Pueblo Corporate Council

Pueblo Corporate Council

Pueblo Corporate Council
Population 12,195,000
SINless Population (est.) 8%
Per Capita Income 29,300 =Y=
Below Poverty Level 16%
Corporate Affiliation 57%
Less than 12 years 10%
GED 37%
4 year degree 38%
Masters or higher 15%
Major Language English (90%),
Spanish (64%)
Currency Nuyen
Capital Santa Fe


The Pueblo Corporate Council enjoys a matrix grid that is more advanced than some Anglo countries. The Pueblo tribes of the southwest have long had an affinity for technology and the tools that make them possible, a tradition that still continues today. During a celebration in 2061, an influential Chairman on the Council's Board of Directors was killed, an event that did not draw much reaction. Rather, two weeks later PCC forces marched into Los Angeles in order to 'restore order' and protect Southern California from Aztlan and General Saito. This surprise move caught many off guard, and has many casting a weary gaze towards the PCC, in anticipation of what may come next.

Unable to be clearly defined as a sovereign state or a for-profit organization, rather falling somewhere between the both of them, dealings with the PCC can be difficult at best. A system of shares has been developed by the Council, to encourage businesses to deal on their lands. These 'preferred' shares allow one to live on council land and to own property, but gives no voting rights. The PCC makes a great deal of money by requiring that workers of megacorporations in the Council lands own at least one preferred share (even if they live on the extraterritorial land granted to the corp.) Limitations on citizenship for Pueblo citizens and the money-making mentality of the PCC has typically made dealing with the council a costly endeavor.

With the PCC moving into Southern California and annexing Los Angeles, the council has drawn the ire of Aztlan, Ute and California itself. Tensions are mounting on all sides, and while war may seem imminent, it has yet to be declared. In the meantime, the underworld of Los Angeles, which has been assimilated by by the PCC, is now an active battleground as the Mafia, and Triads try to keep control of their holdings even as the Pueblo Kohari try to gain new ones.


Civil Government

Executive Branch

President: Roberta Sanchez (Acoma)
Appointed by the Board of Directors, the President runs the civilian government. Theres some debate as to how much power this position really has, and many quietly call the office the Vice President of Civil Affairs, rather than the Office of the President of the Pueblo Corporate Council.

Corporate Government

The Board of Directors

Chairmain of the Board: Miguel Lusie'Dzil (Zuni)
The chief executives of the PCC, the Board of directors consists of twelve people responsible for the governing of the PCC. Not only do they develop policy and plans, they also select the President, various staff appointments, departmental and regional vice presidents.

Citizenship And Shareholding

Citizenship in the Pueblo Corporate Council can come in two ways, just like every other nation; Birth or Naturalization. Those born in the PCC are automatically citizens. Those who emigrate can also pursue citizenship. The PCC does not recognize Dual Citizenship however, and all other citizenship's must be renounced. A unique factor of the Pueblo Corporate Council is it is actually a corporation. All Pueblo Citizens and resident Aliens must own at least one share of the PCC stock. There are two types of stocks, depending on citizenship status.

Preferred Shares

Preferred Shares are non-voting, but high yield dividend bearing shares in the Corporate Council. Anyone, even non Pueblo, can buy preferred shares. One of the primary reasons, beyond investment, that many people buy these shares, is they allow the owner to enter and live in the Pueblo Corporate Council, functioning in effect as entry visa's.

Residential Shares

These shares are available only to Pueblo Citizens, and entitle the holder a single vote in Pueblo politics. A person may own multiple shares, but may never sell his original share. Children born in the PCC are issued a share on their date of birth. If a person sells their original share, they become a non-resident alien and must purchase a new share or be deported.

The Anglo Question

The PCC has always had a higher than 'average' population of Anglo's for a Native American Nation. Refugees from Azlan's invasions of San Diego and El Paso helped drive the number up, but what has really tipped the scale, was the annexation of Los Angeles. The Anglo Population now numbers nearly 41 percent of the population and is fully vested, meaning they can vote like any other Citizen. This had lead to some serious growing pains for the Council. It's expected that soon, an Anglo may sit on the board of directors, something the other Native American Nations may take poorly.

The end result however, is the Pueblo Corporate Council is doing some serious thought on the nature and soul of its identity as a Native American Nation. Forty years on, and a major economic power, it must choose its path.

Foreign Relations


There's a lot of hostility and paranoia here. Unfortunately, its all well founded.

The California Free State

The Japanese Protectorate of California

There's a lot of distrust and unease about the Japanese movement in to California, but the PCC has yet to take a firm approach. No formal relations exist.

The Ute Nation

The Confederated American States

Unlike other Native American Nations, the PCC is on a hostile border, not with the UCAS, but with another Native American Nation, that being Aztlan. As a result, the CAS and the PCC have a long standing mutual defense treaty. The cooperation between these two nations has grown as time goes on, and they enjoy good relations today.

The United Canadian and American States

Foreign Investment

Domestic Corporations

TableLands Software


Major Centers

Santa Fe (Capitol)

The capital of the Pueblo Corporate Council, the city has become known as “Wall Street Southwest”, complete with its own stock exchange in the former New Mexico state capital building. Given the way the nation is structured, Santa Fe has all the intrigue found in both politics and corporate treachery. The city is home to the Council,or at least their meetings, and often traffic is in a snarl after a late night session.

To the northwest, the ashy remains of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory lies. Buried by the eruption of Redondo Peak, the city and facility are a ghost town, perhaps literally. Pueblo may be maintaining the appearance of abandon while secretly doing research there. What is known, however, is that the area is hot astrally, maintaining a high background count as well as spontaneous manifestations of magical spirits that have been driven mad and mutated by the research done here.


Pueblo, once a steel mill town, found a new purpose in the Sixth World. Sitting at the crossroads of I-25 and Highway 50, Pueblo is at an advantageous point to watch not only the Sioux border but the metroplex of Denver as well. Since Fort Carson (located within the boundaries of Denver) cannot house military personnel, the PCC stages their official military forces for the region out of Pueblo, including an air squadron out of the revamped airport there, insuring rapid response to any threat in the area.

Pueblo is a model of the 'green' movement, with the largest number of wind turbines in the region as well as a considerable number of solar collection plants. Many of North America's solar energy companies stage out of Pueblo and a number of PCC and international interests operate out of Pueblo rather than risking the political quagmire that is the Denver metroplex.

Flagstaff (Shared)

Los Angeles

The city of Angels? Maybe if you are rich or in the sims, but for the rest of the area known as Los Angeles, life is far from heavenly. Besieged by earthquakes, the city has become a shell of its former self. The most recent set of quakes, called The Twins, wracked the city in late 2067 and caused billions in damages as well as leaving a portion of the city partially submerged.

The Pueblo Corporate Council moved in and took the city and surrounding areas in 2063 and helped to contain some of the existing problems and do damage control after the Twins struck. Growth and even prosperity are not uncommon for the corporate interests, while the rest of the city and especially El Infierno wallow in poverty and oppression. PCC has shored up the downed walls around El Infierno and made things safe for the wageslaves and simsense executives, doing damage control and containment while continuing to pull profit from Amalgamated Studios and other major studios.

Tasked with keeping a lid on the bubbling cauldron of ecological damage and human misery is a Zuni dwarf named Pedro Escalante. He answers to the PCC while the area mayors answer to Escalante. For the most part, the Civil Governor does his best to keep the 'civilized' areas of town clean and bright, the image one sees on the trideo. The rest of the areas are left on their own, although in fairness the PCC is moving to correct the major problems and have established temporary housing for many of the displaced citizens. Talks are in the works for aquacologies as well.


Once the biggest city in the Pueblo Corporate Council, it has since ceded that title to Los Angeles. Phoenix is vitally important to the PCC for reasons other than population, however, as they provide the largest portion of the mass production and manufacturing for the nation. In addition, Novatech and Cross both maintain research and development facilities in the city, and the PCC does much of its infrastructure development here as well.

Phoenix also maintains an active gold mine in South Mountain Park. The mine produces a relatively small amount of product, in part due to the low-tech methods of mining used. Still, rumor is that the PCC converts the gold, silver, and turquoise found into magical radicals, increasing the power of their armies magical assets.

Phoenix provides a line of defense and observation against Aztlan to the south as well as a staging platform for operations to the West, allowing the PCC to funnel troops and resources into Los Angeles without overextending themselves. There is talk that an international airport is on the horizon for the city as well.

The Denver FRFZ

Tribal Makeup

  • Native American Citizens (59%)
    • Hopi (42%)
    • Zuni (41%)
    • Other Tribes (17%)
      • Yaqui
      • Acoma
      • Laguna
      • Zia
  • Non-Native Citizens (41%)


Note: Following the Foundation of the PCC, the Hopi and Zuni tribes 'adopted' a vast number of mixed blood Hispanics in the south west, on the basis that somewhere in their ancestry, they had a native relitive. That they were not Hopi or Zuni was unimportant. It did however, allow them to dominate the Board of Directors, much to the annoyance of the 'minor tribes' such as the Yaqui. It's only been recently that a national figure like the President has been a minor tribe.

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