Name |
Quantity |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Damage |
Blud-B-Gone (commercial) * |
1 l |
Always |
15 |
1 |
legal |
Destroy blood samples |
Blud-B-Gone * |
1 l |
6/36h |
125 |
1.5 |
legal |
Carcerands |
One Dose |
4/10d |
100 per day of release delay |
2 |
Legal |
One Dose |
2/12h |
10 + Cost of Chemical to Transfer |
1.5 |
Legal |
Oxygenated Fluorocarbons (P4MO) |
One Treatment (Five Liters) |
4/48h |
4,000 |
1 |
Legal |
Blud-B-Gone (commercial) *
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Blud-B-Gone *
Problem blood stains that SCREAM or Stain-and-Wash can't get out? Try Blud-B-Gone. BBG's patented micro-organisms seek out and devour blood, breaking it down on the molecular level, reducing it to a clear, watery gel that can be wiped away, leaving no trace of the offending substance. Try Blud-B-Gone today!
Game Notes: Originally made for medical facilities, this substance has found its way into the shadows, as well as the local megamarket, albeit in a more diluted form. BBG breaks down blood, removing it entirely from any surface, leaving behind an inert gel with no DNA markers nor other traces of blood. It requires 20 Combat Turns (1 minute) to begin work, and another 300 Combat Turns (10 minutes) to complete its grisly work. 1 liter of Blud-B-Gone is required per pint of blood, or 3 liters of the commercial variety. Once BBG has been used, no trace of blood will be found via technological, organic, or magical means. Use of Luminol and similar substances on areas treated with Blud-B-Gone will cause the entire crime scene to fluoresce.
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Carcerands are molecular bodies whose structures resemble empty spheres. When created, small amounts of a compound may be trapped within them. The carcerand can then be injected, where it circulates through the organism's system, carrying the chemical. Carcerands are degraded by acids and enzymes within the target organism, and the trapped compound is slowly released into the organism's body. Depending on its composition, a carcerand can degrade as quickly as one hour or as slowly as one year after introduction.
Carcerands are used by those who need regular medication. Rather than taking a periodic shot or pill, they have carcerands injected every few months. Carcerands are also useful as persuasion devices-the target is injected with a toxin-carrying carcerand and forced to do something to receive the antidote in time.
Each carcerand has a delay period. This is the amount of time between when the carcerand is injected and when the compound it contains is released. Carcerands are not affected by blood filters. Prices for carcerands are based on their delay periods. They do not include the cost for the compounds the carcerands contain.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 111 |
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a utility chemical with a number of applications, though its most common use is as a carrier "that forces the skin to absorb delivered chemicals. DMSO is soluble in acetone, alcohol, ether and water; it is liquid at room temperature and is nonreactive with most other compounds. Upon contact with skin, DMSO, and whatever other compound is dissolved in solution with it, is instantly absorbed into the body.
Any chemical mixed with DMSO is deployable via the contact vector. Porous armor (such as armor clothing and Kevlar weaves) offers little protection against DMSO, as it soaks right through. Only individuals in fully sealed rigid armor or in protective suits specifically designed to protect against chemical/biological agents are immune to the penetrating effect of DMSO.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 113 |
Oxygenated Fluorocarbons (P4MO)
The oxygenated fluorocarbon compound known as perfluoro-4-methyl-octahydroquinalidine (P4MO) is widely used as a blood substitute. Its use in emergency situations helps to prevent the mismatching of blood types. Fluorocarbons like P4MO also exceed the capabilities of the blood's natural hemoglobin as a vehicle for gaseous exchange. In other words, P4MO dissolves a higher percentage of oxygen from the lungs into the blood. When introduced into healthy subjects, P4MO allows them to achieve higher levels of physical performance.
P4MO is purged through perspiration without being metabolized. P4MO has a half-life of about one week, so treatments are not usually effective beyond that period. Replacing the P4MO lost due to half-life deterioration is not recommended until fluorocarbon levels in the blood drop below 25 percent, which occurs about three weeks after initial application. If replaced too early, P4MO dramatically increases the chance of death by "bubble embolism."
P4MO is added to the bloodstream in 5-liter treatments. This treatment adds two dice to all Athletics Tests and effectively doubles the amount of time a person can hold his breath (ie., 90 seconds instead of 45). This effect lasts one week; after the initial week, all benefits are lost until P4MO levels are replaced. If P4MO treatments are taken in rapid succession (before the fluorocarbon level decreases-three weeks or less), the character can suffer an embolism and die. Roll 2D6 - on a 2, the character dies. Repeated doses increase the chance of embolism by 1. The next roll, the character would die on 2 or 3, and so on.
Source: Man & Machine, page 113 |
Name |
Quantity |
Rating |
Conceal |
Damage |
Blast |
Cost |
Avail |
SI |
Legal |
Skill |
Bangalore Torpedo |
— |
— |
3 |
20D |
-1/0.5m |
25000 |
14/14d |
— |
1-J |
Demolition |
Commercial Explosive |
1kg |
3 |
6 |
(3 x sqrt[kg])D |
-3/m |
60 |
6/48h |
1 |
4P-J |
Demolition |
Cratering Charge |
— |
— |
— |
special |
special |
50000 |
14/14d |
3 |
3-J |
Demolition |
Detonation Cord |
30m |
— |
3 |
12S |
-1/m |
2500 |
14/14d |
2 |
3-J |
Demolition |
Detonator, Radio |
— |
— |
8 |
— |
— |
250 |
4/48h |
2 |
6-J |
— |
Detonator, Timer |
— |
— |
6 |
— |
— |
100 |
4/48h |
2 |
6-J |
— |
Fuel-Air Explosive (FAE) Bomb |
1kg |
variable |
— |
(Rating x2)D |
Rating x (kg/50) |
Rating^2 x 5 |
12/72h |
5 |
2-J |
Demolition |
Plastic, Compound IV |
1kg |
6 |
6 |
(6 x sqrt[kg])D |
-6/m |
80 |
8/48h |
1 |
4-J |
Demolition |
Plastic, Compound XII |
1kg |
12 |
6 |
(12 x sqrt[kg])D |
-12/m |
200 |
10/48h |
2 |
3-J |
Demolition |
Spray Foam Explosive R12 |
— |
12 |
— |
(12 x sqrt[kg])D |
-12/m |
360 |
10/48h |
2 |
4-J |
Demolition |
Spray Foam Explosive R3 |
— |
3 |
— |
(3 x sqrt[kg])D |
-3/m |
90 |
10/48h |
2 |
4-J |
Demolition |
Spray Foam Explosive R6 |
— |
6 |
— |
(6 x sqrt[kg])D |
-6/m |
180 |
10/48h |
2 |
4-J |
Demolition |
Thermite, Burning Bar |
— |
— |
— |
10D, 6M, special |
special |
1000 |
14/21d |
2 |
3P-U |
Demolition |
Thermite (per kg) |
1kg |
— |
— |
10D, 6M, special |
special |
500 |
12/14d |
2 |
4P-U |
Demolition |
Bangalore Torpedo
A bangalore torpedo consists of ten sections of explosives formed into a solid 1.5-meter cylinder. Any and all sections may be screwed together to form a longer length of detonation. This creates a lozenge-shaped impact zone centered along the length of the torpedo. This is particularly useful for bypassing barriers, by drilling a hole and sticking the torpedo through to the other side.
Source: SOTA2063 74 |
Commercial Explosive
Highly stable, moldable and slightly sticky, these substances are ideal for certain jobs, such as blowing a hole in a wall. Compounds are usually color-tinted to indicate the level of current needed to detonate them, from the black of magnetic-field induction to the chalky white of 440-volt industrial explosive. The Damage Code is (Rating)D per kilogram. Use the following formula for multiple kilograms: (Rating x sqrt[kg])D. The Power of the blast is reduced by the base rating per meter.
Source: SR3 283 |
Cratering Charge
A cratering charge consists of a tandem explosive suspended on a tripod. When detonated, the first charge drives the explosive into the ground. The second charge detonates the buried charge, creating a large crater. Used against roadways, it creates a crater with a diameter of 5 + (1d6/2) meters (round up) and a depth half the diameter. Additionally, it tears up the ground in an additional radius equal half the crater's diameter around the crater's rim; treat as uneven ground for movement purposes. Ground vehicles attempting to drive over or around the crater must make a Crash Test to avoid falling into the crater.
Source: SOTA2063 74 |
Detonation Cord
Detonation cord is a flexible fabric tube filled with plastic explosives. Det cord is well-known for transmitting explosive shockwaves very well, even faster that electrical wire. If used as an explosive, detonation cord has a damage code of 12S equidistant along its length.
Source: SOTA2063 74 |
Detonator, Radio
A radio detonator for mines or explosives. The Flux Rating of 1 provides a detonator range of 1 kilometer. The necessary current to ignite an explosive charge depends on the compound used.
Source: SR3 283 |
Detonator, Timer
A timer detonator for mines or explosives. They run from 2 seconds to 2 hours. The necessary current to ignite an explosive charge depends on the compound used.
Source: SR3 283 |
Fuel-Air Explosive (FAE) Bomb
A fuel-air explosive (FAE) is a devastating weapon. A standard FAE bomb contains a mixture of highly volatile gases under pressure, with an ignition device. When triggered, the gas fuel is released, dispersing over a wide area in a fraction of a second. This cloud is then ignited, creating a powerful area-effect explosion. - FAEs are large bombs, requiring large amounts of fuel to cause extensive damage. Unlike other explosives, FAEs have a blast radium in which the Damage Code is a constant. The blast radius is equal to Rating x (kilograms / 50) in meters and the Damage Code is (Rating x 2)D throughout. Beyond this radius, the Power is reduced my -1/meter. The Blast in a Confined Space rule (SR3 119) does not apply to FAEs, but they use twice their Rating against barriers. - The Power of FAEs is reduced by impact armor. The detonator used to trigger a FAE bomb requires a bigger bang, and so costs twice as much as listed in SR3 283.
Source: MM 112-113 |
Plastic, Compound IV
Highly stable, moldable and slightly sticky, these substances are ideal for certain jobs, such as blowing a hole in a wall. Compounds are usually color-tinted to indicate the level of current needed to detonate them, from the black of magnetic-field induction to the chalky white of 440-volt industrial explosive. The Damage Code is (Rating)D per kilogram. Use the following formula for multiple kilograms: (Rating x sqrt[kg])D. The Power of the blast is reduced by the base rating per meter.
Source: SR3 283 |
Plastic, Compound XII
Highly stable, moldable and slightly sticky, these substances are ideal for certain jobs, such as blowing a hole in a wall. Compounds are usually color-tinted to indicate the level of current needed to detonate them, from the black of magnetic-field induction to the chalky white of 440-volt industrial explosive. The Damage Code is (Rating)D per kilogram. Use the following formula for multiple kilograms: (Rating x sqrt[kg])D. The Power of the blast is reduced by the base rating per meter.
Source: SR3 283 |
Spray Foam Explosive R12
This stable explosive is a sticky foam distributed from a simple canister, much like shaving cream. It is similar to plastic explosives in that it is detonated by electric current. Spray foam explosives are available in cans that hold approximately 4 kilos. The explosives come in three ratings (3, 6, and 12), each equivalent to the commercial and plastic explosives described on SR3 283.
Source: MM 114 |
Spray Foam Explosive R3
This stable explosive is a sticky foam distributed from a simple canister, much like shaving cream. It is similar to plastic explosives in that it is detonated by electric current. Spray foam explosives are available in cans that hold approximately 4 kilos. The explosives come in three ratings (3, 6, and 12), each equivalent to the commercial and plastic explosives described on SR3 283.
Source: MM 114 |
Spray Foam Explosive R6
This stable explosive is a sticky foam distributed from a simple canister, much like shaving cream. It is similar to plastic explosives in that it is detonated by electric current. Spray foam explosives are available in cans that hold approximately 4 kilos. The explosives come in three ratings (3, 6, and 12), each equivalent to the commercial and plastic explosives described on SR3 283.
Source: MM 114 |
Thermite, Burning Bar
Thermite is an incendiary material sometimes used in welding operations. When ignited, thermite burns at extremely high temperatures and is capable of eating through iron, steel and plasteel. Sometimes packaged as a burning bar, it consists of a rod of thermite and compressed oxygen mounted on a handle and in a frame. Though difficult to find, burning bars are favored by safecrackers, as they can be used to easily melt holes through thick metal. - Ignited thermite can melt through 5 centimeters of a Rating 12 barrier each Combat Turn. If the Barrier Rating is higher or lower, decrease or increase this amount by the appropriate percentage (for example, it would cut through 2.5 cm of a Rating 24 barrier each Combat Turn). Thermite burning bars melt a hole 5 centimeters in diameter; thermite formed in other shapes will burn holes sized to those shapes. - Thermite normally burns for 30 seconds (10 Combat Turns). Flammable materials, including clothing and gear, will ignite and catch fire. Any character touching burning thermite suffers 10D damage and will likely catch fire. Fire causes 6M damage at the end of each Combat Turn; increase the Power by +2 per Combat Turn. Burning thermite is both incredibly loud and bright; anyway facing it will suffer a +6 modifier from glare, - 1 per 5 meters of distance, and reduced by - 1 per turn. Flare compensation will reduce this modifier by half.
Source: MM 114 |
Thermite (per kg)
Thermite is an incendiary material sometimes used in welding operations. When ignited, thermite burns at extremely high temperatures and is capable of eating through iron, steel and plasteel. - Ignited thermite can melt through 5 centimeters of a Rating 12 barrier each Combat Turn. If the Barrier Rating is higher or lower, decrease or increase this amount by the appropriate percentage (for example, it would cut through 2.5 cm of a Rating 24 barrier each Combat Turn). Thermite burning bars melt a hole 5 centimeters in diameter; thermite formed in other shapes will burn holes sized to those shapes. - Thermite normally burns for 30 seconds (10 Combat Turns). Flammable materials, including clothing and gear, will ignite and catch fire. Any character touching burning thermite suffers 10D damage and will likely catch fire. Fire causes 6M damage at the end of each Combat Turn; increase the Power by +2 per Combat Turn. Burning thermite is both incredibly loud and bright; anyway facing it will suffer a +6 modifier from glare, - 1 per 5 meters of distance, and reduced by - 1 per turn. Flare compensation will reduce this modifier by half.
Source: MM 114 |
Name |
Quantity |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Damage |
Acid |
One Dose |
(Rtg)/6d |
Rating x 500 |
2 |
6P-X |
Dikote |
Dose for 100 cm2 application |
6/14d |
1,000 per Dose |
2 |
Legal |
Freeze Foam |
Foam (per liter) |
2/12h |
20 |
1 |
Legal |
Freeze Foam Solvent |
Solvent (per liter) |
2/12h |
5 |
1 |
Legal |
Insecticide |
one Liter |
Always |
10 |
1 |
Legal |
4L |
Microskin * |
One Dose |
4/48h |
1,000 |
4 |
legal |
Pheromone Scent Spray * |
Spray can with 10 Doses |
8/7d |
10,000 |
1 |
legal |
Pheromones Scent Spray Plus * |
Spraycan with 10 Doses |
12/7d |
25,000 |
1 |
legal |
Plasteel-7 Catalyst |
One Dose |
10/48h |
500 |
1 |
Legal |
Ruthenium, Imaging Scanners |
Piece |
5/14d |
5,000 |
2 |
Legal |
Ruthenium Polymers |
Dose to treat 1 m2 |
5/14d |
10,000 per Dose |
2 |
Legal |
Slap Patch |
One Patch |
6/72h |
50 + Applied Chemical |
2 |
Legal |
Slip Spray |
One Liter |
4/48h |
100 |
1 |
Legal |
Splat Glue |
One Liter |
6/72h |
100 |
1 |
Legal |
Splat Glue Solvent |
One Liter |
2/12h |
5 |
1 |
Legal |
Spray Foam Explosive Can |
One Can |
10/48h |
Rating x 50 |
2 |
4-J |
(Rating x √kilograms)D |
Most acids are relatively mild; they are used as solvents and generate heat when mixed with water. Typically, it is dangerous to add water to acids, as it causes a reaction in which the acid might froth and splash the area. Mild acids may have some caustic effects on skin; they are particularly dangerous to eyes, and poisonous if taken internally. Stronger concentrated acids are more dangerous and can cause severe burns. They are highly corrosive, capable of dissolving metals and alloys. Acids must be kept in containers that will not corrode.
If handled properly, acids can be used for creative endeavors such as melting through locks and doors, etching walls or windows, and even as a weapon. Acid burns generate nasty scars and can be used to blind individuals.
For game purposes, each strong acid has a rating that indicates its strength and corrosive power. When applied as a corrosive to a barrier, compare the acid's rating to the Barrier Rating, as described under Barriers. The effect occurs at the end of that Combat Turn. A corrosive will continue to eat through a barrier for a number of Turns equal to its rating. This continued corrosion stops when the acid is washed off or a base is applied. Noxious fumes and smoke can be generated as an acid corrodes something; apply a +4 modifier to anyone in the area who could be affected.
If used as a weapon, a dose of acid inflicts (Rating)M Physical damage. Acid will severely damage worn gear, including armor. Reduce by 1 both the Ballistic and Impact values of any acid-stricken armor.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 111 |
Dikote is a process that deposits a thin diamond film on any solid surface. The diamond film imparts more structural strength and resilience. Dikoted surfaces are smooth and relatively frictionless, conduct heat well and can be modified to conduct electricity.
Not everything can be glazed with Dikote. The item treated must be able to withstand the heat generated by the plasma used in the glazing process. Cloth and plastic cannot be coated, though ceramics and most metals can.
Dikoting a surface adds 2 to the Barrier Rating and 1 to any ballistic and impact armor. If used to coat a vehicle or drone, Dikote adds 1 to the vehicle's Body and Armor Ratings; it takes up no CF.
When Dikote is used to coat a melee, throwing or projectile weapon, add 1 to the Power of any attack made with the treated weapon. If applied to an edged instrument such as a sword, the weapon's Damage Level is also increased by one. For example, a sword that is normally (STR + 2)M would have a Damage Code of (STR + 3)S if Dikoted. Barriers use their normal ratings against Dikoted melee weapons (as opposed to the standard double ratings against melee attacks). Dikoting costs 1,000 nuyen per 100 square centimeters (minimum 1,000 nuyen cost).
Source: Mand & Machine, page 111 |
Freeze Foam
Source: Mand & Machine, page 113 |
Freeze Foam Solvent
This coats the target area with a sticky, thick, white foam that begins to harden almost immediately to a solid, dense consistency. Once hardened, the concretized foam restricts movement, though it does remain porous to reduce the risk of suffocation. The solid foam quickly breaks down over a period of hours and can be easily dissolved with a simple solvent. Freeze foam is used in trauma situations to immobilize broken limbs in protective casts. Riot police use it to incapacitate rioters and to construct foam barricades. Police versions of the foam typically include chemical stain markers that show up under ultraviolet light, so rioters can be identified later.
Medical-purpose freeze foam is dispensed through a handheld spray tank. Improvising characters can use the foam to create temporary restraining devices. Riot freeze foam is dispensed through a high-pressure water cannon. Conduct the water cannon attacks as normal. At the end of each Combat Turn, any character struck by the foam must make a Quickness Test against a Target Number of 4 plus the successes made on the attack. Characters who fail become immobilized. Solidified foam has a Barrier Rating of 12. This is reduced by 1D6 points an hour as the foam breaks down. Applying the solvent dissolves the foam immediately. The semi-permanent UV dye in riot freeze foam wears off after 1D6 days; scrubbing will not help.
Water cannon freeze foam tanks contain 100 liters (1 liter per "shot").
Source: Mand & Machine, page 113 |
Popular among agricorps and sprawl residents, insecticides took on a new dimension when the Universal Brotherhood was exposed as a front for insect spirits and the subsequent bug explosion and quarantine in Chicago was reported. Though Chicago allegedly has been "cleaned out," almost every household has a decent stash of insecticide - just in case. Bug hunters have also developed a number of nasty insecticide-based weapons to aid in their extermination projects, including splash grenades and sprayguns.
Though insecticides are irritating to insect spirits and other creatures with Vulnerability (Insecticides), they are more of a nuisance than a danger. Large amounts, such as released from an insecticide spray tank or splash grenade, can have minor caustic effects (4L Physical damage). A creature so attacked is likely to either become enraged and go berserk (like a Bear shaman) or flee in pain and terror-both options are left to the gamemaster's discretion.
A weapon coated with insecticide that is used against a creature with Vulnerability (Insecticides) increases its Damage Level by one (from Moderate to Serious, for example). This effect also applies to insecticide-laden ELD-AR pellets. High concentrations of insecticide can be toxic to metahumans, and characters might be overcome by strong insecticide fumes. The exact effect is left up to the gamemaster.
Source: Man & Machine, page 113 |
Microskin *
In today's image conscious world, a blemish on the skin could easily make for a bad first impression in a social situation. While body art is much more accepted now than it was eighty years ago some more traditional companies might pass over someone with a facial tattoo for promotion. Don't let this happen to you, use Microskin!
Microskin is a simulated second skin which is formulated individually to color correct skin blemishes. It is a light liquidised application which is applied on to the epidermis. Microskin is not a cream, and doesn't have the makeup appearance like other camouflage products. Once applied Microskin is durable, flexible, and it won't rub off on clothing or linen. It's waterproof and allows your skin to breathe. Microskin is suitable for all genders and skin types.
Game Mechanics:
Microskin can be used to alter the person's skin color allowing them to disguise their ethnicity, tattoos, or distinguishing birthmarks, scarring, or other characteristics. In order to use, perform a Disguise test vs 4 with a base time of 30 minutes; Each success adds +1 to your Open Disguise test up to a maximum of +2. This bonus will not stack with polymask, but it will stack with a disguise shop. One use of Microskin lasts for 48 hours when used on the body, when used on the face it lasts for 24 hours due to the natural facial oils on the face.
Conceal: 9 Weight: 0.05
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Pheromone Scent Spray *
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Pheromones Scent Spray Plus *
Ever since the identification of the specific pheromones for human interaction made the bio-modification of pheromone glands possible, corporate labs have been trying to create artificial pheromones for external application. It seems that Aztechnology has succeeded, for they've created Pheromone Scent Spray, designed to work similarly to tailored pheromones do, but in various designer scents, perfumes and colognes.
An application gives the wearer a +1 to apparent Charisma, as well as +1 die to a specific Social Skill. Each specialization (Negotiation/Bargain, Negotiation/Fast Talk, etc.) has its own specific scent, and only one scent can be used at a time. Only one dose of Pheromone Spray may be active at any one time; another dose may not be applied until the first expires. The scent lasts for 1D6 x 10 minutes; in areas of high dispersion, they only last half as long. It has no effect on conjuring or astral abilities and skills. They follow all other rules for Tailored Pheromones.
An enhanced version, Pheromones Plus, is available. Pheromones Plus doubles the bonus provided.
Pheromone Spray (and Pheromone Plus) is not compatible with any type of Tailored Pheromones bioware. If applied to a person possessing Tailored Pheromones, use the better bonus, either from the spray or the bioware.
Conceal: 8 Weight: 0.25
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Plasteel-7 Catalyst
Many dependable plasteel alloys are on the market, but the alloy known as Plastisteel-7 merits special notice. Developed by a small industrial corp called Plasnetics, Plastisteel-7 was released at competitive prices, and large stockpiles were quickly bought. Shortly after Plasnetics mysteriously went out of business, data hit the shadows that Plastisteel-7 could be destabilized with a special catalyst spray. When the catalyst is applied to Plastisteel-7, the affected area grows warm, bubbles for several minutes and turns into a gooey substance with the consistency of chewing gum. Several hours later it returns to normal. Naturally, most users of Plastisteel-7 recalled their products. A number of facilities still feature Plastisteel-7 in walls and other structural components, simply because they couldn't afford to replace it.
Plastisteel-7 looks much like other plasteel alloys, so a successful Chemistry or Engineering (8) Test would be necessary to visually identity it. Any Plastisteel-7 that is sprayed with the catalyst bubbles for 5 minutes; anyone who touches the area during this time suffers 6L damage from heat burns. After this period, the Plastisteel-7 has the consistency of gelatin and can be pushed through. The altered Plastisteel-7 will not stick to anything and will retain its form unless relentlessly mangled out of shape.
After 1D6 hours, it returns to its normal state. The catalyst comes in a spray can containing enough solvent to affect a troll-sized section of wall. Though the formula is hard to come by, a character can easily synthesize it with a chemistry shop, a Chemistry (6) Test and a base time of 8 hours.
Source: Man & Machine, page 113 |
Ruthenium, Imaging Scanners
Source: Man & Machine, page 114 |
Ruthenium Polymers
Ruthenium polymers undergo a color change with the application of a small voltaic charge. The charge alters the polymer's chemical composition, allowing it to shift between a wide spectrum of hues. Since these polymers are also very durable and can be applied in layers of less than about .1 micron thick, they can be put on virtually any surface without any appreciable loss of flexibility or function. This makes ruthenium polymers useful for chameleon cloaking technology.
A chameleon effect can be achieved by combining ruthenium polymers and imaging scanners. The scanners view the surrounding environment and send the data through an imaging processor. The processed data is then fed to the ruthenium polymer surface so that the surface mimics the color and image of whatever is around it. At least four imaging scanners, strategically placed to receive full surround information, are required for the effect. More scanners give cleaner and more "correct" images. The imaging processors are quick enough to cloak a walking person, but they are unable to shift fast enough to cloak running people or moving vehicles.
To achieve a cloaking effect, the entire object must be covered with ruthenium. A metahuman can manage this by wearing a ruthenium-covered cloak or body suit. When activated, the target numbers needed to perceive such a cloaked object are increased by 4. For each extra scanner beyond four, add 1 to the final target number for detection.
The maximum modifier attainable is +12. Ruthenium systems are powered by gel packs with 10 hours' duration; new packs cost 50 nuyen. Ruthenium that covers a vehicle can be powered by the vehicle's power supply.
Radar, thermographic and ultrasonic systems are not affected by the ruthenium's cloaking effect. This means that dwarfs and trolls, ultrasound-using characters and vehicle sensors reduce the target number modifiers of the ruthenium by half, rounding down. Ruthenium is only effective on stationary or slow-moving targets (6 meters or less a Combat Turn). If a character or vehicle is moving faster, reduce the Perception modifier by 1 for each extra 2 meters/Turn. Exceptionally fast characters or vehicles will likely be more obvious (-2 Perception modifier), as the ruthenium rapidly switches colors in an attempt to keep up with the landscape.
Source: Man & Machine, page 114 |
Slap Patch
Slap patches are adhesive drug-dispensers that release measured doses to allow continual, safe administration of necessary chemicals. Patches must be applied directly against the patient’s skin. Dermal armor hinders their effects (reduce the Patch Rating by the Armor Rating), and blood filtration implants make all but the trauma patch ineffective.
Slap patches come in four standard varieties: antidotes, stimulants, tranqs and trauma patches (see also Biotech gear)
Source: Man & Machine, page 116 |
Slip Spray
Developed as a crowd-control device, Slip spray is a slick, frictionless gel dispensed by a spray tank, water cannon or splash grenade. Slip spray is a top-quality lubricant that makes any movement extremely difficult. Holding an object coated in slip spray is also challenging. Slip spray breaks down over a short period and easily washes off.
Any area covered with slip spray is considered difficult ground. A character attempting to move across such a surface must succeed in a Quickness (8) Test or fall prone; vehicles must make a Crash Test. Attempting to hold on to a coated item if either the character or item are coated requires a Quickness (8) Test as well. This test applies to firing guns that have recoil; apply recoil modifiers to the test. Slip spray breaks down in 1 D3 hours.
Source: Man & Machine, page 114 |
Splat Glue
Source: Man & Machine, page 114 |
Splat Glue Solvent
Also known as "tangier," "loogey" and "goober," splat glue is a gooey and sticky adhesive gel designed for nonlethal restraint. Usually launched from specialized splat guns, splat glue can be applied on the ground and other surfaces to catch anyone or anything that touches it. Splat glue is biodegradable and can be dissolved with a special solvent.
Anything that comes into contact with splat glue sticks to it. Removing an object or person from the glue requires a Strength (6) Test. Objects might require several successes to remove.
Source: Man & Machine, page 114 |
Spray Foam Explosive Can
This stable explosive is a sticky foam distributed from a simple canister-much like shaving cream. It is similar to plastic explosives in that it is detonated by electric current.
Spray foam explosives are available in cans that hold approximately 4 kilos. The explosives come in three ratings (3, 6 and 12), each equivalent to the commercial and plastic explosives.
Source: Man & Machine, page 114 |
Name |
Quantity |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Vector |
Speed |
Damage |
Atropine |
One Dose |
5/12h |
600 |
1 |
Legal |
Inject |
Immediate/15min |
7D |
Cyanide |
One Dose |
3/48h |
1 |
Legal |
Eat/Breathe/Inject |
Immediate |
7D |
Fugu-5 |
One Dose |
4/72h |
10,000 |
0.5 |
4P-X |
Eat/Inject |
Immediate |
3D |
Fugu-6 |
One Dose |
5/1w |
20,000 |
0.5 |
3-X |
Eat/Inject |
Immediate |
6D |
Fugu-8 |
One Dose |
8/2w |
30,000 |
0.5 |
3-X |
Eat/Inject |
Immediate |
8D |
Green Ring 3 |
One Dose |
14/2w |
500 |
5 |
2-K |
Contact/Breathe |
Immediate |
8S |
Green Ring 8 |
One Dose |
16/2w |
800 |
5 |
2-K |
Contact/Breathe |
Immediate |
10S |
Seven-7 |
One Dose |
20/2w |
1,000 |
5 |
2-K |
Contact/Breathe |
1 Combat Turn |
10D |
Initial application results in a +1 modifier to all Active Skill Target Numbers. Victims of atropine poisoning experience the following symptoms: increased pulse rate, dryness of the mouth, inability to focus on near objects (raising target numbers by an additional +1 for melee and Short Range ranged attacks), mental confusion (+2 to all Knowledge, Technical, Build/Repair, Language and Magic Skill use), hallucinations, hot and dry skin and hyperpyrexia (high fever because of inability to sweat). Some subjects might also develop a rash. The subject continues to suffer damage every 15 minutes until the atropine has either been neutralized or filtered out of the system.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 118 |
If inhaled or ingested, the effects are instantaneous; if ingested by other means, cyanide's effects occurs 1 minute after exposure.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 119 |
Source: Shadowrun 3 Base Rules, page 250-251, |
Source: Shadowrun 3 Base Rules, page 250-251 |
The Fugu family is a manufactured version of one of the deadliest neurotoxins in nature. There are no side effects if the character successfully resists damage.
Source: Shadowrun 3 Base Rules, page 250-251 |
Green Ring 3
Victims suffer cramping, nausea, double vision and crippling pain. For every two boxes of damage taken due to gas exposure, add a +1 modifier to all Target Numbers. These effects continue for 10 cumulative minutes per +1 modifier. Green Ring 3 persists for 1 hour, after which the gas has oxidized and become inert
Source: Man & Machine, page 118-119 |
Green Ring 8
A standard chemsuit does not reduce the Power, but it adds 2 Combat Turns to the gas' speed. Only hazmat or X-E suits (p. 116, M&M&) will keep the gas out. Green Ring 8 causes cramping, nausea, and double vision. For every 2 boxes of damage taken due to exposure, add a +1 modifier to all Target Numbers. These effects persist of 10 minutes per +1 modifier; the gas oxidizes and becomes inert after 10 minutes exposure to air.
Source: Man & Machine, page 119 |
A standard chemsuit does not reduce the Power, but it adds 2 Combat Turns to the gas' speed. Only hazmat or X-E suits (p. 116, M&M&) will keep the gas out. Seven-7 causes cramping, nausea, and double vision. For every 2 boxes of damage taken due to exposure, add a +1 modifier to all Target Numbers. These effects persist of 10 minutes per +1 modifier; the gas oxidizes and becomes inert after 10 minutes exposure to air.
Source: Man & Machine, page 121 |
Name |
Quantity |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Vector |
Speed |
Damage |
Gamma-Scopolamine |
One Dose |
8/2w |
300 |
3 |
3-X |
Injection |
Immediate |
10D stun |
Hyper |
One Dose |
4/25h |
180 |
0.9 |
4P-K |
Breathe/Injection |
Immediate |
6S stun |
One Dose |
5/36h |
280 |
2 |
4P-X |
Injection |
Immediate |
12L stun |
Narcoject |
One Dose |
3/48h |
150 |
1 |
legal |
Injection |
Immediate |
6D stun |
Neuro-Stun IX |
One Dose |
6/36h |
20 |
2 |
6P-X |
Contact/Breathe |
1 Combat Turn |
6S stun |
Neuro-Stun VIII |
One Dose |
4/24h |
20 |
1.5 |
6P-X |
Contact/Breathe |
1 Combat Turn |
6S stun |
Neuro-Stun X |
One Dose |
8/48h |
30 |
2 |
6P-X |
Contact/Breathe |
1 Combat Turn |
8S stun |
Pepper Punch |
One Dose |
2/4h |
5 |
1 |
legal |
Contact/Breathe |
1 Combat Turn |
12L stun |
This neuromuscular blocking agent renders a target unable to move. Derived from the natural toxin found in Atropa Belladonna, commonly known as nightshade. Gamma-scopolamine takes effect immediately, causing dizziness, dilation of the pupils, speech loss, delirium and paralysis. Deadly stun damage indicates full paralysis; for lesser damage, apply an additional +2 to all modifiers appropriate for the Stun wound (for example, a Serious stun wound applies a +5 modifier to all target numbers and a -5 modifier to Initiative). The full effects last for one hour. After the hour has passed, the residue remaining in the body acts as a "truth serum" for an additional hour. Adjust the targets Willpower by -2 (down to a minimum Rating of 1) for the duration of the chemicals effect.
Source: Shadowrun 3 Base Rules, page 250 |
Upon initial exposure, the victim suffers mild vertigo (apply a +1 to all target numbers). The effects of hyper last for 10 minutes per box of damage suffered. During this time, the individual is bombarded with intensely magnified sensations. All concentration tasks suffer a +4 target number modifier (including spellcasting). Due to sensory overload, any damage suffered while under the effects of hyper will result in additional damage boxes. This is Stun damage, equal to half the damage boxes suffered, rounded up. For example, a Serious Physical wound (6 boxes) would also cause 3 boxes of Stun damage.
Source: Man & Machine, page 119 |
Upon its injection, MAO lowers a target's Reaction Attribute by 1 and reduces the individual's Initiative by 1d6. On target's with an active Adrenal Pump, MAO inhibits some of the pump's benefits to the character's physical Attributes. An individual with a Level 1 adrenal pump receives only the Reaction bonus (his total Reaction is then modified as above). A character with a Level 2 adrenal pump receives his normal Reaction bonus (+6, but with the total Reaction modified as above) - but all other attributes are modified as if he had only a Level 1 pump (i.e. only +1 Quickness, +1 Strength, and +1 Willpower). MAO's duration is 10 Combat Turns, minus 1 Turn per success on a Body (4) Test. Any further applications have no effect until the current dose is flushed out of the subject's system.
Source: Man & Machine, page 120 |
Can be used in drug darts; a touch is sufficient to inject. No side effects.
Source: Shadowrun 3 Base Rules, page 250 |
Neuro-Stun IX
Source: Man & Machine, page 120-121 |
Neuro-Stun VIII
Source: Man & Machine, page 120-121 |
Neuro-Stun X
Delivered as a gas in an organic binder, Neuro-Stun takes effect if inhaled, or on contact with the skin. At the end of the turn following the turn during which a character is exposed to Neuro-Stun, he suffers Stun damage. Even if he resists this, he suffers disorientation for about an hour, adding +2 to all target numbers.
Neurostun VIII will become inert after 10 minutes.
Neurostun IX will become inert after 1 minute.
Neurostun X will become inert after 1 minute.
Source: Man & Machine, page 120-121 |
Pepper Punch
A victim dosed with pepper punch feels an intense burning on any affected skin, and his eyes and nose will water. Eyes that are sprayed will burn fiercely, and the victim will have difficulty seeing. The throat and nasal passage will be irritated, making breathing difficult. Victims must make a Body (5) Test or receive an additional +5 modifier to all actions, -1 per success. The effects of pepper punch last 2 minutes per +1 modifier.
Source: Man & Machine, page 121 |
Name |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Ballistic |
Impact |
Gas Mask and Air Tank |
4/12h |
1,000 |
1.0 |
Legal |
Hazmat Suit |
6/7 d 5,000 1.5 Legal |
1 |
1 |
X-E Suit |
8/14d |
15,000 |
2 |
Legal |
3 |
2 |
Gas Mask and Air Tank
A character wearing a gas mask and air tank is immune to inhalation vectors.
Gas masks and air tanks are not concealable, and they weigh 10 kg.
Source: Man & Machine, page 116 |
Hazmat Suit
A character wearing a hazmat suit is safe from contact or inhalation vectors, unless the suit is breached.
The gloves on hazmat suits are bulky; apply a + 1 to the target number of any action involving finger or hand use, including handling weapons.
If a character suffers damage from projectiles or sharp melee weapons, his suit gets a hole in it. A Complex Action is required to apply a patch, and in the meantime the character may be exposed to outside toxins.
Source: Man & Machine, page 116 |
X-E Suit
A character wearing an X-E suit is safe from contact or inhalation vectors, unless the suit is breached.
The gloves on X-E suits are bulky; apply a + 1 to the target number of any action involving finger or hand use, including handling weapons.
If a character suffers damage from projectiles or sharp melee weapons, his suit gets a hole in it. A Complex Action is required to apply a patch, and in the meantime the character may be exposed to outside toxins.
Source: Man & Machine, page 116 |
Name |
Quantity |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Vector |
Speed |
Effect |
Inhaler 6 Doses |
5/12h |
100 |
1 |
legal |
Breathe |
Immediate |
Trigger Adrenal Pump |
AEX * |
One Dose |
8/72h |
1,000 |
3 |
Legal |
Eat/Inject |
Resist TLE-X effects |
Anabolic Steroids |
One Dose |
4/12h |
40 |
1 |
legal |
Eat/Inject |
Assist strength build-up |
Arsenic |
One Dose |
4/12h |
40 |
1 |
legal |
Eat |
1D6 h |
Slow acting poison |
CS/Tear Gas |
1 Dose |
4/36h |
10 |
1 |
legal |
Contact/Inject |
1 Combat Turn |
Irritant used for crowd suppression |
Ghost * |
One Dose |
14/1w |
250 |
4 |
8-X |
Inhalation |
Immediate |
Aura of drug user cannot be assensed or recognized. |
Jazz |
One Dose |
8/4d |
40 |
3 |
4P-X |
Breathe |
Immediate |
Combat drug |
Kamikaze |
One Dose |
5/4d |
50 |
5 |
3P-X |
Breathe |
Immediate |
Laés |
One Dose |
21/21d |
1,000 |
2 |
legal |
Inject |
Immediate |
Memory Loss |
Long Haul |
One Dose |
6/6d |
500 |
2 |
legal |
Inject |
10 min |
Avoid the requirement of Sleep (for a while) |
Nausea Gas |
One Dose |
4/48h |
10 |
2 |
8P-X |
Breathe |
5 Combat Turns |
Feelings of Nausea |
Null Scent * |
One Dose |
8/72h |
500 |
5 |
3P-X |
Inject |
10 min |
Supresses scent |
Psyche |
One Dose |
8/72h |
500 |
2 |
legal |
Eat |
10 min |
Heightened Awareness |
Sodium Pentathol(Truth Serum) * |
One Dose |
6/72h |
250 |
2 |
5P-X |
Injection, Ingestion |
1 Minute |
4M Stun |
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) is a naturally occurring hormone used primarily as a trigger for voluntary activation of the adrenal pump. Packaged in inhalers with six doses, once administered it instantly activates the adrenal pump. Though ACTH is not addictive, a tolerance builds up over time, rendering it ineffective as an external trigger.
When inhaled, ACTH triggers the adrenal pump.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 117 |
This is a powerful anti-epileptic and neural facilitator cocktail developed specifically to combat the onset of TLE-X degenerative neurological disorder. If taken every week by a potential TLE-X victim, AEXD adds 3 dice to the characters Willpower Test to resist developing TLE-X.
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Anabolic Steroids
Mimicking the effects of testosterone, steroids are used to promote the growth of muscle tissue. Popular with athletes, body builders and samurai wannabes, steroids have a number of unpleasant side effects associated with long-term use.
When taken regularly in large doses and combined with muscle-building exercises, steroids can help to increase strength. Such a character can reduce the Karma cost for raising the Strength Attribute by half (round up) or the Body Attribute by a quarter (also round up). To obtain this bonus, the number of weeks of steroid use and exercise should equal the desired Attribute score.
Continued steroid use may result in adverse effects such as acne, hallucinations, aggressive behavior, hair loss, sterility, impotence, muscle spasms and hypertension-among others. Gamemasters can simulate these effects with appropriate Flaws or modifiers, or perhaps even with occasional Stress damage.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 117 |
Though widely found in small quantities throughout nature (in soil, water and metahumans), arsenic is poisonous in large quantities. It is a cumulative poison, meaning that it can be administered slowly, over time, until it has reached a level toxic to the body.
Arsenic can be delivered in a single lethal dose. It can also be delivered in minute quantities over time, by tainting the target's food and drink. Each mini-dose delivered has an escalating Damage Code; the Power equals the number of mini-doses ingested, and the Damage Level is equal to the number of mini-doses in damage boxes. For example, the first dose does 1 L (effectively 2L), the second 2L, the third 3M, the fourth 4M, then 5M, 6S, 7S, 8S, 9S and 10D.
Upon taking the sixth mini-dose, the side effects of arsenic poisoning become apparent. They include numbness (-2 dice for tactile Perception Tests), tingling sensations, vomiting and diarrhea.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 118 |
CS/Tear Gas
Commonly referred to as tear gas, CS gas is an irritant that affects the skin, eyes and mucous membranes, causing them to burn and water. It also stimulates a physiological panic response-increased heart rate, shortness of breath and so forth.
Characters dosed with CS gas must make a Body (5) Test; they receive a +3 modifier to all actions, -1 per success. The effects of CS gas last for 5 minutes, -1 minute per success. Victims of CS gas also suffer a -2 reduction to Willpower for any tests to resist fear or intimidation.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 118 |
Ghost *
A designer drug rumored to be made from awakened plants, Ghost is an inhalant that comes in a popper inhaler format. While under the influence of this drug, the user's aura becomes a bland, scrambled mess, completely unlike their normal aura. Oddly, this new aura is indistinguishable from the aura of anyone else on this drug, and offers no information to those assensing them beyond the obvious fact they are using the drug. Subjects tend to be more socially awkward while under the influence, due to the wildly swaying, unstable emotional state it causes. As the user begins to crash, the aura reverts back to normal, but the emotional roller-coaster takes one last dive with a powerful lack of inhibitions and self control.
Game Mechanics:
Duration: 1d6+essence hours, Damage: -, Addiction: 6M/4P, Tolerance: 2, Edge: 2/10, Fix Factor: 2 days
Disadvantage: While under the influence of this drug, the user suffers a -1 to charisma and a +1 to all TN's involving their charisma linked skills.
Crash: After the drug wears off, the user loses self control, and must succeed on willpower (6) tests to not act impulsively. GM discretion applies. This effect lasts for 12-Willpower hours (Minimum 1), or until another dose of this drug is consumed.
Special: Awakened users of this drug must immediately roll for magic loss. In addition, anyone addicted to this drug suffer social TN penalties as if their essence was 2, if they do not already.
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Developed by Lone Star's R&D Division, jazz was designed to better the odds for run-of-the-mill law-enforcement officers who run up against wired and chromed street samurai. Designated as an "energizer," jazz significantly boosts the user's reflexes and reactions for a short period. Jazz users frequently suffer a crash period, and long-term users suffer brutal side effects.
Usually taken from a single-dose inhaler (or "popper"), jazz increases the user's Quickness by 2 (which can increase Reaction) and Initiative by + 1 D6. Jazz has a duration of 10 x 1D6 minutes. When jazz wears off, the user crashes and is flooded with despondent and miserable emotions. The user must resist 8L Stun damage with Body. Also apply a + 1 modifier to all tests involving concentration and a -1 penalty to Quickness for 10 x 1D6 minutes.
Source: Man & Machine, page 119 |
Kamikaze is a tailored amphetamine combat drug. In moderate doses, kamikaze can give users an edge, somewhat equalizing the odds when unaugmented (either biologically or cybernetically) individuals face augmented opponents in combat. As use continues and addiction grows, the individual requires larger doses, and adverse side effects begin to manifest. Large doses can cause excitement, tremors, momentary euphoria and dilated pupils. Excess doses (bordering on overdose level) cause anxiety, hallucinations and uncontrolled muscular movements. Even higher dosages lead to death.
Used as a battle stimulant, kamikaze adds + 1 Body, + 1 Quickness, +2 Strength, + 1 Willpower and + 1 D6 to calculated Initiative (these bonuses may also increase calculated reaction and Dice Pools). It also provides pain resistance equivalent to four levels of the adept power. The effects of kamikaze last 10 x 1 D6 minutes.
When kamikaze wears off, the user crashes and suffers -1 Quickness and -1 Willpower for 10 x 1 D6 minutes. They must also resist 6M Stun with Body.
The repeated use of kamikaze has a destructive effect on the user's metabolism. On top of the likelihood of addiction, every four applications of the drug inflict an automatic wound effect, causing damage to the character's cyberware or bioware.
Source: Man & Machine, page 119/120 |
Developed by the government of Tir Tairngire, laes erases short-term memories in a retrograde fashion, beginning the moment the drug is injected and flowing backward. Subjects also fall unconscious. Laes is used by the Tir to memory-wipe border infiltrators, who are dumped outside the nation.
When laes is injected, the subject must make a Body (6) Test. The drug erases 12 hours of memory, minus 1 hour for each success. Unless the subject manages to resist the entire effect (12 successes), he also falls unconscious for 120 minutes, minus 10 minutes per success. Memories erased by laes may not be recoverable by any means (including magic), as the drug changes the chemical structure of the memory neurons.
Source: Man & Machine, page 120 |
Long Haul
A combination of synthesized hormones and other brain-regulating chemicals, long haul stimulates the brain and keeps the user awake, obviating the need for sleep. A long haul user can go without sleep for approximately four days but suffers a tough "crash" period afterward.
A character dosed on long haul can remain awake for four days - without incurring any modifiers from fatigue or weariness. After this time, however, the user immediately passes out and sleeps soundly for 8D6 hours. If the character is kept awake during this period, he suffers +6 to all target numbers and is inflicted with hallucinations and disorientation, as well as an inability to concentrate.
If a second dose of long haul is taken after the first has worn off, the character can stay awake an additional 1d6/2 days. However, after that period, he suffers 10D Stun damage and must crash as detailed above. Long haul cannot keep a character awake past this point, no matter how many additional doses are administered.
Source: Man & Machine, page 120 |
Nausea Gas
Designed to incapacitate riotous crowds and break their willingness to cause a disturbance, nausea gas is a potent and loathed weapon.
A victim who breathes nausea gas will feel the need to vomit. Further, the character suffers a +5 modifier to all target numbers, -1 per Body (5) Test success. For example, a character with 2 successes would suffer a +3 modifier.
Characters who suffer a higher target number modifier than their Willpower must make another Body (5) Test or vomit. Vomiting characters are incapacitated for 3 Combat Turns. Nausea gas lasts for 5 minutes per + 1 modifier. Thus, a character with a +3 modifier is sick for 15 minutes.
Variants exist that produce the same mechanical effect while having different thematic ones. For example: Laughing Gas imposes the same penalties, but forces the victim to become giddy and fall down, laughing uncontrollably, rather than undergoing nausea and vomiting.
Source: Man & Machine, page 121 |
Null Scent *
Originally developed by the Sioux Wildcats, this drug works to limit pheromonal and sweat release, shutting down the appropriate glands. While short term use is acceptable, longer use can be detrimental to the health of the user, via overheating, dehydration, and kidney-related ailments.
Game mechanics:
This drug, when administered, inhibits sweat and pheromone release. Gamewise, this reduces the modifier on the Pheromone Scanner Table and Scent Perception rolls by 2. This -only- works to counteract existing bonuses from exertion or from bioware-related Tailored Pheromones. Thus, someone running with the Null Scent drug would have no modifier, while someone running with Tailored Pheromones Rating 2 would only have a -2 Perception Test Modifier.
While the drug is active, the user has a -1 TN modifier to be noticed with Thermographic Vision, as well as having their Signature reduced by 1 for sensor and senor-enhanced Gunnery Tests. This is cumulative with the negative modifiers given for Suprathyroid Glands.
The effects of Null Scent last 2d6 x 10 minutes
Source: Denver Custom Item |
This designer smart drug, allegedly produced by MCT, is especially prized by magicians.
Psyche users gain + 1 Intelligence for 12 - Body hours (minimum 1 hour). as the drug stimulates their brain into hyperactivity. Awakened users also gain the Focused Concentration Edge, allowing them to suffer only a + 1 modifier for each spell they have sustained.
Source: Man & Machine, page 121 |
Sodium Pentathol(Truth Serum) *
Commonly known as "truth serum" by many trid shows, Sodium pentathol is an ultra-short-acting barbiturate that depresses the central nervous system, slows heart rate, and lowers blood pressure. In the relaxed state produced by the drug, subjects are more susceptible to suggestion and are therefore easier to interrogate. The drug does not actually guarantee that subjects will tell the truth, however. Often, it makes subjects "gabby" without revealing any important information. It has also been found to lower resistance to mind altering spells.
Game Mechanics: Sodium Pentathol reduces Willpower by 1 for 1d6 x 5 minutes. It may also cause TN modifiers to resist interrogation from the Stun Damage.
Source: Denver Custom Item |
Name |
Quantity |
Availability |
Cost |
Street Index |
Legality |
Vector |
Speed |
Effect |
Bliss |
One Dose |
5/48h |
15 |
2 |
5-X |
Breathe/Inject |
1 Turn |
Pain Resistance |
Burn |
2/30min |
5 |
1 |
Legal |
Eat |
10 min |
Inebriation |
Cram |
One Dose |
4/12h |
20 |
1 |
6P-X |
Eat/Breathe |
10 min |
Reaction boosting Combat drug |
Nitro |
One Dose |
6/48h |
100 |
1 |
4-X |
Breathe |
1 Turn |
Raised Strength and Willpower, Painresistance |
Novacoke |
One Dose |
3/12h |
20 |
1 |
6-X |
Breathe/Inject |
1 Turn |
Heightened awareness, charisma and reaction |
Zen |
One Dose |
3/6h |
5 |
1 |
8-X |
Breathe |
5D6 min |
Psychedelic halucinogetic, raised willpower. |
A tranquilizing narcotic. bliss is an opiate synthesized from poppy plants.
Using bliss reduces Reaction by 1, adds 1 to all target numbers and provides pain resistance equal to three levels of the adept power. Duration is 6 - Body hours, minimum 1 hour.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 121 |
In the never-ending quest to avoid sobriety, Burn is the latest synthahol intoxicant beverage. Named for its simultaneous effect on the throat and brain.
The effects of this synthahol are simulated by the Stun damage taken.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 122 |
The most recent amphetamine to make the rounds, cram is an energizer drug designed to give the user an energy boost.
Users add 1 to Reaction and 1 D6 to Initiative for the duration (12 hours - Body, minimum 1 hour). When this effect wears off, users crash and suffer Moderate Stun damage for an equivalent duration.
Source: Mand & Machine, page 122 |
A combination of potent drugs, including novacoke and several other narcotics and stimulants. Nitro's effects can easily kill a user. It is favored by troll gangers.
The heavy hitters who take nitro receive +2 Strength and Willpower and pain resistance equal to six levels of the adept power. They also receive +2 to all Perception Tests. The drug's duration is 10 x 1 D6 minutes, after which the subject suffers 8D Stun damage.
Source: Man & Machine, page 122 |
A stimulant derived from coca plants. Novacoke is a highly addictive social drug.
Users gain + 1 Reaction, + 1 Charisma and a + 1 Perception Test modifier. They also gain pain resistance equivalent to one level of the adept power. The drug's duration is 10 - Body hours, minimum of 1 hour. After it wears off, the user's Charisma is reduced to 1 and his Willpower is reduced by half (round down) for an equivalent duration.
Source: Man & Machine, page 122 |
A psychedelic hallucinogen. Zen is popular among those looking to escape reality or seeking trance-like states.
Zen users suffer a -2 Reaction and a + 1 to all physical-related target numbers, but they also receive + 1 Willpower.
Duration is 10 x 1 D6 minutes.
Source: Man & Machine, page 122 |