Intelligence Based Skills

Intelligence Based Skills

Armor B/R

Everything you need to know about the building, repair, and modification of armor is covered by this skill. Get to it, Fett Wannabes.
Common Specializations: As individual armor.

Assault Rifles B/R

This skill covers AK's, M-23's, and other rifles you hold in two hands and shoot many, many times. When you need to kill every motherfucker in the room… you'll need to build the weapon of choice up with this skill.
Common Specializations: As individual assault rifle.

Aura Reading

Available to the Awakened that can see into the Astral plane, this skill is a complementary skill to Astral Perception tests.
Common Specializations: Aura, Sorcery, Signature, Conjuring.

Bike B/r

Two-wheeled vehicles are fixed, built, or modified using this skill.
Common Specializations: As individual bike.


When you need to patch somebody up, implant cyberware into some shmoe's skull, or change someone's face with the wonders of plastic surgery, you need this skill.
Common Specializations: Cybertechnology Implantation, Extended Care, First Aid, Organ Culture & Growth, Surgery, Transimplant Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Genetic Alteration.

Biotech B/R

For those tools, kits, and other associated items of medical use, you need to build, repair, or screw with them using Biotech B/R.
Common Specializations: As individual biotech item.

Blowgun B/R

Used for the care, feeding, and growth of blowguns.
Common Specializations: You've gotta be kidding me…

Car B/R

Four-wheeled vehicles are fixed, built, or modified using this skill.
Common Specializations: As individual car, truck, SUV, etc.

Clubs B/R

Repairs, formation, and alterations to things that go whack on your head covered here.
Common Specializations: As specific beatstick.

Computer B/R

Used to repair or upgrade decks, mainframes, and some few pieces of cyberware.
Common Specializations: As type of computer.


Used to find, steal, or otherwise frag with information on the Matrix. Also used for programming, messing with virii, and digital grafitti.
Common Specializations: Programming, Decking, Hardware, Cybernetics.

Cyber-Implant Combat B/R

For the repair, modification, and other care and feeding stuff of cyber weaponry.
Common Specializations: As specific cyberweapon.


When you have to blow stuff up, or cause buildings to collapse in interesting ways. Covers all the varied uses of high explosives.
Common Specializations: As specific explosive, as specific demolition type.

Demolitions B/R

For the creation of specific explosives and their varied timing devices.
Common Specializations: As specific explosive combo.


For the Saint in all of us, used to make others think we are someone else.
Common Specializations: As specific person, as type of disguise.

Diving B/R

For the repair, modification, and other care and feeding stuff of diving gear.
Common Specializations: As type of diving gear.

Edged Weapons B/R

For those of you who just need to make the new Excalibur, the new Masamune. The new KABAR, whatever. This skill covers the forging, repair, and other such drek for slashy things that can be wielded in one hand.
Common Specializations: As specific weapon type.


Used to actually control any number of differing electronic devices not covered by any other skill.
Common Specializations: As specific electronic device.

Electronics B/R

This skill covers the repair, manipulation, creation, and upgrading of any electronic device not covered by any other skill.
Common Specializations: As specific electronic device.


This skill covers the firing of all those really cool vehicle-mounted weapons, regardless of mount type.
Common Specializations: As specific weapon.

Gunnery B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteration, and repair of any vehicle-mounted weaponry.
Common Specializations: As specific weapon.

Gyrojet Pistol B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair one particular esoteric weapon, the Gyrojet Pistol.
Common Specializations: None.

Heavy Weapons B/R

This skill covers the repair, manipulation, creation, and upgrading of any obscenely freakin' 'UGE guns. Miniguns, true machine guns, and assault cannons all apply.
Common Specializations: As specific huge gun.

Hovercraft B/R

This skill covers the repairs of all hovercrafts, regardless of propulsion type.
Common Specializations: As specific hovercraft.

Interrogation B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteration, and repair of any of the tools of the professional interrogator's trade.
Common Specializations: As specific interrogation variety.

Laser Weapons B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair those weapons that focus energy at one specific point, mostly lasers.
Common Specializations: As specific laser.

Launch Weapons

This skill covers the use of missiles, rockets, grenade launchers, mortars, and all that other stuff that requires lobbing an explosive projectile at a target, if it isn't vehicle mounted.
Common Specializations: Missiles, Rockets, Mortars, Grenade Launchers, Spotter.

Launch Weapons B/R

This skill covers the repairs of all launch weapons, regardless of type.
Common Specializations: As specific launch weapon type.

Lighter-than-Air B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteration, and repair of any of the varied blimps, zepplins, and other LTA vehicles.
Common Specializations: As specific LTA Vehicle.

Motorboat B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair those boats that are propelled mainly by mechanical force.
Common Specializations: As specific motorboat.

Parachuting B/R

This skill covers the care and feeding of parachutes, including how they are made.
Common Specializations: As specific parachute type.

Pistols B/R

This skill covers the repairs, upgrades, and formation of all pistols, be they holdouts, light, machine, or heavy.
Common Specializations: As specific pistol.

Pole Arms/Staves B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteration, and repair of any of the varied staves, polearms, and other heavy melee weapons. Neil the Ork Barbarian would be proud.
Common Specializations: As specific 'uge melee weapon.

Projectile Weapon B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair projectile weapons: Bows, crossbows, and other muscle-powered weapons that fire off projectiles.
Common Specializations: As specific projectile weapon.

Rifles B/R

This skill covers the care and feeding of rifles, be they sporting or sniper. Likewise, new designs can be created using this skill.
Common Specializations: As specific rifle.

Rotor Aircraft B/R

If ever you have need to design, modify, or repair a helicoptor or tilt-rotor aircraft, this is the skill you need.
Common Specializations: As specific rotor aircraft.

Sailboat B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteration, and repair of any of the varied sail-powered naval craft. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
Common Specializations: As specific sailboat.

Semiballistic B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair fast-transit flight aircraft that reach a nearly ballistic trajectory.
Common Specializations: As specific semiballistic transport.

Ship B/R

If ever one has the need to design, modify, or repair a large sea-going vessel, well, here you go.
Common Specializations: As specific ship.

Shotguns B/R

If ever you have need to design, modify, or repair a shotgun, this is the skill you need.
Common Specializations: As specific shotgun.

Small Unit Tactics

This skill covers the use of tactics in small-unit form, allowing easy command of a squad.
Common Specializations: BattleTAC Systems, Vehicle Tactics, Matrix Tactics.

Spray Weapons B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair flamethrowers, spray tanks, and other devices that spray liquid in a cone-ish shape.
Common Specializations: Flamethrower, Spray Tank, Firehose.

Stealth B/R

If ever one has the need to design, modify, or repair any stealth-related gear, well, here you go.
Common Specializations: As specific non-electronic stealth-related gear.

Suborbital B/R

If ever you have need to design, modify, or repair a sub-orbital transport, this is the skill you need.
Common Specializations: As specific sub-orbital transport.

Submachine Guns B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteraion, and repair of submachine guns. Shoot em up, cowboy.
Common Specializations: As specific SMG.

Submarine B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair all naval vessels that are SUPPOSED TO go under the sea.
Common Specializations: As specific submarine.

Throwing Weapons B/R

If ever one has the need to design, modify, or repair any knives, shuriken, et al, well, here you go.
Common Specializations: Throwing Knife, Shuriken, Cue Ball.

Tracked Vehicles B/R

If ever you have need to design, modify, or repair a tank or bulldozer, this is the skill you need.
Common Specializations: As specific tracked vehicle.

Unarmed Combat B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteraion, and repair of unarmed combat items, like forearm snap blades, brass knuckles, et al.
Common Specializations: As specific unarmed combat weapon.

Vector Thrust Aircraft B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair all aircraft that rely on Vectored Thrust, mainly T-Birds.
Common Specializations: As specific VTA.

Walkers B/R

If ever you have need to design, modify, or repair anything vehicular that walks on any number of legs, this is the skill you need.
Common Specializations: As specific walker.

Whips B/R

This skill covers the creation, alteraion, and repair of whips and other things that go SNAP! in the night.
Common Specializations: As specific whip/chained weapon.

Winged Aircraft B/R

This skill will allow you to build, upgrade, and repair all aircraft that are fixed- or swept-wing in origin.
Common Specializations: As specific Fixed-Wing Aircraft.

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