Comprehensive Bioware Table Rating BI Avail Cost SI Legal Type
Adrenal Pump 1 1.25 10/16d 60,000 3.00 5P-R Basic
" 2 2.50 " 100,000 " " "
Age Rejuvenation - 1.00 8/30d 2,000,000 2.50 Legal Genetech
Age Rejuvenation: Maintenance Session - - 8/30d 100,000 2.50 Legal Genetech
Cat's Eyes - 0.20 4/6d 15,000 1.00 Legal Basic
Cerebellum Synchronizer (C) - 0.60 6/4d 75,000 1.50 (Unlisted) Cultured
Cerebral Booster 1 0.40 6/14d 50,000 2.00 Legal Cultured
" 2 0.80 " 110,000 " " "
Chemical Gland - 0.60 10/4d *30,000 3.00 5-Q Basic
Chloroplast Skin - 0.20 6/8d 10,000 2.00 Legal Cosmetic
Clean Metabolism - 0.20 4/4d 10,000 1.00 Legal Cosmetic
Damage Compensators 1-2 Rating*0.20 6/6d 25,000 2.50 6P-N Cultured
" 3-5 " 10/6d 50,000 " " "
" 6-9 " 12/6d 100,000 " " "
Dietware - 0.20 4/4d 10,000 1.00 Legal Cosmetic
Digestive Expansion - 1.00 6/10d 80,000 2.00 Legal Basic
Direct Protein Synthesis: Angiotensin - 0.30 6/30d 40,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Direct Protein Synthesis: Calcitonin - 0.40 6/30d 60,000 2.00 6P-N Genetech
Direct Protein Synthesis: Erythropoietin - 0.40 6/30d 40,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Direct Protein Synthesis: Glucagon - 0.30 6/30d 40,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
DNA Masking 1-3 0.00 8/14d Rating*7,500 3.00 2-Z Genetech
" 4-6 0.10 10/21d Rating*10,000 " " "
" 7-9 0.10 14/21d Rating*15,000 " " "
" 10-12 0.20 18/28d Rating*20,000 " " "
Comprehensive Bioware Table Rating BI Avail Cost SI Legal Type
Elastic Joints (C) - 0.60 6/96h 40,000 1.50 Legal Basic
Enhanced Articulation - 0.60 5/6d 40,000 1.50 Legal Basic
Enhanced Pheromone Receptors (C) 1 0.20 8/48h 5,000 1.50 Legal Basic
" 2 0.40 " 10,000 " " "
" 3 0.60 " 15,000 " " "
Environmental Microadaptation: Cold - 0.40 6/30d 60,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Environmental Microadaptation: Heat - 0.30 6/30d 60,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Environmental Microadaptation: Low-Oxygen - 0.30 6/30d 50,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Environmental Microadaptation: Pollution - 0.20 6/30d 50,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Extended Volume 1 0.20 4/4d 8,000 1.00 Legal Basic
" 2 0.30 " 15,000 " " "
" 3 0.40 " 25,000 " " "
Gene Therapy: Augmented Healing - - 6/21d Per Week: 2,500 2.00 Legal Genetech
Gene Therapy: Cellular Repair - - 6/21d 50,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Gene Therapy: Genetic Correction - 0.20-0.50 6/21d 60,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Genetic Immunization - 0.10 6/18d 25,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Hair Growth - 0.10 4/4d 2,000 1.00 Legal Cosmetic
Medial Cortex Bridge (C) 1 0.40 8/14d 50,000 2.00 Legal Cultured
" 2 0.80 " 110,000 " " "
Metabolic Arrester - 0.60 6/8d 20,000 1.50 Legal Basic
Mnemonic Enhancer 1 0.20 6/7d 15,000 1.00 Legal Cultured
" 2 0.40 " 30,000 " " "
" 3 0.60 " 45,000 " " "
Comprehensive Bioware Table Rating BI Avail Cost SI Legal Type
Muscle Augmentation 1 0.40 6/6d 20,000 0.90 4P-Q Basic
" 2 0.80 " 40,000 " " "
" 3 1.20 " 60,000 " " "
" 4 1.60 " 80,000 " " "
Muscle Toner 1 0.40 6/6d 25,000 0.90 4P-Q Basic
" 2 0.80 " 50,000 " " "
" 3 1.20 " 75,000 " " "
" 4 1.60 " 100,000 " " "
Nephritic Screen - 0.40 4/4d 20,000 1.00 Legal Basic
Nictitating Membranes - 0.10 4/6d 8,000 1.00 Legal Basic
Orthoskin 1 0.50 8/8d 25,000 0.80 5P-N Basic
" 2 1.00 " 60,000 " " "
" 3 1.50 " 100,000 " " "
Pain Editor - 0.60 6/6d 60,000 1.20 6P-N Cultured
Pathogenic Defense 1 0.20 4/4d 24,000 1.50 Legal Basic
" 2+ Rating*0.20 " Rating*24,000 " " "
Phenotypic Alteration (Major) - 0.50 5/21d 65,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Phenotypic Alteration (Minor) - 0.10 5/21d 50,000 2.00 Legal Genetech
Platelet Factory - 0.40 5/8d 30,000 1.50 Legal Basic
Reception Enhancers (C) 1 0.25 10/14d 25,000 2.00 Legal Cultured
" 2 0.50 " 50,000 " " "
" 3 0.75 " 75,000 " " "
Reflex Recorder (Base Skill) - 0.25 8/6d 25,000 1.50 Legal Cultured
Reflex Recorder (Specialization) - 0.10 5/6d 10,000 1.50 Legal Cultured
Comprehensive Bioware Table Rating BI Avail Cost SI Legal Type
Scent Glands - 0.10 4/4d 5,000 1.00 Legal Cosmetic
Sensitive Skin - 0.20 6/6d 10,000 2.00 Legal Cosmetic
Skin Pigmentation - 0.10 6/6d 5,000 1.00 Legal Cosmetic
Sleep Regulator - 0.30 4/4d 20,000 1.00 Legal Cultured
Suprathyroid Gland - 1.40 8/12d 50,000 2.50 6P-Q Basic
Symbiotes 1 0.40 5/10d 15,000 1.00 Legal Basic
" 2 0.70 " 35,000 " " "
" 3 1.00 " 60,000 " " "
Synaptic Accelerator 1 0.40 6/12d 75,000 2.00 5P-Q Cultured
" 2 1.00 " 200,000 " 5P-Q "
Synthacardium 1 0.20 4/10d 6,000 1.50 Legal Basic
" 2 0.30 " 15,000 " " "
Tactile Sensitivity (C) - 0.30 10/14d 50,000 2.00 Legal Cultured
Tailored Pheromones 1 0.40 12/14d 20,000 2.00 Legal Basic
" 2 0.60 " 45,000 " " "
Thermosense Organs - 0.50 10/12d 25,000 2.00 Legal Cultured
Toxin Extractor 1 0.40 4/4d 45,000 1.00 Legal Basic
" 2+ Rating*0.40 " Rating*45,000 " " "
Tracheal Filter 1 0.40 4/4d 60,000 1.00 Legal Basic
" 2+ Rating*0.40 " Rating*60,000 " " "
Trauma Damper - 0.40 6/8d 40,000 2.00 6P-N Cultured
Troll's Eyes (C) - 0.20 6/96h 15,000 1.00 Legal Basic
(C): Custom Bioware for Denver
Acquiring Bioware As Cultured
Cost Multiplier BI Multiplier Avail Increase
x4 x0.75 +2/x5
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