Vehicle Attributes

Vehicle attributes define a vehicle's capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses just like they do for a player character. Vehicle attributes can be divided into three groups:

What follows is a comprehensive list of Shadowrun vehicle attributes as detailed in Shadowrun 3E Core Rulebook and Rigger 3. For a more introductory approach on Shadowrun rigger and vehicle rules see Rigger's Primer and Rigger Quick Resolution

Basic attributes

Basic attributes are usually found in every vehicle statistic, even though some of them may be left blank regularly (like 'Pilot').

Attribute Description Source
Handling Handling refers to a vehicle's maneuverability and how easily a character can control it. The higher the rating, the more difficult a vehicle is to control. The Handling Rating functions as the base target number for all Driving Tests that use a Vehicle Skill. Most ground vehicles have two seperate Handling Ratings; on road / off road. SR3 130
Speed The Speed Rating represents the maximum safe speed at which the vehicle can travel for a sustained distance. It is measured in meters per Combat Turn. To convert a vehicle's Speed Rating into kilometers per hour (km/h), multiply the rating by 1.2. To convert a Speed Rating to miles per hour (mph) multiply the rating by 0.75. - Fixed-winged aircraft have two speed ratings. The first is the minimum speed the vehicle can fly without risk of plummeting height. SR3 132
Acceleration (Deceleration) The Acceleration Rating measures how quickly a vehicle can increase its speed within a given period. In a pursuit, the driver can make a Driving Test to boost his vehicle's speed. Every success rolled increases the vehicle's speed by its Acceleration Rating. – Deceleration: A vehicle can brake or decelerate savely as long as its deceleration within a single Combat Turn does not exceed its Acceleration Rating multiplied by 4. SR3 132
Body A vehicle's Body Rating represents its mass and measures how much punishment it can take, wether from weapons fire or just plain hard driving. – Mounted weapons: For every two Body Rating points, one hardpoint mount can be installed. For every single Body Rating point, one firmpoint can be installed (SR3 307). – Damage Reduction: The Power of all weapon attacks (except anti-vehicle munition) is halved (9M → 4L; SR3 149). – Rigger 3 handbook adds a Body Rating Table for estimation of Body Rating by the vehicle's weight and general size (Rig3 61f.). - Very large vehicles (e.g. warships) have a Hull Rating instead of Body Rating. SR3 132, 145; Rig 61
Armor The Armor Rating represents composite armor that protects vehicles against weapon fire. It deflects every weapon damage with a Power equal or less the Armor Rating, taking in regard the Damage Reduction. – Example: rating 3 vehicle armor reduces the Power of an Ares Predator from 9M to 4L (damage reduction, see 'Body' entry) and then to 1L (armor). If a weapons Power Rating equals or falls below the Armor Rating (after it got halved due to damage reduction), all damage is deflected. Example: a weapon with Power Rating 6 can't harm a vehicle with Armor Rating 3 or more. - Very large vehicles (e.g. warships) have a Bulwark Rating instead of armor. SR3 132, 139
Signature The Signature Rating indicates a vehicle's vulnerability to electromagnetic or thermal detection and derves as the target number for sensor and missile to-hit tests made against the vehicle. It does not work against other target designators like laser or microwave. – The signature of a human sized biological form is 6. Very small vehicles (Drones with body 0) may have a Signature Rating up to 12. A high powered sports car may have a Signature of 1. - The Signature Rating defines the base target number for Sensor Tests (see 'Sensor' below) against the vehicle. SR3 133
Autonav The Autonav Rating represents the vehicle's collision-detection and navigation system. It serves as a driver's assistant. The Rating provides extra dice a character can add to Driving Tests made while performing non-combat maneuvers. – Rating 1 includes radar and ultrasound proximity detectors. Rating 2 is capable of self-navigation and communication with the traffic-control grid system. Rating 3 and 4 come with GPS and can navigate off-road if provided with map data. Rating 4 can program their own routes. - The Autonav Rating objects risky driving maneuvers. It opposes combat related Driving Tests unless the Autonav is turned off (free action for rigger). SR3 133, 141
Pilot Pilot Rating indicates a drone's aotonomous decision-making capability („dog brains“). Drones with high Pilot Ratings can understand and execute more complex commands. Pilot Rating is only applied when no rigger is controlling the drone. SR3 133, 157

The Sensor Rating represents target-detection (it is there), target-identification (what it is), and targeting (locking weapons). The Sensor Rating determines the base number of dice for the vehicle's Perception Test (Sensor Test, SR3 135). It may also add dice to Gunnery Tests for attacks with certain types of vehicle weapons (Sensor-Enhanced Gunnery, SR3 152).

Sensor Ratings and components: 0 – rangefinders, ultrasound and laser proximity detectors; 1 – video (no trideo) cameras, basic radar, signature-recognition software, low-light and telescopic magnification; 2, 3, 4 – all these components plus thermographic imaging; 5 or higher – all components previously mentiones, plus flare compensation. – Magnification power is equal to 50 times the Sensor Rating.

Audio and video from sensor impressions can be stored in memory. It uses 2 MP per minute of recording. The image magnification is equal to 20 times the Sensor Rating.

SR3 133, 135, 152
Cargo Factor (CF) The Cargo Factor indicates how much space is available for cargo such as baggage, vehicle modifications or other material. One point of Cargo Factor is equal to a cube of space half a meter long on each side (0.125 cubic meters). Removing benches or seats from a vehicle may offer additional CF (see 'Seating' below). The basic CF factor is defined by the vehicles basic chassis type as well as its built-in power plant and accessories. SR3 133
Load Load represents the amount of cargo weight (in kilograms) a vehicle can lift, pull or carry. Load does not include the weight of passengers nor the weight of already built-in customizations or design option. Thus, the Load Rating represents the actually available load capacity. It is possible to use seats and benches for additional storage capacity (see 'Seating' below). - The shortcut PS (People Space Requirement) is a special derivation from the Load Rating and represents the space available for crew and special facilities on a very large vehicle (e.g. large airplanes or ships). SR3 133, Rig3 120
Seating The Seating Code denotes a vehicle's seating capacity. The order of numerals indicates the arrangement of seats in the vehicle (e.g. „2 bucket + 2 bucket + 2 bench“ indicates three rows of seating). Each unoccupied bucket seat can carry up to 100 kg materials; every bench seat up to 150 kg. – Notation: b = bench, e = ejection seat, m = motorcycle seat. Normal bucket seats have no special notation. If removed, load reduction is 100 kg / 6 CF (bucket) and 200 kg / 6 CF (bench). SR3 133; Rig 157
Entry-Points A vehicle's Entry Points Code indicates the number and arrangement of entry/exit points in the standard model of that vehicle. – Notation: c = canopy, d = standard vehicle door (hinged), s = double-sized sliding door, g = double-sized gate-style entry, h = rooftop hatch, f = standard-sized rear facing door, x = double-sized rear-facing door, r = rear ramp, t = trunk. SR3 133; Rig 157
Fuel A vehicle's fuel code describes the general type of fuel the vehicle uses and the size of its fuel tank. A two-part fuel code that lists two fuel types and two tank capacities indicates that a vehicle uses twoh different fuel sources. The first mentioned is the vehicle's primary fuel. – Notation: D = diesel, M = methane, E = electric battery, EC = electric fuel cell, G = gasoline, R = rocket fuel, J(et) = jet fuel. - – Advanced rules offer different fuel types and fuel qualities. Rig 62, 72, 157, 75
Economy / Idle Economy A vehicle's Economy Rating indicates how far the vehicle can travel on a given amount of fuel, measured in terms of kilometers per unit of fuel. For example, gasoline engines (fuel is measured by liter) have an Economy Rating expressed as kilometers per liter. - Idle Economy reflects how much fuel is consumed while idling in a stationary position. though the Idle Economy is meant to be 'particularly important to drones', the sub-rating is not mentioned in the statistic blocks. It must be deduced from the standard Fuel Rating. The 'Idle Econ. Rating' equals the 'Economy Rating' x 7.5 for all vehicles except aircrafts and hovercrafts. For the latter, the multiplier is 2. - Rigger 3 provides even further detailed rules on variable fuel consumption (Rig3 74). Rig 62, 72

Advanced attributes

Advanced attributes refer to special vehicle rules or are related to other rule sets. They may apply to all kind of vehicles but are not included in the standard vehicle statistics.

Attribute Description Source
Maneuver Score The Maneuver Score is a variable (thus not solely fixed by the vehicle type) rating used during vehicle combat. It reflects the abstract tactical position occupied by a vehicle in relation to other vehicles, and is based on the following factors: vehicle type, current speed, terrain and results of an Open Test made by the driver. The vehicle type dependant factor of the Maneuver Score is called 'Vehicle Points'. Every vehicle has a fixed Vehicle Point based on its vehicle type. The number is added or substracted to every Maneuver Test (see Vehicle Tests). A pedestrian is supposed to have a Meneuver Score equal to his Quickness. SR3 133, 138
Maintenance Cost and Optempo Rate Monthly maintenance and overhead of a vehicle is calculated by its total value, divided by 100. Basically 1 % of vehicle value per month. This includes oil changes, periodic checks, services, fuel consumption and storage). Maintenance costs may be reduced by lifestyle. Optempo costs are an alternative to determine running costs for vehicles. Instead of fix maintenance costs, the vehicle produces costs per kilometer. Optempo rate is calculated by vehicle's total cost value, divided by 100,000. Optempo Rate and Maintenance Cost may be combined (e.g. split up). Rig 29, 75
ECM/ECCM Electronic countermeasures (ECM) systems „attack“ remote-control networks and sensors by jamming their frquencies and degrading the quality of their transmission signals. However, a vehicle's ECM systems also increase its Signature for certain Gunnery Tests made against the vehicle. – Electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) systems counteract the effects of ECM systems for the purposes of Gunnery Tests. A drone may also use ECCM to reduce the Power Rating of ECM jamming attempts made against it. Both methods are an aspect of Electronic Warfare. - Unless a vehicle has ECM/ECCM-features explicitly installed (built-in or as a customization) it has no respective ratings, of course. SR3 133, 135
ED/ECD A vehicle's electronic-deception (ED) systems emit signals that fool sensors into misjudging the position, speed, heading or characteristics of the vehicle. ED increases the Signature of the vehicle for Sensor and Gunnery Tests made against it, but detecting ED is much more difficult than detecting ECM. – A vehicle's electronic counter deception (ECD) systems consists of reality-checking electronics circultry that counters the subtle signal of ED. ECD counteracts the modifiers imposed by ED. Both methods are an aspect of Electronic Warfare. - Unless a vehicle has ED/EDM-features explicitly installed (built-in or as a customization) it has no respective ratings, of course. Rig 62, 32
Flux Rating A vehicle's Flux Rating represents the raw electrical power available for its remote control decks, sensors and electronic warfare systems. The Flux Rating determines the effective range of each system, as well as the number of dice used to resist the effects of electronic warfare. Normally, every electronic device has its own flux rating dependent on the device's rating. However, it is possible to amplify such devices with the vehicle's engine power up to half its Body Rating. SR3 133, 137
Footprint Vehicles with high flux rates operating are more likely detected by opposing Sensor Tests. The Footprint Rating is a temporary decrease of a vehicle's Signature Rating and thus affects Sensor Tests against the vehicle. Do determine the Footprint Rating, add all operational electronic devices' flux ratings and divide by 10 (round down). Most often, sensors, radios, remote-control decks, ECCM and alike add to a vehicle's footprint. A rigger can attemp to reduce a footprint by making a Electronic Warfare Test vs. Footprint Rating +4. Each success reduces the footprint by 1. Alternatively, the Rigger may reduce the devices' flux rates. Rig 83
Power Plant and Chassis type Power Plant and Chassis type depends on the type of vehicle and engine installed. Both define the possible ranges of vehicle attributes and are only changeable throughout the vehicle creation process. They have no actual relevance for everyday shadowruns but make up the most important backbone for every vehicle statistic. Rig 104, 194, 202
Stress Rating A vehicle's Stress Rating simulates the effects of wear and tear on a vehicle. Each time a character pushes a vehicle beyond its normal performance capabilities (speed limit, hard deceleration, overloading) or loses control of a vehicle, the Stress Rating increases. The Stress Rating increases the chance of spontaneous vehicle breakdowns and raises maintenance cost. All new vehicles start with a Stress Rating of 0. - Stress Rating rules don't apply on Denver MUSH. Rig 62ff.

Vehicle type sepcific attributes

Vehicle specific attributes apply only to certain types of vehicles. Particularly drones, aircrafts and ships.

Attribute Description Source
Set-Up / Breakdown Time Set-Up / Breakdown Time is the time needed to configure a vehicle for operation and break it down for storage. Drones must spend one additional Combat Turn after configuration to warm up. Disassembled drones rquire only one third of their storage requirement. Rig 62
Drone Storage Requirement An assembled drone requires a storage space in Cargo Factor (CF) qual to [(Body + 1.5) x Body], rounded down. A disassembled drone requires a third of this storage space. Weight and thus load requirement is determined by a drone's Body Rating (see table Rig3 62). Rig 62
Nominal Weight The nominal weight of a drone or vehicle is defined by its Body Rating. The nominal weight is used to estimate load reduction and carrying capacity, e.g. if a vehicle carries another. Theoretically, the nominal weight may be calculated for every kind of vehicle, not only drones. Rig 62
Landing / Takeoff Profile (L/T) A fixed wing aircraft's Landing / Takeoff Profile describes the minimum runway distance the aircraft needs to take off and land. There are four categories: Normal, Short (STOL), Very Short (VSTOL), and Vertical (VTOL). For runway distance table see Rig3 68. The table also shows modifiers for tricky and demanding landing maneuvers and circumstances. Rig 62, 67, 68
Flight Ceiling Flight ceiling is the highest altitude an aircraft can reach. Piloting an aircraft above flight ceiling causes the vehicle to stall. A Piloting Test is necessary then. Flight ceilings in meters: thunderbirds 1,500; zeppelin 4,000; helicopters 6,000; jet propeller (single engine) 12,000; jet propeller (twin-engine & airliner) 12,000; jet turbine fixed wing aircraft 17,000; fighter aircraft 20,000. Rig 68
Hull Rating Instead of Body, ships (and other colossal vehicles) have a Hull Rating. It represents the ships size, weight and resistance to damage. It functions like the Body rate, except on a much larger scale. Vehicles other than ships may have a Hull Rating if their tonnage is greater than 100 metric tons and their overall length greater than 50 meters. Rig 52
Bulwark The Bulwark Rating functions as armor rating in ship combat. Bulwark and hull rating may be converted into standard vehicle Armor or Barrier ratings (see Ramming Ships, Rig 54). Rig 52
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