Temporary Retirement

Temporary Retirement

Temporary retirement is an option for players who have run into a stalemate with their current PC, but would like to keep the PC available for further play. The option is only available to those players with ONE active PC, who has LESS THAN 40 karma. At 40+ karma, the PC is too close to having an alt slot available, and will not be temp retired long enough for the option to be valid.

The new PC, replacing the TempRetired one, is to be app'd and to have the Temp Retire request noted at the end of their BG, just as with a full retirement request. There is NO Karma Rollover with a Temp Retirement.

As soon as the new PC reaches 50 Karma, the newly available alt slot is to be filled immediately with the Temp Retired PC. No other PCs are available to the Player so long as they have one 'in reserve' with the Temp option. If they choose to CG a new alt, the Temp Retired PC will be marked as fully retired.

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