feet tall. Despite the rather short stature, his body is well developed, more solid than bulky. There is a density to him, and while not obvious at first, a fluidity and grace to his movements that is odd and out of place given his mass.
The dark hair that spills off of the top of his head looks like it has not been washed in a few days. It obscures his ears and hangs down over his forehead, seeming like the kind of mop that he cannot afford to pay someone to clean up for him. A dull grey jack has been implanted behind his right ear, presumably for easy access to the central nervous system. Rather thin black eyebrows are set above startling blue eyes that although look natural, do not mesh with his other genetic cues. They are the only remarkable features in another bland, anonymous and easily forgetable face. A narrow mouth has been surrounded by a decidedly Chinese feeling black goatee and mustache, both of which are worn long, with the beard nearly reaching down to the hollow of his throat.
The clothing he wears seems fitting for the climate, and just about any urban environment. It appears that he favors the more natural, neutral colors like greys, dark greens, blacks and browns. A heavy black leather jacket hangs from his shoulders and ends well below his waist, obscuring the groin area when closed. A dull seeming brown, long sleave shirt without a collar fits him well without being too tight or too loose. Olive drab cargo pants emerge from beneath the top layers of his clothing. Adorning his hands are a pair of gloves favored by security guards and others who have to deal with crowds for a living, the knuckles reenforced and the palms textured like the ones that NFL runningbacks wear. Rather new looking, tan construction boots cover his feet, their soles providing him with steady footing. When outside and when the weather calls for it, a dark grey beanie is pulled down over the tops of his ears. All things considered, he looks like the kind of guy you'd find hanging around the parts of town that most honest citizens walk quickly through, if they find themselves there at all.
Hek pages: Meters from the site is probably the most important consideration in Indra's setup, right?
You paged Hek with 'Yeah. Especially if she's doing the mortar thing.'.
Hek pages: She mentioned RPK. I'm envisioning 50-150m max. I have no idea which way this is really going to go….
Long distance to Hek: Turk nods. Either way, lets get this show on the road. Give me a pose of where you're going to pull up at? Fleet delivery gate, somewhere else, etc?
Working on the assumption that there is only one primary gate which everyone uses for nearly all purposes, Hek approaches that one. The windows have been turned a solid black opaque, so that they blend in with the greyed paint. Bright headlights lance through the quickly darkening dusk as the vehicles pulls up on site.
Inside of it, cybernetic optics anchored into Hek's skull survey the world beyond the gate with its orderly progression of drones moving containers to and from vehicles in a slightly hectic, programmatically precise manner. He is particularly keen on spotting doors through which he can access the main facility, and also a parking spot for the Americar. That he will of course eventually back into, its nose pointed at the entrance / exit, like the hardened criminal that he is.
ooc Sorry about that, getting the kid ready for bed.
[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "My vehicle is a few blocks away, I went on foot to a vantage point to cover the facility"
Of the automated interior itself, very little can be seen - even from Hek's current perspective. As he approaches the gateway, the little camera on the post whirrs as it turns to take in the Americar, and continues to twist. Following it all the way to a 'parking spot', taking up a slot near four other normal sized vehicles. The gate slowly trundles closed again, while the camera remains pointedly pointed.
As for the entrance, the dog-brained lifts go into a sliding door built for them, and through a second door into the interior; There's a delay between the opening of one and the closing of another, so that one can get a flash of movement within before the outer door closes. One of the side doors opens, a security guard approaching.
Good news? The weapon is still holstered.
Bad news? He doesn't look pleased.
Hek smiles thinly to himself, eyes almost glittering with mischevious pleasure as he ponders the potential outcomes of the situation. The other piece of good news? The guard is having to approach him, through the biting cold, while he waits patiently inside of the Americar. "Stay inside until I text you." He tells Lakota, eyes flitting up to the rearview mirror to look for acknowledgement. "I'll handle this." A hand lingers on the door handle as the man intends to wait until the last moment to open it, step out, and close it again while he speaks with the security guard.
Knight nods a bit and settles about as he waits.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Etiquette (to Turk) for "To speak the guard's language…":
2 4 4 5 13
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Procedures (to Turk) for "Comp Dice to make it more legit sounding":
Dark Raven Shadow blinks as Hek gets OUT OF THE CAR after driving into the bloody parking lot to speak with the guard. He looks aside to Lakota, then to Hek, and finally leans over. ".. Why is he talking to the guard? Shouldn't we be sneaking in, 'chummer'? Ropes over the side and all that?"
Knight glances a bit towards the courier as he speaks, "…We don't have to always be so blatant," he points out, as he shakes his head a bit.
«Auto-Judge[]» Turk (#9565) rolls 3 vs TN 6 (to Oz) for "Corp Security corp etiquette":
1 2 2 = 0 Successes
The guard and Hek speak for a few minutes; The end result, while not great, isn't so good either. The guard steps back for a moment, dipping his head to keep it out of the wind as he subvocalizes to whoever's running the security show on this side of the fence. Eyes flick back to Hek for a moment, and the americar, before he grunts.
"I'll need the SIN from all three of you." He states, referencing an earlier document. "We never got the workorder back from corporate to authorize opening up the drones. Once we verify your company, we'll get you in and out as quick as we can." He's frowning, obviously not happy about having to deal with this 'oddity' in the middle of everything else.
Hek nods obediently, like any corporate drone would. "Of course." He says, compliant while at the same time firing off a trixmail at Jackhole.
Apparently as far as employers go, Hek is even less inclined than the average Johnson to lightly write off parternship investments that do not pan out.
"We all answer to the same people." Hek tells the guard with a shrug, nodding his head in the man's direction as he steps closer, intending to follow him into the facility.
«Plot» Hek says, "To clarify, the Americar is park as described earlier?"
"I will leave my team here with the vehicle until you get us cleared on site." An open palmed waves encourages Lakota and Mr DayTime to remain in the vehicle after he retrieves their credsticks from them.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Contact Chan with the following information (only to Oz):
-----> Contact for Hek (#10968) <------
Contact Name: Chan
Level: 2
Type: fixer
GM Note: A local guy from the neighborhood in Long Beach. Much like Jackhole, his relationship with Hek is based around money and Hek's ability to pay for waht he wants.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Fake SIN CAS-10968-000EHR-0009W4-UKX (Chan Khan) with the following information (only to Oz):
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
=====================> SIN Information for Hek (#10968) <======================
SIN: CAS-10968-000EHR-0009W4-UKX
Name: Chan Khan
Rating: 7
Created: Wed Sep 5 22:19:23 2012
Player: Hek (#10968)
GM Note: Upgraded to R5 on January 15, 2013. Next upgrade possible on June 15, 2013.
GM Note: (Mon Aug 12 22:47:06 2013) Matured to 6 on 8/12/13
GM Note: (Sun Jun 29 19:26:12 2014) Upgraded to R7 on June 28, 2014. Next upgrade possible January 28, 2015.
Knight nods a bit and relaxes a little as he waits to do anything required from him for the moment.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Turk) for "Guard's Armor, Weapons and Electronics in that order…":
1 2 3 5 8 10
«<Due to machine problems, another portion of this log is lost. In this part, Hek began trying to smooth talk his way past the guard while his FAKE SIN was run. It got tagged by a single success from the security rigger inside; Not enough to declare it a fraud, but enough to get suspicious. Hek, utilizing amplified hearing, heard the guard say he would go ahead and detain the three. Hek immediatly attacked hand-to-hand. Indrakshi fired with her heavy machine gun from a roof away, hitting 20D. Knight hopped out to keep the guard from dying as he was bleeding out. »
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Missed anything after 'keep the entrance clear'"
[Plot Room 2] Hek says, "Nope. Pose incoming…"
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I can keep it clear. I've got AV. »
Knight keeps both his hands about at the bloody wounds, as he brushes about with his fingers, then he pants a bit, though once he has enough time to work with it, eventually it doesn't even seep anymore, and the guard's breathing becomes less labored. With a brush of his fingers about his brow which leaves blood about his hair, he nods, "I… Believe that the guard will make it, but he will need a hospital. They can deal with that later though," he adds. The Shaman stands up as rivulets of the other's blood drips about, then he moves to assist with Hek.
Hek reaches into his pocket and produces his Dark Horse balcalva which he unrolls over his face. How quickly one morphs from surprise security auditor to outright, mask wearing terrorist, is startling. As his augmented ears pick up on the particulars of the chant, his low light enhancing vision picks out the edges of Knight's shamanic mask.
"Fraggin forensics!" He curses, pulling a black duffle bag from the trunk with his tools. The electronics kit, the explosive charge. "You best clean up your signature!" An index finger stabs back at the guard, clinging to the faintest vestiages of life just outside of the perimeter guard booth.
Attention darts to GoodLooking DayTime. "You, get in there and see if there is any way to interface with the local network while I set the charges." With his other hand, he stabs the /other/ index finger at the guardbooth, directing the rigger towards it.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Active Skill Small Unit Tactics with the value '1'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Sorcery vs TN 2 (to Oz):
1 1 1 3 5 11 = 3 Successes
Dark Raven Shadow, or shadowy raven dark or raveny dasha dork or whatever his name is blinks slowly at Hek, then towards the guard booth. The nods his head, all serious business, before running across the ground towards the guard booth. He even takes time to stop and roll a couple of times. In case of snipers. Once there?
He tries the handle. Clicka. clicka clicka.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence for "Spotting keypads, biometric controls, maglocks, etc that might control access to the door.":
1 1 1 1 4 8
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Security Systems for "Comp Skill":
1 2 3 4
"Check the slot for credentials, cards, chips, badges, whatever."
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 2 (to no one) for "Security type? Rating?":
1 5
You paged Hek with 'There does appear to be a simple numerical keypad, next to a slot for a keypass. This is, of course, built in the frame near the door that DSR is clicka'clicking.'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Intelligence for "Low Light. Thermo. Vision Mag 3. Ultrasound. Seeing if any one is coming around to …be all opposed to what we're doing.":
1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 15 25
page indrakshi=I[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "…a 25. Well then."
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Active Skill Electronics with the value '6 (7)' (only to Oz).
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Active Skill Electronics B/R with the value '6 (7)' (only to Oz).
Hek pages: Can Hek estimate roughly how long it would take to pull the case off, and bypass it? He has done A LOT of maglocks in the last few years and would be good at identifying common types, manufacturers, etc.
You paged Indrakshi with 'Impressive, snake. In that case, faaaar off to the distance, a small circular THING is approaching. By zooming in further, it appears to be a spotter drone. About five minutes out at its current speed.'.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « You have 5 mins before Eyes are on site. »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « We are going to lose a minute and a half if I have bypass this door. »
DRS blinks as Hek calls to him, then looks down at the handle. Before grabbing it and shaking it harder. Then he turns to the keypad, and calls out in despair. "It's got a key card slot!"
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « We went loud. Just blow it and move. Run some spray explosives along the edge, and trigger it from behind cover. »
Hek's subvocalizations initiate a burst of encrypted wireless traffic into the electronic soup of drone control commands, cellular and who knows what other sorts of electrical noise bouncing around the sky. "Can you bypass it?" He demands, staring straight at the Dark One, needing an honest answer and needing it NOW. The man seems all ready to trust the rigger, to the point where he is unzipping duffle bag and reaching for the electronics kit to hand it over.
"What? No, I'm.. no, I'm just the courier!"
Darth Shady Birdboy says, bouncing from foot to foot. "I just deliver the payload, that's all. This is supposed to be -your- job." Out of frustration, the elf boi fires a pistol shot at one of the automated lifts barricading even the slammed entrance of the plant. Which, as one might expect, ricochets away. Industrial equipment.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Willpower vs TN 12 for "Willpower versus reaction to not hit the courier.":
3 3 3 5 8 10 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Willpower vs TN 12 for "Willpower versus reaction to not hit the courier. (KP:1 14 remain)":
3 3 4 4 7 10 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Willpower vs TN 12 for "Willpower versus reaction to not hit the courier. (KP:2 12 remain)":
2 3 3 3 4 5 = 0 Successes
[Plot Room 2] Hek dispenses His Majesty's High Seas Justice upon the fool.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Kung Fu + Combat Pool: 5 vs TN 4 for "Reflex Twitch Fail":
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 9 10 11 = 7 Successes
«Plot» Hek notes that he will just punch with the non-shock glove hand.
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 3 vs TN 8 for "Default Slap Fight":
2 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Hek says, "8D after staging?"
«Plot» Oz says, "Indeed. Melee is stun unless weapons, right?"
«Plot» Hek says, "Yup. Knocked the FUCK out."
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 3 vs TN 5 for "Soak 5D after impact armor":
3 3 5 = 1 Success
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « …I think this is when we ditch out -before- we get into a shit situation. »
Hek realizes that when it comes to the door, he is going to have to deal with it himself. He is just beginning to walk forward to take control of the situation, when the Dark Boy TriggerHappy pulls his piece and pops off at the lock. It sets something off in Hek, a deeply ingrained survival reflex.. an aversion to firearms in close proximity. So he suddenly shuffle steps forward, back leg coming up under him and front leg launching out, along with less potent left. It launches from the center of his chest, backed by forearm, elbow and bicep that continue to push those top two knuckles into the rigger's throat and up into the soft skin beneath the jaw.
"Wake him up!" Hek screams and Knight, not even realizing it given the hearing dampening and his heightened state of readiness. "I'll get the door." He proclaims in a slightly calmer tone. as he sets to work with a flat bladed screwdriver and a wedge to pop the case open.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Electronics B/R vs TN 5 for "Popping the Case":
1 2 2 3 3 5 7 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Hek says, "30 seconds"
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Electronics vs TN 5 for "Rewire the insides":
3 3 4 4 4 5 10 = 2 Successes
«Plot» Hek says, "30 seconds. 60 seconds / 1 minute total."
«Plot» Hek says, "Can we hit pause on this after this set of rolls? It's getting late here, and I have a long week ahead of me."
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "That's fine by me. And Lakota, sure?"
Lakota pages: What Force would I need likely?
You paged Indrakshi with 'Keeping an eye on the drone?'.
Lakota pages: And his essence, etc.
You paged Lakota with 'He's at D stun right now. Anything to drag him out of D does the job.'.
Lakota pages: TN?
Lakota pages: With BG and essence?
You paged Lakota with '3 rounded down. TN 8 for BG count.'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "Treat. Force 6":
1 1 1 1 2 2 4 5 9 = 1 Success
You paged Lakota with 'Drain is light.'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Willpower + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 2:
1 1 4 4 4 4 4 7 11 = 7 Successes
You paged Lakota with 'Pfft, yeah, you got it.'.
Long distance to Indrakshi: Oz re-asks. Still minding the drone?
Knight looks a bit startled as the gunshot resounds then Hek knocks the courier out, and he rubs at his features a little, even as he is shouted right at. The Shaman moves a bit to press both his hands to the shadow elf and begins to chant low and heaves a low sigh, mending him. The backlash from the healing washes away from him and he seems to be concentrating easily, skilled with craft.
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Shall we take a pause there, folks?"
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "And Lakota, I think I might have been reading the drain code wrong. I think it's based on how much the target has taken, not how much you're actually trying to heal. :| I'll double check. Dont' worry about it for tonight, those rolls stand."
[Plot Room 2] Lakota says, "That's why I asked."
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Yeah. I'm re-reading the entry."
[Plot Room 2] Lakota says, "Though I think the 7 successes are quite great."
[Plot Room 2] Oz grins. NO kidding.
[Plot Room 2] Lakota says, "So it would likely soak either way."
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Well, 8 to soak from D, but it would've been a single light."
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Like I said. That was my error, not yours, so I'll take the whipping when I put the logs up."
[Plot Room 2] Hek says, "Thanks Oz"
«Auto-Judge[]» Lakota (#12895) rolls Sorcery + Sorcery Pool: 3 vs TN 2 for "Soak KP 1/2 just to see":
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 = 8 Successes
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Okay. So, for the log sake, we've got Indrakshi up on the roof 40 meters out, watching the Death of the Run incoming. Hek has just knocked their payday the fuck out, Lakota's doing his best to patch things together, and I've got a whoooole plant to game up. :D"
Fire, liquid fire, pours through the wall on the inside of the plant as the explosives do their work. Literally liquifying portions of the metal, which scatter across the plating like tiny sizzling marbles. The explosion rips further in, shattering tracks of bottles and racks of rolling bars, shredding catwalk struts before finally petering out with a heavy roll of smoke. Fire alarms begin to wail. Liquids drip. Machinery clinks, clanks, and swings about in a sudden commotion.
Okay. When we last left off, Indrak's massive explosion had just put a molten hole in the wall and a lot of stuff behind it. Glass shattering, catwalk structure buckling, metal bending. Smoke rises from the hole in a lazy ball as oxygen rushes back in.
In the distance? Sirens. And closing in fast is a small drone that Indrakshi has been keeping an eye on. At the explosion, Dark Raven Shadow is knocked from his feet with a surprised sqwak; Unharmed, just surprised.
Well, unharmed but for the 'lesson in teamwork' Hek helpfully provided.
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Since we are blown, you might as well shoot down the drone. I will take Mr. Worthless inside and see if I can get him in position. »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « Roger That. »
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Range on drone?"
[Plot Room 1] Oz says, "Hold for calculations."
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]-
===========================> Vehicles - Air Drones <===========================
Model Hand Speed Acc Body Armor Sig Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
A.S. LDSD-23 4 60 3 2 0 10 1 1 1 50
A.S. LDSD-41 4 75 5 2 3 10 3 1 4 28
S-B M-Skimmer I 3 90 6 1 0 7 1 1 1 5
S-B M-Skimmer II 3 90/45 5/3 1 0 7 1 1 1 5
A. Liebre RPV 3 60/1620 75 3 4 5 4 4 5 25
CAS Wandjina 5 60/500 40 3 6 5 4 3 1 325
FMC-S Firebird 4 40/105 30 2 0 6 2 3 0 5
GM-N Spotter 3 40/200 35 2 0 6 2 1 0 10
GTE-F Retrans 4 40/105 30 2 0 6 2 1 4 115
P&W Sundowner 4 40/105 30 2 0 6 2 1 0 120
E-T Prospero 3 70 9 1 0 5 2 1 0 10
L.S. Strato-9 3 100 9 2 0 4 2 5 1 20
MCT-N Rotodrone 4 70 6 2 0 4 1 1 4 150
A. Redball Ex. 4 300 35 3 0 5 2 3 16 155
Ares Guardian 4 60 6 2 12 7 3 4 1 25
C.D. Dalmatian 3 105 8 2 0 6 2 1 3 80
C.D. Wolfhound 3 210 12 2 0 6 2 1 3 80 ---> Type +info gear vehicles air drones2 for mode <--—-
«Plot» Hek says, "While Indra is working on that, Hek is going to pull out the Ingram and cautiously proceed through the hole. By cautiously I mean, shooting out any cameras that can see him first and then doing the typical tactical, creeping through doors, staying low routine"
«Plot» Oz says, "Indra - the drone you spotted is roughly 1.5 KM out, and - by your estimates of how fast it's closing - 90 seconds away. Moving FAST. Mag 3 and high rolls let you spot it."
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Time to frag it."
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Heavy Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 vs TN 4 for "20D FA at the Drone.":
1 2 4 4 5 5 5 7 9 = 7 Successes
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "What type of weapon is your RPK?"
[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "HMG. I'm firing at the maximum edge of my range. Unfortunately for that Drone? I got Vision Mag 3. Its only TN4 for me :P"
[Plot Room 2] Oz says, "Alright, let's break this down. Range of 9 down to 4 for Mag 3. Recoil's handled by your gun's recoil soak. Target is moving full speed, so that's a +2. I'm seeing a TN 6. What am I missing?"
[Plot Room 2] Indrakshi says, "Nothing."
[Plot Room 2] Oz nods. 2 Successes, then, rather than 7. KP'ing?
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Heavy Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 2 vs TN 6 for "KP1 on swatting drones":
1 2 2 3 4 5 8 = 1 Success
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Heavy Weapons + Combat Pool: 4 - 3 vs TN 6 for "KP3 on swatting":
1 2 3 4 5 13 = 1 Success
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Standing on 4 Succeses"
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 4 vs TN 4 (to no one) for "Police Rigger combat pool:4/7":
1 3 4 4 = 2 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 2 vs TN 4 (to no one) for "Police rigger combat pool dodge KP1":
3 7 = 1 Success
You paged Indrakshi with 'What's your gun's damage code?'.
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 1 vs TN 4 (to no one) for "Police Rigger dodge, last KP":
1 = 0 Successes
The rather punchy Strato-9 had just crossed into the kill zone - when bullets begin ripping through the air at it. The first few kill shots bounce with sharp sparks off its chasis, at their maximum range of use, as the drone begins taking some evasive action; Too little, too late. A few tumbling bits of lead punch their way through something vital, and smoke rises from the drone before caves in under the pressure of a full auto burst from a heavy machine gun.
Boom. Debris litters downwards, as sirens grow closer.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « Eyes down. Sirens coming in. Set secondary explosives in the debris. I'll let them Close into the debris field, then trigger them. »
Indra is quiet in her perch, other then the gun shots and whispers over comms. She's invisible, and so mages. Silly Cops.
«OOC» Oz says, "for an idea of what the inside's going to be like, — Now imagine that three stories high, six times as busy and with the single boiling vat replaced by a six or seven. A clean, sanitary place filled with lots of heavy, swinging, moving pieces. And the security, of course."
«OOC» Oz says, "Yeah. Bottling's a job that requires a lot of precision. And you've just blown a hole into the middle of it. :| You horrible, horrible people."
«OOC» Hek says, "So how fucked up is it? Machines are still running and spewing cans all over the place? Or do they fail / safety stop?"
ooc Waiting on you and Lakota's perception rolls to show you what you see when you slip inside.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Oz) for "Ultrasound, Low-Light, Vision-Mag, FlareComp - Hearing Amp, Dampner, SSF:1":
1 2 2 3 3 3
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence (to Oz) for "Ultrasound, Low-Light, Vision-Mag, FlareComp - Hearing Amp, Dampner, SSF:1 (KP:1, 12/19 left)":
2 3 4 4 5 5
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Intelligence:
1 1 2 3 5 9
The inside of the plant is chaos; And that's even before someone strapped high powered explosives to the side of the building and melted a wide swath through. Rolling trains crisscross through the air, the constant chatter and clatter of cans, bottles, glass, plastics all being shuffled about. The woosh and hiss of heating vents, the chugga-chugga-chugga of labelers, and loud THWUMP of suction, and all the noise, noise, noise! Where the bomb had struck, bits of catwalk from above are busy slowly collapsing downwards, sparks and bits of metal pinging about. Cans pour from a tray above, unlabeled as of yet, clanging loudly to the ground and rolling in all directions. High pressure fructose drinks spew out in foaming waves, gurgling as they go down various emergency drains.
And above it all, the blart-blart-blart of an alarm going off, even as production is re-routed from the damaged train to other places. Production is five hundred and fourty thousand cans an hour in this one plant, of various drinks, fruit punches, waters, and delectables. They aren't slowing down simply because a small section of track got damaged. Cameras whirr and twist to locate the two, Hek taking them out as fast as he can.
page knight=You notice, oddly enough, what appears to be a train track running alon the wall at all three levels of the plant. First floor, second, and third….
You paged Knight with 'As in, turned sideways and flat against the wall.'.
«Plot» Hek says, "Do you need rolls, or can we assume that Hek can hit a stationary target?"
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) has the Active Skill Submachine Guns with the value '6 (7)'.
«Plot» Oz says, "I'm assuming Hek can hit a stionary target right now. >:D"
Knight pages: Who'd I come inside with?
You paged Knight with 'Hek, and Dark Raven Shadow.'.
«Plot» Hek says, "Looking for the office entrance / way to the third floor"
[Plot Room 1] Oz nods. Do you have any drone background skills? Vehicle skills?
Knight moves up with Hek and courier as he blinks a bit while looking around, "Why are tracks being settled about the wall flatly?" he asks, as he gives a glance to them even while Hek begins to do his thing and alarms sound.
Indeed, as Knight pointed out - in all this effeciency, there does appear to be tracks laid flat on the inside of the walls. On all three levels, with crosses between them. With no obvious use.
«OOC» Hek says, "Got a visual for that? I am not sure if you mean that there are tracks crossing other tracks. Or that at there are ways to cross from one track to another?"
«OOC» Oz nods. Imagine a train track made of metal. Now turn it sideways, and put it on the wall. Give it a way to up and down the wall, as well as wrap all the way around the room, following the inside of the wall.
«OOC» Hek says, "Got it. Hopefully the aren't running drones trains as weapons platforms"
«OOC» Oz smiles. One more pose, and then +inits, please.
«Plot» Oz says, "Indrakshi - Multiple sirens now in hearing range. You can hear the engine of the first, revving."
«Plot» Oz says, "… That was meant to be a page."
Given the highly visible entrance, the thought of trying to be stealthy at this point seems a bit ridiculous. None the less, it is in Hek's DNA and a key component of who he is. So he sticks close to the machines to use them as cover, both as a physical barrier and to block line of sight from any potential threats that might be lurking out there. It is those threats that he tries to become aware of as he moves towards the office, his senses hyper alert and focus never lingering long on any particular thing, for fear of missing something else.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Stealth (Urban):
1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "Okah :P"
A wall had been blown into a automatic factory filled with effeciency; Hardcore effeciency. Effeciency to make an accountant's head pop with pure jizz joy. Every last can, every last motion optimized for maximum product placement per energy expenditure capita. And then some Runners came along and blew shit up. Now Hek, Knight, and DSR are on the inside amidst a plant that churns out five hundred and fourty thousand sealed sodas, waters, and juices an hour for all sorts of major brands. Three levels high. They've just spotted tracks going along the inside of the wall, sideways like . And Hek is trying to duck and hide, moving towards where there appears to be a large square structure - hopefully the office in all this thumping chaos.
Outside, the sirens screech to a halt outside of Indrakshi's immediate sight. Other sirens are rapidly approaching.
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « Alright, they'll be moving forwards to the plant soon, once they get across to the entrances, I'll light them up. »
Indrakshi pages: Caine has created a F1 Improved Invisibility Tattoo on Indrakshi.
Successes: 20
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Quickness:
1 3 4 4
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "Have not had time. Everything is moving too fast. I have no idea how far away the responders really are. In the space of 2-3 poses, basically the time it look to look through the breach and enter the factory, they have gone from what I assumed was blocks away, to nearly on our door step."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "By the randomized roll, they were almost right behind the drone. It would've arrived in 90 seconds, they would've arrived almost at the same time."
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "Aww, so I can't collapse the entrance on them :("
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "Some 3-6 seconds ago, Indra shot down the drone at 1500 meters. How many M/sec are the responders moving?"
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "If they're doing 90mph, they are moving roughly 40M/s, or 120M/combat turn"
[Plot Room 5] Oz will go check logs, but I believe the drone was shot down before you even began putting the explosives on the wall.
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "It was shot down as the explosion occured basically Oz"
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "Which would put them in the neighborhood of 8-10 turns, (24-30 seconds) out still. Or more, if you're going with 90
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "Hek; stop worrying about it."
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "I got this."
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "If Oz lets me, Imma drop a mortar or some shit"
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "I feel like I'm getting all rules lawyerish here, and I apologize for that. That is not my intention. It is just that we have a potentially serious response coming down on us, and the decision to bail out made 6 seconds one way or another, could have huge implications."
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "Actually, oz BEFORE we proceed"
[Plot Room 5] Oz nods. Just in audial range for the sirens and the screech. Oh, it's not a problem! I'm trying to keep things fair using the B Grade security rules. :D
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "Can I make a perception check to count HOW many sirens?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Absolutely."
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Intelligence for "Counting Sirens":
1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "As I lack visual from where I am, but I'm outside, figured I can hear them easier then Hek and Lak"
[Plot Room 5] Oz nods. Any hearing mods? Also, Knight, toss a pose down, please.
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "Negative. Other then mah elven ears."
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "Which don't have enhanced hearin"
Knight tries to make sure that the courier with them moves too while he begins towards where Hek is to try and cover for the moment from the chaos of matters.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Sorry about the wait on that, checking the security level vs the rolled times."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "From what you can hear from your vantage, Indrakshi, it sounds like the lead car had screeched to a halt. There also appears to be four more sirens inbound - after all the full auto fire and destruction of a police drone. Two are closer than the last two, but you can't quite pin down timing like you could with the drone."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Also, that was supposed to be a page."
«Plot» Oz says, "Maintaining Hek and Knight's prior rolls for perception."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Hek, Knight, either of you have vehicle or drone knowskills?"
«Plot» Knight says, "Nope."
While Jackhole might be novahot drek when it comes to cutting ice and compromising corporate matrix hosts, when it comes to industrial espionage and on the fly site security audits, the guy obviously lacked the competencies to craft a simple access document.
Not only did the slot blow the initial cover document, he also tasked a frame to monitor the comm lines and intercept security requests. Failure number two. Never trust an apparently poorly programmed automation to do what real deckers get paid to make sure works right. Hence the screeching tires, and the warbled droning of additional sirens that the microphones and microprocessors that have replaced Hek's ears manage to catch faint traces of… elsewhere and away from the cacophony of canning operations.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Intelligence vs TN 6 for "LL, US, x3 - Amp, Damp, SSF:1":
1 1 2 3 4 4 = 0 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Car vs TN 6 for "LL, US, x3 - Amp, Damp, SSF:1":
4 4 5 = 0 Successes
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "My bad, wrong skill the first time"
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « I'm counting Maybe..5 total? One pulled up, another four inbound. I can't see them from here, I'll get higher or some thing. »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Aff. Let me know if they are establishing a perimeter, or coming in hot. »
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Absoluely. They're off to your left, initially"
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Which direction? We will need to exfil opposite them. You got smoke? »
Commlink-Manitou> Indrakshi sends, « Negative. Fixers been bogged down with neophytes shopping around Xmas. Didn't bring any back from Cali either. »
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « Stay frosty. »
As the comm chatter dies down, Hek again has moments to ponder how sideways the situation has gone.
Assuming the Americar remains driveable, he is going to have to ditch it in the Warrens. There goes practically all of the profit, assuming that the team manages to get Team Trid Star back to their mutually shared employer in one piece.
All around him, automated sprinkler systems are coming on to hose down the concrete and steel surfaces as the facility begins to decontaminate itself from all of the sticky, fizzy liquid that sloshes beneath his rubberized soles. It is annoying, like a brief winter shower that the armored layers of insulated overcoat, ski mask and gloves save him the brunt of the drenching.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Okay. Indrakshi, unless you're planning on leaping to another building, it's a pretty standard thing ot move across the roof. If you're going to try and keep quiet about it, toss me a stealth. Posing up for Hek and Knight."
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Stealth for "Also Invisible. Also got black armor. Also got a hooded coat. Also awesome.":
3 4 4 5 5 5 7
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Stealth for "KP4":
1 2 3 3 4 5 8
Indra shifts her position, moving in a quick dashing movement from cover to cover, relying on those bulky heater and air pumping units to stop any fire, if it should come to that, until she can watch both the flaming entrance of the factory, and the police.
Even as the three potential invaders are slipping under equipment, they can catch movement coming around the walls behind them. Crawling along the tracks is - well, it's hard to pin down what model it is. Defintely a drone of some time, squarish with rounded corners. Hek's sharp eyes and spot belts of gel-rounds being fed into it as the mini-turret on top unfolds, twisting and hunting. But the same thing that prevents Hek and Knight from getting a good fix on movement is also keeping them safe; A spewing soda screen, spraying water hoses, and a few cans still going 'goin-goin-goin' against the plastocrete floor. Why gel-rounds?
Because you don't want to pierce the boilers of sodas, fruit juices, waters, and so forth that are under high pressure to feed to all the machines. It pauses when it reaches the breach that interrupts its track, then backs up for the next junction to the second floor…
There's a lot of product here. A LOT of product. Belonging to a lot of different drink companies.
Indrakshi gets eyes on her target; A single cop car having pulled sideways, two of the KE already behind it as they chatter on the radio. Apparently having their eye in the sky blown out at over a klik away has made them nervous about approaching.
The other cop cars she can hear - she just can't spot them yet, in the myriad of roads here in the industrial section.
"Get ready to evac if necessary." Hek cautions Knight and DSR while extending the Ingram's compact shoulder stock. "I am going to shoot the drone. If it is still up after that, we need to get the frag outta here."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "+init up. You've got a surprise round - it couldn't see you."
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Initiative with a result of 15.
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Initiative with a result of 8.
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 4 for "Based on MJLBB Security Rigger, in drone, +10":
2 2 13 15
«Init Tracker» Oz (#9314) has set hek's init to 15.
«Init Tracker» Oz (#9314) has set knight's init to 8.
«Init Tracker» Oz (#9314) has set Security Rigger's init to 24.
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Initiative with a result of 34.
«Plot» Indrakshi says, "I'll hold any action, if the cops are staying away.."
Knight just nods towards the other two, and heaves out a sigh as he waits.
«Plot» Hek says, "Given that it is a Surprise, that makes it Hek on 15, right?"
«Plot» Oz says, "Yes."
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
=============================> Inititive Listing <=============================
Combatant Name…………….. P1(B) P2(-10) P3(-20) P4(-30) P5(-40)
Security Rigger……………. 24 14 4 — —
Hek………………………. 15 5 — — —
Knight……………………. 8 — — — —
«Plot» Hek says, "Pose incoming."
As intelligent as an augmented human can ever be, and with a nervous system and sensory organs jacked up to the highest potentials offered by modern medicine, Hek continually re-evaluates the situation on the fly. "On second thought.." Chin shifts as he look over at the other two guys with him. "Wait for it it engage me, then get the fuck out of here and into the car. I will be right out."
Eyes with the dispassionate focus of security cameras lead to Hek shifting his body closer to the machinery while peeking his head out from around it, to acquire the drone. The drone which he points the heavy vent of the submachinegun at, while snugging the compact plastic stock up against his thickly padded shoulder.
The fire selector snaps over to full auto.
A stream of fragmenting copper chunks are propelled out of the barrel on a tongue of flame as the stock from the factory vent on the firearm fails to completely compensate for the extended depression of the trigger. The stock does little better, and Hek squats down into his heels in a valiant attempt to keep the weapon on target.
«Plot» Hek says, "What are the visiblity and movement mods to account for?"
«Plot» Hek says, "He is doing 6 rounds of FA out of the Smartgun. Only compensated for 3, so +2 on the recoil already."
«Plot» Oz says, "Calling it the same as 'heavy rain', so +6 because of all the water pouring down and soda pouring up.+6/4 for lowlight, +1/0 for thermo"
«Plot» Hek says, "How about US?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "What've you got in your eyeballs?"
Name Rtg. Grade Ess. Cost
Cybereyes (Pair) Alpha 0.16
+- Low-Light Vision Alpha 0.16
+- Vision Magnification (electronic) 3 Alpha 0.08
+- Flare Compensation Alpha 0.08
+- Range Finder Alpha 0.08
+- Ultrasound Vision Beta 0.3
Cyberears Alpha 0.24
+- Dampener Alpha 0.08
+- Select Sound Filter * 1 0.2
+- Hearing Amplification * 0.2
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Also, beg pardon, those numbers are for light rain. 111 core, numbers on visiblity parted by slashes. First number is for electronic vision, second for natural. +6 natural, +6/+4 low light, +1/0 thermo. +6 mod, I don't see thermal listed in your abilities, and ultrasound just sees a moving wall with gaps apearing and disappearing."
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "+2 for Light Rain"
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "+3 for Heavy"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Ah, they've got ultrasound listed in the HR. Nice."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Slow movement. It's hunting, so no mods."
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Submachine Guns + Combat Pool: 3 vs TN 8 for "6 ExEx Rounds, Full Auto out of Ingram. Base with Smartlink 3, +2 for uncomped recoil, +3 for visibility, no move mods. TN8":
1 2 3 4 4 5 7 8 11 22 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) uses 6 of item 9: Ammunition: EX-Explosive (SMG) from Carried Gear - Concealed (#9430).
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Which ingram is that? So I can look up the damage code and apply the ammo."
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "Smartgun. Base 7M, +2 ExEx, +6 and 2 Stage for FA burst. 15D"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Very nice."
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "Come on Oz. There is only 1 Ingram that any REAL Shadowrunner is going to pack. =P"
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "The Street Samurai Sidekick of course."
[Plot Room 5] Oz nods. Based on Ares Sentinel P, reskin called Prometheus Guardian.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Ah."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "For places that don't want a hoarde of guards."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "But do need to protect something vital."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Multiple companies proprietary liquid refreshment in an automated plant, the owner company of whch is liable if anything happens to contaminate the drinks or lose the chemical composition. It seemed fitting."
«Plot» Hek says, "Drone obviously bounces the rounds. Rigger is no longer surprised. His turn."
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
=======================> Sensor Modifiers and Results <========================
Sensor Test Modifiers Table
Condition Target Number Modifier
ECM in use Variable (See Electronic Countermeasures, SR3 138)
ECCM in use Variable (See Electronic Countermeasures, SR3 138)
Direct LOS -2
Urban Setting +1
Fog/Smog/Precipitation +1
Restricted Terrain +1
Concealed by Spirit + Force
Tight Terrain +2
Sensing Vehicle Damaged + Damage Modifier
Concealed by Spell Variable (see spell description)
Situational Range Modifiers Table
Condition Modifier
High elevation +4
ECCM in use -Rating of transmitter/2
Electrical storm -2
Encryption in use -.5
Humid air -.5
Urban environment -1
Sensor Tests Results Table
of Successes Result
0 No contact. The sensors do not detect the target.
1 Basic contact. The sensors detect the target object and deter-
mine its distance, direction of travel and speed. The sensors
also identify the target's general type (a building, an aircr-
aft, a ground vehicle, a biological life form, and so on) but
cannot provie further identification.
2 General contact. The sensors identify the target's general sub-
type (for example, a radar dish, a helicopter, a hovercraft, a
dragon and so on).
3 Positive Contact. The sensors identify the target's specific
type (for example, a XQ-137 Air Search Radar, a Hughes WQ-2 Sta-
llion, a Chrysler-Nissan G12A, a feathered serpent, and so on).
4+ The sensors identify features that distinguish the target from
others of its type.
==========================> Sensor-Enhanced Gunnery <==========================
Sensor-Enhanced Gunnery Modifiers Table
Conditions Modifier
Urban environment +2
Direct LOS -3
Interrupted LOS 0
ECM in use Variable
ECCM in use Variable
Semi-Automatic +1 for second shot during phase
Burst Fire +3 per burst fired during phase
Automatic Fire +1 per round fired during phase
Heavy Weapons Fire 2 x uncompensated recoil
Recoil compensation Special
Attacker wounded + Damage Modifier
Attacking vehicle damaged + Damaged Modifier*
*See +info rigger vehicletests damagemods
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 8 vs TN 4 (to no one) for "Sensor test + control pool 4/10":
2 2 3 3 3 4 8 11 = 3 Successes
«Auto-Judge[]» Oz (#9314) rolls 9 vs TN 4 for "Ultimax MMG Sensor-Enhanced Gunner + control pool 4, FA, 6 bullets. Recoil halfed by hardpoint, -3 Direct LOS, +3 Recoil. Gel Rounds.":
1 2 4 5 5 5 5 10 15 = 7 Successes
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "He has at least +4 for partial cover" pr5 ; snaps fingers. You
[Plot Room 5] Oz snaps fingers. You are correct.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Sensor gunnery lock keeps any vision mods off. Sensory gunnery. Complex action to pull it off, but once I have sensor lock then the only mods left are Urban environment, direct LOS, ECM, recoil, and wounded attacker."
[Plot Room 5] Oz squints at +info rig gun sens — Technicaly should be a +2, but I'm throwing in an additional +2 for a situational modifier. he's up high, there's a lot of stuff to shoot around, and you're under partial cover.
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls 8 vs TN 4 for "Remaining 8 CP vs Dodge 4":
2 2 2 2 2 4 5 11 = 3 Successes
[Plot Room 5] Oz will pose the Drone's bit, then.
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "No modifiers on the dodge right? Just straight TN4?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Yeah."
The heavy bodied Prometheus Guardian is suddenly surrounded by high ExEx shells punching holes. Through the skin of the factory, through some of the rails, even denting the heavy armor. But the Guardian was designed for punishment, and it absorbs the ExEx like a champ. The mini-turret whirrs as it winds up to speed, sensor locks quickly tracking the fire stream back to the source. Gel rounds begin to explode and pop off the ground like highspeed firecrackers as it tracks towards Hek..
Meanwhile, the two cops seem to finally reach a consensus. One opens up the trunk, picking up some heavier equipment, while the other continues to chatter on the radio. While bullets ping and wang, and smoke curls up towards the sky..
No one would ever call Hek anything but persistent, but even persistence and discipline have their breaking points… at least short an activated pain editor. Which Hek does not have.
The shower of sparks caused by the highly explosive projectiles from the Smartgun deflecting off of the facility defense drone. Whoever made that device, obviously understands the rigors of the modern day security environment much better than Hek does, or will any time in the near future. Not that he has much time to contemplates the particular difficulties to be faced in the near future, as he is too busy flinching left instead of right in some miraculously right guess about the drone's intentions.
The gel rounds spatter against the equipment and the floor around him. And that is really all he needs to know about this situation, and the team's hopes for any sort of continued forward progress.
Commlink-TightFist> Hek sends, « We're completely blown. Once we drive out, can you immobilize some civilians in the roadway behind us? »
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "Can I try and negotiate with the drone?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "I won't stop you?"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "Can I do that and still run?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Scream over your shoulder as you run away?"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "Try diplomacy and see how it reacts then run?"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "What kinda action is it anyways?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Well, I'd say a complex action. You can still run, but it's going to be kind of hard to try to talk someone down while simultaneously running."
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "+6 for enemy, +2 for suspicious, +6 for player's result being disastrous to the NPC"
[Plot Room 5] Oz grins. TN 14 seems about right.
pr5 Yeah, +«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) rolls Negotiation vs TN 14:
1 2 3 3 5 = 0 Successes
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Yeah, +14 to TN, so 19 total with rigger's int"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "Oh, 19."
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Negotiation vs TN 19 for "Honest Injun Mister!!":
2 2 2 2 4 = 0 Successes
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "Do I have all my karma back from what I used before?"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "If I used any?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "For a hacking attempt"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "Do I have any back?"
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "No"
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "You only regain Karma after the run is finished"
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "I will run with Hek."
[Plot Room 5] Knight says, "While shouting at it diplomatically."
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Indrakshi - considering you spit out 20D anti-V? No. No, just tell me what civilians you want down."
«Auto-Judge[]» Hek (#10968) rolls Athletics vs TN 6 for "Run Niggah, Run!!!!":
4 4 5 = 0 Successes
«Plot» Hek says, "Even with the fail, Hek still moves a good 30m at a sprint"
If there is one silver lining to the gathering storm clouds, it is the fact that not having made it very far into the factory, means that the team does not have to move very far, to get back out of it. Given that, Hek just ducks low and says a silent prayer to the ancestors that the combination of the machinery between him and the drone, its weird angle on the wall, and his sheer speed, that he will be able to just keep moving when he clears the rubble of the facility's wall.
Knight looks up a bit from the position and blinks at Hek and courier as he heaves a sigh, then shifts from the position when the others do to follow, and calls back to the Drone, "Come on, be nice, you ain't gotta be like this!" he exclaims.
----------—[ Shadowrun Denver ]—-
=============================> Inititive Listing <=============================
Combatant Name…………….. P1(B) P2(-10) P3(-20) P4(-30) P5(-40)
Security Rigger……………. 24 14 4 — —
Hek………………………. 15 5 — — —
Knight……………………. 8 — — — —
«Auto-Judge[]» Knight (#12895) has the Attribute Quickness with the value '4'.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Indrakshi - The only real civvie vehicles right now are the rigs. Most people turned aside when the explosions happened. You could hit one of them as they try to escape?"
[Plot Room 5] Oz squints. 12 meters and thirty - I'm going to say in this pass, you two both managed to get under the drone's effective fire arc and out the original hole you made.
Dark Raveny Shade has, this entire time, been mostly cowering under the machinery or otherwise screaming his head of when the bullets started. When Hek and Knight run - he runs too, blubbering to himself with small tears. "I'mJustThecourierI'mJustThecourier!!"
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "When you get out of the immediate area, there will be? But with cops incoming, explosions, full auto gun fire, and this going on in an industrial area - what little non-commerical traffic there was has boogied."
[Plot Room 5] Indrakshi says, "No. We're trying to blow the vehicles tires out etc so they block a road, if there isn't any..we just mad dash"
[Plot Room 5] Oz nods. You can do that to one of the rigs. At the very, very beginning, the lifts were still moving back and forth across the yard loading them. It's every man for himself when you get back OUT to the yard.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "They're coming out of the entrance of the gate and turning onto the road. They'd be a very effective roadblock, which is what I was getting out. Civvie cars? Not so much. Commerical vehicles? That'll work."
[Plot Room 5] Hek says, "Given the difficult terrain and the various vehicles to manuever around he is going to use the AutoNAV assist to let the car accelerate at its base rate while getting lined up with the exit. Keep in mind, he already had it pointed in that direction. We need a Stressful Situation modifier, +1 for Restricted terrain at least, -1 for Non-Rigger using Datajack."
Indra looks along the road way, where the police are, where Hek -should- be exfiling, and lets out long snarls of RPK fire as she sprints away. That'll probably disable myriad rucks, loaders, lifts, and any thing else. She's exfiling her self. She's not going to light up cops if it can be avoided. Time to go back to California, and real work. Where you get paid, with out idiots Jays with their screwy ideas.
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "And nah, Indra. 20D, there's not much even a commercial vehicle's going to stop. If it were a citymaster or some heavy armored tank, I'd say let's roll."
«Auto-Judge[]» Indrakshi (#6312) rolls Athletics + Combat Pool: 3 for "Woosh":
2 2 3 3 4 4 5
[Plot Room 5] Oz says, "Don't forget you did bilk 20k out of the guy. Shared between three peole. So you.. got the cost of ammo?"
In the end, being ubquitious pays off. It costs Hek an Ingram, which he scavenges the clip from before ditching it. It will cost him a trip to the Warrens, and call on Daemon Starks plus a few weeks worth of downtime on the transportation. The courier is left in one piece, handed back to his employer with Hek's most sincere apologies. "Hell a thing chummer." Is all he can muster up to tell the Johnson, after showing the man the respect of at least appearing in person.
In the end, he manages to scavenge whatever code was on the chip to work on at his leisure. Maybe he can learn something about Decryption routines in the process. He certainly is much the wiser in his understandings of how automated corporate facilities are secured.
There will definitely be fallout with Jackhole. Serious lack of professionalism and living up to his part of the bargain on that one. It might even require a trip out the coast.
In the meantime, he is just lucky to be alive and able to retire to his bug out spot at the Crank.
You paged Hek with 'By and by, if you spend a LOT of time on that decryption routine - you'll find it's still just junk data. Like someone copy-pasted a lot of books togethr to make a big file.'.
Long distance to Hek: Oz will toss something into the Matrix board in a moment that might shed some light.
Hek pages: That would be sweet
===============================> Matrix Rumors <===============================
You receive word from Blacksim Entertainment (Fri Jan 9 00:54:01 2015):
««< PlayAround
Shady advertisement for some heavily edited Simsense adventure - Shadowrunner: Drown
Clips show a SHADOWRUNNER, the MYSTERIOUS DARK RAVEN SHADOW, speaking to grim Mister Johnson about a plan to take down some corporate rival or other in a chemical weapons facility. Three other SHADOWRUNNERS stand nearby, faces hidden by GRIM DARKNESS as they take orders from their LEADER.
It then switches to an outside view, where a heroic DARK RAVEN SHADOW stares with a cocky smirk into his own reflection, knowing just how AWESOME he is. A LEGEND. One of his simple minded TEAMMATES picking him up. A cool acknowledgement of the SHAMAN in the backseat as DARK RAVEN SHADOW keeps an eye out for the COPS
Clips of the conversation as the team lend their opinions to the ALREADY PERFECT PLAN of the LEGENDARY DARK RAVEN SHADOW
Thrill to the budda-budda-budda of HEAVY METAL WEAPONS rip apart a WICKED GUARD in a shower of GORE. SUPER GREEN.
Chill to the TEAM INFIGHTING as the COWARDLY TEAMMATES try to call off the run.
But DARK RAVEN SHADOW will have none of it! He stands back up after a sucker punch, smirking at the man they call SMECK.
(Face and features obscurd by GRIM SHADOWS in the LATE AFTERNOON. Which could also be called PRE-DARKNESS)
Watch the RAT SHAMAN bring the DYING GUARD back to life to TORTURE HIM. But DARK RAVEN SHADOW cooly denies this; He is a PROFESSIONAL.
Finally, watch him SWEAR REVENGE as they are forced to FALL BACK while CHEMICAL WEAPONS spray bodily into the AIR and SPLASH EVERYWHERE.
Mini-guns turrets!
Tractor-Trailors flipping!
And all while the viewer lives through the run, a true SHADOWRUNNER. FEEL the searing heat! HEAR the booms! LOVE THE GUNS
<OOC> Fallout of plot
-----> Posted by Oz (#9314) <------