2017 11 06 11

Mon Nov 6 2077

UCAS FTZ // Knight Errant Press Office.

The video(s), the polling, the gunfire that can be heard surrounding the Aurora neighborhood. This drek has got to stop. People are on their feet. E-Signs are being made. In the UCAS FTZ a hundred protesters are making their way towards the Knight Errant PR offices.
"No justice, No Peace," is shouted in unison. "What we want?!" "Resign!" "When do we want it?" "Now". Somewhere in the crowd, a talented hooded man crafts a spell. Garfield smiles and pushes the mana from his fingers into the mass of protesters.

And then the needle drops.

The mob's mood goes dark/violent/spooky. Bottles and cans and makeshift pitchforks are thrown in multiple volleys at armored glass. Business alarms go off and cages go down as 100 protesters go wild in the FTZ with little security present.

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