Armor Weapons Chemicals Vehicles Cyber-/Bioware
Name Quantity Availability Cost Street Index Legality Damage
Blud-B-Gone (commercial) * 1 l Always 15 1 legal Destroy blood samples
Blud-B-Gone * 1 l 6/36h 125 1.5 legal
Carcerands One Dose 4/10d 100 per day of release delay 2 Legal
DMSO One Dose 2/12h 10 + Cost of Chemical to Transfer 1.5 Legal
Oxygenated Fluorocarbons (P4MO) One Treatment (Five Liters) 4/48h 4,000 1 Legal
Blud-B-Gone (commercial) *

Source: Denver Custom Item
Blud-B-Gone *

Problem blood stains that SCREAM or Stain-and-Wash can't get out? Try Blud-B-Gone. BBG's patented micro-organisms seek out and devour blood, breaking it down on the molecular level, reducing it to a clear, watery gel that can be wiped away, leaving no trace of the offending substance. Try Blud-B-Gone today!

Game Notes: Originally made for medical facilities, this substance has found its way into the shadows, as well as the local megamarket, albeit in a more diluted form. BBG breaks down blood, removing it entirely from any surface, leaving behind an inert gel with no DNA markers nor other traces of blood. It requires 20 Combat Turns (1 minute) to begin work, and another 300 Combat Turns (10 minutes) to complete its grisly work. 1 liter of Blud-B-Gone is required per pint of blood, or 3 liters of the commercial variety. Once BBG has been used, no trace of blood will be found via technological, organic, or magical means. Use of Luminol and similar substances on areas treated with Blud-B-Gone will cause the entire crime scene to fluoresce.
Source: Denver Custom Item

Carcerands are molecular bodies whose structures resemble empty spheres. When created, small amounts of a compound may be trapped within them. The carcerand can then be injected, where it circulates through the organism's system, carrying the chemical. Carcerands are degraded by acids and enzymes within the target organism, and the trapped compound is slowly released into the organism's body. Depending on its composition, a carcerand can degrade as quickly as one hour or as slowly as one year after introduction.

Carcerands are used by those who need regular medication. Rather than taking a periodic shot or pill, they have carcerands injected every few months. Carcerands are also useful as persuasion devices-the target is injected with a toxin-carrying carcerand and forced to do something to receive the antidote in time.

Each carcerand has a delay period. This is the amount of time between when the carcerand is injected and when the compound it contains is released. Carcerands are not affected by blood filters. Prices for carcerands are based on their delay periods. They do not include the cost for the compounds the carcerands contain.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 111

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a utility chemical with a number of applications, though its most common use is as a carrier "that forces the skin to absorb delivered chemicals. DMSO is soluble in acetone, alcohol, ether and water; it is liquid at room temperature and is nonreactive with most other compounds. Upon contact with skin, DMSO, and whatever other compound is dissolved in solution with it, is instantly absorbed into the body.

Any chemical mixed with DMSO is deployable via the contact vector. Porous armor (such as armor clothing and Kevlar weaves) offers little protection against DMSO, as it soaks right through. Only individuals in fully sealed rigid armor or in protective suits specifically designed to protect against chemical/biological agents are immune to the penetrating effect of DMSO.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 113
Oxygenated Fluorocarbons (P4MO)

The oxygenated fluorocarbon compound known as perfluoro-4-methyl-octahydroquinalidine (P4MO) is widely used as a blood substitute. Its use in emergency situations helps to prevent the mismatching of blood types. Fluorocarbons like P4MO also exceed the capabilities of the blood's natural hemoglobin as a vehicle for gaseous exchange. In other words, P4MO dissolves a higher percentage of oxygen from the lungs into the blood. When introduced into healthy subjects, P4MO allows them to achieve higher levels of physical performance.

P4MO is purged through perspiration without being metabolized. P4MO has a half-life of about one week, so treatments are not usually effective beyond that period. Replacing the P4MO lost due to half-life deterioration is not recommended until fluorocarbon levels in the blood drop below 25 percent, which occurs about three weeks after initial application. If replaced too early, P4MO dramatically increases the chance of death by "bubble embolism."

P4MO is added to the bloodstream in 5-liter treatments. This treatment adds two dice to all Athletics Tests and effectively doubles the amount of time a person can hold his breath (ie., 90 seconds instead of 45). This effect lasts one week; after the initial week, all benefits are lost until P4MO levels are replaced. If P4MO treatments are taken in rapid succession (before the fluorocarbon level decreases-three weeks or less), the character can suffer an embolism and die. Roll 2D6 - on a 2, the character dies. Repeated doses increase the chance of embolism by 1. The next roll, the character would die on 2 or 3, and so on.
Source: Man & Machine, page 113
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