Direct Illusion Spells Information

Directed Illusion Spell Information

Agony and Mass Agony

Agony inflicts an illusion of terrible pain on the target. The target suffers a target number penalty equivalent to filling in a number of Stun damage boxes equal to the caster’s net successes. The maximum successes allowed equal twice the spell’s Force. This is not actual damage, only a measure of the effect of the spell.

If the caster generates 10 or more successes, the subject is racked with pain, unable to move or act. The target can make a Willpower (Force) Test each Initiative Pass in which they have an action; if they achieve more successes than the caster on this test, they manage to ignore the incapacitating pain and act for one Action (though they still suffer a +4 target number modifier).

Blindness and Mass Blindness

These spells impose a modifier to all visual Perception Tests made by the target at +1 for every net success, up to a maximum equal to the Force of the spell. The target has to take a Simple Action and make a Perception Test to see anything. The spell interferes with the brain’s ability to receive visual information, so targets with cybereyes are affected. Cameras and other visual sensors are also affected.

Chaff and Flak

Chaff is a version of Chaos that only affects non-living sensor devices. The sensor is bombarded with a storm of input; for each success on the Sorcery Test, the sensor receives a +1 target number modifier, up to a maximum equal to the Force of the spell.

Chaos and Chaotic World

The Chaos spell is a physical version of Confusion, it also affects technological systems and sensing devices. Chaotic World is an area version of Chaos.

Confusion and Mass Confusion

These spells produce a storm of conflicting sensations and images to confuse the senses. For each success on the Sorcery Test, the subject suffers +1 on all target numbers from the distraction, up to a maximum equal to the Force of the spell.

Confusion affects a single target. Mass Confusion is an area spell.


The caster may craft any type of dream image and transmit it to a sleeping target. The images cannot cause actual harm but may entertain, relax, or frighten. Successes determine the dream’s vividness and complexity. Targets who have severe nightmares do not recover Stun damage while they persist, and any rest during that time is lost. The target will vividly remember the dream when awakened. The Dream spell is often cast using ritual sorcery as a means of sending warnings, threats, or torment to an enemy. It is also used in modern psychological and therapeutic counseling involving directed dreaming.

Entertainment and Trid Entertainment

These area spells require voluntary targets. They create obvious, but entertaining, visual illusions. The successes measure how entertaining the audience finds the illusion. The caster can re-create an image of anything with a successful Sorcery Test. The gamemaster might require additional successes for exact details.

Entertainment affects the minds of the subjects and cannot be detected by non-living sensors. Trid Entertainment is a physical spell, and can be perceived by both living subjects and non-living sensors.

These spells are used for amusement as well as art. The entertainment industry uses illusionists as literal “special effects wizards.” Magical designers and artists work to create new and interesting sensations, including sensations that can’t otherwise be experienced in the real world. Only the wealthy can afford the unique experiences offered by such spellcasters.


This area-effect spell creates a physical illusion of a bright flash of light. Targets in the area resist the spell using Intelligence. Each net success scored by the caster blinds the target, adding +1 to target numbers, with a maximum modifier equal to the spell’s Force. This modifier is reduced by –2 per full Combat Turn as the character’s vision returns to normal. Flare-compensation cyberware reduces the modifiers by –2. Because this is a physical illusion, cameras, cybereyes and other sensors are affected.

Stink and Stench

These spells create an illusion of a sickening stench. Every net success adds +1 to the victims’ target numbers, up to a maximum equal to the Force of the spell, as they gag and retch. At the gamemaster’s discretion, a character who suffers a target number modifier higher than his Willpower must make a Body (Force) Test at the beginning of each Combat Turn or spend the turn throwing up.

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